Attachment 20161213154723-320.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20000721-00431 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


       Categories of                       2L    Appli
                (Stre                           line)














Description of Application

           WYEISS,       RIFKIND,          WHARTON           8 GARRISON                                 1285 avenue or THE amERicas
                                                                                                        NEW YORK, NY 10019—6064
1615 L STREET, NW                         waSsHINGTON,      DC 20036—5 694                              TELEPHONE (212) 373—3000
TELEPHONE (202) 223—7300                                  FACSIMILE (202) 223—7420                      FACGIMNLE is1 2) 7ersbso

                                                                                                        62, RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT—HONORE
                                                                                                        75008 PARIS, FRANCE
       .                                                                                       at       TELEPHONE (33 1) 53 43 14 14
 WRITER‘S DIRECT DIAL NUMBER                                                              T\:\\}\S      FACSIMILE (33 1 53 43 00 23
                                                                                     A         J    —
202—223—7337                                                                    xt ? i     *            FUKOKU SEIMEI BUILDING
   =   =~                                                                      1\)\3" *                 2—2, UCHISAIWAICHO 2—CHOME
 WRITER‘S DIRECT E—MAIL ADDRESS                                                                         CHIYODA—KU, TOKYO 100—0011, JAPAN
                                                               a¢1 {[UVU*                               TELEPHONE (81—3) ss07—8 101
                                                                                                        FACSIMILE (81—3) ss07—8 120                                    ¢CH!N‘.W' hi
                                                                                                        2918 CHINA WORLD TOWER II
                                                                                                        NO. 1 JIANGUOMENWAI DAJIE
WRITER‘S DIRECT FACSIMILE                                                                               BEIJING, 100004
                                                                                                        PEOPLE‘S REPUBLIC OF CHINA
202_223_7420                                                                                            TELEPHONE (86—10) SO5—6822
                                                                                                        FACSIMILE (86—10) 6505—6830

                                                                July 21, 2000                            1 ZTH FLOOR, HONG KONG CLUB BUILDING
                                                                                                        3A CHATER ROAD, CENTRAL
                                                                                                        HONG KONG
                                                                                                        TELEPHONE (852) 2536—0933
                                                                                                        FACSIMILE (@52) 2536—9622


             Federal Communications Commission
             International Bureau — Telecommunications                                                                                     o
             P.O. Box 358115
             Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

                                   Re:    DirectNet Telecommunications, a Limited Liability Company ,
                                          NDNT Acquisition LLC, and NDNT Acquisition II LLC
                                          Transfer of Control of NDNT, Inc.

             Dear Sirs:

                           We hereby submit an application from our client, DirectNet
             Telecommunications, a Limited Liability Company ("DirectNet"), NDNT Acquisition
             LLC ("NDNT I"), and NDNT Acquisition II, LLC ("NDNT II", and together with
             DirectNet and NDNT I, the "Applicants") seeking Commission consent to the transfer of
             control of NDNT from DirectNet to NDNT I and NDNT II. Simultaneously with the
             instant application, the Applicants are also submitting a request for special temporary
             authority, through which the Applicants seek to consummate the transaction, effective on
             July 28, 2000.

                                   It should be noted that the instant application is being submitted with
             facsimile signatures. Applicants will submit the original signature pages to the
             Commission immediately upon receipt.

                                   A check in the amount of $780 is attached to cover the required filing fee.

             Doc#: DC1: 106735.1

Federal Communications Commission

                      Please refer all questions and correspondenc: regarding this matter to the
undersigned counsel.

                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                  T4iimn 4HMcok,
                                                    Kira A. Merski
                                                    Attorney for DirectNet
                                                    Telecommunications, a Limited Liability


cc: Fran Eisenstein
     J. Breck Blalock
     Rebecca Arbogast

Doc#: DC1: 106735.1

                                    BEFORE THE
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

    In the Matter of

                                                       No NNN NT NT N N NA N NA N NNN N/
    DirectNet Telecommunications,
    a Limited Liability Company,
                                                                                           File No. I—T—C—__— __
    NDNT Acquisition LLC,


    NDNT Acquisition II LLC

    Application for authority pursuant to
    Section 214 of the
    Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
    to transfer control of an
    authorized international carrier.


                      DirectNet Telecommunications, a Limited Liability Company

    ("DirectNet" or the "Transferor"), NDNT Acquisition LLC ("NDNT I"), and

    NDNT Acquisition II LLC ("NDNT II", and together with NDNT I the

    "Transferees") hereby apply for authority, pursuant to Section 214 of the

    Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act"), and Section 63.18 of the

    Commission‘s Rules and Regulations (the "Rules"), to allow Transferees to

    acquire from Transferor ownership and control of NDNT,Inc. ("NDNT" or the

    "Company"), a nondominant carrier authorized by the ’COmmission to provide

    facilities—based and resold international telecommunications services in the

    United States."

4         See Public Notice, File No. ITC—214—20000525—00327, DA 00—1408
          (International Bureau, June 23, 2000) (the "214 Authorization").

Doc#: DC1: 106674.1

    1.         THE TRANSACTION.

                      NDNT is currently 100% owned by DirectNet. Under the

    proposed transaction, DirectNet would transfer all of the issued and outstanding

    shares of NDNT to Transferees. The proposed transaction would result in a

    transfer of control of NDNT.


                      By virture of its prior grant of the subject 214 Authorization to

    NDNT, the Commission has found that the provision of the services authorized

    by the 214 Authorization is in the public interest. Transferring control of

    NDNT to the Transferees will allow NDNT to continue to provide an array of

    international services. The same customer needs that warranted the grant of the

    214 Authorization will continue to be served by NDNT when it is controlled by

    Transferees, a result that is consistent with the public interest.


                      In accordance with Section 63.18 of the Rules, the Transferor and

    the Transferees submit the following information:

              (a)     Name, address and telephone number of the Transferor:

                      DirectNet Telecommunications, a Limited Liability Co.
                      4400 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 410
                      Newport Beach, CA 92660
                      (949) 474—1001

                      Name, address and telephone number of the Transferees:

                      NDNT Acquisition LLC
                      c/o Guernsey International Fund Managers Limited
                      Attention: Roisin Ward
                      P.O. Box 255
                      Barfield House
                      St. Julian‘s Avenue
                      St. Peter Port

Doc#: DC1: 106674.1

                      Guernsey GY1 3QL
                      +44 171 290 5000

                      NDNT Acquisition II LLC
                      c/o Guernsey International Fund Managers Limited
                      Attention: Roisin Ward
                      P.O. Box 255
                      Barf:.eld. House
                      St. Julian‘s Avenue
                      St. Peter Port
                      Guernsey GY1 3QL
                      +44 171 290 5000

              (b)     DirectNet is a Nevada limited liability company. NDNT I is a

                      Delaware limited liability compary. NDNT II is a Delaware

                      limited lialility company.

              (c)     Corresponderice concerning this Application should be directed to:

                      For DirectNet:

                      Mr. Dan Gee
                      DirectNet Telecommunications, a Limited Liabiliy Company
                      4400 MacArthur Blyvd., Suite 410
                      Newport Beach, California 92660
                      (949) 474—1001

                      With a copy to:

                      Jeffrey H. Olson, Esq.
                      Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
                      1615 L Street, N.W., Suite 1300
                      Washington, D.C. 20036
                      (202) 223—7300

                      For NDNT I and/or NDNT II:

                      NDNT Acquisition LLC
                      c/o Guernsey International Fund Managers Limited
                      Attention: Roisin Ward
                      P.O. Box 255
                      Barfield House
                      St. Julian‘s Avenue
                      St. Peter Port
                      Guernsey GY1 3QL
                      +44 171 290 5000

Doc#: DC1: 106674.1

                      With a copy to:

                      Weil, Gotshal & Manges
                      Attention: Bill Sievers and James Chesterman
                      One South Place
                      London EC2M 2WG
                      +44 207 903 1000

              (d)     DirectNet is presently authorized under Section 214 of the Act to

                      provide facilities—based and resold switched and private lines

                      services between the United States and all international points.*

                      In addition, DirectNet holds Section 214 certificates authorizing

                      DirectNet to resell other carriers‘ public—switched services* and

                      to own and operate facilities to provide a full range of

                      international telecommunications services on both a private line

&         See DirectNet Telecommunications, A Limited Liability Company, File No.
          ITC—97—094, DA 97—938 (International Bureau, May 6, 1997) ("DirectNet
          Section 214 Authorization").

&         DirectNet received a Section 214 certification to resell international switched
          telecommunications between the U.S. and various international points on
          January 23, 1994. See File No. I—T—C—94—053, 1—6917 (Common Carrier Bur.,
          Jan. 26, 1994).

Doc#: DC1: 106674.1

                         and public—switched basis.* Transferees do not hold any Section

                         214 authorizations.

               (e)        Ch s applic itic n eeks iw a0 ity fior: ie tr; as sr of control of

                          NI NT frorm liir ctNe to T arifececs.

              (f          Tc applics ble

              (g)         Tc applica ble

              (L i        h   10% 0> g ez er di ec:c~ i divecse uy i0 de s of NDNT I

                          re as follo vs

S         U ider] ih N 3. —T—C—9 —1 10—A L,          Juc:coNe:r:ceived n iwi 10rization to
          es ab is a id operate up :o 20 ciicu ts vii Ii te sp tn k o1 th : provision of
          p1 vace— in : s rv.ces betveea tie U; ite 1 } ta es an I t ie so ie Union and to
          es ab is a id operate up :o 50 ciicu ts vii I1 te ip to k or th : provision of
          pi blic s vi ch :d jervices be wean th : 1 ni ed St ite ; a id th F issian Federation
          by assig ir er : from Dir ct let L 1, wl ic hid ce zsied st :h authorization by
          as igar n fiom Miralit Comminicai ors, nc., in e Foe No. I—T—C—93—119
          A _.       M re ite hed receiv :d these at therization u der|] ile N ). I—T—C—91—056,
          Mra ite C n nuanication ,_ nc., i FPZ(C E:d 5( 10 (109 ) au horization to
          estab is a id aperate up :o 30 ciicu ts vii I1 tei ip tn k or th : provision of
          privae— in :s rv.:ces betvvee a tie U: ite 1 } ta 2s an | t ie so ie Union) and
          unde F le No. 1—T—C—91—1: 3, Ame icun e :p o1 & nc T Jlegraph Company, 8
          FCC R 1 ©668 (1993) (aut or zation to e ita jli h ind operate up to 60 circuits
          via Intersputnik wor the provision of public »witched services between the
          United States and the Russian Federation).

          Under File No. I—T—C—95—132, DirectNet received an authorization to establish
          and operate three E—1 circuits in the CANUS—1 cable system between the
          United States and Canada, and a one—half interest in three E—1 circuits in the
          CANTAT—III Cable System between Canada and Denmark, for the provision
          of authorized services —— on both a public—switched and private line basis ——
          between the United States and various points in Europe and Asia. DirectNet
          Telecommunications, a Limited Liability Company, 10 FCC Red 6560 (1995).

          Under File No. I—T—C—95—478, DirectNet received an authorization to lease and
          operate a one—half interest in one E—1 circuit in the HGPT, APC and TPC—4
          Cable Systems, for the provision of authorized services —— on both a public—
          switched and private line basis —— between the United States and the
          Philippines. DirectNet Telecommunications,a Limited Liability Company, 10
          FCC Red 12604 (1995).

Doc#: DC1: 106674.1

                              Baring Communications Equity (Emerging Europe)
                              Limited ("BCE")
                              33 Cavendish Square
                              London W1IM OBQ
                              Guernsey Limited Company
                              Principal business: investment banking
                              88% direct owner of NDNT I

                      (i1)    N.V. HMHaagsche Herverzekering—Maatschappij van 1836
                              Dutch Company
                              Principal business: ‘aolding company
                              14% owner of BCE (12% indirect owner of IIDNT I)

                              which is 100% owned by:

                              Nationale—Nederlanden Interfinance B.V.
                              Schenkkade 65
                              Den Haag
                              Dutch Company
                              Principal business: holding company

                              which is 100% owned by:

                              ING Verzekeringen N.V.
                              Strawinskylaan 2631
                              Dutch Company
                              Principal business: holding company

                              which is 100% owned by:

                              ING Group N.V.
                              Strawinskylaan 2631
                              Dutch company
                              Principal business: holding company, and the ultimate
                              holding company for the ING Group

                      (iii)   European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
                              One Exchange Square
                              London EC2A 2JN
                              United Kingdom
                              Principal business: The EBRD was established in 1991.
                              It exists to foster the transition towards open market—

Doc#: DC1: 106674.1

                              oriented economies and to promote private and
                              entrepreneurial initiative in the countries of central and
                              eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent
                              States committed to and applying the principles of
                              multiparty democracy, pluralism, and market economies.
                              17% owner of BCE (15% indirect owner of NDNT I)

                             ‘‘he o ily 1( % or greater owner of EBRD is the United
                             : tates gove nmer t.

                      (iv)   :E Holding Cayt ian
                             (irand Paviion C ommercial Centre
                             ‘Vest 3ay R oad
                             (irand Cayrian, aymiin [slands
                             aym in Isl; nds «c ompany
                             ]‘rinci>al bisines : buying and selling investments
                              —8% cwner : of ECE (.65% indirect owner of NDNT !)

                             1 hich is 10 )% o vned by:

                             : E Holding AG
                             . (lpenitr.14
                             (H—6..00 za g
                             i witzerland
                             i wiss comp iny
                             l rincipal bisines : hoidiing company, and the ulti 1at:
                             1 olding con pany for 5E Holding Cayman.

                      NDNT I is 100% direcily owned by NDNT I. The ownt rship of

                      NDNT      is detailed abovs. Transferees do not have any

                      interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

              0       Transferees are not foreign carriers and are not affiliated with any

                      foreign carrier.

              O       Each Transferee hereby certifies, under penalty of perjury, that it

                      does not seek to provide international telecommunications services

                      to any destination country for which any provision of Section

                      63.18(j) of the Rules is true.

              (k)     Not applicable.

Doc#: DC1: 106674.1

               (1)    Each Transferee hereby certifies, under penalty of perjury, that it

                      does not seek authority to resell the international

                      telecommunications services of an unaffiliated U.S. carrier for the

                      purpose of providing international telecommunications services to

                      ar ; country ‘here it is i fore 3n citrier ar is ffilia ed w th a

                      fo eign carric :.

              (m)     N t applicabl :.

              (n)     E.
                           ch Transfe ee heeby ertifi :s, w der ; »nalt of p ‘tjury , that it

                      hs ; not agree | to a cept —— no: will it agice to iccep : —— s ecial

                      cc icessions C rectl) or i direc ly from ar ; forign carrier or

                      ac ninistratior with respcect to raffi or r venu : flovy s bet veen

                      th U.S. and imy foreigr cour ry thkat NI NT 1iay sorve under he

                      av hority grai ted p irsuat to : ‘art 4 7 of t ie Ru es.

              (0)     P1 rsuant to S ‘ction s 1.2 01 tt :ough 1.2( )3 of the P ules, by

                      ce tification : tache 1 her to, e ich Transfé ree c rtifi¢ ; that no

                      party to this «pplic; tion is subject to a de iial of Federal benefit

                      that includes FCC benefits pursuant to section 5301 of the Anti—

                      Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

              (P)     Under Section 63.12 of the Rules, this application is subject to

                      the Commissi.on’s streamlined processing rules because none of

                      the provisions of Section 63.12(c) are applicable.

Doc#: DC1: 106674.1

                                                   970 879 5108
7—21—2000 2: 31PM                FROM GEE RANCH OFFICE                         R 970 879 510                             P 3
   iz Z4z ues        LV . £C    PMUL   wWuLijj   duaw   2   JiU   UiZ   JAUY                          NU, 4J2   mFWIiw


                v.         CERTIFICATION.
                                 DirectNet and each Transferee c rtify that the info: mation

             provided herein is correct to the best of their k nowledge and beli(f, and that it

             is provide in good faith.

                                                    Respectfully subm itted,

                                                    DirectNet Telecor imunications, a Li rited Liability

                                                    By: —W&GeeSZL— s
                                                              Chief Exec itive Officer

                                                    NDNT Acquisition LLC

                                                              Richard A.Ginsburg*
                                                              Weil, Gcotshal & Manges

                                                    NDNT Acquisition II LLC

                                                              Richard A. Ginsburg®
                                                              Weil, Gotshal & Manges

         3            Pursuant to Section 1.744(b) of the Commission‘s Rules, this Application is
                      signed by NDNT I‘s counsel on its behalf as all representatives of NDNT I
                      that are authorized to sign the Application are absent from the United States.
         &            Pursuant to Section 1.744(D) Of the CunmumiissIUN‘$ Rules, this Application is
                      signed by NDNT II‘s counsel on its behalf as all representatives of NDNT II
                      that are authorized to sign the Application are absent from the United States.
         Doc#: DCI1: 106674.1

'                                             a 20   '?883 9909
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                                                           32: _PAGE O10/14          RightFAX

             V.        CERTIFICATION.

                               I irectNet and each Transferee certify that the information

             prI viced h e in is correct to the best of their knowledge and belief, and that it

             is oro idec i1 g jod faith.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             DirectNet Telecommunications, a Limited Liability

                                                       Dan Gee
                                                       Chief Executive Officer

                                             NDNT Acquisition LLC

                                                       Richard A. Ginsburg¢‘
                                                       Weil, Gotshal        ges

                                             NDNT Acquisition II LLC

                                                       Richard A. GinsKkurg*
                                                       Weil, Gotshal &           8

         §         Pursuant to Section 1.744(b) of the Commission‘s Rules, this Application is
                   signed by NDNT I‘s counsel on its behalf as all representatives of NDNT I
                   that are authorized to sign the Application are absent from the United States.

         6         Pursuant to Section 1.744(b) of the Commission‘s Rules, this Application is
                   signed by NDNT II‘s counsel on its behalf as all representatives of NDNT II
                   that are authorized to sign the Application are absent from the United States.
         Boc#: DCi: 106674.1

     Of Counsel for DirectNet Telecommunications, a Limited Liability Company

    Jeffrey H. Olson, Esq.
     Kira A. Merski, Esq.
     Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
     1615 L Street, N.W., Suite 1300
    Washington, D.C. 20036
    Telephone: 202—223—7300

    Of Counsel for Transferees

    Bill Sievers
    James Chesterman
    Weil, Gotshal & Manges
    One South Place
    London EC2M 2WG

Doc#: DC1: 106674.1

woM o2z20                                             920 7903 po9p
Arra."ay (Bos, oueo
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                                       wl d wd nrel—r  _— . _B1;82: PaGgE oi1i2/14          RightFAX

                                               BEFORE THE
                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                          Washington, D.C. 20554

          In the Matter of                                                )
          i      i ~Yet      _:       »smmunications,                     )
            1    :ojed       .   :    ity Company,                        E.
                                                                          )           ie    o. I—T—C—__— _
            1    ~      A    ;   :    on LLC,                             )
                       an                                                 )
            1    _     _A    |   _:   on H LLC                            )
            1    1    ati    .   o_   authority pursuant to               )
            :i ob     a 2    4 d      Ae                                  )
            co1;      un     ::       i; Act of 1934, as amended,         )
            io        sfe    i 1      ol of an                            )
            I    0    e      j   o(   rtional c:rrier.                    }

                                         CEILIIFICA [ION‘ OF TR .NG "ER               ES

                                      hereby cectify, uider—seialty ol pei ury,       rat   cith   ‘Ir nsferee

                      y p             this arpplication s sutjeit to a lenial of      sde   1 be efit that

            Io   l    3800            nefits pursuant t) section 5301 of th: A.       —D    g A use Act of

            foP       31              . Section §53a. Executed on this __ d:          of    ly,    000.

                                                     NDNT Acquisition LLC

                                                     By:                       4 M.
                                                              Richard A. Gins'ofl
                                                              Weil, Gotshal & M:        s

                                                     NDNT Acquisition II LLC

                                                              Richard A. Ginsburg?
                                                              Weil, Gotshal &

                     Pursuant to Section 1.744(b) of the Commission‘s Rules, this Application is

                     signed by NDNT I‘s counsel on its behalf as all representatives of NDNT I
                     that are authorized to sign the Application are absent from the United States.

      £              Pursuant to Section 1.744(b) of the Commission‘s Rules, this Application is
                     signed by NDNT II‘s counsel on its behalf as all representatives of NDNT II
                     that are authorized to sign the Application are absent from the United States.
      Doc#: DCi1: 106674.1

Document Created: 2019-04-10 21:08:14
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 21:08:14

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