Attachment 20161215095638-093.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20000731-00448 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                              1 1 1. ¢
                                                      SunTrRust                           |              ffilGOSfii
        ARNOLD & PORTER                             FCemertbn         j312000
           555 Twelfth Street, N.W
              i                3
         Washington, D.C. 20004—1202                          BRRF¢—Streamlined                   —00448
                                                               SSE comMUuKickfiongITC—T/C—20000731—004
                                                                                    No                          |

pay SEVEN HUNURERN EIGHTY % N0Z100                                                                             |

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                                                 fimurnntf        780 .00
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                                               AR]N-C)LD             82     POR'TER                           NEW YORK

                                                       555 TWELFTH STREET, N.W.                                PEuvch
                                                    WASHINGTON, D.C. 20004—1206
PHILIP W. HORTON                                             (202) 942—5000                                  heSmNCcnes
(202) 942—5787                                            FACSIMILE: (202) 942—5999                            LONDON

                                                             July 31, 2000

                Federal Communications Commission
                International Bureau — Telecommunications                              AVG 0 3 2000
                P.O. Box 358115                                                                Pss
                Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115                                             iiermadoraibareau

                          Re:         Application of SBC Communications Inc. and ALLTEL
                                      Communications, Inc. for Authority, Pursuant to Section 214
                                      of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended, to Transfer Control
                                      of the International Section 214 Authorizations Applied for by
                                      Radiofone, Inc. and Baton Rouge Cellular Telephone Company

                Dear Sir/Madam:

                          Enclosed for filing please find an original and five copies of the applicationof
                SBC Communications Inc, ALLTEL Communications, Inc., Radiofone, Inc. and Baton
                Rouge Cellular Telephone Company for authority pursuant to Section 214 of the
                Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47
                C.F.R. § 63.18, to transfer control of certain applications for international Section 214
                authorization. Also enclosed is a check payable to the Federal Communications
                Commission in the amount of $780.00 for the prescribed filing fee.

                        Please note that the applicants are requesting streamlined processing of this
                Section 214 application, pursuant to Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R.
                § 63.12.

                       As indicated in the application, please direct questions or correspondence
                concerning SBC Communications Inc., Radiofone, Inc. and Baton Rouge Cellular
                Telephone Company‘s portions of this application to:


   Federal Communications Commission
   July 31, 2000
   Page 2

                   Wayne Watts
                   Vice President and Assistant General Counsel
                   SBC Communications Inc.
                   175 E. Houston
                   San Antonio, TX 78205
                   210—351—3476 (voice)
                   210—351—3257 (facsimile)

           Please direct questions or correspondence concerning ALLTEL Communications,
   Inc.‘s portion of this application to:

                   Glenn S. Rabin
                   Assistant Vice President —Federal Regulatory Affairs
                   ALLTEL Corporation
                   601 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 720
                   Washington, DC 200004
                   202—783—3976 (voice)
                   202—783—3982 (facsimile)

            Thank you for your assistance.


                                                 phip UtA trD)
                                               Philip W. Horton


READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY                                                                                                                                  Approved by OMB
BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                                                                                                                   3060—0589
                                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                          Pazc          8 l'        4
                                                                             ADVICEz                                                                                   a
                                                                                                                                                                           SR e—t f
(1) LOCKBOX#             385115                                                                                                            SPECIAL USE
                                                                                                                                           ECC USE ONLY

                                                        SECTION A — PAYER INFORMATION
(2) PAYER NAME (if paying bycredit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)                                                (3) TOTAL AMOUNT PAID (U.S. Dollars and cents)
AIRINOILIDI             Fel    ([PIOIRINEBINM           1—    1    {f   L1      [   L   _I           _4                           {:    Z1 810410 1O [          [          ~[—.{+   14.   1

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                          12 ]1 190 [3 [5]| 1{—[ 314 7 | 6f              1 |
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                                                                  SECTION D — CERTIFICATION
1       Mary M.          pixon                                     certify un                 y ofperj                    regolng and supporting informption i trucandcormc’tto
the best of my knowledge, information and belief.            SIGNATURE                                                                         DATE,

                                             SECTION E — CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION
 (31)                         MASTERCARD/VISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:                                                                                                   EXPIRATION

 [3 eitzee                      1e L Lt El T TT T 1|                                                                                                                   L13
 I:I                I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD for the service(s)/authorization herein described.
                    SIGNATURE                                                                                                     DATE

                                       SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ON REVERSE                                                       FCC FORM 159             FEBRUARY 2000 (REVISED)

                                  Before the
                            Washington, D.C. 20554

                                             N/ NZ N/ N/ NN NNN NN N NN N N N NY
In the Matter of

SBC Communications Inc.


ALLTEL Communications, Inc.                                                        File No. ITC—

Application for Authority, Pursuant to
Section 214 of the Communications Act
of 1934, as Amended, to Transfer Control
of the International Section
214 Authorizations Applied for by
 cadiofone, Inc. and Baton Rouge
Cellular Telephone Company


       Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,

47 U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.18 of the Rules of the Federal Communications

Commission ("Commuission"), 47 C.F.R. § 63.18, SBC Communications Inc. ("SBC") and

ALLTEL Communications, Inc. ("ALLTEL") (collectively, "Applicants") hereby request

Commission approval to the transfer of control to ALLTEL of two international Section 214

applications submitted by Radiofone, Inc.‘ ("Radiofone") and Baton Rouge Cellular

‘ Prior to the transfer of control, Radiofone, Inc. will be converted into a limited liability
company, and a new intermediate holding company will be inserted between it and SBC.

Telephone Company ("Baton Rouge"). The Applicants seek streamli               rocessing fi

application pursuant to Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules.

        In support of this application, the Applicants submit the follow      iformation.

L.      INTRODUCTION           AND      DESCRIPTION          OF     THE       ARTIES


        Radiofone and Baton Rouge applied for international Sec               214 author

provide global international resale services betweenthe contiguous            1 States, H;

the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico ("Puerto Rico") and the United St:            irgin Islanc

all international points."    The authorizations for Section 214 aut            applied fi

Radiofone and Baton Rouge are pending and are a part of a transac             n which S]

transferring control of certain CMRS systems, and their correspondin          C authoriza

to ALLTEL.      This transaction will allow ALLTEL, one of the ns             ; leading C

providers, to expand its wireless footprint to better serve its custom        As demons

herein, the proposed transfer of control will serve the public inte           sonvenienc{


A.     The Parties

       ALLTEL is a Delaware corporation that is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of

ALLTEL Corporation ("ALLTEL Corp."). ALLTEL‘s primary business is the provision of

CMRS telecommunications services.          ALLTEL Corp., a Delaware corporation, is a

diversified telecommunications and information services holding company. ALLTEL Corp.

* These applications for international Section 214 authorization were filed with the
Commission on May 16, 2000 and July 21, 2000, respectively.
* Applications to transfer control of these Title III licenses are being filed concurrently with
this application.

subsidiaries specialize in — ffering a f         . array of commut catic ; se vices                ‘sized citi s

and rural        reas.   Service offerings       »Jud    CNVRS (ie pag       g, c llula            es        loc 1

wire    ne &     vices includi g co: peti        1e T al exchange ("CL       C") servi             .'lg C   itan

serv    es, ) ta ser ices, at L Inte aet         cess iervices. TL se s«     vice   are            by       ralit ,

pers rial1; 1 serv ce, anc prov 2. st            >—of ae—art techn logi¢       A LT]               D43      roug i

varil   IS S1    sidiar :s and    ffilia ‘8, &   ves     pproximatel   5.8   millic i wi           iubs ibet ,

mos     ;i       cantly in the & uthe if re      on C the nation.

                 C‘s ; incipal busi ‘isse,       con     t of local sxch; ge,       rire]          1 di :

pub]             service ; provic :d by iper     ng| bsidiaries 0i SBC       SBC has        reig   affi

with             neaninug of Se tion      3.08   ) of e Commission‘s         ules wit. cart        rs it S

Afri             itzerland, Huw   zary,   Nor    1Y,     ie Netherlands, I   nma            m

Lith             nd Belgium.      SBC     sut    diar    s hold a number     f in           mal    ecti

auth             ns, which are descri :          ce fi   y below.


                 ‘ and ALLTEL ha           en    ‘ed     to an agreement     1 w ch         3C     ill 1 insfer

cont             Radiofone and Bat 1 R           ge       ALLTEL.      Foll ving    con     mIn    10on     if the

transaction, Radiofone and Baton Rouge will be controlled by ALLTEL.                           The proposed

transaction is described in detail in Exhibit 1 attached hereto.


             The proposed transfer of control will serve the public interest, convenience and

necessity. As described fully in Exhibit 1, the Commission has previously found ALLTEL

to be qualified to hold Commuission authorizations.        The proposed transfer of cont

ALLTEL will result in public interest benefits and will not trigger anti—competitive e

Moreover, the transfer of control of the international Section 214 authorizations appli

by Radiofone and Baton Rouge are incidental to this larger transaction. The Commis

grant of the instant application is essential to preserve international calling capabilities

affected markets. Failure to grant this request would not only deprive customers in

markets of critical calling capabilities on which they have come to rely, but it woul«

reduce the ability of these systems to fully and fairly compete in the telecommunic.


       Because the proposed transfer of control is in the public interest, convenienc

necessity and otherwise complies with applicable law and regulations, the Appl

respectfully request that the Commission grant this Application expeditiously.


       The Applicants hereby submit the information required under Section 63.18 «

 Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18(a)—(p), and in support of the Applicants‘ re

 The information set forth below is labeled according to the corresponding rule section to

 which it is responsive.

       Section 63.18(a) Identifying Information. The names, addresses and telephone

 numbers of the Applicants are:

            SBC Communications Inc.
            175 E. Houston Street
            San Antonio, TX 78205
            (210) 351—3476

* A7 C.F.R. § 63.09(€).

          ALLTEL Communications, Inc.
          One Allied Drive
          Little Rock, AK 72203
          (501) 905—8 500

          Radiofone, Inc.
          17330 Preston Road
          Suite 100A
          Dallas, TX 75252
          (972) 733—2092

          Baton Rouge Cellular Telephone Company
          17330 Preston Road
          Suite 100A
          Dallas, TX 75252
          (972) 733—2092

     Section 63.18 (b) State of Organization. SBC is a corporation organized under the

laws of the State of Delaware. ALLTEL is a corporation organized under the laws of the

State of Delaware.

     Section 63.18 (c) Contact Information.       All correspondence concerning this

application should be addressed to:

      For SBC, Radiofone and Baton Rouge:

         Wayne Watts
        V.P. & Assistant General Counsel
        SBC Communications Inc.
        175 E. Houston Street
        San Antonio, TX 78205
        (210) 351—3476 (voice)
        (210) 351—3257 (fax)

     with a copy to

        Philip Horton
        Arnold & Porter
         555 12th Street, N.W.
        Washington, DC 20004
        (202) 942—5787 (voice)
        (202) 942—5999 (fax)

       For ALLTEL:

            Glenn S. Rabin
            Assistant Vice President —— Federal Regulatory Affairs
            ALLTEL Corporation
            601 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 720
            Washington, DC 20004
            (202) 783—3976 (voice)
            (202) 783—3982 (fax)

       with a copy to

            Cheryl A. Tritt, Esq.
            Morrison & Foerster LLP
            2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 5500
            Washington, DC 20006
            (202) 887—1500 (voice)
            (202) 887—0763 (fax)

       Section 63.18(d) Existing Authorizations.

1.     ALLTEL holds a Section 214 authorization to resell international switched

telecommunications services. (FCC File No. ITC—95—526) (Public Notice of approval

granted November 14, 1995).          ALLTEL Corp., ALLTEL‘s indirect parent company, also

holds Section 214 authorizations through the following subsidiaries:

       a.               FCC      File    No.   ITC—214—19960321—00115         (360°   Degree

                        Communications Company) (public notice of approval granted May

                        20, 1996). Individual switched resale service authority.

       b.               FCC File No. ITC—96—222 (360° Long Distance Company) (public

                        notice of approval granted May 31, 1996). Individual switched resale

                        service authority.

       €.               FCC File No. ITC—214—19971117—00711 (Liberty Cellular, Inc.)

                        (Public Notice of approval granted January 15, 1998). Global resale

                        service au aorit               In addition, Liberty Cellular, Inc. has two

                        internation: ! Sec                 authorizations: (1) ITC—97—743 granted or

                        effective c i Jar        y             1995; and (2) ITC—95—0006 granted or

                        effective D cemt         3,       4.

       d.               P    C       e No.       C—       4—19970219—0        )7      IIN   Ne    ork    inc)

                        (    blu     To ice o     op;     al granted Ap        4,     97    G     al     isals

                        s    ce      ithority.   in       twork, In— als      ias     lor estic   scti   214

                        a    jor     tion to     e        1 operéte     icl   3sc~_   ag; regal   irat    fol

                        t    pho     : comp;e    s i       Cansas.       is   CC      ile No.      —D—   i75%

                        g    ite     reffecti    ur       0, 1992.

       e                EP   CF      No.IT       5—i       (AliantS     ite   . In    original    ra     d it

                       n     re¢     jntel S     mss      ic.)(Publ     Nce   eo      pproval,    nte    ‘une

                       2         1   3).    _R   Ill      ternation:     s\   che     telecom     ini«   ions

                        s    ce

       SBC‘s subsidia        s a     affiliate   it       ly hold tl    fo    wir     internati   al £   tion

      ithorizations to pi    ‘ide    othreso     nd       :ilities—ba   ds    tcth    (voicea     da      and

      e line internationg. servauus:

       a.              Ameritech Mobile Communications, Inc., FCC File No. ITC—214—

                        19960418—00152 (public notice of approval, Report No. I—8180, DA

                       96—933, June 13, 1996; effective June 10, 1996).5

° This international section 214 authorization is the subject of a pending transfer of control
application filed with the Commission on May 4, 2000, to transfer control of this
authorization to Alloy LLC, a joint venture between SBC and BellSouth Corporation.

        3.             CCPR Services, Inc., FCC File No. ITC—94—100 (public notice of

                       approval, Report No. 1—6941, March 16, 1994; effective March 13,


                       USVI Cellular Telephone Corporation, FCC File No. ITC—93—12°

                       (public notce 0o: approval, Rep rt No. I— 796, May 12, 1993

                       effecti‘ve M:y 8, 1 193).

        1.             Southviestern Be l Commuw icatic as Service s—Ms sach isetts Inc

                       FCC File No. ITC 96—496 (0 :t. 25 1996) (pulic r »tice of approval

                       DA 96—1796 Oct. 31, 1996; e Fectr e Oct. 25, 996)

                       Southviesteni Bel    Commun catio s Service: —Mar land. Inc., FC(

                      File No. ITC —96—4 )8 (public 1 atice of approva . DA 26—1196, O :t. 31

                       1996; effecti e Oc . 25, 1996)

                       Southwestemn. Bel Communi :atior s Services New York, Inc., FC(

                      File No. ITC —96—4 )9 (public 1 atice »f approva DA 26—1796, Ot. 31

                       1996; effecti e Oc . 25, 1996)

       g.             Southwestern . Bel. Communi ation ; Services— llino ;, Inc., FCC Fil

                      No. ITC—96—500 (Oct. 25, 1996) (public notice of approval, DA 96—

                       1796, Oct. 31, 1996; effective Oct. 25, 1996).

° This international section 214 authorization is the subject of a pending transfer of control
application filed with the Commuission on May 4, 2000, to transfer control of this
authorization to Alloy LLC, a joint venture between SBC and BellSouth Corporation.
‘ This international section 214 authorization is the subject of a pending transfer of control
application filed with the Commission on May 4, 2000, to transfer control of this
authorization to Alloy LLC, a joint venture between SBC and BellSouth Corporation.

Southwestern Bell Communications Services, Inc., FCC File No.

ITC—96—497 (public notice of approval, DA 96—1796, Oct. 31, 1996;

effective Oct. 25, 1996).

Southvy   ‘ mm Bell Commuiications § srvices, In:., FCC F le N.

(TC—21     19711(8—00689 (public no‘ce, DA             ©9—16 3,   t :leas 1

August      1999)

?acific    1 Corimun catiois, FCC Iile No. 1 C—96 689               publ

r0tice     iprova , DA 27—31 7, Fe>. 13, 1997; effec ive F sb. 7, 1997 .

SBC G      1 Com munic atior ;, Inc , FC( File No. 1TC—9 —692 (orde,

authori    m anc certi icate   DA 97—1 28, Sept.       ), 19 ‘7; e fecti

Sept. 5    17).

SNET       »rica, nc., ‘CC "ile Nos. : TC—93—256 (pub ic nc :ice f

approv     leport No.   —6858, Sert. 15      1993), T. C—95 145 publ

notice     »provs ., Ref ort No. 1—8030, : far. 22, 1$ 25; e fectin 3 Ma ..

17, 19¢    ind ITC—96— 72 (public noti e of appro ‘al, F sport No.

8171, I    6—668, May 2, 1996; eflectiv : Apr. 26, 1 2396).

SNET Diversified Group, Inc., FCC File No. ITC—96—538 (public

notice of approval, Report No. I—8218, DA 96—1988, Nov. 27, 1996;

effective Nov. 22, 1996).

Ameritech Communications, Inc., FCC File No. ITC—96—272 (order,

authorization and certificate, DA 96—1169, 11 FCC Red. 8685, July

24, 1996; effective July 19, 1996; memorandum, opinion and order

                       removing interim separation safeguards, DA 97—1662, 12 FCC Red.

                       11654, August 4, 1997).

        0.             Ameritech Communications, Inc., FCC File No. ITC—96—441 (public

                       notice of approval, Report No. I—8202, DA 96—1551, Sept. 19, 1996;

                       effective Sept. 13, 1996).

        p.             Ameritech Communications, Inc., FCC File No. ITC—97—289 (public

                       notice of approval, Report No. I—8251, DA 97—1442, July 10, 1997;

                       effective July 9, 1997).

        q.             Southwestern Bell Communications Services, Inc., FCC file No. ITC—

                       214—20000301—00125 (public notice of approval, Report No. TEL—

                       00212, DA 00—768, April 6, 2000; effective March 31, 2000).

       £.              Southwestern Bell Communications Services, Inc. FCC file No. ITC—

                       214—20000127—00027 (public notice of approval, DA 00—1474, June

                       30, 2000, effective June 30, 2000).

       s.              Pacific Telesis Mobile Services, FCC file No. ITC—214—20000516—

                       00368 (public notice of approval, DA 00—1614, July 20, 2000;

                       effective July 14, 2000).

       t.              SNET Mobility, Inc., FCC file No. ITC—214—20000516—00367 (public

                       notice of approval, DA 00—1614,       July 20, 2000; effective July 14,


3.     SBC‘s subsidiaries and affiliates have applied for the following international Section

214 authorizations to provide global international resale services:


SNET        Cellular,   Inc.    has   an   application pending before      the

Commission requesting authority to provide global international

resale services. This application was filed on May 16, 2000.

SBC Wir=!~s55, Inc. has an app"‘~=*‘on pending before the Commission

request         uthority to provi          obal international resale services.

This ar         on was filed on            6, 2000.

Radiof          nc. has an appli           . pending before the Commission

request         uthority to provi          obal international resale services.

FCC F           >. ITC—214—2000(           )0426. This application was filed

on Ma;          2000 and is the            t application being transferred in

this tra:       on.

Baton           ie Cellular Tele           > Company has an application

pendin;         ire the Commissic          uesting authority to provide global

interna‘        resale services. F         ile No. ITC—214—20000721—00427.

This a          tion was filed .           ly 21, 2000 and is the subject

applica         eing transferred i         transaction.

Houma—Thibodaux Cellular Partnership has an application pending

before the Commission requesting authority to provide global

international resale services. FCC File No. ITC—214—20000721—00430.

This application was filed on July 21, 2000.

Ameritech Wireless Communications, Inc. has an application pending

before the Commission requesting authority to provide global


                       international resale services. FCC File No. ITC—214—2000720—00425.

                       This application was filed on July 20, 2000.

       g.   _          Eclipse PCS of Indianapolis, LLC has an application pending before

                       the Commission requesting authority to provide global international

                       resale services. FCC File No. ITC—214—20000720—00424. This

                       application was filed on July 20, 2000.

       Section 63.18(e) Authority Requested. Applicants are applying for authority under

Section 63.18(e)(3), 47 CFR. § 63.18(e) of the Commission‘s Rules, to transfer control of

Radiofone and Baton Rouge.

       Section 63.18(f) Separate Applications. No response required.

       Section 63.18(g) Categorical Exclusion of| Facilities—Based Operations.        The

Applicants are not seeking facilities—based authority under Section 63.18(e)(4) of the

Commission‘s Rules.      47 C.F.R. §63.18(e)(4).     Therefore, and in accord with Section

63.18(e)(3), Section 63.18(g) requires no response from the Ap}:vlicants.8

       Section 63.18(h) Transferee Ownership.        ALLTEL is an indirect wholly owned

subsidiary of ALLTEL Corporation ("ALLTEL Corp.").            ALLTEL Corp. is a Delaware

corporation with principal place of business of One Allied Drive, Little Rock, Arkansas

72203. ALLTEL Corp.‘s phone number is (501) 905—8500. ALLTEL Corp. is a diversified

publicly traded corporation with subsidiaries and affiliates providing landline telephone

service, CMRS, and information services. The shares of ALLTEL Corp. are publicly traded

on the New York Stock Exchange. No single entity or shareholder of ALLTEL Corp. holds

a ten percent or greater ownership interest in the corporation.       ALLTEL Corp. has no

8 See 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18(e)(3) & 63.18(g).


interlocking directorates.

        Section 63.18(i) Foreign Carrier Affiliations.           By the attached certification,

ALLTEL certifies that it is not affiliated with any foreign carrier.

        Section 63.18(i) Destination Markets. By the attached certification, ALLTEL does

not seek to provide international telecommunications services to any destination, as defined

in 47 C.ER. § 63.18(J).

        Section 63.18(k) WTO Membership/Market Power. Because ALLTEL is not

affiliated with any foreign carriers, this section is not applicable.

       Section 63.18(1) International Switched Resale Condition. Because ALLTEL is not

affiliated with any foreign carriers, this section is not applicable.

       Section 63.18(m) Non—Dominant Treatment. Because ALLTEL is not affiliated

with any foreign carriers, this section is not applicable.

        Section 63.18(n) Special Concessions Certification. ALLTEL hereby certifies that

it has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier

with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses market

power on the foreign end of the route and will not enter into such agreements in the future.

       Section 63.18(0) Anti—Drug Abuse Act Certification. ALLTEL is not subject to a

denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

Attached hereto is a certification, pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the

Commission‘s Rules (implementing the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862), of



        Section 63.18(p) Streamlining. The Applicants request streamlined processing of

this application.


        In view of the foregoing, the Applicants respectfully request the Commission to

grant this application.

                Respectfully submitted,

                   Comm mcatlons, Inc.

               Glenn  S. Rabin
               Assistant Vice President —— Federal Regulatory Affairs
               ALLTEL Corporation
                601 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 720
                Washington, DC 20004

DATE:      July 31,       2000



                 ay   atts

DATE: 7 131100


    I, Glenn S. Rabin, Assistant Vice President —— Federal Regulatory Affairs, hereby certify

1. ALLTEL Communications, Inc. ("ALLTEL") is not affiliated with any foreign carrier,
   as defined in 47 C.F.R. §63.18(i). Nor does ALLTEL seek to provide international
   telecommunications services to any destination country pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(j).

    ALLTEL does not have an affiliation with any U.S. carrier whose facilities it proposes to
    resell pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(1).

    ALLTEL has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any
    foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier
    possesses sufficient market power on the foreign end of the route to affect competition
    adversely in the U.S. market and will not enter into such agreements in the future.

    No party to this application is subject to a denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section
    5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

                                      Glenn S. Rabin
                                      Assistant Vice President —— Federal Regulatory Affairs
                                      ALLTEL Corporation
                                      601 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 720
                                      Washington, DC 20004

    Dated: July 31, 2000

                                                            Transfer of Control of Licenses
                                                                            214 Application
                                                                                  Exhibi* *
                                                                               Page 1 of


       This and certain other applications described below are being filed to requ«

Commission approval of the transfer of control of certain FCC authorizations held

controlled by SBC Communications Inc. ("SBC") through its affiliate Radiofone, Ir

("Radiofone")‘ to ALLTEL Communications, Inc. ("ALLTEL"), a wholly own

subsidiary of ALLTEL Corporation.         The authorizations grant authority to oper:

Commercial Mobile Radio Systems ("CMRS") located in Louisiana® and CMRS pagi:

systems in a number of states. The applications cover cellular services, paging servic«

point—to—point microwave services, satellite earth stations, and international sefvice und

Section 214 of the Communications Act. A total of 5 applications are being filed

connection with this transaction.

       The Commission repeatedly has found that the expansion of CMRS syster

brings benefits to consumers and is pro—competitive. The transfer of control will allow

!    Radiofone, Inc., which holds most of the authorizations covered by these
applications, is currently a direct subsidiary of SBC. Prior to the closing, Radiofone, Inc.
will be converted to a limited liability company, and a new intermediate holding
company will be inserted between it and SBC. The remaining authorizations are held by
Baton Rouge Cellular Telephone Company, a partnership controlled and majority owned
by Radiofone, Inc. These licensees will be collectively referred to herein as "Radiofone."
Prior to the subject transaction, Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, Inc., a wholly owned
subsidiary of SBC, assigned, in a pro forma assignment application, paging
authorizations in the 929—931 MHz band to Radiofone. See FCC File No. 0000194795.

*    Radiofone also holds cellular licenses in Michigan, but those licenses are not part of
this transaction and will be moved to another SBC entity prior to closing.

                                                         Transfer of Control of Licenses
                                                                        214 Application
                                                                              Evhibit 1
                                                                           Pa      f 10

ALLTEL, a leading CMRS provider, to expand its cellular and paging footp             The

transaction will bring about the same benefits that the Commission has acknow        :d in

approving similar transactions in the past. Accordingly, the Commussion shoul        rove

these applications expeditiously.


        On July 28, 2000, SBC entered inté a Stock Purchase Agreer                   (the

"Agreement‘") with ALLTEL. The Agreement provides that ALLTEL will ac                 the

equity of Radiofone. Pursuant to that Agreement, ALLTEL will obtain contro           * the

licenses and authorizations controlled by Radiofone. The identity of the licet       will

not change, but ALLTEL will become the ultimate controlling parent compa              the



       A.      SBC
        SBC is a holding company whose affiliates provide wireline and wirel         oice

and data communications, paging, high—speed Internet access and messaging, —         and

satellite television, security services and telecommunications equipment, as well as

directory advertising and publishing services.   In the United States, SBC‘s affiliates

currently serve over 90 million voice grade equivalent lines, and SBC‘s CMRS affiliates

provide cellular and PCS service to a population of 120 million persons, both within the

13 states where SBC‘s affiliates are incumbent local exchange carriers, and elsewhere.

SBC‘s CMRS affiliates serve approximately 11.2 million cellular and PCS customers.

                                                            Transfer of Control of Licenses
                                                                           214 Application
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                                                                               Page 3 of 10

         B.     ALLTEL
         ALLTEL is a Delaware corporation that is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of

ALLTEL Corporation ("ALLTEL Corp.")." ALLTEL‘s primary business is the provision

of CMRS telecommunications services.        ALLTEL Corp., a Delaware corporation is a

diversified telecommunications and informa‘tion services holding company.          ALLTEL

Corp. subsidiaries specializein offering a full array of communications services to mid—

sized cities and rural areas. Service offerings include CMRS (¢.e., paging, cellular, and

PCS), local wireline services (including competitive local exchange ("CLEC") services),

long distance services, data services, and Internet access services.     These services are

backed by quality, personalized service, and proven state—of—the—art technologies.

ALLTEL Corp., through various subsidiaries and affiliates, serves approximately 5.8

million wireless subscribers, most significantly in the Southeast region of the nation.


        A.      The Standard of Review

        To    approve the transfer to      ALLTEL of control         of Radiofone‘s FCC

authorizations, the Commission must find that the transfers are consistent with the public

interest, convenience and necessity.‘     In making that finding, the Commission will

consider (i) whether the transaction will yield affirmative public interest benefits and (i1)

*    ALLTEL is a wholly owned subsidiary of ALLTEL Mobile Communications, Inc.
("‘Mobile"). In turn, Mobile is a wholly owned subsidiary of ALLTEL Corporation
("ALLTEL Corp."). The shares of ALLTEL Corp. are publicly traded on the New York
Stock Exchange. No single entity or shareholder or ALLTEL Corp. holds a ten percent
or more ownership interest in the corporation.
*     See 47 U.S.C. § 310(d).

                                                          Transfer of Control of Licenses
                                                                         214 Application
                                                                                Exhibit 1
                                                                             Page 4 of 10

whether the transaction will violate       or   interfere with the    objectives   of the

Communications Act or the Commission‘s rules, by reducing competition or otherwise."

In addition, the Commission must determine whether ALLTEL is qualified to control the

FCCauthorizations in question."

       Transfer applications that on their face demonstrate that a transaction will yield

affirmative public interest benefits, and will not violate the Communications Act or

Commission rules, and will not frustrate or undermine policies and enforcement of the

Communications Act by reducing competition,‘ do not require extensive review and

expenditure of considerable resources by the Commission and interested parties."       As

detailed below, this transaction qualifies for such abbreviated review, and the

Commission should approve the transfer applications expeditiously."

°   In re Ameritech Corp. and SBC Communications Inc., CC Dkt No. 98—141, «[ 48 (rel.
Oct. 8, 1999) ("SBC/Ameritech").
°   SBC/Ameritech, [ 568; In re Comcast Cellular Holdings,               Co.   and SBC

Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation and SBC Communications Inc.,
13 FCC Red. 21292, [ 26 (1998) ("SBC/SNET").
‘   See In re Tele—Communications, Inc. and AT&T Corp., 14 FCC Red. 3160, [ 16
(1999) (citing In re Bourbeuse Tel. Co. and Fidelity Tel. Co., 14 FCC Red. 803 (1998));
SBC/Ameritech, « 54.
8    See SBC/Ameritech, [ 54.
°     The Commission has emphasized that a detailed showing of benefits is not required
for transactions where there are no anticompetitive effects. The Commission stated in
SBC/SNET, J 45, that, in the absence of anticompetitive effects, a detailed showing of
benefits is not necessary in seeking approval of a merger. Similarly, as the Commission
stated in its approval of the SBC/Telesis merger, where it found that the merger would
not reduce competition and that SBC possessed the requisite qualifications to control the
licenses in question, "[a] demonstration that benefits will arise from the transfer is not
   . a prerequisite to our approval, provided that no foreseeable adverse consequences

                                                           Transfer of Control of Licenses
                                                                          214 Application
                                                                                Exhibit 1
                                                                             Pace 5 of 10

         B.      The Transfer of Con       s Consistent with the Public
                 Interest, Convenienc«     1 Necessity

         The Commuission should ap;        the transfer of control of FCC a        zations

 held by Radiofone and ultimately co:      »d by SBC to ALLTEL because:

 e   The transfer of control will yie!     rmative public interest benefits i1     CMRS

     market — benefits that the Comm       has repeatedly recognized in apprc      similar


_®   The transfer of control will not v.   the Communications Act or Comn          1 rules,

     nor frustrate or undermine poli       nd enforcement of the Communi           is Act,

     either by harming competition or      wise; and

 e   ALLTELis clearly qualified to c       the authorizations.

                1.      Public Intere:     efits

        FCC approval of the transf:        control applications will enable        EL to

expand its CMRS service that it wil        mide to its customers. ALLTEL w          better

able to offer customers the benefits       vider calling scope, including com      ve rate

plans, in an effective and coordinated manner. ALLTEL‘s ability to offer a larger calling

scope through the combination of the areas now served separately by ALLTEL and

Radiofone is clearly procompetitive, as the Commission has repeatedly recognized in

approving other mergers or transfers allowing for larger CMRS systems.‘"" Moreover,

will result from the transfer." In re Pacific Telesis Group and SBC Communications Inc.,
 12 FCC Red. 2624,     2 (1997) ("SBC/Telesis") (emphasis added).                    —
!9 SBC/Comeast, «[ 10; In re Vanguard Cellular Sys., Inc. and Winston, Inc., 14 FCC
Red. 3844, [ 23 (WTB 1999); In re 360 Communications Co. and ALLTEL Corp., 14
FCC Red. 2005, € 41 (WTB 1998); SBC/SNET, (J 44—45; In re Bell Atlantic Mobile
Sys., Inc. and Nynex Mobile Communications Co., 10 FCC Red. 13368, [« 44—48 (1995).

                                                            Transfer of Control of Licenses
                                                                           214 Application
                                                                                  Exhibit 1
                                                                               Page 6 of 10

consumers will enjoy additional benefits beyond those that flow from a larger calling

scope because ALLTEL will be able to offer consistency of advanced features that can be

designed and operated to minimize costs and maximize efficiencies.

        In addition, the transfer of Radiofone to ALLTEL is necessary to allow the

consummation of the CMRS joint venture between SBC and BellSouth Corporation

("BellSouth")."" For the reasons set forth in the transfer applications for that venture, it

will bring about a number of significant public interest benefits.        Accordingly, the

transaction with ALLTEL will servethe public interest by facilitating the joint venture.

        The Commission previously has relied on such public benefits in approving other

CMRS transactions."" The same public benefits will result from FCC approval of the

transfer applications.

               2.        No Anticompetitive Effects

       The proposed transaction would not violate the Communications Act or the

Commission‘s Rules, nor frustrate or undermine policies and enforcement of the

Communications Act.        ALLTEL does not currently compete in any market where

Radiofone does business,"" and, therefore, the transfer of control raises no anti—

‘‘ SBC and BellSouth filed transfer of control applications to transfer certain CMRS
entities to a joint venture, Alloy LLC.    These applications were filed with the
Commission on May 4, 2000.
    See e.g., SBC/SNET, J 44—45; SBC/Comcast, [ 10.
© Radiofone‘s paging authorizations slightly overlap ALLTEL‘s paging operations in
Arkansas and Florida. This de minimis overlap does not cause competitive concerns
since there are a number of paging providers operating in these areas, many of whom
have significantly larger customer bases than either ALLTEL or Radiofone. The
Commission has previously noted that because paging faces growing competition from
other services, the risk of excessive concentration in paging is much lower. See re

                                                           Transfer of Control of Licenses
                                                                          214 Application
                                                                                 Exhibit 1
                                                                             Page 7 of 10

CC   »etitive issues.     Thus, the subject transaction is fully consistent with the pro—

CC   »etitive and deregulatory policies of the Communications Act.

                3.        ALLTEL‘s Qualifications

         The qualifications of ALLTEL to hold cellular and other license authorizations

an   a matter of public record established and approved in numerous Commission

de   10ons. The transfer of control fully complies with all Commission rules and creates

nC   »mpetitive issues.


       In addition to this filing, ALLTEL and SBC are taking steps to obtain other

     rnment approvals necessary to consummate the transfer of control. Specifically, the

     irtment of Justice will conduct its own review of the competitive aspects of this

     action, pursuant to the Hart—Scott—Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976,

13   .S.C. § 18A, and the rules promulgated under the Act. ALLTEL and SBC will each

SU   it to the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission a pre—transfer of

control notification form and documentary appendix.

Amendment of the Commission‘s Rules to Establish New Personal Communications
Services, Narrowband PCS; Implementation of Section 309(j) of the Communications
Act —— Competitive Bidding, Narrowband PCS, Second Report and Order and Second
Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making, 2000 FCC LEXIS 2571 (rel. May 18, 2000);
see also In the Implementation of Section 6002(b) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation
Act of 1993; Annual Report and Analysis of Competitive Market Conditions with
Respect to Commercial Mobile Services, Third Report, 13 FCC Red 19746 (1998).

                                                            Transfer of Control of Licenses
                                                                            214 Application
                                                                                  ‘xhibit 1
                                                                                     8 of 10


         In addition to seeking the Commission‘s approval of the transfers of|      i1 of the

FCC authorizations covered in these applications, ALLTEL and SBC als«               iest the

additional authorizations described below.

         A.     After—Acquired Authorizations

         Although the lists of authorizations specified in the applications fol     oval of

the transfers of control are intended to be complete, Radiofoné and its subs        es may

have on file, and may file for, additional authorizations for new or modif          cilities,

some of which may be granted during the pendency of these transfe                   control

applications. Accordingly, ALLTEL and SBC request that the grant of th              isfer of

control applications include authority for ALLTEL to acquire control of t           lowing


         (1)    any authorization issued to Radiofone and its subsidiarie:          ng the

                Commussion‘s consideration of the transfer of control applica       and the

                period required for consummation of the transaction following approval;

         (2)    construction permits held by such licenses that mature into licenses after

                closing and that may not have been included in the transfer of control

                applications; and

         (3)    appliéations that will have been filed by such licensees and that are

                pending at the time of consummation of the proposed transfer of control.

                                                             Transfer of Control of Licenses
                                                                            214 Application
                                                                                   Exhibit 1
                                                                                Page9 of 10

Such action would be consistent with prior decisions of the Commission. *

        B.     Unconstructed Systems/Antitrafficking Rules

        Applicants request authority to the transfer of control of unconstructed paging

facilities that are being transferred herein.‘" Because these unconstructed facilities are

supplemental to a large, established paging system, and the authorizations are being

transferred in the context of a much larger transaction, approval of such a request is in the

public interest. Moreover, the Commission relaxed the anti—traffickingrestrictions on

paging licenses several years ago, in recognition of the competitiveness of this industry

and the availability of spectrum.‘" Therefore, approval of Applicants‘ request does not

violate the Commission‘s anti—trafficking provisions. ‘

        C.     Blanket Exemptions to Cut—Off Rules

       The public notice announcing ALLTEL‘s intention to acquire all of the licenses of

Radiofone and its subsidiaries from SBC will provide adequate notice to the public with

respect to such licenses, including any for which license modifications are now pending.

*    See, eg., SBC/SNET, J 49; SBC/Telesis, [ 93; In re Applications of Craig O.
McCaw and American Tel. & Tel. Co., 9 FCC Red. 5836, « 137 n. 300 (1994), aff sub
nom. SBC Communications Inc. v. FCC, 56 F.3d 1484 (D.C. Cir. 1995), recons. in part,
10 FCC Red. 11786 (1995).
     The subject licenses are Part 90 private mobile paging authorizations subject to the
licensing procedures of Part 22 of the Commission‘s Rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 90.493(b).
16   See In re Revision and Update of Part 22 of the Public Mobile Radio Service Rules,
Report and Order, 95 FCC Red 769 (1983).
‘‘ Radiofone also holds paging authorizations that were obtained by competitive
bidding within the last three years. Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 1.2111(a), Applicants state
that there was no separate consideration assigned to these (or any other) licenses that are
being transferred to ALLTEL.

                                                           Transfer of Control of Licenses
                                                                          214 Application
                                                                                 Exhibit 1
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Therefore, no waiver needs to be sought from Sections 1.927(h) and 1.929(a)(2) of the

Commuission‘s rules to provide a blanket exemption from any applicable cut—off rules in

cases where SBC, Radiofone or its subsidiaries file amendments to pending applications

to reflect the consummation of the proposed transfer of control."®


       For the foregoing reasons, the Commission should conclude that ALLTEL‘s

purchase of Radiofone serves the public interest, convenience and necessity, and should

grant the applications to transfer control of Radiofone‘s FCC authorizations from SBC to


* See In re Ameritech Corp. and GTE Consumer Services Inc., DA 99—1677, n.6
(WTB rel. Aug. 20, 1999); SBC/Comcast, n.3.

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