Attachment DA 00-2251.pdf

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20000918-00549 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                News media information 202/418-0500
445 12th St., SW                                                                        Fax-On-Demand 202/418-2830
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554                                                          Internet:

                                                                                                     DA 00-2251

                                                                             Released: October 11, 2000


                                             IB Docket No. 00-187

Petitions/Comments due: November 13, 2000
Oppositions/Responses due: November 27, 2000


        On September 18, 2000, VoiceStream Wireless Corporation (“VoiceStream”), Powertel,
Inc. (“Powertel”), and Deutsche Telekom AG (“DT”) (collectively “Applicants”) filed
applications under Sections 214 and 310(d) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,1
(“the Act”), seeking Commission approval of the transfer of control to DT of licenses and
authorizations presently held by VoiceStream, Powertel, and their subsidiaries.2 This transfer of
control would take place as the result of a proposed merger, whereby first VoiceStream, and then
Powertel, would become wholly owned subsidiaries of DT. VoiceStream and Powertel also filed
a separate set of applications seeking Commission consent to allow Powertel to become a wholly
owned subsidiary of VoiceStream rather than DT, in the event the proposed VoiceStream-DT
(and Powertel-DT) mergers are not approved.

                 47 U.S.C. §§ 214, 310(d).
                 The services to which these applications pertain are: Personal Communications Service (“PCS”),
Specialized Mobile Radio (“SMR”), Experimental licenses, Fixed Microwave, Local Multipoint Distribution
Service (“LMDS”), and international Section 214 authorizations.


        VoiceStream and Powertel have each filed petitions pursuant to Section 310(b)(4) of the
Act for a declaratory ruling that the 100 percent indirect control by DT of licenses held by
VoiceStream, Powertel, and their subsidiaries is in the public interest.3 DT is a corporation
organized under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. As of the filing date of the
application, the German government owned 58.2 percent of the equity in DT.4 The German
government’s ownership interest in DT would decrease to 45.7 percent as a result of DT’s merger
with VoiceStream, and would decrease further, to approximately 44 percent, as a result of DT’s
merger with Powertel.5 Applicants expect that other licensees listed herein, in which VoiceStream
or Powertel holds or proposes to hold noncontrolling interests, may file additional petitions for
declaratory ruling under Section 310(b)(4). Upon filing, the Commission will include those
applications in this docket and release separate public notices regarding those applications.


        The Commission has before it other applications for transfer of control or assignment filed
by VoiceStream and certain other parties. With respect to currently pending applications seeking
consent for VoiceStream to acquire additional licenses,6 we will consider as minor an amendment
to add any such licenses to this docket for ultimate transfer of control to DT or an amendment to
these pending applications to reflect DT as the ultimate transferor or real party in interest. With
respect to recently granted or currently pending applications seeking consent for VoiceStream to
assign, partially assign, or transfer control of certain licenses to third parties,7 we will consider as
minor an amendment to delete any such licenses from this docket in the event that any of these
transactions is consummated before the disposition of the applications in this docket.8

               The VoiceStream petition for declaratory ruling has been assigned File No. ISP-PDR-20000918-
00031. The Powertel petition for declaratory ruling has been assigned File No. ISP-PDR-20000918-00030.
                 See Application at 10.
                   See Cook Inlet Region, Inc., Applications for Transfer of Control to VoiceStream, Lead File No.
0000216961 (filed September 14, 2000). Comments with respect solely to this transaction should be filed based on
instructions contained in the public notice that will be issued with respect to the applications involved in this
transaction. In addition, an application for consent to assign licenses from STPCS D Block, LLP to VoiceStream
PCS BTA 1 License Corporation was filed on September 22, 2000, File No. 0000222412, and applications for
consent to assign licenses from Shenandoah Mobile Company to Cook Inlet/VS GSM IV PCS, LLC and
VoiceStream PCS BTA 1 License Corporation, respectively, were filed on September 25, 2000, File Nos.
0000219994 and 0000219997. Comments with respect solely to these two transactions should be filed based on the
public notice for these applications. See WTB Report No. 665 (rel. Oct. 11, 2000). Furthermore, an application to
partially assign licenses KNLF249 and KNLF253 from AT&T Wireless PCS, L.L.C. to Omnipoint Holdings, Inc.
was filed July 27, 2000. See WTB Report No. 603, File No. 0000192987 (rel. Aug. 2, 2000).
                 See Applications referenced in footnotes 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 infra.
                 See 47 C.F.R. § 1.929.


        If, before the initial disposition in this docket, VoiceStream or Powertel files additional
applications seeking consent to acquire additional licenses that the Applicants intend will
ultimately be controlled by DT, Section 1.65 of the Commission’s Rules requires the prompt filing
of an amendment in this docket to report the additional applications and the relevant parties’
request with respect to ultimate control of those licenses.9 We will treat any such amendments as

       Furthermore, if any applications involving VoiceStream or Powertel remain pending when
the contemplated mergers with DT are consummated, we will consider as minor amendments to
those pending applications reflecting that DT is the real party in interest.


        VoiceStream and Powertel have notified the Commission, pursuant to Section 63.11 of
the Commission’s Rules,10 that VoiceStream and Powertel entities authorized to provide
international service pursuant to Section 214 will become affiliated with foreign carriers within the
meaning of Section 63.09 of the Commission’s Rules.11


         Interested parties may file comments regarding or petitions to deny the applications no
later than November 13, 2000. Oppositions or responses to these comments and petitions may
be filed no later than November 27, 2000. For administrative convenience, all of the various
applications listed below in this Public Notice have been consolidated into one general docket.
All filings concerning matters referenced in this Public Notice should reference the International
Bureau docket number assigned to this proceeding, IB Docket No. 00-187, and any other specific
file numbers of the individual applications or other matters to which the filings pertain.

         The applications referenced herein have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable
for filing. The Commission reserves the right to return any application if, upon further
examination, it is determined to be defective and not in conformance with the Commission’s rules
or policies.

                 See 47 C.F.R. § 1.65.
                 See 47 C.F.R. § 63.11.
               See 47 C.F.R. § 63.09. The VoiceStream foreign carrier affiliation notification has been assigned
File No. FCN-NEW-20000920-00050. The Powertel foreign carrier affiliation notification has been assigned File
No. FCN-NEW-20000920-00049.


       An original and four copies of all pleadings must be filed with the Commission’s
Secretary, Magalie Roman Salas, 445 12th Street, S.W., TW-A325, Washington, D.C. 20554, in
accordance with Section 1.51(c) of the Commission’s rules.12

        In addition, one copy of each pleading must be delivered to each of the following
locations: (1) the Commission’s duplicating contractor, International Transcription Services, Inc.
(“ITS”), 445 12th Street, S.W., Room CY-B402, Washington, D.C. 20554; (2) Office of Media
Relations, Reference Operations Division, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room CY-A257, Washington,
D.C. 20554; (3) Claudia Fox, Policy and Facilities Branch, Telecommunications Division,
International Bureau, 445 12th St., S.W., Room 6-A848, Washington, D.C. 20554; (4) Justin
Connor, Policy and Facilities Branch, Telecommunications Division, International Bureau, 445
12th St., S.W., Room 6-A832, Washington, D.C. 20554; (5) Lauren Kravetz, Commercial
Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 4-A163,
Washington, D.C. 20554; (6) John Branscome, Commercial Wireless Division, Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 4-A234, Washington, D.C. 20554;
(7) Jamison Prime, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications
Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 4-A734, Washington, D.C. 20554; (8) Carl Huie,
Experimental Licensing Branch, Electromagnetic Compatibility Division, Office of Engineering
and Technology, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 7-A361, Washington, D.C. 20554; and (9) James
Bird, Office of General Counsel, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 8-C818, Washington, D.C.

        Instead of filing paper comments, parties may wish to file comments through the
Commission’s Electronic Comment Filing System (“ECFS”).13 Comments filed through the
ECFS can be sent as an electronic file via the Internet to <>.
Generally, only one copy of an electronic submission must be filed. In completing the transmittal
screen, commenters should include their full name, Postal Service mailing address, and the
applicable docket or rulemaking number. Parties may also submit an electronic comment by
Internet e-mail. To obtain filing instructions for e-mail comments, commenters should send an e-
mail to <>, and should include the following words in the body of the message, “get
form <your e-mail address>.” A sample form and directions will be sent in reply.

        Because this proceeding involves broad public policy issues, the Bureau will treat the
proceeding as “permit but disclose” for purposes of the Commission's ex parte rules.14 Should
circumstances warrant, the Bureau may designate this proceeding and all interrelated proceedings
as restricted. As a “permit but disclose” proceeding, ex parte presentations will be governed by

                  See 47 C.F.R. § 1.51(c).
                  See Electronic Filing of Documents in Rulemaking Proceedings, 63 Fed. Reg. 24,121 (1998).
                   See generally 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.1200-1.1216. An ex parte presentation is any communication
(spoken or written) directed to the merits or outcome of a proceeding made to a Commissioner, a Commissioner's
assistant, or other decision-making staff member, that, if written, is not served on other parties to the proceeding
or, if oral, is made without an opportunity for all parties to be present. See 47 C.F.R. § 1.1202.


the procedures set forth in Section 1.1206 of the Commission's rules applicable to non-restricted

        Parties making oral ex parte presentations are reminded that memoranda summarizing the
presentation must contain a summary of the substance of the presentation and not merely a listing
of the subjects discussed. More than a one- or two-sentence description of the views and
arguments presented is generally required.16 Other rules pertaining to oral and written
presentations are set forth in Section 1.1206(b). Interested parties are to file ex parte
notifications with the Commission’s Secretary, Magalie Roman Salas, 445 12th Street, S.W., TW-
A325, Washington, D.C. 20554, and also serve the list of locations indicated above in the
General Information section of this Public Notice, with copies of any written ex parte
presentations in these proceedings filed in the manner specified above. All written ex parte
presentations or summaries of oral ex parte presentations in this proceeding must be served on all
parties to the proceeding.17

         Copies of the applications and any subsequently filed documents in this matter may be
obtained from ITS. The applications and documents are also available for public inspection and
copying during normal reference room hours at the following Commission office: Office of Media
Relations, Reference Operations Division, 445 12 th Street, S.W., Room CY-A257, Washington,
D.C. 20554. In addition, all applications filed in this matter under Parts 24, 101 and 90 of the
Commission’s rules are available electronically through the Wireless Telecommunications
Bureau’s Universal Licensing System, which may be accessed on the Commission’s Internet web
site at Internet: <>. Furthermore, all of the applications are available to the
public through ECFS under the docket number for this proceeding, IB Docket No. 00-187.

        For further information, contact Claudia Fox or Justin Connor of the Policy and Facilities
Branch, Telecommunications Division, International Bureau, at (202) 418-1460 (international
214, Section 310(b)(4) and Part 63); Lauren Kravetz or John Branscome, Commercial Wireless
Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, at (202) 418-7240 (Parts 24 and 90); Jamison
Prime, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau at (202)
418-0680 (Part 101); or Carl Huie, Office of Engineering and Technology at (202) 418-2430
(Part 5).


        This Public Notice lists four groups of applications. The first group consists of
applications related to the transfer of control of licenses and authorizations from VoiceStream to
DT. The second group consists of applications related to the transfer of control of licenses and
authorizations from Powertel to DT. The third group consists of related petitions that may be

               See 47 C.F.R. § 1.1206.
               See 47 C.F.R. § 1.1206(b)(2), as revised.
               See 47 C.F.R. §1.927(i).


filed by other licensees for declaratory rulings pursuant to Section 310(b)(4) to permit foreign
ownership in excess of 25 percent following DT’s proposed acquisitions of VoiceStream and
Powertel. The fourth group consists of applications related to the transfer of control of licenses
and authorizations from Powertel to VoiceStream, which the parties state would be consummated
only in the event the proposed VoiceStream-DT (and Powertel-DT) mergers are not approved.


       The following are applications for consent to transfer control of licenses in the PCS, SMR,
Experimental and Fixed Microwave services, and international Section 214 authorizations from
VoiceStream to DT. Comments regarding the VoiceStream-DT transfer of control should
reference the Lead Application, VoiceStream PCS I License L.L.C., File Number 0000211827.

                1.       Section 310 Applications

                         a.       Part 24 - PCS

       The following applications for consent to transfer control from VoiceStream to DT have
been assigned the following file numbers:

File No.             Licensee                                                                  Call Sign
0000211823           APT Columbus, Inc.                                                        KNLF276
0000211841           APT Houston, Inc.                                                         KNLF227
0000211843           APT Kansas City, Inc.                                                     KNLF268
0000212036           APT Minneapolis, Inc.18                                                   KNLF224
0000211846           APT Pittsburgh Limited Partnership                                        KNLF242
0000211851           APT Tampa/Orlando, Inc.                                                   KNLF225
0000211827           VoiceStream PCS I License L.L.C.19                                        KNLF259
0000211863           VoiceStream PCS II License Corporation                                    KNLF244
0000211819           VoiceStream PCS III License Corporation                                   KNLG826
0000211881           VoiceStream PCS BTA I License Corporation20                               KNLG329
0000211854           Omnipoint Albany-Schenectady-Glen Falls E License, LLC                    KNLF880
0000211817           Omnipoint Boston Area DE License, LLC                                     KNLH310
0000211858           Omnipoint Boston D License, LLC                                           KNLF954

              An application for consent partially to assign license KNLF224 from APT Minneapolis, Inc. to
BWI Midwest LHC, Inc. was filed on August 2, 2000. See WTB Report No. 609, File No. 0000198777 (rel. Aug.
9, 2000).
                This application is designated as the lead application that describes the transaction.
                  An application to assign licenses KNLG778 and KNLG780 from VoiceStream PCS BTA I
License Corporation to AT&T Wireless PCS, L.L.C. was granted on September 29, 2000. See WTB Report No.
660, File No. 0000192709 (rel. Oct. 4, 2000). In addition, on August 2, 2000, VoiceStream PCS BTA I License
Corporation filed an application to assign licenses KNLG247, KNLG760, KNLG768, KNLG773, KNLG784,
KNLG786, KNLG791, KNLG803, KNLH737, KNLH747, KNLH763, KNLH770, and KNLH771 to BWI Midwest
LHC, Inc. See WTB Report No. 609, File No. 0000198793 (rel. Aug. 9, 2000).


File No.             Licensee                                                           Call Sign
0000211862           Omnipoint Boston-Keene D License, LLC                              KNLF953
0000211850           Omnipoint Buffalo Area DE License, LLC                             KNLF957
0000211853           Omnipoint Buffalo-Olean D License, LLC                             KNLF958
0000212726           Omnipoint NY MTA License, LLC                                      KNLF202
0000211856           Omnipoint DC Area DE License, LLC                                  KNLF962
0000211859           Omnipoint DC-Salisbury D License, LLC                              KNLF965
0000211845           Omnipoint Little Rock-El Dorado E License, LLC                     KNLF968
0000211869           Omnipoint MI-Indiana Area DE License, LLC21                        KNLH287
0000211878           Omnipoint MI-Indiana-Findlay D License, LLC                        KNLF943
0000211865           Omnipoint MI-Indiana-Lima D License, LLC                           KNLF975
0000211842           Omnipoint Miami E License, LLC                                     KNLF978
0000211839           Omnipoint New England DE License, LLC                              KNLG267
0000211825           Omnipoint New York D License, LLC                                  KNLF982
0000212033           Omnipoint Philadelphia-E. Lancaster E License, LLC22               KNLF983
0000211828           Omnipoint St. Louis DE License, LLC23                              KNLF988
0000211822           Omnipoint Wichita-E. Hutchinson E License, LLC                     KNLF992
0000222453           D&E/Omnipoint Wireless Joint Venture, L.P.24                       KNLF911

                        b.       Part 90 - SMR

       The following application for consent to transfer control from VoiceStream to DT has
been assigned the following file number:

File No.                Licensee                                                 Call Sign
0000211829              VoiceStream SMR Corporation                              KNNX843

                An application to assign licenses KNLH289 and KNLH292 from Omnipoint MI-Indiana Area
DE License LLC to AT&T Wireless PCS, L.L.C. was granted on September 29, 2000. See WTB Report No. 660,
File No. 00192588 (rel. Oct. 4, 2000).
                 An application to transfer control of license KNLF983 from Omnipoint Philadelphia-E.
Lancaster E License, LLC to CIVS PA II, LLC was granted on September 29, 2000. See WTB Report No. 660,
File No. 0000126706 (rel. Oct. 4, 2000).
                An application to assign licenses KNLH348 and KNLH346 from Omnipoint St. Louis DE
License LLC to AT&T Wireless PCS, L.L.C. was granted on September 29, 2000. See WTB Report No. 660, File
No. 0000192589 (rel. Oct. 4, 2000).
                 An application to transfer control of licenses KNLF911 and KNLG721 from D&E/Omnipoint
Wireless Joint Venture, L.P. to CIVS PA II, LLC was granted September 29, 2000. See WTB Report No. 660, File
No. 0000126703 (rel. Oct. 4, 2000).


                           c.       Part 5 - Experimental Licenses

       The following applications for consent to transfer control from VoiceStream to DT have
been assigned the following file numbers:

File No.                        Licensee                                                     Call Sign

38-EX-TC-2000                   Omnipoint Communications, Inc.                               WA2XDG
36-EX-TC-2000                   Omnipoint Corporation                                        KK2XCV
37-EX-TC-2000                   Omnipoint Corporation                                        KF2XEH
35-EX-TC-2000                   Aerial Communications, Inc.                                  WA2XHB
34-EX-TC-2000                   APT Columbus, Inc.                                           KS2XFG
32-EX-TC-2000                   APT Houston, Inc.                                            KA2XER
30-EX-TC-2000                   APT Kansas City, Inc.                                        KA2XEM
29-EX-TC-2000                   APT Minneapolis, Inc.                                        KA2XEK
33-EX-TC-2000                   APT Pittsburgh Limited Partnership                           KA2XES
31-EX-TC-2000                   APT Tampa/Orlando, Inc.                                      KA2XEN.

                           d.       Part 101 - Fixed Microwave Service25

       The following applications for consent to transfer control from VoiceStream to DT have
been assigned the following file numbers:

File No.                  Licensee                                                      Call Sign
0000211827                VoiceStream PCS I License L.L.C                               WPNH333
0000211863                VoiceStream PCS II License Corporation                        WPNH379
0000211819                VoiceStream PCS III License Corporation                       WPOT347
0000211881                VoiceStream PCS BTA I License Corporation                     WPOM442.

                           e.       Part 101 - LMDS

       The following application for consent to transfer control from VoiceStream to DT has
been assigned the following file number:

File No.                  Licensee                                                      Call Sign
0000211824                VoiceStream PCS LMDS Corporation                              WPLM362.

                   Various VoiceStream licensee entities have applications pending for initial authorizations in the
Fixed Microwave Services. With respect to any initial microwave authorizations granted pursuant to those
applications prior to the consummation of the proposed VoiceStream-DT and Powertel-DT mergers, we will
consider as minor an amendment to add any such licenses to this docket for ultimate transfer of control to DT.
Further, if any of these applications remain pending when the proposed VoiceStream-DT and Powertel-DT
mergers are consummated, we will consider as minor an amendment to those pending applications to reflect that
DT is the real party in interest.


               2.       Section 214 Applications (International)

       The following applications for consent to transfer control from VoiceStream to DT have
been assigned the following file numbers:

Authorized Carrier                                            File No.                         Original File No.

VoiceStream Wireless Corporation                              ITC-T/C-20000918-00548           ITC-214-19960930-00473
Aerial Communications, Inc.                                   ITC-T/C-20000918-00555           ITC-214-19970626-00352
Omnipoint Communications DEF Operations, LLC                  ITC-T/C-20000918-00556           ITC-214-19970908-00541
D&E/Omnipoint Wireless Joint Venture, L.P.                    ITC-T/C-20000918-00557           ITC-214-19980807-00546
Omnipoint Communications Midwest Operations, LLC              ITC-T/C-20000918-00558           ITC-214-19980203-00068
Omnipoint Communications C Operations, LLC                    ITC-T/C-20000918-00559           ITC-214-19970804-00463
Omnipoint Communications MB Operations, LLC                   ITC-T/C-20000918-00562           ITC-214-19970908-00542.


       The following are applications for consent to transfer control of licenses in the PCS and
Fixed Microwave services and an international Section 214 authorization from Powertel to DT.
Comments regarding the Powertel-DT transfer of control should reference the Lead Application,
Powertel Kentucky Licenses, Inc., File Number 0000214432.

               1.       Section 310 Applications

                        a.       Part 24 - Personal Communications Service

       The following applications for consent to transfer control from Powertel to DT have been
assigned the following file numbers:

File No.              Licensee                                                       Call Sign
0000214410            Powertel Atlanta Licenses, Inc.                                KNLF222
0000214415            Powertel Birmingham Licenses, Inc.                             KNLF258
0000214421            Powertel Jacksonville Licenses, Inc.                           KNLF273
0000214432            Powertel Kentucky Licenses, Inc.26                             KNLG209
0000214435            Powertel Knoxville Licenses, Inc.                              KNLH420
0000214425            Powertel Memphis Licenses, Inc.                                KNLF255
0000214434            Powertel Nashville Licenses, Inc.                              KNLH414.

               This application is designated as the lead application that describes the transaction.


                        b.       Part 101 - Fixed Microwave Service

       The following application for consent to transfer control from Powertel to DT has been
assigned the following file number:

File No.              Licensee                                               Call Sign
0000216180            Powertel, Inc.                                        WPNN786.

                 2.     Section 214 Application (International)

       The following application for consent to transfer control from Powertel to DT has been
assigned File No. ITC-T/C-20000918-00547.

Authorized Carrier                FCC File No.

Powertel, Inc.                    ITC-214-20000727-00441.


        The following is a list of petitioners that may file petitions for declaratory ruling because
VoiceStream or Powertel currently holds or proposes to hold noncontrolling interests in these
licensees as a result of other transactions. Upon filing, the Commission will include those
applications in this docket and release separate public notices regarding those applications.


Eliska Wireless Ventures License Subsidiary I, L.L.C.
Shenandoah Mobile Company Wireless Alliance, LLC
Wireless Alliance, L.L.C.
NPI-Omnipoint Wireless, LLC
Iowa Wireless Services Holding Corporation


       The following are applications for consent to transfer control of licenses in the PCS and
Fixed Microwave services and an international Section 214 authorization from Powertel to
VoiceStream. Although the Applicants state that this transaction will only occur in the event the
proposed VoiceStream-DT (and Powertel-DT) mergers are not approved, the Commission will
simultaneously process these applications with the applications listed in section VI(B) of this
Public Notice. Comments regarding the Powertel-VoiceStream transfer of control should
reference the Lead Application, Powertel Kentucky Licenses, Inc., File Number 0000216260.


                 1.       Section 310 Applications

                          a.       Part 24 - Personal Communications Service

       The following applications for consent to transfer control from Powertel to VoiceStream
have been assigned the following file numbers:

 File No.                Licensee                                                       Call Sign
 0000216208              Powertel Atlanta Licenses, Inc.                                KNLF222
 0000216231              Powertel Birmingham Licenses, Inc.                             KNLF258
 0000216236              Powertel Jacksonville Licenses, Inc.                           KNLF273
 0000216260              Powertel Kentucky Licenses, Inc.27                             KNLG209
 0000216305              Powertel Knoxville Licenses, Inc.                              KNLH420
 0000216244              Powertel Memphis Licenses, Inc.                                KNLF255
 0000216271              Powertel Nashville Licenses, Inc.                              KNLH414.

                          b.       Part 101 - Fixed Microwave Service

       The following application for consent to transfer control from Powertel to VoiceStream
has been assigned the following file number:

 File No.                Licensee                                                       Call Sign
 0000216325              Powertel, Inc.                                                 WPNN786.

                 2.       Section 214 Application (International)

       The following application for consent to transfer control from Powertel to VoiceStream
has been assigned File No. ITC-T/C-20000918-00549.

Authorized Carrier                  FCC File No.
Powertel, Inc.                      ITC-214-20000727-00441.

                                                   - FCC -

                 This application is designated as the lead application that describes the transaction.


Document Created: 2019-04-20 04:51:07
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 04:51:07

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