Attachment Consummation

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20050314-00095 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


Approved by OMB
                      INTERNATIONAL SECTION 214 AUTHORIZATIONS                                  FCC Use Only
                                  FORASSIGNMENT OR
                                TRANSFER OF CONTROL
                       FCC 214 MAIN FORM FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Enter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
Application for transfer of control from MCI to Verizon of MCI, Inc.’s international section 214 authorizations.
1. Legal Name of Applicant

           Name:        MCI, Inc.                        Phone Number:                     202−736−6148
           DBA                                           Fax Number:                       202−736−6359
           Street:      1133 Nineteenth Street, NW       E−Mail:                 

           City:        Washington                       State:                            DC
           Country:     USA                              Zipcode:                          20036       −
           Attention:   Mr Dennis W Guard Jr


2. Name of Contact Representative

            Name:         Gil M. Strobel                        Phone Number:                         202−777−7700
            Company: Lawler, Metzger, Milkman &                 Fax Number:                           202−777−7763
                     Keeney, LLC
            Street:       2001 K Street NW, Suite 802           E−Mail:                     

            City:         Washington                            State:                                DC
            Country:      USA                                   Zipcode:                              20006−
            Contact       Attorney                              Relationship:                           Legal Counsel

3.Choose the button next to the classification that best describes this filing. Choose only one.
       a. Assignment of Section 214 Authority
An Assignment of an authorization is a transaction in which the authorization, or a portion of it, is assigned from one entity to another. Following
an assignment, the authorization will usually be held by an entity other than the one to which it was originally granted. (See Section 63.24(b).)
     b. Transfer of Control of Section 214 Authority
A Transfer of Control is a transaction in which the authorization remains held by the same entity, but there is a change in the entity or entities that
control the authorization holder. (See Section 63.24(c).)
     c. Notification of Pro Forma Assignment of Section 214 Authority ( No fee required )
       d. Notification of Pro Forma Transfer of Control of Section 214 Authority ( No fee required )
Date of Consummation: Must be completed if you selecct c or d.


4. File Number(s) of Section 214 Authority(ies) for Which You Seek Consent to Assign or Transfer Control.
Note: If the Section 214 Authorization Holder whose authority is being assigned or transferred does not have an "ITC" File No. under which it is
operating, contact the Help Desk for assistance before proceeding further with this application.&nbsp&nbspYou cannot enter an "ITC−ASG" or
"ITC−T/C" File No. in response to this question.&nbsp&nbspYour response must specify one or more "ITC" File Nos.&nbsp&nbspRelevant
"ITC−ASG" or "ITC−T/C" File Nos. should be listed only in Attachment 1 in response to Question 10.

File Number:IT     File Number:      File Number:       File Number:      File Number:      File Number:      File Number:       File Number:

5. Name of Section 214 Authorization Holder

                    Name:           MCI, Inc.                            Phone            202−736−6148
                    DBA Name:       MCI                                  Fax Number:      202−736−6359

                    Street:         1133 Nineteenth Street, NW           E−Mail:

                    City:           Washington                           State:           DC
                    Country:        USA                                  Zipcode:         20036
                    Attention:      Dennis W. Guard, Jr.


Document Created: 2006-01-25 10:03:47
Document Modified: 2006-01-25 10:03:47

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