Attachment 20161206113645-450.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20001018-00639 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                    f r tizhe
               SWIDLER BERLIN SHEREFF FRIEDMAN, LLP                                                         4low’      «44
                                                                               &w‘)c«h **
                                     3000 K STREET, NW, SuUtTE 300
                                     WasHINGTON, DC 20007—5 116
                                         TELEPHONE (202)424—7500
                                                                                                 NEW YORK OFFICE
                                                                                           405 LEXINGTON AVENUE
                                                                                                 ‘ YORK, NY 10174

                                         November 2, 2000

VIA COURIER                                 Receivep
                                              C                        RECEIVEr
Magalie Roman Salas,                         NGY U s                     Nov 2 2000
                          4                            8 2009      UUERAL COMMUNICATIOG Somtan
Federal Communicatio:     Compnss
                           ommissi! on      Telecom Divig
                                          ’ntern    5tsS:Dn
                                               ationg                  orrice ofme secremary      _‘
445 Twelfth Street, S.V
Washington, D.C 205!

       Re:     Suppler     t to Joint Application for Authority Pursuant to Secti«                     214 of the
               Commu       ations Act of 1934, as Amended, to Transfer Contr«                          of Carriers
               Authori     _to Provide Domestic Telecommunications Services Pursi                 t to Blanket
               Section    1 Authority

Dear Ms. Salas:

       McLeodUSA In       porated ("McLeod"), CapRock Telecommunications Corp                       CapRock")
and IWL Communicati       ;, Inc. d/b/a CapRock Services Corp. ("IWL") (McLeod,                   pRock, and
IWL, collectively "Ar     cants"), by the undersigned counsel, hereby supplem                      the above
referenced applicationv   iinformation regardingthe telecommunications operations                 Applicants.
This supplement is subt   ted at the request of Ms. Johanna Mikes of the Common C                 ‘ter Bureau.

A.     McLeodUSA In       rporated

        Although McLe        does not itself provide telecommunications services, its   olly owned
operating subsidiary, Mc _odUSA Telecormmunications Services, Inc. ("MTS"), prov._.s integrated
telecommunications services to small— and medium—size business and residential customers and
governmental entities. MTS offers integrated telecommunications including local services in its
21—state footprint, primarily in the Midwest, Rocky Mountain and Pacific Northwest states (Arizona,
Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana,
Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohi0, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington,
Wisconsin, and Wyoming); long distance and advanced data services are available in all states
except Alaska and Hawaii. As stated in the Application, MTS provides interstate and international
telecommunications services pursuant to Section 214 authority.

B.     CapRock Telecommunications Corp.

       CapRock is a provider offacilities—based integrated communications services, including local
and long distance services, to businesses and carriers in states primarily in the Southwestern U.S.
As stated in the Application, CapRock provides interstate and international telecommunications

Magalie Roman Salas, Esq.
November 2, 2000
Page 2

services pursuant to Section 214 authority. CapRock is autho!             :d to provide local exchange
telecommunications services in Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, L               isiana, Missouri, Oklahoma,
Tennessee and Texas. CapRock is authorized to provide long dis            1ce services in over 40 states.
CapRock currently provides telecommunications services to custc           »rs in the District of Columbia
and in the following states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Californi:       ‘olorado, Connecticut, Florida,
Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisi:              , Maryland, Massachusetts,
Minnesota, Mississippi1, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, N            Hampshire, New Jersey, New
Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon,                 nnsylvania, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and W             ming.

C.         IWL Communications, Inc. d/b/a CapRock Services Corp

       IWL is authorized to provide long distance services i1             ouisiana. As stated in the
Application, IWL provides interstate and international telecomn           uications services pursuant to
Section 214 authority.

        CapRock and IWL are a wholly owned subsidiaries of Cay            xck Communications Corp., a
Texas holding company that is publicly traded on the NASDAQ               ick exchange under the stock
symbol "CPRK." Throughits operating subsidiaries, CCC offers I«           1, long—distance, Internet, data
and private line services to business customers. CCC also provide         witched and dedicated access,
regional and international long distance, private lines, dark fiber anc   indwidth to carrier customers.

                                    *#        *         *          *

       An original and six (6) copies of this letter are enclosed f       filing. Please date—stamp the
enclosed extra copy of this filing and return it in the self—addressed    velope provided. Should you
have any questions concerning this information, please do not he:         te to contact us.

                                                         Respectfully     bmitted,

                                                            Buk ?FW&M
                                                         Grace R. Chiu
                                                         Brett P. Ferenchak

                                                         Counsel for Applicants

CC:        Johanna Mikes (CCB) (via fax)
           David R. Conn (McLeod]
           William A. Haas (McLeod])
           Michael G. Donohoe (CapRock)


Document Created: 2019-04-17 17:38:11
Document Modified: 2019-04-17 17:38:11

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