Attachment 20161208155234-027.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20000525-00332 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


         Categories of














Description of Applic
 P\)\' on oftoramliMed   P t

                SWIDLER BERLIN SHEREFF FRIEDMAN, LLP                                       @@ P
                                    3000 K STREET, NW, SurTE 300                                              ‘   |
                                    WASHINGTON, DC 20007—5116
                                         TELEPHONE (202)424—7500                           Mpw York Ormcs
                                         FACSIMILE (202) 424—7645                          919 THIRD AVENUE
                                                                                  _   ,L     YORK, NY 10022

                                           May 25, 2000             _\ _    W

Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau, Telecommunications Division
P.O. Box 358115
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

        Re:    Joint Application for Authority Pursuant to Section 214ofthe Communications Act
               of 1934, as Amended, To Transfer Control of Telscape International, Inc., an

Dear Sir or Madam:

        On behalfofTelscape International, Inc. and Pointe Communications Corporation(together,
"Applicants"), enclosed for filing are an original and six (6) copies of the above—referenced joint
application. Applicants respectfully request expedited treatment ofthis joint application to permit
them to consummate the transfer of control described in this application as soon as possible.

        As required by the Commuission‘s Rules, a check in the amount of $780.00 is enclosed to
cover the filing fee. Please date—stamp the enclosed extra copy of this application and return it in
the self—addressed, postage paid envelope provided. Should you have any questions concerning this
application, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

                                               Re      ctfully submitted,

                                               Priscilla A. Whitehead
                                               David D. Rines

                                               Counsel for Telscape International, Inc. and Pointe
                                               Communications Corporation


go:    J. Breck elalock
       George Li
       Justin O‘Connor

                                         Before the
                      EDE]        ~OMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

In the matt                                         )
Pointe Cor            is Cor      n,                )
Transferee                                          )
and                                                 )
Telscape I1            Inc.,                        )   File No.
Transferor.                                         )
Applicatio:           ity Pu      : to             )
Section 21            amuni       is Act           )
of 1934;, as          to Tra      control          )
of TSCP I1r            Inc.,                       )
Interlink C           ons, L                       )
and MSN (             tions I                      )
oc                    h           imimmmmmemcepumeend


        Tel           ration;     .. ("‘Telscape" or "Transferor‘"), and Pointe Communications

Corporatio     _      or ""Ir:    2e")(Telscape, and Pointe, collectively, hereafter "Applicants"),

hereby request authority, by their undersigned counsel and pursuant to Section 214 of the

Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 214, and Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s

Rules, 47 C.F.R. 63.18, for Telscape to transfer control of TSCP International, Inc. ("TSCP"),

Interlink Communications, Inc.("Interlink"), and MSN Communications Inc.("MSN") pursuant to

a merger agreement between Telscape and Pointe that will result in a change in ultimate control of

Telscape. In accordance with the requir» nents of Section 63.11(b) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47

C.F.R. § 63.11(b), Pointe is filing a separate notificatio    >reign affiliation contemporan

with this Application.

        Applicants further hereby notify the Commuission      roforma transfer ofcontrol of

214 authorizations held by Pointe and by Pointe‘s              diaries, Overlook Communi

International Corp. ("Overlook"), Worldlink Communic          i, Inc. ("Worldlink"), and Point

Inc. ("PointeCom").      The transaction described below        result in a change in their >

corporate structure, but will not change either the ultimat   rol or beneficial ownership of:

Overlook, Worldlink, or PointeCom. The transfer of |          1 of the authorizations held b:

companies is therefore pro forma under Section 63.24          e Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.

63.24, and is noticed to the Commission accordingly.

        Telscape and Pointe propose to consummate a r         ‘whereby Pointe will be merg

a newly formed subsidiary ofTelscape ("NewCo"), with          : surviving the merger as a sub;

of Telscape. By virtue of a series of transactions that v     cur at the time of closing, wh

discussed in more detail below, the merger will ultima        :sult in Telscape being the sut

parent, with the existing shareholders of Pointe owning       >rity of the outstanding voting

of Telscape. Telscape, in turn, will wholly own Poir          1 its operating subsidiaries ar

continue to wholly own Telscape‘s current subsidiaries.

       The merger does not involve any assignment of certifications, or any change in the entities

that hold such certifications. Rather, the same companies will continue to provide service to the

public pursuant to their authority granted by this Commission, thus the proposed transaction will be

virtually transparent to Applicants‘ existing customers. The only change in ownership will occur

at the holding company level.      An illustrative        depicting t       rporate structure of the

Applicants prior to and immediately following th         osed merge)        ached as Exhibit A.

        Applicants respectfully request expedited        aent of this       sation in order to permit

them to consummate the proposed transfer of cont         nsaction as :      s possible. In support of

this request, Applicants note that this Application      ible for stre:     :d processing pursuant to

Section 63.12 of the Commiuission‘s Rules, 47 C.F        53.12.


       A.      Telscape International, Inc.

       TelscapeInternational, Inc. is a publicly tt      Texas corpo:       traded on the NASDAQ

market under the symbol "TSCP." Telscape is ar           ‘ging, fully i     ited telecommunications

company. It is engaged in two primary business :         nts: voice S&      ; and advanced services.

Its voice services segment supplies international v«     repaidcallir       l services, video and data

services, via switched and dedicated networks, j         »ally to, fro      l within Latin America.

Advanced services, including network solution s          s, customer        »nship management and

broadbandservices and products, are provided to c        iers in the U      States, Mexico and Latin


        Telscape‘s subsidiaries, TSCP, MSN and Interlink, are authorized under Section 214 of the

Act to offer international services between the United States and foreign points." Interlink also has

       4       TSCP was granted authority pursuant to FCC File Number ITC—98—588—AL
(assigning authority under FCC File Number ITC—214—19960925—00465 and FCC File Number ITC—
214—19971222—00809); MSN was granted authority pursuant to FCC File Number ITC—214—
19960522—00207; Interlink was granted authority pursuant to FCC File Number ITC—214—19981014—

been granted eight earth station licenses by the Commission." Additionally, one of Telscape‘s

subsidiaries is a non—dominant carrier authorized to provide facilities—based long distance and data

services in Mexico, and another subsidiary is a non—dominant carrier authorized to provide facilities—

based and resold domestic and international services in El Salvador.

        B.      Pointe Communications Corporation

        Pointe Cormmunications Corporation, formerly Charter CommunicationsInternational, Inc.

("‘Charter"), is a publicly traded Nevada corporation traded on the OTC market under the symbol

"PCOM.OB." Pointe has no foreign carrier affiliations within the meaning of Section 63.09(e) of

the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.09(e). Pointe does have subsidiaries that are licensed to

provide non—public telecommunications services and other services in Latin America,*‘ however

none of these subsidiaries are considered to be foreign carriers within the meaning of Section

63.09(d) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.09(d).        Pointe is an international facilities—

based communications company primarily serving Hispanic residential and commercial customers

in the United States. Together with its subsidiaries, Pointe provides local and long distance services,

Internet services, international private line and prepaid calling card services.

       Pointe, under its previous name as Charter, was granted authority under Section 214 to

provide international telecommunications services* and was also granted two earth station licenses

       ¥        Interlink holds the following FCC Earth Station Licenses: Call Sign E960024; Call
Sign E921000; Call Sign E891063 ; Call Sign E900259; Call Sign E891062; Call Sign E910009; Call
Sign E873544; Call Sign E890130. A request to transfer control of such licenses in light of the
proposed merger transaction discussed herein is being separately filed with the Commission‘s
Satellite and Radio Communications Division.

       3       Pointe‘s subsidiaries provide certain services in the following countries: Aruba, Costa
Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru and Venezuela.

       $       FCC File Number ITC—95—160.

by the Commission.* Applicants request that the Commission note the cha:           name from Charter

to Pointe, which took place in August 1998, and specifically note such nan         nge with respect to

the Section 214 authority granted to Charter. Pointe‘s subsidiaries, O             k, Worldlink, and

PointeCom, have also been granted authority by the Commission 1                    vide international

telecommunications services." As mentioned above, Applicants are noti              he Commission of

a pro forma transfer of control of the authorizations held by Pointe, O            ik, Worldlink, and



        This Application is submitted in connection with a proposed merg           ween Telscape and

Pointe, pursuant to an Agreement and Plan ofMerger executed on Decemb               1999, as amended,

(the "Merger Agreement") by Telscape and Pointe. By virtue of a series             nsactions that will

occur at the time ofclosing, and which are described in more detail below, t!      ger ultimately will

result in Telscape being the surviving parent, with the existing sharehol          »f Pointe owning a

majority (approximately 62%) ofthe outstanding voting power of Telscar             Iscapein turn, will

own Pointe and its operating subsidiaries and will continue to wholly              Telscape‘s current


        25/     Pointe (under its previous name as Charter) holds the following earth station licenses:
Call Sign E960410; Call Sign E960094. As noted above, a separate filing being made with respect
to the merger transaction is being filed before the Commussion concerning earth station licenses held
by Applicants and their subsidiaries.

       &       Overlook was granted authority pursuant to FCC File Number ITC—95—334;
Worldlink was granted authority pursuant to FCC File Number ITC—95—460 (resale) and FCC File
Number ITC—214—1999—0505—00284 (resale and facilities—based); PointeCom was granted authority
pursuant to FC File Number ITC—214—19990716—00468 (resale and facilities—based).

       4       Sze Exhibit A which sets an illustrative chart depicting the corporate structure ofthe
Applicants prior to and immediately following the proposed merger.


        Under the Merger Agreement, Pointe will be 1             into a newly formed subsidiary of

Telscape ("NewCo"), with Pointe surviving the merger :          holly owned subsidiary of Telscape.

Control of Telscape, however, will be transferred to Poin       isting shareholders. The merger will

be achieved through a stock—for—stock transaction. Undet        greement, each share ofPointestock

will be exchanged for approximately 0.223514 shares of          ‘ape common stock. In addition, for

each share of Pointe convertible preferred voting stock |       iding, Telscape will issue one share

of Telscape convertible preferred voting stock (with rig)       1 preferences substantially the same

as the Pointe convertible preferred stock). The shares of       10n and preferred stock issued in the

merger will represent, upon conversion, assuming no Poi         rrants or stock options are exercised

in connection with the merger, approximately 62% of t           standing voting power of Telscape.

After the merger, Telscape shares held by pre—merg              Iscape shareholders will represent

approximately 25% of the outstanding voting power oi            ‘ape assuming no warrants or stock

options are exercised in connection with the merger.®           ving the merger, therefore, existing

Pointe shareholders will own shares representing a majc         f the total voting power of Telscape

capital stock and thus have control of the newly merged

       The merger transaction described above does not          ve any assignment of certifications,

or any change in the entities that hold such certifications. Rather, the same companies will continue

to provide service to the public. The only change in ownership will occur at the holding company

      & Please note that the remaining 13% of the equity represents funds that are in escrow until
consummation of the offering.
       9/     Further information reg=rding the merger is available in the Form S—4 filed with
Securities and Exchange Commissio= incorporated herein by reference and available at

level. As noted above, an illustrative chart depicting the corporate structure of the Applicants prio1

to and immediately following the proposed merger is attached as Exhibit A.


       The proposed transfers of control and related transactions described above are in the public

interest. Telscape and Pointe are merging to create an enhanced telecommunications company

catering to Hispanic consumers in the U.S. and Latin American markets. Through the combination

ofTelscape‘s fiber optic network and concession to provide domestic and international long distance

service in Mexico with Pointe‘s focus on serving U.S. Hispanic residential and commercial

customers, as well as through enhanced operational, managerial and financial efficiencies, the

combined company will be able to provide greater competitive service options to U.S. consumers

and will further encourage competition in the Mexican and Latin American international

telecommunications markets.


       (a)     Name, address, and telephone number of Applicants:

               Transferee:     Pointe Communications Corporation
                               1325 North Meadow Parkway, Suite 110
                               Roswell, GA 30076
                               Tel:      (770) 432—6800
                               Fax:      (770) 319—2834

               Transferor:     Telscape International, Inc.
                               2700 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 1000
                               Houston, TX 77056
                               Tel:       (713) 968—0968
                               Fax:      (713) 968—0928

       (b)     State of Incorporation:

               Transferee:      Pointe is a corporation organize1 under the laws of the State of

      Transferor:       Telscape is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of

(c)   Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

             Priscilla A. Whitehead
             David D. Rines
             Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP
             3000 K Street, NW., Suite 300
             Washington, D.C. 20007
             Tel:   (202) 424—7500
             Fax: (202) 424—7645

       ith copies to:

       or Telscape:

             Marco Castilla
             Telscape International, Inc.
             2700 Post Oak Blvd.
             Suite 1000
             Houston, TX 77056
             Tel:        (713) 968—0968
             Fax:       (713) 968—0928

       or Pointe:

             Rich Halevy
             Pointe Communications Corporation
             1325 North Meadow Parkway, Suite 110
             Roswell, GA 30076
             Tel:        (770) 308—3341
             Fax:       (770) 319—2834

(d)   Section 214 authority previously granted to Applicants:

      Transferor:       Telscape‘s subsidiary TSCP International, Inc. is an authorized non—
                        dominant facilities—based carrier and reseller ofinternational services
                        with global authority under Section 214 of the Act, pursuant to FCC
                        File Number ITC—214—19960925—00465 and FCC File Number ITC—

                         Telscape‘s subsidiary Interlink Communications, Inc. is an authorized
                         non—dominant facilities—based carrier and reseller of international
                         services with global authority under Section 214 of the Act, pursuant
                         to FCC File Number ITC—214—19981014—00699.

                         Telscape‘s subsidiary MSN Communications, Inc. is an authorized
                         provider of individual switched resale service under Section 214 of
                         the Act, pursuant to FCC File Number ITC—214—19960522—00207.

       Transferee:       Pointe Communications |      rporation is an authorized non—dominant
                         facilities—based carrier a    reseller of international services with
                         global authority under Se    on214 of the Act, pursuant to FCC File
                         Number ITC—95—160 (issi       under Pointe‘s previous name ofCharter
                         Communications Interna:      1al, Inc.).

                         Pointe‘s subsidiary Work     k Communications, Inc. is an authorized
                         non—dominant facilities—t    ed carrier and reseller of international
                         services with global auths   y under Section 214 ofthe Act, pursuant
                         to FCC File Number ITC       2990505—00284.

                         Pointe‘s subsidiary Overl    cCommunications International Corp. is
                         an authorizedprovider of:    old international switched services under
                         Section 214 of the Act, p    uant to FCCFile Number ITC—95—334.

                      Pointe‘s subsidiary Point       om, Inc. is an authorized non—dominant
                      facilities—based carrier a:     reseller of international services with
                      global authority under Se       on 214 of the Act, pursuant to FCC File
                      Number ITC—214—19990%           —00468.

(e)(3) By this Application, Applicants seek au rity to transfer control of TSCP, MSN,
       and Interlink, U.S. carriers holding intert tional Section 214 authority, to the new
       ownership of Telscape as described in P. II of the Application above.

(£)    Not applicable. This application for transfer of control is eligible for streamlined
       processing under Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12.

(g)    Not applicable.

(b)   The following entities currently hold a ten percent (10%) or greater direct or indirect
      ownership or management interest in the Applicant/Transferee Pointe
      Communications Corporation:

      Name:                  Sandler Capital Partners IV, LP.
      Address:               767 Fifth Avenue, 45" Floor
                             New York, NY 10153
      Percentage Held:       13.73%
      Citizenship:           USA
      Principal Business:    Investment

      Name:                  TSG Capital Fund III, L.P.
      Address:               117 Broad Street, 12" Floor
                             Stamford, CT 06901
      Percentage Held:       16.55%
      Citizenship:           USA
      Principal Business:    Investment

      Name:                  Oger Pensat Holdings, Ltd.
      Address:               c/o Hariri Interests, Inc.
                             1020 19°" Street, N.W., Suite 300
                             Washington, DC 20036
      Percentage Held:       13.73%
      Citizenship:           Bermuda
      Principal Business:    Investment

      No additional entities currently hold a 10% or greater direct or indirect ownership
      interest in Pointe.

      After consummation ofthe merger transaction, the following entities will hold a 10%
      or greater direct or indirect ownership interest in Pointe Communications

      Name:                  Telscape International, Inc.
      Address:               2700 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 1000
                             Houston, TX 77056
      Percentage Held:       100%
      Citizenship:           USA
      Principal Business:    Telecommunications

      After consummation of the merger transaction, no entity will hold a 10% or greater
      ownership interest in Telscape International, Inc.


      Pointe has no interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier to report. Following
      consummation of the merger, certain directors of Pointe may also become directors
      of Telscape and/or Telscape‘s foreign carrier subsidiaries.

i)    Applicant/Transferee certifies that it is not a foreign    Tier within the meaningof
      Section 63.09(d) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.FE       63.09(d), nor is it affiliated
      with a foreign carrier within the meaning of Section:       09(e) of the Commission‘s
      Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.09(e).—

(G)   Applicant/Transferee certifies that it does not se          to provide international
      telecommunications services to any destination cc          try for which any of the
      provisions of Section 63.18(j) are true.

(k)   Not applicable.

(1)   Not applicable.

(m)   Not applicable.

(n)   As required by Section 63.18 (n) of the Commission‘         ules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(n),
      Applicant/Transferee certifies that it has not agreed to   :eptnor shall it accept in the
      future any special concessions, as defined by the Co_      aission‘s Rules, directly or
      indirectly from any foreign carrier or administration w    respect to traffic or revenue
      flows on an U.S. international route where the foreisg     sarrier possesses sufficient
      market power on the foreign end of the route to affec       »mpetition adversely in the
      U.S. market.

(0)   Applicant/Transferee certifies, pursuantto Section 1.2(     ofthe Commission‘s Rules
      (implementing the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21          S.C. § 3301), that no party
      to this application is subject to denial of Federal ben:   s pursuant to Section 5301
      of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

(p)   Applicant/Transferee qualifies for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12
      of the Commission‘s Rules because Sections 63.12(c)(1)—(3) do not apply to the

10/   iSee footnote 3 above.



       For the reasons stated above, Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest,

convenience and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this application for consent to the

transfer of control of the Section 214 authorizations held by Telscape International, Inc. to Pointe

Communications Corporation.


                                              Priscilla A.Whitehead
                                              David D. Rines
                                              SWIDLER BERLIN SHEREFF FRIEDMAN, LLP
                                              3000 K Street, N.W., Suite 300
                                              Washington, D.C. 20007
                                              Tel:   (202) 424—7870
                                              Fax: (202) 424—7645

                                              Counsel for Telscape International, Inc. and Pointe
                                              Communications Corporation

Dated: May 25, 2000


                            CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

       On behalf of Pointe Communications Corporation (formerly Charter Communications
International, Inc.) and its wholly—owned subsidiaries, Pointecom Incorporated, Overlook
Communications International, Inc., and Worldlink Communications, Inc., I hereby certify that
the statements in the foregoing Application for authority are true, complete, and correct to the
best of my knowledge and are made in good faith.

                             Pointe Communications Corporation

                                                    /    /      /{7    F

                             By:               /Z/{/o/r///////a—v—/

                             Name:          Richard P. Halevy/

                             Title:         Chief Financial Officer

                             Date:          April 20, 2000

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Document Created: 2019-05-30 12:40:38
Document Modified: 2019-05-30 12:40:38

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