Attachment 20161206131058-917.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20001101-00649 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.



                                                                                               Nov        6 2000
                 SWIDLER BERLIN SHEREFF FI\IEDMAN@Feowmumern 0NS COMMIsSt s
                                         3000 K{ TRE :T, ? W, Surt :
                                                                                               BPRCE OF THE SE CRETARY
                                         WasHn otcn, C 220007(         St earnlined          ITC—T/C—20001101 —006491
                                           T LEF 10N 3 (21 2)424—7:    IN EFPACKET NETWORKS, INC.
                                           FAcs villt (20 ) 424—76

                                           Nov :mset 6, 20(

VIA COURIER                                                                    RECEIVEDp
Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary                                                   NOV 0 3 >n0y
Federal Communications Commission
                                                                                Telecom Divi
International Bureau, Telecommunicatioas : Jivision                                           zior
                                                                                           l Buresy
P.O. Box 358115
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

           Re:   Joint Application of InterPaket N etworks,. Irs. ind Verestar, Inc. for Authority
                 Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications: Act of 1934, as Amended, to
                 Transfer Control of InterF acl:et Ne works, L 1c. to Verestar, In:.

Dear Ms. Salas:

        Enclosed for filing with the Corim sson are an orig nal and six (6) copies of the joint
application of InterPacket Networks, Inc.. an 1 V ers star, Inc. (tc gether, the "Applicar ts") requesting
authority, pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications A :t of 1934, as amnced, to transfer
control of InterPacket Networks, Inc. to ‘Versstar, [nc

        As required by the Commission‘s Ru es, a c 1eck in tk e a        nount of $81 5.00 anc! the associated
Form 159 were delivered to the Pittsburgh lockbax on Novent              sr ‘ ,2000). Enclosec is one original
and seven copies. Please date—stamp one ext a cop y of this :ipr         lic:ition and returr it in the enclosed
self—addressed, stamped envelope. Shou d you have amy                    questions regarding the enclosed
application, please contact the undersignd.


                                                  Ruth Pritchard—Kelly
                                                  Counsel for Verestar, Inc.



                                                                                      RECEIV ED

RECE|VED                                             Before the   W. 5 2000w
                          FEDERAL            MMUNIcATIONs commssiB®      COMIAiSS@t:
                                             ashington, D.C. 20554                 PEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS
noy 0 8 2000                                                                             @rFICE oF THE SECRETARY
 Telecom Division
lntemationa\ Bu

         In the Matter of

         InterPacket Networks, Inc.‘

                                                              t t

        Verestar, Inc.#

                                                                      File No.

        Application Pursuant to Secti(       1

        of the Communications Act, a         nded,
        to Transfer Control of an Aut!       d                "A

        International Carrier
                                                              "A "A

                            JOINT APF        \TION FOR TRANSFER OF CONTROL

                   InterPacket Group, In!    iterPacket" or "Transferor") and Verestar, Inc. ("Verestar" or

        "Transferee") (InterPacket anc       star, collectively, hereafter "Applicants"), by their undersigned

        counsel, hereby request autho1       ursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as

        amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214, a1         tion 63.18 of the Commussion‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18, to

        transfer control of InterPacket to Verestar, as described below. InterPacket holds a Section 214

        authorization to operate as an international facilities—based and resale carrier pursuant to File No.

        U      InterPacket Networks, Inc. was formerly known as InterPacket Group, Inc. Please see Section
        I(A) below for further details.

        ¥       Verestar, Inc. was formerly known as ATC Teleports, Inc. The company changed its name
        last month, but there has been no change in ownership or corporate structure.

        352952.1                                          1

ITC—214—19961230—00657 (old file number LT.C.—97—014), FCC Report No. I—8230 (released

February 20, 1997). Applicants respectfully request streamlined treatment of this Application

pursuant to Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12 (1999).


           A.   InterPacket Networks, Inc. (formerly known as InterPacket Group, Inc.)

("InterPacket"), a privately—held Delaware corporation,* provides satellite—based Internet network

technologies to over 280 customers in more than 100 countries around the world. Its services

include global high—speed backbone connectivity, Internet telephony, and other Internet applications.

Customers include ISPs, enterprises, and content distributors/aggregators. InterPacket‘s only FCC

license is the herein referenced 214 authority.

           B. Verestar, Inc. ({/k/a ATC Teleports, Inc.). Verestar, a Delaware corporation, is a

wholly—owned subsidiary of American Tower Corporation ("ATC"), a publicly—held Delaware

corporation (NYSE: AMT). Verestar is a leading provider of communications on the ground, in

space and at sea. Verestar owns 11 Satellite Network Access Points (SNAPs), with an inventory of

over 170 antennas. Compiementing this, Verestar‘s switching services company, General Telecom,

provides independent partition switches in New York, Miami and Los Angeles. Maritime

Telecommunications Network, Inc. (MTN), Verestar‘s maritime subsidiary, offers Internet, voice

and data services to the cruise ship industry and the U.S. government. Verestar itself holds 214

3      When InterPacket Group, Inc. received its Section 214 authorization, it was a privately—held
California corporation. In November 1999, InterPacket Group reincorporated on a proforma basis
to become a privately—held Delaware corporation, and in February 2000, InterPacket Group, Inc.
changed its name to InterPacket Networks, Inc.

352952.1                                          2

authority, as well as numerous earth station and wireless licenses. Please see Attachment A for a

complete list of all of Verestar‘s licenses.


           The proposed transfer ofcontrol will be accomplished through a reverse triangular merger.

A TC, the parent company of Verestar, the Transferee, has created ATC Teleports Merger 1, Inc.

("ATC Merger"), a Delaware corporation that is wholly—owned by ATC. On the consummation of

the transfer of control, InterPacket will merge with and into ATC Merger, with InterPacket being

the surviving entity.     The stock of InterPacket will then be contributed by ATC to Verestar.

InterPacket will continue to provide service to its customers after closing and thus this transaction

will be transparent to and have no impact on InterPacket‘s customers.


           Consummation of the proposed transaction will serve the public interest by providing

financing for InterPacket and, thereby, strengthening its competitive position. Upon consummation

of the transaction, InterPacket not only expects to continue to rely on its existing, well—qualified

management and staff, but it will also be able to draw upon the expertise of Verestar. The proposed

transaction will enhance competition in the international services market by ensuring the continued

provision of innovative, high—quality Internet services to the public.


           (a)    Name, address, and telephone number of the parties:

                  Transferee:    Verestar, Inc.
                                 3040 Williams Dr.
                                 Suite 600
                                 Fairfax, VA
                                 Tel: 703—206—9000

352952.1                                               3

                                   Fax: 703—573—3522

                 Transferor:       InterPacket Networks, Inc.
                                   1901 Main St.
                                   Santa Monica, CA 90405
                                   Tel: 310—382—3300
                                   Fax: 310—382—3310

           (b)   Verestar is a Delaware corporation, and is a wholly—owned subsidiary of ATC, which
                 is a publicly—held, Delaware corporation (NYSE: AMT). InterPacket is a privately—
                 held Delaware corporation.

                 Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

                        For InterPacket Networks, Inc. (Transferor):

                        Mr. Timothy F. Sylvester
                        Executive V.P., Business and Legal Affairs
                        InterPacket Networks, Inc.
                        1901 Main St.
                        Santa Monica, CA 90405
                        Tel: 310—382—3300
                        Fax: 310—382—3310

                 with a copy to:

                        Joan M. Griffin, Esq.
                        Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
                        1200 19" St. NW, Suite 500
                        Washington, DC 20036
                        Tel: 202—955—9786
                        Fax: 202—955—9792

                        For Verestar, Inc. (Transferee):

                        Mr. Michael Milsom
                        VP and General Counsel
                        Verestar, Inc.
                        800 Cummings Ctr.
                        Suite 258x
                        Beverly, MA 01915—6197
                        Tel: 978—720—2566
                        Fax: 978—921—7168


                 with a copy to:

                         Ruth Pritchard—Kelly, Esq.
                        Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP
                        3000 K St., NW
                        Suite 300
                        Washington, DC 20007—5116
                        Tel: 202—424—7500
                        Fax: 202—424—7645

           (d)   Verestar‘s authorizations are listed in Attachment 1.

                 Interpacket holds a Section 214 authorizationto operate as an international facilities—
                 based and resale carrier granted by this Commission pursuant to ITC—214—19961230—
                 00657 (old file number IL.T.C.—97—014), FCC Report No. I—8230 (released February
                 20, 1997).

           (e)   Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(3), Applicants seek authority to transfer control of
                 InterPacket to Verestar.

                 The Application is eligible for streamlined processing under Section 63.12 of the
                 Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12 (1999) as discussed in Section (p) below.

           (g)   Not applicable.

           (b)   After completion of the transaction,the following persons or entities will hold a ten—
                 percent (10%) or greater interest in Verestar, Inc.:

                        Name:                   American Tower Corporation ("ATC")
                        Address:                116 Huntington Avenue, 11th Floor
                                                Boston, MA 02116
                         Citizenship:           United States (Delaware corporation)
                        Percentage Owned:         100%
                        Principal Business:     Telecommunications towers and services.

                 10% or greater shareholders of American Tower Corporations:

                        Name:                   Mr. Steven B. Dodge
                         Address:               239 Summer Street
                                                Manchester, MA 01944

352952.1                                                 5

           V.      CONCLUSION

                  For the reasons stated herein, InterPacket Networks, Inc. and Verestar, Inc.

           respectfully request that the Comumission approve this Application to permit consummation

           of the proposed transfer of control of InterPacket to Verestar as soon as possible, and grant

           all other relief as necessary and appropriate to effect the transaction described herein.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

           Mr. Michael Milsom                                . Timoth f ylves
           VP and General Counsel                         V.P., BusinessardT;gal Affairs
           VERESTAR, INC.                                 INTEEP*ACTEKET NETWORKS, INC.
           800 Cummings Ctr.                              1901 Main St.
           Suite 258x                                     Santa Monica, CA 90405
           Beverly, MA 01915—6197                         Tel: 310—382—3300
           Tel: 978—720—2566                              Fax: 310—382—3310
           Fax: 978—921—7168

           Dated: October 31, 2000


           V.      CONCLUSION

                   For the reasons stated herein, InterPackct Nctworks, Inc. and Verestar, Inc.

           respectfully request that the Commission approve this Application to permit consummation

           of the proposed transfer of control of InterPacket to Verestar as soon as possible, and grant

           all other relief as necessary and appropriate to effect the transaction described herein.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

           Mr. Michacl Milsom                            Mr. Timothy F. Sylvester
           VP and General Counsel                        V.P., Business and Legal A(fairs
           VERESTAR, INC.                                INTERPACKET NETWORKS, INC.
           800 Curamings Ctr.                            1901 Main St.
           Suite 258x                                    Santa Monica, CA 90405
           Beverly, MA 01915—6197                        Tel: 310—382—3300
           Tel: 978—720—2566                             Fax: 310—382—3310
           Fax: 978—921—7168

           Dated: October 31, 2000


                         Citizenship:            United States
                         Percentage Owned:       26.7%
                         Principal Business:     Investments

           (i)   Neither Verestar, ATC, nor InterPacket is affiliated ="th any foreign carrier, as
                 defined in Section 63.09(d) of the Commission‘s Rule

           (§)   Neither Verestar, ATC, nor InterPacketseeks to provide      rcommunications services
                 to any destination country with foreign carrier affil       on as defined in Section
                 63.18(j) of the Commussion‘s Rules.

           (k)   Not applicable.

           (1)   Not applicable.

           (m)   Not applicable; Verestar is not affiliated with any fore    .carriers.

           (n)   Verestar certifies that it has not agreed to accept speci   soncessions, as defined in
                 Section 63.14(b) of the Commussion‘s Rules, directly 0      directly, from any foreign
                 carrier, as defined in Section 63.09(d) ofthe Commis        a‘s Rules, with respect to
                 any U.S. international route where the foreign carriet      issesses sufficient market
                 power on the foreign end of the route to affect comp        ion adversely in the U.S.
                 market, and will not enter into such agreements in the      ure.

           (0)   Verestar certifies that no party to the Application is s    ect to a denial of Federal
                 benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug At       3 Act of 1988.

           (p)   This Application qualifies for streamlined processing       ‘suant to Section 63.12 of
                 the Commission‘s Rules because Verestar qualifies           c a presumption of non—
                 dominance under Section 63.10(a )(1) ofthe Commis:          1‘s Rules.


                                     EXHIBIT 1

                              (Formerly ATC Teleports, Inc.)

                           COMMON CARRIER LICENSES (CF)

           KEA7TO          WHO720           WLVI56             wQPS1
           KEM24           wHO725           WLVI63             wOQP52
           KEM25           wHO797           WLV964             wQP53
           KEM26           wWHO798          WMJ735             wWQP54
           KGB33           WHQ872           WMJ736             wQqqz2s
           KGN30           WHT349           WML255             wWwQQ4d
           KGN31           WHT48O0          WML286             wWQQ4l
           KGN32           wWJIK95          WMQS81             wQQq4
           KGN33           wWJK96           WMRA409            wWQRIL
           KGN47           WJL33            WMR410
           KNE77           WJL35            WPE36
           KNE79           WLA796           WPE38
           KNE8O           WLA7T98          WPE39
           KNG4S           WLB332           WPE41
           KNG46           WLB333           WPE42
           KNJ71           WLB714           WPE43
           KNK49           WLC612           WP344
           WAHS64          WLL394           WPE4S
           WAH637          WLMS80           WPE46
           wAU2O7          WLN209           WPE4S
           wAU2OS          WLN720           WPE49
           wWAU211         WLN721           WPESO
           wWAY88          WLN722           WPESI
           wWCG244         WLR4SO           WPES2
           wCT955          WLS593           WPES3
           wCT9S7          WLS594           WPES4
           wWDUSs92        WLS597           WPESS
           wWGWS61         WLT760           WPES6
           wGw6e97         WLU369           WPES7
           WGX442          wWLU370          WPES8
           WGX443          WLU67O           WPES9
           wWGXxX550       WLU773           wWPOS865
           WGX551          WLV856           wPOS897
           wWGXx986        WLV857           wPOS898
           WHES19          WLV858           wQP49
           WHES21          WLV884           wQP50


                                  EXHIBIT 1 (Cont‘d)


                       KA86423            KA86436           WNMS99

                                 BUSINESS RADIO (IB)

                       WNYN351            WNZI7O3           WPGT853

                         TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE (IT)

            KTS9936    KYE397             KYE398       KYE399     KYE400
            KYE401     KYE402             KYE404       KYE405     KYE406
            KYE407     KYE408             KYE409

                          FITXED EARTH STATIONS (SES)

            KA20       KAS81l       KA277       KA294       KA330
            KA337      KAA432       KE28        E2505       E2651
            E5199      E6087        E860099     E873883     E881158
            E881174    E881061      E891020     E900017     E900018
            E910240    E910390      E910548     E910639     E920132
            E920490    E920585      E930018     E930089     E930469
            E940195    E940373      E940425     E940531     E950025
            E950199    E950303      E950460     E950463     E950521
            E950571    E960044      E960070     E960222     E970267
            E980517    E990065      E990066     E990067     E990068
            E990069    E990142      E990305     E990352     E000058
            E000059    E000060      E000061     E000085     E000106


Document Created: 2019-04-23 14:58:59
Document Modified: 2019-04-23 14:58:59

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