Attachment DA 02-733

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20020228-00141 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


445 12th STREET, S.W.
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554                                                                                      DA 02-733
News media information 202/418-0500    Fax-On-Demand 202/418-2830       Internet:

                                             MEDIA BUREAU ACTION                                       March 29, 2002

                             OF CONTROL
                         MB DOCKET NO. 02-70

Petitions/Comments due: April 29, 2002
Oppositions/Responses due: May 14, 2002

         Beginning on February 28, 2002,1 the Commission received applications requesting consent to
transfer to AT&T Comcast Corporation, a Pennsylvania corporation (“AT&T Comcast”), control of (1)
licenses and authorizations held by the subsidiaries and affiliates of Comcast Corporation (“Comcast”)
and (2) certain licenses and authorizations held by the subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Corp.
(“AT&T,” and collectively with Comcast, the “Applicants”) associated with AT&T’s broadband division.
These applications were filed pursuant to Sections 214 and 310(d) of the Communications Act of 1934, as

         The proposed transfer of control will result from the spin-off of AT&T Broadband Corp. (“AT&T
Broadband”), a holding company for AT&T’s broadband division, to AT&T’s shareholders, and the
subsequent merger of AT&T Broadband and Comcast into wholly-owned subsidiaries of AT&T Comcast.
After the merger is consummated, existing AT&T shareholders will hold 53 percent of the economic
interest and between 54 and 58 percent of the voting interest of AT&T Comcast; existing Comcast
shareholders will hold 41 percent of the economic interest and between 3 and 7 percent of the voting
interest of AT&T Comcast; and Brian L. Roberts will directly or indirectly hold 1 percent of the
economic interest and 33 percent of the voting interest of AT&T Comcast.

        AT&T Broadband is a major provider of cable television service, serving 13.44 million customers
through cable systems in which AT&T Broadband holds more than a 50 percent interest. AT&T
Broadband also holds a 50 percent or less interest in cable systems serving in the aggregate 16,585,000
additional customers. The latter group includes AT&T Broadband’s 25.51 percent limited partnership

  On February 28, 2002, the Applicants filed a Public Interest Statement and associated applications for consent to
the transfer of control of certain licenses and authorizations. On various subsequent dates, up to and including
March 26, 2002, the Applicants filed additional, related transfer of control applications, re-filed certain applications,
and filed supplemental information or amendments to the applications to make them acceptable for filing.


interest in Time Warner Entertainment, which serves 12.8 million cable subscribers on systems that it
owns or manages. AT&T Broadband also provides cable modem services and cable telephony services
and holds attributable interests in certain national and regional video programming services.

        Comcast also is a major provider of cable television service, serving 8,481,500 million
subscribers through cable systems in which it holds an attributable interest. Additionally, it holds a
general partnership interest in high-speed Internet access service, electronic commerce, video
programming and other services. Comcast offers a number of services that it characterizes as “interactive
TV services,” provides telephone service to over 40,000 customers, and offers integrated broadband
communications services to over 4,000 business and governmental customers. Additionally, Comcast
holds attributable interests in several regional and national video programming networks, and owns
various sports teams and arenas.

         The Applicants assert that the proposed transaction will accelerate the deployment of facilities-
based broadband and cable telephony services, as well as digital video services. The Applicants submit
that this will occur because the greater scale and scope economies, cost savings, and financial standing
that the combined company would better enable it to make new investments in these technologies and
services. The Applicants also assert that the combined company would be in a better position to leverage
AT&T Broadband’s expertise in providing cable telephony on the Comcast cable systems.

        Interested parties may file comments or petitions to deny the applications no later than April 29,
2002. Oppositions or responses to these comments and petitions may be filed no later than May 14, 2002.
Given recent changes in the mail delivery process, we strongly urge commenters and petitioners to use the
Commission’s Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS). Procedures for filing through ECFS are
described below in the “General Information” section.

        For administrative convenience, the various applications listed in the Attachment below have been
consolidated into one general docket. All filings regarding any aspect of the proposed merger should
reference the docket assigned to this proceeding, MB Docket No. 02-70.

                               EX PARTE STATUS OF THIS PROCEEDING

         Because this proceeding involves broad public policy issues, the proceeding will be treated as
“permit but disclose” for purposes of the Commission’s ex parte rules. See generally 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.1200-
1.1216. Should circumstances warrant, this proceeding or any related proceeding may be designated as
restricted. Under “permit but disclose” procedures, ex parte presentations will be governed by the
procedures set forth in Section 1.1206 of the Commission’s rules applicable to non-restricted proceedings.2

       Parties making oral ex parte presentations are directed to the Commission’s statement re-
emphasizing the public’s responsibility in permit-but-disclose proceedings and are reminded that
memoranda summarizing the presentation must contain the presentation’s substance and not merely list the

  An ex parte presentation is any communication (spoken or written) directed to the merits or outcome of a proceeding
made to a Commissioner, a Commissioner’s assistant, or other decision-making staff member, that, if written, is not
served on other parties to the proceeding or, if oral, is made without an opportunity for all parties to be present. 47
C.F.R. § 1.1201.


subjects discussed.3 More than a one or two sentence description of the views and arguments presented is
generally required. See 47 C.F.R. § 1.1206(b)(2), as revised. Other rules pertaining to oral and written
presentations are set forth in Section 1.1206 (b) as well. We urge parties to use ECFS to file ex parte
submissions. See “General Information” section below.

                             TRANSFER OF CONTROL APPLICATIONS

         AT&T and Comcast’s consolidated application includes the Commission authorizations and
licenses listed in the Attachment below. They are separated by the type of authorization or license, and,
within each category, listed by licensee name, application or ULS file number, call sign or lead call sign
(for ULS filings), and/or other service-specific information, as appropriate. Interested parties should refer
to the transfer of control applications for a more detailed listing of the authorizations or licenses. Each of
the Applicants’ subsidiaries or affiliates may hold multiple authorizations or licenses of a particular type.
Parties should be aware that additional applications may have to be filed to identify any additional
authorizations involved in this transaction. AT&T and Comcast have requested that, given the ongoing
regulatory activity of both AT&T and Comcast, including the need for these parties to file applications
with the Commission during the period in which this transfer of control will remain pending, “the
Commission’s grant of its consent to the transfer of control of these licensees and authorizations include
the authorization for AT&T Comcast to acquire control of: (1) any authorizations issued to Comcast or
any subsidiaries or affiliates, or to AT&T or any of its affiliates to the extent such authorizations are
related to AT&T Broadband’s business, during the Commission’s consideration of the transfer of control
applications and the period required for the consummation of the transaction following approval; (2)
construction permits held by licensees involved in this transfer of control that mature into licenses after
closing and that may have been omitted from the transfer of control applications; and (3) applications that
will have been filed by such licensees and that are pending at the time of consummation of the proposed
transfer of control.” The applicants contend that this action would be consistent with prior decisions of
the Commission.

                                      GENERAL INFORMATION

         The applications for transfer of control of the licenses and authorizations referenced herein have,
upon initial review, been accepted for filing. (Note: the applications referenced herein do not necessarily
match those listed in Appendix 2 of the applicants’ Public Interest statement.) The Commission reserves the
right to return any applications if, upon further examination, they are determined to be defective and not in
conformance with the Commission’s rules, regulations, or policies.

         Final action will not be taken on the applications earlier than 31 days following the date of this
Notice. Interested parties may file pleadings as indicated above regarding the applications. Parties are
encouraged to file comments using ECFS. See Electronic Filing of Documents in Rulemaking Proceedings,
63 Fed. Reg. 24,121 (1998). Comments filed through the ECFS can be sent as an electronic file via the
Internet to <>. Generally, only one copy of an electronic submission
must be filed. In completing the transmittal screen, commenters should include their full name, Postal
Service mailing address, and the applicable docket or rulemaking number. Parties may also submit an
electronic comment by Internet e-mail. To receive filing instructions for e-mail comments, commenters
should send an e-mail to, and should include the following words in the body of the message,
“get form <your e-mail address>.” A sample form and directions will be sent in reply.

 See Commission Emphasizes the Public’s Responsibilities in Permit-But-Disclose Proceedings, Public Notice,
FCC 00-358, 15 FCC Rcd 19945 (2000).


        Parties submitting paper filings must file an original and four (4) copies of all pleadings, in
accordance with Section 1.51(c) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.51(c), with the Commission’s
Acting Secretary, William F. Caton, 445 12th Street, S.W., TW-B204, Washington, D.C. 20554. All
filings sent to the Commission by overnight delivery, e.g. Federal Express, must be sent to the
Commission's Acting Secretary, William F. Caton, at the foregoing street address but with Zip Code
20024. All hand-delivered or messenger-delivered filings must be delivered at the Commission's new
filing location in downtown Washington D.C.: 236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E., Suite 110,
Washington, D.C. 20002-4913.4 The filing hours at this facility are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Parties also
must send ten (10) paper copies of their filing to Linda Senecal, Industry Analysis Division, Media
Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 2-C438, Washington, D.C.
20554, and one electronic copy via e-mail to

        We urge persons submitting written ex parte presentations or summaries of oral ex parte
presentations in this proceeding to use ECFS in accordance to the Commission rules discussed above.
Parties using paper ex parte submissions must file an original and one copy with the Commission’s
Acting Secretary, William F. Caton. As applicable, please follow the procedures set forth in the
paragraph above for sending your submission by mail, or for hand-delivery of your submission to the
Commission's new filing location in downtown Washington, D.C.

         In addition, interested parties must serve the following with either one electronic copy via e-mail
or a paper copy of each pleading or ex parte submission: (1) Qualex International, Portals II, 445 12th
Street, S.W., Room CY-B402, Washington, DC 20554, telephone (202) 863-2893, facsimile (202) 863-
2898, or email at; (2) Roger Holberg, Media Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 2-
C262, Washington, D.C. 20554,; (3) Erin Dozier, Media Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W.,
Room 2-C221, Washington, D.C. 20554,; (4) David Sappington, Chief Economist,
Office of Plans and Policy, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 7-C452, Washington, D.C. 20554,; (5) James Bird, Office of General Counsel, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 8-C824,
Washington, D.C. 20554,; (6) Donald Stockdale, Office of Plans and Policies, 445 12th
Street, S.W., Room 7-C324, Washington, D.C. 20554,, (7) William Dever, Common
Carrier Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 5-C266, Washington, D.C. 20554,, (8)
Cynthia Bryant, International Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 6-C807,; (9) Jeff
Tobias, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 2-C828, Washington, D.C.

         Copies of the applications and any subsequently filed documents in this matter may be obtained
from Qualex International, Portals II, 445 12th Street, SW, Room CY-B402, Washington, DC 20554, and
will also be available through ECFS. Copies of the applications and documents are also available for public
inspection and copying during normal reference room hours at the Commission’s Reference Information
Center, 445 12th Street, S.W., CY-A257, Washington, D.C. 20554. Key documents, including applicants’
public interest statement, public notices, and procedural orders can be found on the Media Bureau’s
website <>. A fully indexed, unofficial listing and electronic copies of
all materials filed in this docket will be available from the website of the Transaction Team at

 See FCC Announces a New Filing Location for Paper Documents and a New Fax Number for General
Correspondence, Public Notice, DA 01-2919 (rel. Dec. 14, 2001).


         Alternate formats of this public notice (computer diskette, large print, audio recording, and
Braille) are available to persons with disabilities by contacting Brian Millin at (202) 418-7426 voice,
(202) 418-7365 TTY, or send an e-mail to

        For further information, contact Roger Holberg (202) 418-2134 or Linda Senecal (202) 418-7044
of the Media Bureau. Press inquiries should be directed to Michelle Russo (202) 418-2358 of the Media
Bureau. TTY: (202) 418-7172 or (888) 835-5322.



                        Part 78 – Cable Television Relay Service (CARS)

Licensee                                           File Number     Call Sign   Location
                                                   20020312BF-09   WGZ-468     Manahawkin, NJ
                                                   20020312BZ-09   WLY-731     Los Alamos, NM

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF ALABAMA, INC.               20020312AJ-09   KD-55012    Mobile, AL

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF ARIZONA, INC.               20020312BK-09   WHZ-572     Pima, AZ

                                                   20020312BE-09   WGZ-416     East Windsor, NJ

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF DETROIT                     20020312BJ-09   WHZ-473     Detroit, MI

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF EASTERN SHORE, INC.         20020312BB-09   WGV-980     Thoreau, NM
                                                   20020312CB-09   WSV-48      Near Berlin, MD

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF GARDEN STATE, L.P.          20020312BD-09   WGZ-295     Springfield Twp., NJ

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF HUNTSVILLE, INC.            20020312AQ-09   WAK-823     Morgan City, AL
                                                   20020312AT-09   WBG-892     Huntsville, AL

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF LOMPOC, LLC                 20020312AV-09   WCH-466     Broadcast Peak, CA

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF MARYLAND, INC.              20020312BH-09   WHZ-355     Prince Frederick, MD

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF MICHIGAN, LLC               20020312BT-09   WHZ-919     Algonac, MI

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF NEW JERSEY, INC.            20020312AE-09   KB-60126    Woodbridge, NJ
                                                   20020312AF-09   KC-7712     Verona, NJ
                                                   20020312AU-09   WBM-749     New York, NY

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF NEW                         20020312AI-09   KD-55010    Reading, PA
MEXICO/PENNSYLVANIA, INC.                          20020312BM-09   WHZ-704     Twin Buttes, NM
                                                   20020312BU-09   WIZ-51      Las Cruces, NM

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF NEW MEXICO, INC.            20020312BX-09   WLY-298     Albuquerque, NM

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF SANTA MARIA, LLC            20020312AO-09   KHS-76      Santa Maria, CA
                                                   20020312BO-09   WHZ-741     Santa Maria, CA

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF SOUTH JERSEY, INC.          20020312AK-09   KD-55013    Milmay, NJ

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF SOUTHEAST                   20020312AL-09   KD-55014    New Holland, PA
PENNSYLVANIA, INC.                                 20020312AM-09   KD-55015    Harrisburg, PA
                                                   20020312AN-09   KD-55016    Cedar Knoll, PA


Licensee                                          File Number     Call Sign   Location
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF TAYLOR, INC.               20020312BP-09   WHZ-792     Taylor, MI

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF THE DISTRICT, LLC          20020312BL-09   WHZ-681     Washington, DC

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF THE SOUTH                  20020312AG-09   KD-55000    Rome, GA
                                                  20020312AP-09   WAJ-769     Summerville, GA
                                                  20020312AR-09   WAN-950     Lafayette, GA
                                                  20020312AS-09   WAP-522     Lookout Mtn., TN
                                                  20020312BA-09   WGV-594     Glade Springs, VA
                                                  20020312BN-09   WHZ-719     Sharps Ridge, TN

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF THE SOUTH, INC.            20020312AH-09   KD-55006    Naples, FL
                                                  20020312BC-09   WGZ-255     Lodi Twp., MI
                                                  20020312BQ-09   WHZ-798     Commerce Twp., MI
                                                  20020312CA-09   WMC-693     Manahawkin, NJ
                                                  20020312BI-09   WHZ-431     Chatsworth, NJ
                                                  20020312BR-09   WHZ-799     Pontiac, MI

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF VIRGINIA, INC.             20020312BW-09   WLY-264     Mars Sugarloaf Hill, VA

COMCAST CABLEVISION OF WILDWOOD, INC.             20020312AW-09   WGF-91      Wildwood, NJ
                                                  20020312AX-09   WGF-92      Middle Twp., NJ
                                                  20020312AY-09   WGI-21      Weymouth Twp., NJ
                                                  20020312BG-09   WHU-32      Vineland, NJ

COMCAST RAPID, LLC                                20020312BS-09   WHZ-875     Burrville, TN
                                                  20020312BV-09   WLY-227     Wartburg, TN

COMCAST SCH HOLDINGS, INC.                        20020312BY-09   WLY-373     Leesburg, FL

AT&T BROADBAND H/ICI, LLC                         20020314AC-09   WSH-25      South Bend, IN

AT&T BROADBAND OCNI, LLC                          20020314EF-09   WLY-230     Parks Township, , PA

AT&T BROADBAND OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC.       20020314CB-09   WGS-890     Near Chico-Forest, CA
                                                  20020314CN-09   WGV-956     Chico, CA

AT&T BROADBAND OF WEST VIRGINIA, LLC              20020314DB-09   WHZ-325     Park Forest, IL

AT&T CSC, INC.                                    20020314AZ-09   WAK-498     Fitchburg, MA
                                                  20020314BM-09   WCE-572     Near Gardner, MA

CABLE TV OF PUGET SOUND, INC.                     20020314BG-09   WBG-426     Near Bremerton, WA
                                                  20020314FD-09   WSJ-21      South Tacoma, WA

COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC.                     20020314CO-09   WGV-990     Wylie, TX
                                                  20020314DQ-09   WHZ-677     Commerce, TX
                                                  20020314FA-09   WLY-761     Algonquin, IL

EVERETT CABLEVISION, INC.                         20020314BW-09   WGI-787     Everett, WA


Licensee                                           File Number     Call Sign   Location

HARBOR COMMUNICATIONS JOINT VENTURE                20020314BB-09   WAN-201     Aberdeen, WA

H C G CABLEVISION, INC.                            20020314AO-09   KMA-56      Geyser Peak, CA
                                                   20020314DZ-09   WHZ-979     Healdsburg, CA

INTERMEDIA PARTNERS SOUTHEAST                      20020314EY-09   WLY-664     Tv Mountain, MT

KING VIDEOCABLE COMPANY                            20020314AL-09   KB-60123    Near Elsinore Peak, CA
                                                   20020314AX-09   WAG-469     San Andreas, CA
                                                   20020314BX-09   WGK-480     Placerville, CA
                                                   20020314DE-09   WHZ-424     Lake Elsinore, CA
                                                   20020314DF-09   WHZ-425     Elsinore Peak, CA
                                                   20020314DP-09   WHZ-666     Sutter Hill, CA
                                                   20020314EK-09   WLY-340     San Andreas, CA
                                                   20020314EU-09   WLY-523     Sutter Hill, CA

LASALLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC.                   20020314DG-09   WHZ-458     Chicago A4, IL
                                                   20020314EA-09   WHZ-984     Chicago, IL

                                                   20020314CL-09   WGV-952     Homewood, IL

MEDIAONE OF CALIFORNIA, INC.                       20020314FC-09   WSH-22      Livermore, CA

MEDIAONE OF FRESNO, INC.                           20020314BN-09   WCK-816     Near Livermore, CA
                                                   20020314BO-09   WCK-817     Madera, CA
                                                   20020314BP-09   WCK-818     Cressy, CA
                                                   20020314BQ-09   WCK-819     Plainsburg, CA
                                                   20020314CA-09   WGK-632     Fresno, CA

MEDIAONE OF GREATER FLORIDA, INC.                  20020314CJ-09   WGV-910     Jacksonville, FL

MEDIAONE OF LAKEWOOD, INC.                         20020314CH-09   WGV-831     Signal Hill, CA

MEDIAONE OF LOS ANGELES, INC.                      20020314CQ-09   WGZ-256     Los Angeles, CA
                                                   20020314DR-09   WHZ-678     Los Angeles, CA
                                                   20020314DS-09   WHZ-684     Los Angeles, CA
                                                   20020314DX-09   WHZ-843     City Hall, CA
                                                   20020314DY-09   WHZ-851     Los Angeles, CA
                                                   20020314EM-09   WLY-348     Ka Studio, CA
                                                   20020314ER-09   WLY-501     Compton, CA
                                                   20020314ET-09   WLY-522     Whittier, CA

MEDIAONE OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC.              20020314AH-09   KA-80638    Marysville & Yuba Cy, CA
                                                   20020314CZ-09   WGZ-370     Marysville, CA

MEDIAONE OF SIERRA VALLEYS, INC.                   20020314CF-09   WGV-515     Reedley, CA
                                                   20020314CI-09   WGV-843     Mendota, CA
                                                   20020314DJ-09   WHZ-560     Fresno, CA


Licensee                                    File Number     Call Sign   Location

MEDIAONE OF ST. PAUL, INC.                  20020314AK-09   KB-60119    Near St. Paul, MN
                                            20020314DU-09   WHZ-714     Minneapolis, MN
                                            20020314EG-09   WLY-233     Saint Paul, MN

SAN LEANDRO CABLE TELEVISION, INC.          20020314AJ-09   KB-60117    Dublin, CA
                                            20020314DL-09   WHZ-582     Hayward, CA

SOUTH CHICAGO CABLE, INC.                   20020314DH-09   WHZ-466     Chicago A5, IL

TCI AMERICAN CABLE HOLDINGS, L.P.           20020314AE-09   KA-80619    Near Spokane, WA
                                            20020314AG-09   KA-80635    Near Spokane, WA
                                            20020314DI-09   WHZ-528     Spokane, WA

TCI CABLE PARTNERS OF ST. LOUIS, L.P.       20020314EZ-09   WLY-757     Devils Peak, CA

TCI CABLEVISION OF CALIFORNIA, INC.         20020314BA-09   WAL-205     Carmen Valley Vil., CA
                                            20020314CD-09   WGU-387     Monterey, CA
                                            20020314CK-09   WGV-948     Santa Clara, CA
                                            20020314CM-09   WGV-955     Loma Prieta Mountain, CA

TCI CABLEVISION OF DALLAS, INC.             20020314AF-09   KA-80623    Near Dallas, TX

TCI CABLEVISION OF GEORGIA, INC.            20020314EI-09   WLY-293     Los Trancos Woods, CA

TCI CABLEVISION OF GREAT FALLS, INC.        20020314CX-09   WGZ-362     Chester, MT

TCI CABLEVISION OF MONTANA, INC.            20020314AT-09   WAD-901     Polson, MT
                                            20020314AU-09   WAD-953     Point Six, MT
                                            20020314BR-09   WDC-319     Missoula, MT
                                            20020314CV-09   WGZ-359     East Glacier, MT
                                            20020314CW-09   WGZ-361     Libby, MT
                                            20020314CY-09   WGZ-363     Kalispell, MT
                                            20020314DW-09   WHZ-748     Harlem, MT
                                            20020314EJ-09   WLY-332     Hogback Mountain, MT
                                            20020314ES-09   WLY-505     Blacktail Mountain, MT
                                            20020314EV-09   WLY-533     Choteau, MT

TCI CABLEVISION OF OREGON, INC.             20020314AQ-09   WAA-813     Mary's Peak, OR
                                            20020314BH-09   WBH-335     Lebanon, OR

TCI CABLEVISION OF PASCO COUNTY             20020314CP-09   WGV-992     Hickory Hills, IL

TCI CABLEVISION OF TWIN CITIES, INC.        20020314CS-09   WGZ-298     Capitol Peak, WA

TCI CABLEVISION OF UTAH, INC.               20020314CC-09   WGU-383     Pix Peak, UT
                                            20020314CE-09   WGV-509     Salt Lake City, UT
                                            20020314EH-09   WLY-250     Clarkston, UT


Licensee                                                     File Number       Call Sign     Location

TCI CABLEVISION OF WASHINGTON, INC.                          20020314AY-09     WAJ-770       Seattle, WA
                                                             20020314BJ-09     WBJ-751       Atop Capitol Peak, WA
                                                             20020314CT-09     WGZ-318       Seattle, WA
                                                             20020314CU-09     WGZ-319       Seattle, WA
                                                             20020314ED-09     WKZ-30        Seattle, WA
                                                             20020314EE-09     WLY-215       Bremerton, WA
                                                             20020314FE-09     WSJ-901       Camano Island, WA
                                                             20020314FF-09     WSJ-902       Everett, WA

TCI CABLEVISION OF WYOMING, INC.                             20020314AW-09     WAG-468       Cheyenne, WY

TCI MICROWAVE, INC.                                          20020314DM-09     WHZ-634       Little Rock, MT
                                                             20020314DN-09     WHZ-648       Hinsdale, MT
                                                             20020314DO-09     WHZ-654       Great Falls, MT
                                                             20020314EO-09     WLY-492       North Poplar, MT
                                                             20020314EP-09     WLY-493       Deadman Butte, MT
                                                             20020314EX-09     WLY-624       Great Falls, MT

TCI OF EAST SAN FERNANDO VALLEY, L.P.                        20020314BY-09     WGK-610       Petaluma, CA
                                                             20020314CG-09     WGV-813       Rohnert Park, CA

TCI OF GREENSBURG                                            20020314AN-09     KDJ-43        Hempfield Township, PA

TCI OF NORTHERN NEW JERSEY, INC.                             20020314AR-09     WAB-570       Glenwood Springs, CO
                                                             20020314DD-09     WHZ-363       Aspen, CO
                                                             20020314EL-09     WLY-343       Sebastian, FL

TCI OF PENNSYLVANIA, INC.                                    20020314EN-09     WLY-482       Tuolumne, CA

TCI OF SOUTHERN WASHINGTON                                   20020314BV-09     WGI-775       Green Mountain, WA
                                                             20020314DA-09     WHZ-245       Boistfort Peak, WA

TCI OF TACOMA, INC.                                          20020314BK-09     WBL-526       Tacoma, WA

                                                                           5                 San Francisco Area, CA
TCI PACIFIC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                             20020314AI-09     KA-80646

TCI TKR OF CENTRAL FLORIDA, INC.                             20020314BI-09     WBH-637       Banner, WY
                                                             20020314EW-09     WLY-563       Bosin Rock, WY

TELEVENTS OF EAST COUNTY, INC.                               20020314CR-09     WGZ-293       Windy Point, CA

TELEVENTS OF SAN JOAQUIN, INC.                               20020314BC-09     WAN-800       Orestimba Hills, CA

 This application is pending dismissal. After initially filing an application to transfer control of call sign KA-
80646, the applicant subsequently notified the Commission that this CARS facility is no longer in operation.


Licensee                                                      File Number        Call Sign    Location
                                                              20020314BS-09      WDX-656      Los Banos, CA
                                                              20020314EB-09      WJA-72       Mt. Oso, CA
                                                              20020314FB-09      WOX-20       Lafayette, CA

TELEVENTS, INC.                                               20020314BU-09      WGH-81       Martinez, CA
                                                              20020314DC-09      WHZ-346      Danville, CA

TELE-VUE SYSTEMS, INC.                                        20020314AS-09      WAB-896      Salem, OR
                                                              20020314AV-09      WAF-565      Marysville, CA
                                                              20020314BE-09      WAV-627      Seattle, WA
                                                              20020314BF-09      WAY-486      Oroville, CA
                                                              20020314EQ-09      WLY-497      Petaluma, CA

UACC MIDWEST, INC.                                            20020314BZ-09      WGK-618      Hayward, CA
                                                              20020314DT-09      WHZ-692      Patterson Pass, CA
                                                              20020314EC-09      WJN-31       Modesto, CA

UNITED CABLE TELEVISION OF COLORADO, INC.                     20020314BT-09      WGH-335      Jarre Canyon, CO

UNITED CABLE TELEVISION SERVICES CORPORATION                  20020314AP-09      KV-3813      Bristol, CT
                                                              20020314BD-09      WAQ-364      Asonia, CT
                                                                            6                 Farmington, CT
                                                              20020314DK-09      WHZ-573
                                                              20020314DV-09      WHZ-733      Bristol, CT

WENTRONICS, LLC                                               20020314AM-09      KCS-54       Saddleback Mountain, WY
                                                              20020314BL-09      WCC-381      Casper, WY

NEW ENGLAND CABLE NEWS                                        20020314FG-09      KD-55008     Boston, MA

INSIGHT COMMUNICATIONS MIDWEST, LLC                           20020314FH-09      KKK-46       Boonville, IN
(Pro Forma)                                                   20020314FI-09      KYX-60       Louisiana, MO
                                                              20020314FJ-09      KYX-69       Hannibal, MO
                                                              20020314FK-09      WAJ-459      Shoals, IN
                                                              20020314FL-09      WCF-542      Oregon, IL
                                                              20020314FM-09      WGF-97       Jasper, IN
                                                              20020314FN-09      WHZ-840      Danville, IL
                                                              20020314FO-09      WPN-34       Belvidere, IL

MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATIONS                                   20020314FP-09      WLY-345      Custer, SD
(Pro Forma)                                                   20020314FQ-09      WHZ-358      Ft. Pierre, SD
                                                              20020314FR-09      WHZ-523      Springview, NE
                                                              20020314FS-09      WGV-524      Bison, SD
                                                              20020314FT-09      WAM-446      Sisseton, SD
                                                              20020314FU-09      WPW-40       Rugby, ND
                                                              20020314FV-09      WHZ-333      Reliance, SD

  This application is pending dismissal. After initially filing an application to transfer control of call sign WHZ-
573, the applicant subsequently notified the Commission that this CARS facility is no longer in operation.


Licensee                                     File Number     Call Sign   Location
                                             20020314FW-09   WBB-708     Grafton, ND
                                             20020314FX-09   WBB-709     Grand Forks, ND
                                             20020314FY-09   WBB-710     Cavalier, ND
                                             20020314FZ-09   WLY-763     Stephan, SD

PARNASSOS, LP                                20020314GA-09   KW-4396     Lackawanna, NY
(Pro Forma)                                  20020314GB-09   WAC-525     Conneaut, OH
                                             20020314GC-09   WBD-866     Tonawanda, NY
                                             20020314GD-09   WBJ-250     Lackawanna, NY
                                             20020314GE-09   WGH-439     West Seneca, NY
                                             20020314GF-09   WGZ-314     Mentor On The Lake, OH
                                             20020314GG-09   WGZ-328     Kirtland, OH
                                             20020314GH-09   WGZ-329     Geneva, OH
                                             20020314GI-09   WGZ-331     Chardon, OH
                                             20020314GJ-09   WGZ-332     Ashtabula, OH
                                             20020314GK-09   WGZ-354     Harbor Creek Twp., PA
                                             20020314GL-09   WGZ-397     Lackawanna, NY
                                             20020314GM-09   WGZ-407     Painesville Twp., OH
                                             20020314GN-09   WLY-536     Fredonia, NY

WESTERN NY CABLEVISION, LP (Pro Forma)       20020314GO-09   WGT-752     Buffalo, NY

KANSAS CITY CABLE PARTNERS                   20020318AA-09   WAE-602     Kansas City, KS
(Pro Forma)                                  20020318AB-09   WLY-353     Ft. Leavenworth, KS
                                             20020318AC-09   WHZ-921     Leavenworth, KS
                                             20020318AD-09   WGW-207     Independence, MO
                                             20020318AE-09   WGW-219     Kansas City, MO
                                             20020318AF-09   WGW-220     Kansas City, MO

TEXAS CABLE PARTNERS, L.P.                   20020318AG-09   WJT-43      Corpus Christi, TX
(Pro Forma)                                  20020318AH-09   WGZ-452     Benavides, TX
                                             20020318AI-09   WGI-758     Eagle Pass, TX
                                             20020318AJ-09   WGZ-450     Escobas, TX
                                             20020318AK-09   WHZ-780     El Paso, TX
                                             20020318AL-09   WLY-483     Ft. Bliss, TX
                                             20020318AM-09   WJI-36      El Paso, TX
                                             20020318AN-09   KOD-36      Near Harlingen, TX
                                             20020318AO-09   WGZ-451     Horseshoe Ranch, TX
                                             20020318AP-09   KA-80625    Houston, TX
                                             20020318AQ-09   KYX-62      Lomas Vista, TX
                                             20020318AR-09   WGI-757     Moore, TX
                                             20020318AS-09   WHZ-869     One North, TX
                                             20020318AT-09   KYX-61      Pearsall, TX
                                             20020318AU-09   KOD-31      Pharr, TX
                                             20020318AV-09   WAF-861     Port Isabel, TX
                                             20020318AW-09   WGZ-464     Realitos, TX
                                             20020318AX-09   WLY-742     Uvalde, TX
                                             20020318AY-09   KOD-35      Wes Laco, TX


                               Part 25 – Satellite Communications

Satellite Earth Stations:
File Number                             Licensee/Call Signs
SES-T/C-20020228-00259      (amended)   National Digital Television Center, Inc.
SES-AMD-20020312-00312                  Call Sign(s): E5027, E930170, E930171, E930172, E930368,   E930370,
                                        E930429, E930430, E930431, E930432, E930489, E940005,      E940006,
                                        E940007, E940283, E940284, E940445, E950003, E950028,      E950115,
                                        E950172, E950173, E950410, E95412, E9600046, E960598,      E970005,
                                        E980252, E980302, E980304 (Non-CC)

SES-T/C-20020228-00263                  TGC, Inc.
                                        Call Sign(s): E940479 (Non-CC)

SES-T/C-20020228-00264                  Comcast Cablevision of the South, Inc.
                                        Call Sign: E000125 (Non-CC)

SES-T/C-20020228-00265                  QVC, Inc.
                                        Call Sign(s): E880105, E872076 (Non-CC)

SES-T/C-20020228-00268                  Comcast Cablevision of New Jersey, Inc.
                                        Call Sign(s): E000360, E000423 (Non-CC)

SES-T/C-20020228-00270                  QVC Local, Inc.
                                        Call Sign(s): E940271 (Non-CC)

SES-T/C-20020305-00282 (amended)        New England Cable News Network
SES-AMD-20020312-00314                  Call Sign(s): E970108, E940292 (Non-CC)

                              Part 90 – Land Mobile Radio Services

Licensee Name                                                     ULS File No.      Lead Call Sign
AMERICAN MICROWAVE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                           0000787728        WLR248
AT&T BROADBAND CABLEVISION OF SACRAMENTO I, LLC                   0000773316        WPCG511
AT&T BROADBAND CTSI, LLC                                          0000774418        KWR244
AT&T BROADBAND H/ICI, LLC                                         0000776315        KVM632
AT&T BROADBAND HCI, LLC                                           0000776365        KNIL687
AT&T BROADBAND HC OF COLORADO, LLC                                0000776348        WNUX414
AT&T BROADBAND OF ARLINGTON, LLC                                  0000776393        KNAW439
AT&T BROADBAND OF COLORADO, LLC                                   0000776476        WQI666
AT&T BROADBAND OF OHIO, LLC                                       0000776490        KNCB227
AT&T BROADBAND OF SOUTHERN CAL., INC.                             0000776511        KNHJ516
AT&T BROADBAND TELENOIS, LLC                                      0000776540        WNSK595
AT&T BROADBAND, LLC                                               0000776666        KAU887
AT&T CSC, INC.                                                    0000787648        KAD462
INSIGHT COMMUNICATIONS MIDWEST, LLC (Pro Forma)                   0000790382        KSW543
KANSAS CITY CABLE PARTNERS (Pro Forma)                            0000809193        KTL731


Licensee Name                                                           ULS File No.          Lead Call Sign
KING VIDEOCABLE COMPANY                                                 0000777113            WXR661
LASALLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC.                                        0000777155            WNGX941
MEDIAONE ENTERPRISES, INC.                                              0000788371            WQA655
MEDIAONE OF EASTERN MICHIGAN, INC.                                      0000779628            WNCY842
MEDIAONE OF LOS ANGELES, INC.                                           0000777992            WPGA736
MEDIAONE OF MASSACHUSETTS, INC.                                         0000778180            WPMU989
MEDIAONE OF MICHIGAN, INC.                                              0000774132            KYT935
MEDIAONE OF NEW YORK, INC.                                              0000774194            WNPW378
MEDIAONE OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS, INC.                                     0000774236            KNEM221
MEDIAONE OF OHIO, INC.                                                  0000774305            WSU819
MEDIAONE OF SOUTH CENTRAL LOS ANGELES, INC.                             0000776125            WNLX546
MEDIAONE OF ST. PAUL, INC.                                              0000778147            KD30230
MEDIAONE OF VIRGINIA, INC.                                              0000776126            WNVU458
MEDIAONE OF WESTERN NEW ENGLAND, INC.                                   0000776148            KWG883
MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATIONS (Pro Forma)                                 0000790558            WPUE975
NATIONAL DIGITAL TELEVISION CENTER, INC.                                0000788740            WPPW219
PARNASSOS, LP (Pro Forma)                                               0000790431            WNKE706
TCI AMERICAN CABLE HOLDINGS II, L.P.                                    0000776223            KNCD489
TCI AMERICAN CABLE HOLDINGS, L.P.                                       0000776263            KRU929
TCI CABLE PARTNERS OF ST. LOUIS, L.P.                                   0000776319            WRM569
TCI CABLEVISION OF CALIFORNIA, INC.                                     0000776353            KRB770
TCI CABLEVISION OF MISSOURI, INC.                                       0000776452            KNBC240
TCI CABLEVISION OF MONTANA, INC.                                        0000776483            KTT663
TCI CABLEVISION OF OREGON, INC.                                         0000776654            KLP512
TCI CABLEVISION OF PASCO COUNTY                                         0000776803            WQZ709
TCI CABLEVISION OF TEXAS, INC. (TX)                                     0000790497            WPFB856
TCI CABLEVISION OF WASHINGTON, INC.                                     0000776963            WNJK833
TCI CABLEVISION OF WYOMING, INC.                                        0000777101            WSV483
TCI MICROWAVE, INC.                                                     00008055847           WNKK403
TCI OF DAYTON, INC.                                                     0000787697            WPNU432
TCI OF GREENSBURG                                                       0000777291            KUT866
TCI OF ILLINOIS, INC.                                                   0000777313            WNYE223
TCI OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC.                                        0000777345            KQV943
TCI OF NORTHERN NEW JERSEY, INC.                                        0000777400            KTV310
TCI OF PENNSYLVANIA, INC.                                               0000777490            WII930

  This ULS application was originally submitted under file number 0000777246. In addition, this application was
inadvertently listed as accepted for filing in a public notice released March 27, 2002. See Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau Assignment of Authorization and Transfer of Control Applications Accepted for
Filing, Report No. 1137, Public Notice (WTB rel. March 27, 2002). We clarify that this application, like all of the
other applications pertaining to the AT&T/Comcast merger, is governed by the pleading cycle established herein.
Thus, petitions/comments for this application are due on April 29, 2002.


Licensee Name                                                           ULS File No.          Lead Call Sign
TCI OF PLANO, INC.                                                      0000777549            KNJE619
TCI OF RICHARDSON, INC.                                                 0000777523            KNHC697
TCI OF TUALATIN VALLEY, INC.                                            0000777587            WPDK581
TCI PACIFIC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                                        0000777641            KA96057
TCI TKR OF CENTRAL FLORIDA, INC.                                        0000777713            KLN765
TCI TKR OF SOUTH DADE, INC.                                             0000777762            KNHQ725
TELEVENTS, INC.                                                         0000777827            KNIH332
TELEVISION SIGNAL CORPORATION                                           0000777866            WNXZ871
TELE-VUE SYSTEMS, INC.                                                  0000777145            WQP480
TEXAS CABLE PARTNERS, LP (Pro Forma)                                    0000809160            KTF476
UACC MIDWEST, INC.                                                      0000777223            KWB699
UNITED CABLE TELEVISION CORPORATION                                     0000777271            KIJ389
UNITED CABLE TELEVISION OF COLORADO, INC.                               0000777508            KNJH331
UNITED CABLE TELEVISION OF MID-MICHIGAN, INC.                           0000777546            KWD757
UNITED CABLE TELEVISION OF WESTERN COLORADO, INC.                       0000777598            KSK560
UNITED CABLE TELEVISION SERVICES CORPORATION                            0000777712            KKL952
UNITED CATV, INC.                                                       0000777804            WQP395
W.A.V., INC.                                                            0000777895            WNZI680
WENTRONICS, LLC                                                         0000777956            WNQK680
WESTERN NY CABLEVISION, LP (Pro Forma)                                  0000790632            KVG330
WESTMARC DEVELOPMENT JOINT VENTURE                                      00008151558           KGY635
COMCAST CABLE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                                      0000783028            WPPH898
COMCAST CABLE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                                      0000789537            WNJB477
COMCAST CABLE INVESTORS, INC.                                           0000769054            WSB400
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF ALABAMA, INC.                                    0000769605            KBZ579
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF ARIZONA, INC.                                    0000774292            WPML491
COMCAST CABLEVISION CORPORATION OF CALIFORNIA                           0000769535            WSU488
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF CAROLINA, INC.                                   0000770198            WNDY299
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF CENTRAL NEW JERSEY, INC.                         0000771925            WID480
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, INC.                        0000775492            WPDH267
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF DELMARVA, INC.                                   0000771994            KJA623
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF EASTERN SHORE, INC.                              0000769619            KNIE387
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF ELKTON, INC.                                     0000774327            WNHV741
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF FLINT, INC.                                      0000772550            KZD514
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF FORT WAYNE, LP                                   0000772532            KYM975

  This ULS application was originally submitted under file number 0000777962. In addition, this application was
inadvertently listed as accepted for filing in a public notice released March 27, 2002. See Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau Assignment of Authorization and Transfer of Control Applications Accepted for
Filing, Report No. 1137, Public Notice (WTB rel. March 27, 2002). We clarify that this application, like all of the
other applications pertaining to the AT&T/Comcast merger, is governed by the pleading cycle established herein.
Thus, petitions/comments for this application are due on April 29, 2002.


Licensee Name                                     ULS File No.   Lead Call Sign
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF GASDEN, INC.               0000772183     KSX724
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF GROTON, INC.               0000772538     KNFB681
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF LEVITTOWN, INC.            0000772570     WPCM561
COMCAST CABLE OF MARYLAND, INC.                   0000771273     WNNJ721
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF MARYLAND, INC.             0000771290     WPHX754
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF MERIDIAN, INC.             0000771485     KFM892
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF MICHIGAN, LLC              0000775554     KNER225
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF MUNCIE, LP                 0000773411     KAS630
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF NEW HAVEN, INC.            0000772299     KNCK779
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF NEW JERSEY, INC.           0000773516     KNBT323
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF NEW MEXICO, INC.           0000773529     WNYH320
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF PADUCAH, INC.              0000772137     KKO683
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF THE SOUTH                  0000785175     WPRH715
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF THE SOUTH, INC.            0000775548     KGB807
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF TUPELO, INC.               0000774328     WNQA277
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF VIRGINIA, INC.             0000771223     WNVX206
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF WEST FLORIDA, INC.         0000771133     KB62673
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF WILDWOOD, INC.             0000770170     KFA322
COMCAST RAPID, LLC                                0000770671     WNPK799
COMCAST SCH HOLDINGS, INC.                        0000770948     WNWK279
OUTDOOR LIFE NETWORK                              0000786355     WPTR291
QVC, INC.                                         0000777254     WPOB999


                     Part 101 – Common Carrier Point-to-Point Microwave Service

Licensee Name                                                           ULS File No.         Lead Call Sign
AMERICAN MICROWAVE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                                 0000787728           WLR248
MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATIONS (Pro Forma)                                 0000790558           WLW452
TEXAS CABLE PARTNERS, LP (Pro Forma)                                    0000809160           KLH77
TCI MICROWAVE, INC.                                                     00008055849          KPC72
COMCAST 38 GHZ, INC.                                                    0000775477           WMW543
FIRST TELEVISION CORP.                                                  0000772615           KGN76
LENFEST MCN, INC.                                                       0000772603           KEM55
NEW ENGLAND MICROWAVE, INC.                                             0000774291           WBA962

                           Part 101 – Private Point-to-Point Microwave Service

Licensee Name                                                           ULS File No.          Lead Call Sign
AMERICAN MICROWAVE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                                 0000787728            KX8883
AT&T BROADBAND CABLEVISION OF SACRAMENTO I, LLC                         0000773316            WNES942
AT&T BROADBAND OF COLORADO, LLC                                         0000776476            WPQT477
BILLINGS TELE-COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                                      0000776707            WPAT302
COMMUNITY CABLE TELEVISION                                              0000776856            WPJA237
LASALLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC.                                        0000777155            WNTD934
MEDIAONE OF COLORADO, INC.                                              0000773528            WNES554
MEDIAONE OF LAKEWOOD, INC.                                              0000774012            WNEE392
MEDIAONE OF LOS ANGELES, INC.                                           0000777992            WNTD907
NATIONAL DIGITAL TELEVISION CENTER, INC.                                0000788740            WPNJ714
SAN LEANDRO CABLE TELEVISION, INC.                                      0000776161            WNEW767
SPORTSCHANNEL NEW ENGLAND, LP                                           0000790640            WNES356
TCI CABLEVISION OF CALIFORNIA, INC.                                     0000776353            WPNE658
TCI ILLINOIS HOLDINGS, L.P.                                             0000777213            WNER273
TCI TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT, LLC                                          0000788221            WPQY480
TCI TECHNOLOGY VENTURES, INC.                                           0000788210            WPNC289
TELEVISION SIGNAL CORPORATION                                           0000777866            WNER551
TELE-VUE SYSTEMS, INC.                                                  0000777145            WNEH782
TEXAS CABLE PARTNERS, LP (Pro Forma)                                    0000809160            WNEW367
UACC MIDWEST, INC.                                                      0000777223            WNTJ918
UNITED CABLE TELEVISION CORPORATION                                     0000777271            WNTE488

  This ULS application was originally submitted under file number 0000777246. In addition, this application was
inadvertently listed as accepted for filing in a public notice released March 27, 2002. See Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau Assignment of Authorization and Transfer of Control Applications Accepted for
Filing, Report No. 1137, Public Notice (WTB rel. March 27, 2002). We clarify that this application, like all of the
other applications pertaining to the AT&T/Comcast merger, is governed by the pleading cycle established herein.
Thus, petitions/comments for this application are due on April 29, 2002.


Licensee Name                                            ULS File No.   Lead Call Sign
UNITED CABLE TELEVISION OF ALAMEDA, INC.                 0000777341     WHK239
UNITED MICROWAVE CORPORATION                             0000777867     WDU645
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF ARIZONA, INC.                     0000774292     WNTR598
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF DANBURY, INC.                     0000785269     WPRQ981
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF DETROIT, INC.                     0000774306     WNEU603
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF EASTERN SHORE, INC.               0000769619     WNTL349
COMCAST CABLE OF MARYLAND, INC.                          0000771273     WPOU371
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF MARYLAND, INC.                    0000771290     WPNM496
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF MARYLAND, LP                      0000771329     WPNG203
COMCAST CABLEVISION OF PHILADELPHIA, INC.                0000774182     WNTP962

                       Part 27 – Wireless Communications Service

Licensee Name                                            ULS File No.   Lead Call Sign
COMCAST WCS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                         0000773242     KNLB289
COMCAST WCS ME02, INC.                                   0000773370     KNLB204
COMCAST WCS ME04, INC.                                   0000773397     KNLB275
COMCAST WCS ME05, INC.                                   0000773449     KNLB276
COMCAST WCS ME16, INC.                                   0000773534     KNLB278
COMCAST WCS ME19, INC.                                   0000774090     KNLB280
COMCAST WCS ME22, INC.                                   0000774158     KNLB282
COMCAST WCS ME26, INC.                                   0000774192     KNLB283
COMCAST WCS ME28, INC.                                   0000774277     KNLB284

                          Part 74 - Broadcast Auxiliary Service

Licensee Name                                            ULS File No.   Lead Call Sign
QVC, INC.                                                0000777254     BLP01502

                       Part 22 – Paging & Radiotelephone Stations

Licensee Name                                            ULS File No.   Lead Call Sign
MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATION (Pro Forma)                   0000790558     KDS478


                 Part 63 – Domestic Section 214 Authorization (47 C.F.R. § 63.01)

Comcast Corp. and AT&T Corp. have each filed an application, pursuant to section 214, to transfer
control of their blanket domestic authorizations to AT&T Comcast Corp. The proposed transaction
includes Comcast Business Communications, Inc. and its affiliates, Comcast Telecommunications of
Michigan, LLC; Jones Cable Holdings, Inc., and MH Lightnet, Inc., as well as the following operating
subsidiaries of AT&T Corp.: AT&T Broadband Phone, LLC; AT&T Broadband Phone of Arizona, LLC;
AT&T Broadband Phone of California, LLC; AT&T Broadband Phone of Colorado, LLC; AT&T
Broadband Phone of Connecticut, Inc.; AT&T Broadband Phone of DC, LLC; AT&T Broadband Phone
of Florida, LLC; AT&T Broadband Phone of Georgia, LLC; AT&T Broadband Phone of Illinois, LLC;
AT&T Broadband Phone of Indiana, LLC; AT&T Broadband Phone of Kentucky, LLC; AT&T
Broadband Phone of Maryland, LLC; AT&T Broadband Phone of Massachusetts, LLC; AT&T
Broadband Phone of Missouri, LLC; AT&T Broadband Phone of Minnesota, Inc.; AT&T Broadband
Phone of New Hampshire, LLC; AT&T Broadband Phone of New Jersey, LLC; AT&T Broadband Phone
of New York, LLC; AT&T Broadband Phone of Ohio, LLC; AT&T Broadband Phone of Oregon, LLC;
AT&T Broadband Phone of Pennsylvania, LLC; AT&T Broadband Phone of Texas, LLC; AT&T
Broadband Phone of Utah, LLC; AT&T Broadband Phone of Washington, LLC; AT&T Broadband
Phone of West Virginia, LLC; and MediaOne Telecommunications of Virginia, Inc.

                         Part 63 – International Service (47 C.F.R. § 63.18)

The following applications filed by Comcast and AT&T for consent to transfer control to AT&T Comcast
of international Section 214 authority held by Comcast Business Communications, Inc., Jones Cable
Holdings, Inc., AT&T Broadband Phone of California, LLC, AT&T Broadband Phone of Connecticut,
Inc., AT&T Broadband Phone of Texas, LLC, AT&T Broadband Phone of Illinois, LLC, MediaOne
Telecommunications Corp. and MediaOne Business Services, Inc. have been found, upon initial review,
to be acceptable for filing.

ITC-T/C-20020308-00127      Comcast Business Communications, Inc.
ITC-T/C-20020308-00128      Jones Cable Holdings, Inc.
ITC-T/C-20020228-00137      AT&T Broadband Phone of California, LLC
ITC-T/C-20020228-00138      AT&T Broadband Phone of Connecticut, Inc.
ITC-T/C-20020228-00139      AT&T Broadband Phone of Texas, LLC
ITC-T/C-20020228-00140      AT&T Broadband Phone of Illinois, LLC
ITC-T/C-20020228-00141      MediaOne Telecommunications Corp. and MediaOne Business Services, Inc.
ITC-T/C-20020228-00142      MediaOne Telecommunications Corp. and MediaOne Business Services, Inc.



Document Created: 2002-11-26 16:07:25
Document Modified: 2002-11-26 16:07:25

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