Attachment 20161229145525-627.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20001212-00760 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                                                                                  DEECC 1 9 20 00
                                             Before the
                FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS C’OM[M[ISSlomfgfiiggo’“ng’,“gfi‘f;’;u
                         Washington, D.C. 20554
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                                                        No N N Ne NY N N Ne N) Nest Nt NA NO NO NO NT L N N NN NNN
In the Matter of                                                                                                        gCu/mie~

Gold & Appel Transfer, S.A., and
Foundation for the International Non—Governmental
Development of Space
                                                                                                                     Streamlined           ITC—T/C—20001212—00760
     Transferor S,                                                                                                   CAPSULE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

Capsule Communications, Inc.,


Startec Global Communications Corporation, and
Stars Acquisition Corp.


Application Pursuant to Sections 214 ofthe
Communications Act of 1934, as Amended, to
Transfer Control over Title II Authority

                    OVER SECTION 214 AUTHORITY


                     Capsule Communications, Inc. ("Capsule" or "Licensee"), Gold & Appel

Transfer, S.A. ("G&A"), the Foundation for the International Non—Governmental Development

of Space ("Foundation") (collectively "Tranferors") and Startec Global Communications

Corporation and Stars Acquisition Corp. ("Startec" or "Transferee") (together with Licensee and

Transferors, "Applicants") hereby apply, pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act, as

amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214, and the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18, for authority to

transfer control over Capsule to Startec. Capsule holds Title II authority under Section 214 of

the Communications Act.‘ In Applicants‘ view, this transfer of control qualifies for streamlined

processing pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.12(c)(1)(i) & (ii).

                Part II of this Application describes the proposed transfer of control and shows

that the transaction furthers the public interest. Part III of this Application provides the

additional information required by 47 C.F.R. § 63.18.


               Startec has reached an agreement with Transferors whereby Startec will acquire

all of Capsule‘s outstanding stock, subject to all necessary regulatory approvals. Capsule holds :

Section 214 authority for the provision of switched resale services. Transferors currently own 74

percent of Capsule.

               Specifically, the proposed transfer of control will occur pursuant to the

Agreement and Plan of Reorganization By and Among Startec Global Communications

Corporation, Stars Acquisition Corp., Capsule Communications, Inc., Gold & Appel Transfer,

S.A., and Foundation for the International Non—Governmental Development of Space

("Agreement") dated November 2, 2000. Under this Agreement, Stars Acquisition Corp.

("Stars"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Startec, will merge with Capsule, and Capsule will be

the surviving corporation existing as a wholly owned subsidiary of Startec. All issued and

outstanding shares of Stars will be converted into shares of the combined Capsule. In exchange,

        1       File No. ITC—91—186, DA 91—1237. Capsule is an international switched reseller
that also provides limited domestic long distance and local resale services. Transferee Startec is
a well—established facilities—based carrier that already possesses its own Section 214 authority.

Capsule‘s shareholders will receive a minority equity interest in Startec in accordance with a

predetermined stock exchange ratio.

                The proposed transfer will serve the public interest. Capsuleis now a switched

reseller of telecommunications services, while Startec is a well—established facilities—based

carrier. Thé companies are therefore largely complementary, and Capsule‘s customer base will

benefit from access to Startec‘s facilities—based services and access to Startec‘s larger capital

base. Particularly in light of Caps    :‘s acute and continuing financial difficulties, the merger

will ensure that there is no disrupt   i ofservice for Capsule‘s customers. For Startec too, the

acquisition of Capsule by Startec:     1 enhance Startec‘s customer base and bolster Startec‘s

ability to compete with the three I;   e long—distance carriers. It will also reduce the operating

costs and increase the efficiency 0. ~perating both companies. Accordingly, Startec will be

better able to expand its service offerings and increase service quality while maintaining

competitive rates.


       The following information is provided in compliance with 47 C.F.R. § 63.18.

       a.      The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the Licensee is:

                               Capsule Communications, Inc.
                               3331 Street Road, Suite 275
                               2 Greenwood Square
                               Bensalem, PA 19020
                               (215) 633—9400

               The name, address, and telephone number of the proposed Transferors are:

                               Gold & Appel Transfer, S.A. ("G&A"),
                               Omar Hodge Building
                               Wickams Cay, Road Town
                               Tortula, British Virgin Islands
                               c/o Walt Anderson

                            Gold & Appel Transfer, S.A.
                             1023 31°" Street, NW
                            4"" Floor
                            Washington, D.C. 20007
                            (202) 467—1189

                            Foundation for the International Non—Governmental
                            Development of Space
                             1023 31" Street, NW
                            4"" Floor
                            Washington, D.C. 20007
                            (202) 467—1189

              The name, address, and telephone number of the proposed Transfereeis:

                            Startec Global Communications Corporation
                            10411 Motor City Drive
                            Bethesda, MD 20817
                            (301) 365—8959

      b.      Startec, Stars Acquisition Corp., Capsule, and Foundationare all Delaware
              corporations. G&A is a British Virgin Islands corporation.

      ¢.      Correspondence concerning this Application should be directed to:

                            Yolanda Stefanou Faerber
                            General Counsel
                            Startec Global Communications Corporation
                            10411 Motor City Drive
                            Bethesda, MD 20817
                            (301) 365—8959

With copies to:

      Pantelis Michalopoulos                        Russell M. Blau
      Rhonda Rivens Bolton                          Rogena Harris
      Omer C. Eyal                                  Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP
      Steptoe & Johnson, LLP                        3000 K Street, N.W.
      1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.                 Suite 300
      Washington, D.C. 20036—1795                   Washington, D.C. 20007—5116
      (202) 429—3000                                (202) 424—7500
      Counsel to Startec Global                     Counsel to Capsule Communications, Inc.
        Communications Corporation

        d.      Capsule is currently authorized under Title II to resell switched voice service."

Startec is currently authorized under Title II to provide facilities—based and resale services."

        e.      Transferors, Startec and Capsule are seeking authority pursuant to 47 C.F.R.

§ 63.18(e)(3) to transfer control over Capsule‘s existing Title II authority from Transferors to

Startec. Upon FCC approval and consummation of the proposed transaction, Capsule will

become affiliated with Startec‘s non—dominant foreign carrier affiliates listed in Section (i)

infra." Accordingly, Startec will file a foreign carrier affiliation notification no later than 30

days after the consummation of the proposed transaction."

        £.      See paragraph (e) above.

        g.      Transferors, Startec and Capsule are seekingauthority pursuant to 47 C.F.R.

§ 63.18(e)(3) to transfer control of Licensee‘s existing Title II authority from Transferors to

Startec. The grant of this Application will not constitute a major action as defined in 47 C.F.R. :

§ 1.1305. Accordingly, no environmental informationis required to be submitted with this

Application under 47 C.F.R. § 1.1311.

        £       See File No. ITC—91—186, DA 91—1237, released October 8, 1991. Initial authority
was granted to US Wats, Inc. and later assigned to US Wats‘s successor company, Capsule, on a
pro forma basis. US Wats duly filed notice of the pro forma assignment with the Commission
on May 11, 2000. See Letter from Patrick J. Whittle and Jeanne W. Stockman to Magalie
Roman Salas dated May 11, 2000. Capsule also provides limited domestic long distance and
local resale services.

       3      See In the Matter ofStartec Incorporated, Application for Authority to Acquire
and Operate Facilities and to Resell Services for Provision of Various International Services, 4
FCC Red. 6953 (1989), File No. ITC—89—099; Overseas Common Carrier Section 214
Applications Actions Taken, Public Notice, 12 FCC Red. 13325 (1997), File No. ITC—97—379.
Startec, Inc. changed its name to Startec Global Communications Corporation in 1997. See
Overseas Common Carrier Section 214 Applications Actions Taken, DA 97—2016, Public Notice,
13 FCC Red. 5944 (1997).

        *       Startec has duly given the Commission notice of all of these foreign carrier

        *       See In the Matter ofRules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S.
Telecommunications Market, IB Docket No. 97—142, Order on Reconsideration, FCC 00—339
(rel. Sept. 19, 2000) (to be codified in 47 C.F.R. § 63.11).
                                                 ~4§ .

           h.   The principal business of Startec, a publicly traded corporation, is the provision of

telecommunications services. Mr. Ram Mukunda, a U.S. citizen, owns approximately 25 percent

of the outstanding shares of Startec; Mr. Mukunda is the President, Chief Executive Officer,

Treasurer and Director of Startec, and resides at 8906 Durham Road, Potomac, Maryland 20854.

No other person or entity currently owns, directly or indirectly, ten percent or more of Startec‘s

equity. As a result of this transaction, Applicants estimate that G&A and the Foundation

together would acquire approximately 12% of Startec‘s equity, subject to fluctuating stock


                Startec has two interlocking directorates with foreign carriers. In addition to

holding the aforementioned positions with Startec, Mr. Mukunda is also a Director of Startec

Global Communications (H.K.) Ltd; Startec Global Communications U.K. Ltd.; Startec Global

Communications GmbH (Germany); Startec Global Communications (Holland) B.V.; Startec

Global Communications Company (Canada) and Phone Systems & Network, S.A. (France). Mr.

Prabhav V. Maniyar, Corporate Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Director of Startec,

is also a Director of Startec Global Communications (H.K.) Ltd.; Startec Global

Communications (Chile) S.A.; Startec Global Communications U.K. Ltd.; Startec Global

Communications (Holland) B.V.; Startec Global Communications Company (Canada); and

Vancouver Telephone Company.

           4:   Startec certifies, by its signature to this Application, that it is not a foreign carrier,

but is affiliated with the non—dominant foreign carriers listed immediately below, each of which

lacks 50 percent market share in the international transport and the local access markets on the

           6    Thus, no alien entity would acquire more than 20% of the equity of Startec as a
result of this transaction.

foreign end of the respective routes.‘ Accordingly, upon approval of this transaction, Licensee

will become affiliated with these same foreign affiliates:

               Startec Global Communications U.K. Ltd. ("Startec UK") is a wholly—owned
               direct subsidiary of Startec. Startec UK is authorized to offer services in and
               through the United Kingdom, Ireland, Austria, Australia, Sweden, and New

               Startec Global Communications (Switzerland) GmbH ("Startec Switzerland"), a
               wholly owned direct subsidiary of Startec, is registered to supply
               telecommunications services in and through Switzerland.

               Startec owns 85 percent of Phone Systems & Network, S.A. ("PSN"), which
               holds a Voice Telephony License in France. PSN also holds a special network
               access registrationin the Netherlands that allows PSN to provide retail and
               wholesale services and interconnection with Royal KPN Netherlands, N.V.

               Global Communications (GmbH), a wholly—owned indirect subsidiary of Startec,
               owns 100 percent of Startec Global Communications (Germany) GmbH, which is
               licensed to provide international wholesale and prepaid telecommunications   |
               services in Germany.

               Startec Global Communications Company (Canada) is a wholly—owned indirect
               subsidiary of Startec that holds a Class A License to provide retail and wholesale
               telecommunications services in Canada.

               Vancouver Telephone Company ("VTC"), an indirect wholly—owned subsidiary
               of Startec, is a competitive carrier registered to resell long distance service in

                Indeed, the Commission recently confirmed that none of Startec‘s foreign
affiliates possesses market power in its relevant markets. In the Matter ofPCI Communications,
Inc. Transferor, and Startec Global Communications Corporation, Transferee; Applicationfor
Approval of Transfer ofControl ofan Entity Holding International Authorizations to Provide
Telecommunications Services Between the United States and International Points, DA 99—1976,
Memorandum Opinion and Order, 14 FCC Red. 16082 (Sept. 4, 1999) ("MO&O").
Furthermore, Startec has subsequently filed an additional notification of two other affiliations
with non—dominant carriers, which duly went through the Commission‘s public notice and
Comment period procedure without objection. Foreign Carrier Affiliation Notification, DA 00—
1457, Public Notice, Report No. FCN—00030 (rel. June 29, 2000) ("FCAN"), File No. FCN—

            e   Startec Global Communications (H.K.) Ltd. ("Startec H.K."), a direct wholly
                owned subsidiary of Startec, is licensed in Hong—Kong to provide public
                telecommunications services.

       j.       Startec and Licensee certify that they are seeking authority to transfer control of

Licensee, which is not currently affiliated with any foreign carriers. Upon FCC approval and

consummation of the proposed transaction, Licensee will become affiliated with the foreign

carriers listed in paragraph (i) above. Accordingly, Startec and Licensee certify that Licensee

will continueto provide service to those countries. Startec and Licensee also certify that they do

not seek, through this application, to provide international services to any other country (other

than those listed above, which Startec is already authorizedto serve) in which (1) Startec is a

foreign carrier; (2) Startec controls a foreign carrier; (3) anentity that controls or otherwise owns

more than 25% ofStartec also controls a foreign carrier in that country; or (4) two or more

foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) together own more than 25% of Startec

and are parties to, or beneficiaries of, a contractual relationship affecting the provision or

marketing ofinternational basic telecommunications services in the United States.

       k.       Under the proposed transaction, Licensee will, through its control by Startec,

become affiliated with the foreign carriers in foreign countries as listed in Section (i) supra. The

named foreign countries are all members of the World Trade Organization ("WTO"), andthe

MO&QO and the FCAN reflect the Commission‘s view that the affiliated foreign carriers lack

market power in the corresponding foreign countries.*

       1.       As demonstrated in paragraph (m) below, Licensee will continue to be entitled to

non—dominant status on all international routes, including affiliated routes, once the proposed

transaction is approved.

       m.       Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.10(a)(3), Startec and Licensee will continue to be

entitled to non—dominant status on all routes once the proposed transaction is approved. The

                See note 7 supra.

Commission has recently determined that "none of [Startec‘s] affiliated foreign carriers has

sufficient market power to affect competition adversely in the U.S. market."" The MO&O

specifically addressed all the Startec foreign affiliates except VTC and Startec H.K.; these were

the object of the FCAN Public Notice released on June 29, 2000, and went through the

Commission‘s notification process without objection.‘"      Licensee presently has no foreign

affiliations; therefore, Startec will maintain non—dominant status on all routes and Licensee is

entitled to the same non—dominant treatment that applies to Startec.

       n.       Startec and Licensee certify that they have not agreed to accept special

concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier or administration with respect to any

U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses sufficient market power on the

foreign end of the route to affect competitionadverselyin the U.S. market and will not enter into

such agreements in the future.

       0.      Additionally, Applicants certify, pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 1.2002, that neither they

nor any other party to this Application are subject to a denial of any federal benefits pursuant to

Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. § 853a.

       p.      This Application qualifies for streamlified processing pursuant to 47 C.F.R.

§§ 63.12(c)(1)(i) & (ii). As demonstrated is paragraph (m) above, Licensee will continue to

qualify for non—dominant status on all international routes, including affiliated routes, once the

proposed transaction is approved.

IV.            CONCLUSION

               For the reasons set forth above, Applicants request that the Commission promptly

grant this Application for transfer of control over Licensee from Transferors to Startec.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       Startec Global Communications
                                       Corfioration bar..)

                                        1   £
                                By:     iesd i   j
Pantelis Michalopoulos                 Xdlein'dfgtefanofilFaerber
Rhonda M. Bolton                      ,Genéral Counsel
Omer C. Eyal                          f Startec Global Communications
Steptoe & Johnson LLP                 & Corgoration
1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.           10411 Motor City Drive
Washington, D.C. 20036                  Bethesda, MD 20817
(202) 429—3000                          (301) 767—1405

Counselfor Startec Global
Communications Corporation

Dated: December 12 , 2000.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Capsule Communications, Inc.
                                                   (   t'/7                     ;
                                          By:     Q/\ 7
Russell M. Blau                                 David B. Htwilz
Rogena Harris                                   President and Chief Executive Officer
Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP            Capsule Communications, Inc.
3000 K Street, NW                               3331 Street Road, Suite 275
Suite 300                                       2 Greenwood Square
Washington, D.C. 20007—5116                     Bensalem, PA 19020
(202) 424—7835                                  (215) 244—3433
Counselfor Capsule Communications, Inc.

Dated:   December 12. 2000

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               Gold & Appel Transfer, S.A.

Russell M. Blau                                Walt Anderson
Rogena Harris                                  Attorney—in—Fact
Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP           Gold & Appel Transfer, S.A.
3000 K Street, NW                              Omar Hodge Building
Suite 300                                      Wickams Cay, Road Town
Washington, D.C. 20007—5116                    Tortula, British Virgin Islands
(202) 424—7835

Counselfor Gold & Appel Transfer, S.A.         1023 31* Street, NW
                                               4" Floor
                                               Washington, D.C. 20007
                                               (202) 467—1189

Dated:     /‘o1 —1[ —06

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               Foundation for the International
                                               Non—Governmental Development
                                               of Space

Russell M. Blau
                                       By:        [I<—_)
Rogena Harris                                  President
Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP           Foundation for the International
3000 K Street, NW                              Non—Governmental Development
Suite 300                                      of Space
Washington, D.C. 20007—5116                    1023 31° Street, NW
(202) 424—7835                                 4 Floor
                                               Washington, D.C. 20007
                                               (202) 467—1189

Counselfor the Foundation for the
International Non—Governmental
Development ofSpace

Dated:     [ ~ // — OO

dEC-fZ-EU    11:31    From:STEPTOE & JOHNSON                       2024293902              T—683    P.02/03    Job—269

                                                                                    1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
   STEPTOE & JOHNSON LLP                                                            Washington, DC 20036—1785

                                                                                    Telephaone 202. 428.3000
                       ATTORNEYS AT LAW
                                                                                    Facsimile 202.423.3907

  Pantelis Mik       lopoulos

  December           ;, 2000

  ByHANEL            ELIVERY
  Ms. Fran l          nstein
  Policy anc         acilities Branch
  Internatior        Bureau
  Federal C©e         munications Commission
  The Portal         Room 6—C866
_ 445 Twelf          Street, SW
  Washingte           D.C. 20554

        _ Re—_. In the Matter of Gold & Appel Transfer, S.A. and Foundation for the
                      International Non—Governmental Development of Space, Transferors;
                      Capsule Communications, Inc., Licensee; Startec Global Communications                       .
                      Corp. and Stars Acquisition Corp., Transferee: Application for Transfer of
                      Control of Authority Over Section 214 Authority, File No. ______

  Dear Ms.]          anstein:

        .             On behalf of Gold & Appel Transfer, S.A. ("G&A"), the Foundation for the
_ Internatior        Non—Governmental Development of Space (the "Foundation"), Capsule
  Communic           ons, Inc. ("Capsule"), Startec Global Communications Corp. and Stars Acquisition
  Corp. (coll        :ively, "Applicants"), we write to provide supplemental information regarding the
  above—cap          ied Application for Transfer of Control of Authority over Capsule‘s Section 214
 Authority in connection with the merger of Capsule and Stars Acquisition Corp.

                In their Application, Applicants estimated that G&A and the Foundation together
 would acquire approximately 12% of Startec‘s equity, subject to fluctuating stock prices. See
 Application at 6. Because the stock exchange ratio is based on a moving average calculation, the
 precise percentage of Startec‘s equity that each of the two companies will own is uncertain.
 While it is possible that neither company will own 10% of Startec‘s equity, it is also possible that
 G&A would acquire more than 10% of Startec‘s equity. Specifically, Applicants estimate that
 G&A would acquire no more than 10.87% of Startec‘s equity and the Foundation would acquire
 no more than 1.73% of Startec‘s equity. In light of the possibility that G&A may own more than

            WASHINGTON                             PHOENIX                                LOS ANGELES

DEC—22—C0   11:32   From:STEPTOE & JOHNSON                         2024293902             T—683   P.03/03   Job—269

  Ms. Fran Eisenstein
  December 22, 2000
  Page 2

  10% of Startec‘s equity, and out of an abundance of caution, Applicants hereby supply the
  following supplemental information about G&A. G&A is 100% owned by

                    Iceberg Transport, S.A. (a Panamanian company)
                    53Street (Calle 53)
                    Urbanizacion, Obarmo, Torre Swiss Bank
                    Panama City, Republic of Panama

 The principal businesses of Iceberg Transport are investment and sale of equity securities and
  venture capital investments.

                    If you have any questions regarding this matter, pleas(: give either of us a call.


                                                   Pan:elis MiGalopsulos
                                                   Steptoc & IJohnson, LLP
                                                   1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
                                                   Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                   (202}) 429—6494

                                                   Counsel for Startec Global Communication:
                                                   Corporation and Stars Acquisition Corporation

                                                   RusseH M. Blau
                                                   Rogena Harns
                                                   Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP
                                                   3000 K Street, NW
                                                   Suite 300
                                                   Washington, D.C. 20007
                                                   (202) 295—8303

                                                   Counsel for Capsule Communications, Inc.

Document Created: 2019-04-15 11:00:49
Document Modified: 2019-04-15 11:00:49

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