Attachment 20161220111650-733.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20000601-00569 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


       Categories of    ervilesf     2   es
                (Stre   line/Non—streamline)














 Description of Application:

                                                                                                                 JUN Q T Z@Q@’

                                                ARNOLD                &      PORTER                               NEwYonk
                                                       555 TWELFTH STREET, N.W.                                      pexves
                                                     WASHINGTON, D.c. 20004—i206
PHILIP W. HORTON                                             iPesyeazssugo                                       LOS ANGELES
(202) 942—5787                                             FACSIMILE: (202) 942—5999                                 LONDON

                                                                 June 1, 2000

                Federal Communications Commission
                International Bureau, Telecommunications
                P.O. Box 358115
                Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

                           Re:        Application for Authority, Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications
                                      Act of 1934, as Amended, to Transfer Control of Tele Danmark USA Inc., a
                              Company Holding an International Section 214 Authorization
                Dear Sir/Madam:

                         Enclosed for filing please find an original and five copies of the application of SBC
                Communications Inc. ("SBC") for authority pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act,
                47 U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18, to formally
                transfer control of the international Section 214 authorization held by Tele Danmark USA Inc.
                This authorization was inadvertently omitted from the transfer of control applications filed in
                connection with SBC‘s merger with Ameritech Corporation, which the Commission approved by
                order dated October 8, 1999.

                           Also enclosed is a check payable to the Federal Communications Commissionin the
                amount of $780.00 for the prescribed filing fee.

                        As indicated in the application, please direct questions or correspondence concerning this
                application to:

                                      Wayne Watts
                                      Vice President and Assistant General Counsel
                                      SBC Communications Inc.
                                      175 E. Houston
                                      San Antonio, TX 78205
                                      210—351—3476 (voice)
                                      210—351—3257 (facsimile)

                          Thank you for your assistance.

                                                                        Philip W. Horton


IREAD INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY                                                                                                                                              APPFOVED              JME           3060—( 58¢
   BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS CC MMISSION

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          TELE] HONE NUMBER (Incluc a                 code)                                                 [(10) UNTRY CODE (if nct in U.SA)                                        & &
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                                                                                            SECTION E_—_ CERTIFICATION

                                                                                  , Certify under penalty of perjury that the foreioing and supporting information
                                 (PRINT NAME)

 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief. SIGNATURE                                                              71
                                                                     SECTION E —
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                                                                                               [AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                                                    DATE
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                     ftor the service(s)/authortzations(s) herein described.
                                                                    nmmmommnnunmmmmmmmnmmememmms mm                                                               vomomensmmmsemes         omenonmmmmemm
                                                                     SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ESTIMATE ON REVERSE                                ;                       FCC FORM 159        JULY 1997 (REVISED)

                                         Before the
                           EDE iAL ~—OMMUNICATIONS COMM [SSIO N
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                          No/ N N N N N N) N) N) Ne N) N) Nt Nt N) N) Ne N)
 I1 the 1 [atter of

1 ‘>

        ansft ‘Or,

        CC MV JINIC ATIC NS I IC.,                                                                            F le No. ITC—   6
— &

        ansft te:

        plic tion : or Ai horit :, Pu uant
m >

        ctior 214 f the    somi     unic    tions Act
        193« as 4 nenc     »d, to   Tran    fer C ntrol

        Tele Danr ark I    SA I     c., a   comp   ny
> M 0

        »ldin an I tern:   ional    Secti   n 21
        ithor zati0

                     Al PLIC ATT N O               ‘*SBC COM 4T N CATIONS INC.
                    TO ‘OR IAL: ZE 1               iANSFER C F CONTROL OF THE
                    IN! ERN ATIC NAL               SECTION 214 AUTHORIZATION
                           I ELD BY ]              ELE DANMARK USA INC.

             SBC Communications Inc. ("SBC") hereby requests, pursuant to Section 214 of

 the Communications Act and Section 63.18(3)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules, that the

 Commission formally authorize the transfer of control to SBC of an international

 section 214 authorization held by Tele Danmark USA Inc. ("TD—USA"). As set forth

 below, this authorization was inadvertently omitted from the transfer of control

 applications filed in connection with SBC‘s merger with Ameritech Corporation

 ("Ameritech"), which the Commission approved by order dated October 8, 1999. Since

 e or s       n of the TD—U         \ at    oriz    ion was i1 idvel1       nt, :   Ct        eby requs              the

 ‘"insf   °t       it authorizati   1 be    ant      as > »All, c ra m      c pt    tunc      ‘asis

                                                    [SC SSI )N

                   ly 24, 1998,     3C.     dA      srite       fi 1 a n abe: f ar            icat ns s     kin

     oi   i        transfer con     al 0    he F    C a a0ri ation          sont    lled      y A erit«     i to     3C.

     se fp    i    tions were i     nd:     to c    zer i       of. meni    ch‘s    uth«      zati is tk    L il‘l

     te   e   a    well as any :    hor     iti01   sub que tly a           uire         Tk   app. catic     inc     ded

     ppoC     i1   i pursuant to    7U              14      d 4CF.           §6     18 t      tran er c     trol

     t; f          ational secti            wuth    izat: is c ntrol        1 by    ubsi      arie of A     erit

                   tober 8, 198     the     om:     .SS1c   released :      ord          ap   ovir    the

                   ch merger a1     gra     ing     e tr:   sfer of cor     ol a    )lict     ons, aclu     ag t

                   transfer cor     ol 0    \me     tech        section 2   —int    aati      al a hon      tior

     nor           "as consumn      :ed :   orth    here ter, with          > rei   it th     SB( nowv      ont!

 11 f mie          > authorizati    s fo    aerl    sont    lled by A:      rite    1.

          SBC      1as recently     nE      that    i int   national s      tior    14        thorizatio    was

 1 Ivertently omitted fror          he application to transfer control of all such autho.._ations

held by Ameritech. That authorization (File No. ITC—98—241) is held by TD—USA and

was granted by Public Notice effective May 6, 1998, shortly before the SBC/Ameritech

‘ _A copy of the portions of that application containing the information required by
Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s rules (as of the time that the application was
originally filed) is attached hereto and is hereby incorporated by reference.
> In re Applications of Ameritech Corp. and SBC Communications Inc., Memorandum
Opinion and Order, 14 FCC Red. 14712 (rel. Oct. 8, 1999) (the "SBC/Ameritech Order").

transfer of control applications were filed." TD—USA is an affiliate of Tele Danmark A/S

("Tele Danmark"), a Danish carrier controlled by Ameritech.*

       Since the omuission of the TD—USA section 214 authorization was inadvertent,

SBC hereby requests that the Commission formally authorize the transfer of that

authorization as well, effective as of the date of the SBC/Ameritech Order."

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             SBC COMMUNICATIONS INC.

DATED: May 24, 2000

> See Overseas Common Carrier Section 214 Applications Actions Taken, Public Notice,
13 FCC Red. 9402 (May 7, 1998) ("Public Notice").
* Ameritech‘s control over Tele Danmark is discussed at J 534—36 of the
SBC/Ameritech Order.
° Since there was no showing in the original international section 214 transfer of control
applications that Tele Danmark lacked sufficient market power in Denmark to affect
competition adversely in the United States, the Commission amended certain of SBC‘s
section 214 international authorizations to apply dominant carrier regulation to their
provision of service on the U.S.—Denmark route. SBC/Ameritech Order, § 536. As set
forth in the Public Notice granting TD—USA‘s application, TD—USA has previously
agreed to dominant carrier regulation on that route. See Public Notice, 13 FCC Red.
at 9402.

                     CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO
           SECTIONS 1.2001—1.2003 OF THE COMMISSIONS RULES

       Pursuant to Sections 1.2001—1.2003 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R.

§§ 1.2001—1.2003, SBC hereby certifies that neither it, nor anyofits officers or directors,

nor any of the shareholders holding 5 percent or more of the outstanding stock or shares

(voting and/or non—voting) of SBC is subject to a denial of federal benefits that includes

FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Federal Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21

U.S.C. § 862.

                                              SBC COMMUNICATIONS INC.

DATED: May 24, 2000


                                  Before the
                            Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                                                                                                                          >~             +

                                              Yuse? Muwme* SMuuaé Sm Nuuet Dusal Ruust uit Ns Sruat S Nsi! Sume Nuse! Nead! Suua! Ne Nol))
In the Matter of



SBC COMMUNICATIONS INC.,                                                                                                                     File No. ITC—______

Application for Authority, Pursuant to
Section 214 of the Communications Act
of 1934, as Amended, to Transfer Control
of Ameritech Corporation, a Company
Controlling International Section 214


       Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,

47 U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.18 of the Rules of the Federal Communications

Commission (“Commissién”), 47 C.F.R. § 63.18, Ameritech Communications, Inc. ("ACI"),

Ameritech Mobile Communications, Inc. ("Ameritech Mobile"), Ameritech Corporation

("Ameritech") and SBC Communications Inc. ("SBC" or "Transferee") (collectively,

"Applicants"), hereby apply for approval of the transfer of control to SBC of the

international section 214 authorizations held by ACI and Ameritech Mobile, both of which

are wholly owned subsidiaries of Ameritech.

       In support of this application, the Applicants submit the following information.


       The Applicants are filing this Applicationto request the Commission to approve the

transfer of control of the international section 214 authorizations held by two Ameritech

subsidiaries, ACI and Ameritech Mobile, which will result from the proposed merger of

SBC and Ameritech. Applicants, the transaction into which they propose to enter, and the

international section 214 authorizations that are the subject of this application are

summarized below. The parties are also submitting herewith as Exhibit 1 a detailed

narrative describing the parties, the transaction and the reasons why the merger serves the

public interest, convenience and necessity.

A.     TheParties
       Ameritech‘s businesses consist pdnxarily of the provision of local exchange and

wireless service through it:é operating subsidiaries. Ameritech also is engaged in the

provision of cable television service and security monitoring. In addition, Ameritech

provides facilities—based and resold international communications services through two ofits

subsidiaries, ACI and Ameritech Mobile. ACI presently holds three international section

214 authorizations which allow it to resell international switched, private line and non—

interconnected private line communications services and to provide international facilities—

based switched, private line and data services originating outside the states in which

Ameritech provides local exchange service. Ameritech Mobile holds one international

section 214 authorization, which grants it the authority to resell international switched

service. Ameritech also has a number of international interests, including investments in

telecommunications companies in Belgium, Denmark and Hungary.

       SBC‘s principal businesses consist of local exchange, wireless and directory

publishing services provided by operating subsidiaries of SBC. SBC also has a number of

international interests, including investments in companies that offer telecommunications

services in Mexico, France, the United Kingdom, Chile, South Africa, Israel, South Korea,

Taiwan and Switzerland. Only those investments in Chile, South Africa and Switzerland,

however, rise to the level of a foreign affiliation under the Commission‘s international

section 214 regulations. See 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(h)(1)(1) (1998). SBC‘s subsidiaries hold a

number ofinternational section 214 authorizations, which are described more fully below.

B.     TheTransaction

       SBC and Ameritech have entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "Plan")

under which Ameritech would become a wholly—owned subsidiary of SBC. Following the

merger, Ameritech will continue to own the stock of its subsidiaries, including ACI and

Ameritech Mobile, which will continue to hold all of the Commission authorizations they

currently hold. The proposed merger is described in detail in Exhibit 1.


       For the reasons set forth in Exhibit 1, the Applicants believe that the proposed

transfer of control will serve the public interest, convenience and necessity. The transfer of

control of the international section 214 authorizations held by ACI and Ameritech Mobile is

incidental to the merger. As set out in Exhibit 1, however, it is clear that SBC is highly

qualified to be in ultimate control—of these authorizations and that there will be no

anticompetitive effects stemming from the transfer of control of the international section 214


        Because the proposed transfer of control is in the public interest, convenience and

necessity and otherwise complies with applicable law and regulations, the Applicants

respectfully request the Commission to grant this Application.


        The Applicants provide the following information in compliance with subsections (a)

 through (k) of Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18(a)—(k) (1998),

 and in support of the Applicants‘ request.

        (a) The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the parties to this application


            Ameritech Communications, Inc.
            1401 H St., NW., Suite 1020
            Washington, DC 20005

            Ameritech Mobile Communications, Inc.
            1401 H St., N.W., Suite 1020
            Washington, DC 20005

            Ameritech Corporation
            1401 H St., N.W., Suite 1020
            Washington, DC 20005

            SBC Communications Inc.
            175 E. Houston
            San Antonio, TX 78205

      (b) Ameritech, ACI, Ameritech Mobile and SBC are all corporations organized

under the laws of the State of Delaware.

      (c) The name, title, address and telophons number of each officer and other contact

person to whori correspondence concerning this application is to be addressed is as


      For Ameritech, ACI and Ameritech Mobile

           Lynn Starm
      _ Executive Director, Federal Relations
           Ameritech Corporation
           1401 H Street, N.W., Suite 1020
           Washington, DC 20005

           202—326—3800 (voice)
           202—326—3826 (facsimile)

      with a copy to

           Antoinette Cook Bush
           Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom
           1440 New York Avenue, N.W.
           Washington, DC 20005

           202—371—7230 (voice)
           202—371—7996 (facsimile)

      For SBC

           Wayne Watts
           General Attorney
           SBC Communications Inc.
           Legal Department, Suite 1146
           175 E. Houston
           San Antonio, TX 78205

           210—351—3476 (voice)
           210—351—3488 (facsimile)

        with a copy to

            Patrick .. Graint
            Amold «x Por er
            355 12t} Street, N.‘V.
            Washing ton, DC 20 304

            (202) 942—606 0 (vo ce)
            (202) 942—59$ 9 (fac simile)

        (d) ACI has prev ously receivsed ai thor!        »r Section 214 of the Comm: nicat ons

Act, as amended, to: (i) 12sell he in ernatonal :        »d services of authorize d fac: lities

b ise 1 interna—:ional commion c:irriers origi iating    cont: guou::; United Stetes (e cclud ng

Illin »is, Indiana, N ichig: n, Ot io an1 Wis :onsit     vail, Puerto Rico and the U.S . Vir; in

Islat ds and terminiiting it all i itern: tiona poin!    reseli interm ation al private li: ies

b :tv éen the Unitec States (excludin ; Illic ais, I1    . Michigan, Ohio and Wisconisin) ; nd

Can ida (and other :sount ies piovidi ig eqi ivale       le opporturities) in orcer to ingag : in

sivit sthed hub sing to vari jus ir ternaiional soint:   to resell nen—intercont.ected privae

liae service for the proviiion o inte: natid ial pri     ne se vice betwe :n the Unite d Sta es

(¢xe uding Illinois, India 1a, M ichig: n, Of io anc     onsin) and various internatic nal p< ints

(exc uding Hungary); an i to p ovide inter iatior        lities basecd switched, private line ind

data services between all points in the United States (excluaing Illinois, Indiana, Michigan,

Ohio and Wisconsin) and all international points except Hungary and those countries listed

on the Commission‘s exclusion list. This authority was granted to both ACI and its

subsidiaries. The Commission‘s approvals are stated in FCC File Nos. ITC—96—272

! ACI‘s application did not request authority to resell the private line service of any affiliated
carmier that was dominant on the route over which the private line service would be carried,
                                                               Footnote continued on next page

(effective July 19, 1996; order released 11 FCC Red. 8685, July 24, 1996); ITC—96—441

(effective Septeinber ‘.3, 1996; public r otice, 11 FUC Red. 11306, issued Septe nber 19,

1996); and ITC—27—289 (eff »ctive July ", 199 7; pul lic nc tice, DA 97—144% , issued July 10,


         Arm eritech Mobile has previous y rece ived iwuthority ur der Section 214 to resell the

international sw tched services of authc rized inaff liated United States facilities—based

international carders for the provision c inte natio ial sviitched serv: ces (in assouciaticn with

the provisi>n of internationi.l CMRS) o igina ing u1. the contignious United States, Havvaii,

Puerto Ric > and the U.S; Virgin I slands and t :rmin aiting it all international points. The

Commission‘s a »proval is s ated in FCC File No. I [C—96—243 ‘effective June 7, 1996 public

notice, DA 96—9.33, issued J ine 13, 199 3).

         Arm eritech itself holds no nternitiona . section 214 auttorizations.

         SBC‘s st bsidiaries t ave previot sly re seiveI authprity under Section 21« of th:

Communication:; Act, as am endec‘!, to povide both resolc. and wacilities—based syiitche 1

(voice and data) and private line i iternz tional services. The Commission‘; approvals are

stated in FCC File Nos. ITC—96—4 36 (O:t. 25, 1996 ), ITC—96—497 (Oct. 25, 1996), ITC —96—

498 (Oct. 25, 1996), ITC—9€6—499 (Oct. ©5, 1996), ITC—96—500 (Oct. 25, 1996), ITC—96—689

(Feb. 13, 1997), ITC—96—692 (Sept. 9, 1997), ITC—98—423 (June 11, 1998) and in TAO—2623

(granted Feb. 26, 1998; expires Aug. 25, 1998). SBC‘s subsidiaries also have applications

pending before the.Commission requesting additional authority for resale and facilities—

based provision of international switched and private line services. These applications are

Footnote continued from previous page
nor did it request authorization for the provision of private line service to any country where
ACI was affiliated with a foreign carrier which had market power in that country.

contained in FCC File Nos. ITC—97—161 (filed March 3, 1997), ITC—97—162 (filed March 3,

1997), ITC—97—‘70 (f led Dec. 5, 1997), ITC—97—776 (filed Dec. 5, 997) and I°C—97—777

(file1 Dec. 8, 1997).

        U; on ap proval of the trar sfer of conirol of the ir terna ional secticn 214

auth >rizat ons attendint to the mrger of SB C and SNET (anc subsquen cons imm: tion of

that nerger), SEC wi 1 alsc obtain con rol of the interna :ional secticn 21¢ authorizations of

its n:w SNMET s ibsidiaries.

         SNET Ameri:a, In:., has prev ously receivved at thority und :r Section 214 of the

Com municatiors Act as arrended, to: resell the service:: of internat onal :arriei‘s for ‘he

purpose 0o: prov ding switclhed communaications services from the contigu ous United States

to multipl:: international points; resell the services of int »rnati »nal c arrier . for the purpose of

providing prepaid phone card services between the United States an 1 mul tiple intern: tional

points; and rese 1 private lines fo> services not interconn »cted witht ie pujlic swvitched

network betwee1 the United States anc varicus int:rnati>nal points ind tc expa id its

international resale at thority to resell tie sw tched services of addit onal nterniational

common carriers. Th: Conimission‘s :ipprovals are stated in l‘ile Nos. IT 2—93—256 (Sept.

15, 1993), ITC—95—145 (Mzy 22, 1995] and ITC—96—172 (May 2, 19)6).

        SNET Diversified Group, Inc. has previously received authority under Section 214 to

provide global international resale services, including authority to resell private lines

interconnected at one or both ends to the public switched network from the contiguous

United States, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The Commission‘s

approval is stated in File No. ITC—96—538 (Nov. 27, 1996).

        (e) SBC is applying for authority under Section 63.18(e)(5) of the Commission‘s

Rules to acquire facilities through the transfer of control of common carriers (ACI and

Ameritech Mobile) holding international section 214 authorizations

        (f) No response required.

         ‘g) The Applicants are not seeking facilities—based authority under Section

63.18(e)(6) of the Commission‘s Rules. Therefore, and in accord with Section 63.18(e)(5),

Section 63.18(g) requires no response fromthe Applicants.

        (h)(1) SBC hereby certifies that it is affiliated, as that term is defined in Section

63.18(h)(1)(i) of the Commission‘s Rules, with the following foreign carriers:

           1. VTR Inversiones ("VTRI") (Chile). SBCInternational Inc. ("SBCI"), a
           wholly owned subsidiary of SBC, owns 49.3 percent of VTRI, a privately owned
           telecommunications holding company in Chile. Through its subsidiaries, VTRI
           provides local, long distance and cable television services in Chile.

           2. Telkom South Affica Ltd. ("Telkom S.A.") (South Africa). A consortium
           formed between Telekom Malaysia Berhad and SBC (of which SBC owns 60
           percent) owns 30 percent of Telkom S.A. Before the acquisition by this
           consortium, Telkom S.A. was a completely state—owned company. Telkom S.A.
           is the incumbent telecommunications carrier in South Africa.

           3. Diax Holding AG ("Diax") (Switzerland). SBC, through a joint venture, owns
           a 40 percent interest in Diax, a new full—service Swiss telecommunications carrier.

        SBC further certifies that, except as set forth above, neither SBC nor any entity it

directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by, or that is under direct or indirect common

control with it, owns 25 percent or more of the capital stock, or holds a controlling interest at

any level, of any other foreign carrier or in any entity that directly or indirectly controls

another foreign carrier.

          SBC hereby certifies that is not a foreign carrier in any country.

          (h)(2) No shareholder or othe         y holder controls 10 pe cent or more of SBC.

          (h)(3) SBC kas no affiliation,        : term is defined in Seciions 63.18(h)(1)(i) and

(h)(3) of the Commission‘ ; Rules, wit          J.S. carriers whose facilities—based services ar:

resold pursuant to the international se«        14 authorizations held y AC‘I and Ameritech


        (h)(4) SBC acknovledges its c           ing responsibility for the accuracy of the

certfications required by Sections 63.          1), 63.18(h)(2) and 63.) 8(h)(3) of the
Conimission‘s Rules.

        (R)(5) Through its «icquisition         eritec 1 and the transfer of coitrol of the

international section 214 aithorizatior         by A CI and Ameritech Mob le, SBC seeks to

operate as a U.S. facilities— based inten       il carrier to those foreign countries allowed by

the international section 214 authoriza..~... aeld by ACI and Ameritech Mobile. In three of

those countries — Chile, South Affrica and Switzerland — SBC has a foreign affiliation as

that term is defined in Section 63.18(h)(1)(i)(B) of the Commission‘s Rules. Therefore,

pursuant to Section 63.18(h)(5) of the Commission‘s Rules, SBC provides the following


             1. Chile is a Member of the World Trade Organization.

            2. South Africa is a Member of the World Trade Organization.

            3. Switzerland is a Member of the World Trade Organization.


        ‘h)(6) Thrcugh i s acq iisition of Ameritech and the transfer of sontrol of the

in ernat onal sectioa 214 authcrizations held by ACI and Ameritesh Mobile, SBC proposes

to resell the international switched or non—interconnec:ed private : ine services of other U.S.

ca Ttiers for th2 purpose of providing international com muni:ations services to thos: foreign

countries allo wed ty the interrationg.l section 214 autlhioriza:ions lield by AC] and

Aineritech Mobile. In th:ee of those countries — Chile, South Ailrica and Switzerl ind ——

SBC has a foreign iiffilia ion a; that «erm is defined in Section 63.18(h)(1)(i)(B) of the

Commission‘ s Rules. Th—:refor:s, pursuant :o Section 63.18(h1)(6) of the Commissio i Rul:s,

SEC provide: the follow ng in ‘ormaion:

           1. Chile is a Member of the World Trade Crgani::ation.

               . South Affrica is a Mem»er of the World rade Orgarization.

               . Switz>rlanc is a IMembter of the World T rade Organization.

        (k)(7) Through its acquisition of Ameritech and the transfer of control of the

internatonal section 214 authorizations held by ACI and Ameritech Mobile, SBC proposes

to resell the international switched services of unaffiliated U.S. carriers for the purpose of

providing international communications services to those foreign countries allowed by the

international section 214 authorizations held by ACI and Ameritech Mobile. In three of

those countries — Chile, South Africa and Switzerland — SBC has a foreign affiliation as

that term is defined by Section 63.18(h)(1)(i)(B) of the Commission‘s Rules. Pursuant to

Section 63.18(h)(7) of those Rules, SBC provides the following information in order to

demonstrate either that it satisfies Section 63.10(a)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules or that it


will file the quarterly traffic reports required by Section 43.61(c) of the Commission‘s


             1. Chile: VTRI lacks 5C percent market share i1 the i iternstiona transport and
             local acce s markets in (Chile and th is : atisfies t ae co iditions of Section
             63.10(a)(3) 0‘ tl e Counn ission‘s Rules

             2. South .iffr ca SBC w II file the q iarzer y traf ic rej orts r:quir d by Secticn
             43.61(c) 0: the Comn is: ion‘s fo it swit hed t :sale traffic betweer. th 2
             United Stites ar d South Africa.

             2. Switzelar d: Diax lac «s 50 perce it ina ket st are it the interns tional trans »01t
             and local ce ‘ss markets in Switz>rl inc and thu i satis es the cor ditions of
             Section 62 .1( (a (3) of tk : Comm ss on s :Qules.

          (! )(8) Pursuait o iectioa t 3.18(h)(8) of tie Tomer uissio i‘s Ruiles, & 1d in accor I

wit! the : tandards se: fort}t in Sect: on 63.10 of those Rule:, SBC requests tI at it be tre; tec

as r on—de¢ minant for ‘he provision f the internationil com nunic ations serv ces to Chil :,

Sou :h Af ica and Sw tz rli nd listee below for he fo lowin 3 rea: ons:

             1. VTRI licks : 0 percer    t riarket sh ire in the internat onal trans; ort and the .ocal
             access ma ke s in Chile.    nc thus SB T would satisfy S sction 63.1 )(a)(3) of t! e
             Commissi )n‘s P ules for    all internati onal communicat ons service s which are
             covered b: this ipplicati   )n.

             2. SBC w juld s atisfy S¢ ction 63.10 ‘a)(4) for the prov ision of int :mmational
             communic ations service :o South Atrica thirough the 1 :sale of un; ffiliated U.3
             facilities—t ased carriers‘ switched services.

             3. Diax lacks 50 percent market share in the international transport and local
             access markets in Switzerland and thus SBC would satisfy Section 63.10(a)(3) of
             the Commission‘s Rules for all international communications services which are
             covered—by this application.

          (i) SBC hereby certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessions directly

or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the

foreign carrier possesses sufficient market power on the foreign end of the route to affect


competition adversely in the U.S. market and will not enter into such agreements in the


          ) SBC is not subject to a denial of Federal benefitspursuant to Section 5301 of the

Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. Attached hereto is a certification, pursuant to Se :tions

1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission‘s Rules (implementing the Anti—Dru;: Abuse Act

of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862), of SBC.

          (k) The Applicants do not request streamlined processing of this applicz:ion.

                      CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO
            SECTIONS 1.2001—1.2003 OF THE COMMISSION‘S RULES

        Pursuant to Sections 1.2001—1.2003 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R.

$§ 1.2001—1.2003, SBC Communicatiohs Inc. hereby certifies that neither it, nor any of

its officers or directors, nor any of the shareholders holding 5 percent or more of the

outstanding stéck or shares (voting and/or non—voting) of SBC Communications Inc. is

subject to a denial of federal benefits that include FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5: 01

of the Federal Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862.


DATE:      JULY 23, 1998

Document Created: 2019-04-25 17:03:37
Document Modified: 2019-04-25 17:03:37

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