Attachment 20161208154815-410.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20000525-00331 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


WILKINSON)BARKER> KNAUF.R> LLP                                                                   ay8       2300     N   stREET,   NW

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                                                                                                           TEL 202.783.4141
                                                          fl}\r     |                                       FaAx 202.7883.5851
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                                                        May 25, 2000

    Federal Communications Commission
    International Bureau, Telecommunications
    P.O. Box 358115
    Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

                     Re:           Mannesmann Telecommunications USA, Inc., Transferor
                                   Vodafone AirTouch Plc, Transferee
                                   Application to Transfer Control of International Section 214 Authorization
                                   Pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules
                                   File No. ITC—214—19981028—00756

    To the Commission:

                    Enclosed for filing are an original and five copies of the above referenced
    application seeking authority to transfer control of the International Section 214 authorization
    currently held by Mannesmann Telecommunications USA, Inc. to Vodafone AirTouch Plc. This
    application is subject to streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s

                    An FCC Remittance Advice Form (FCC Form 159), together with the applicable
    filing fee of $780, accompanies this filing.

                     Please contact this office should you have any questions concerning this filing.


                                                    WILKINSON BARKER KNAUER, LLP

                                                            Kenneth D. Patrich
                                                            Robert G. Morse


         w   A   S   HI    N   G    T   O   N   *      FR      A    N    K   F   U   R   T   e    C    A    R   A   C    A   S

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 Vodafone AirTouch Plc
  The Courtyard
     204       London Road
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 Newbury                                                                                                             Berkshire                                           rG14 1JX
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    Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP

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                            0 576q Li ©0 5400004014                              OBAL§i25§ 2

                                               Before the
                           Federal Communications Commission
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

MANNESMANN TELECOMMUNICATIONS USA,                          File No. ITC—T/C—
INC., Transferor


Application for Transfer of Control of
International Section 214 Authorization

To:     The Commission


        Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act‘), 47

U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.18(e)(3) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(3),

Vodafone AirTouch, Plc ("AirTouch") and Mannesmann Telecommunications USA, Inc.

(collectively, "Applicants") hereby seek authority to transfer control of the international Section

214 authorization held by Mannesmann Telecommunications USA, Inc., a wholly—owned

subsidiary of Mannesmann, AG ("‘Mannesmann"), in connection with the acquisition of

Mannesmann by Vodafone AirTouch. For the reasons discussed herein, Commission approval of

the instant transfer of control application is consistent with the public interest.


        Vodafone AirTouch is a global provider of mobile telecommunications services

headquartered in the United Kingdom, with interests in 24 countries. In the United States,

Vodafone AirTouch indirectly through subsidiaries and partnerships holds a controlling

ownership interest in a mobile satellite services licensee, and a number of international Section

214 authorizations, and indirectly holds a noncontrolling ownership in cellular, PCS and paging

licensees controlled by Bell Atlantic Corporation and Cellco Partnership.‘ Mannesmann is an

international, German—domiciled group active in telecommunications, engineering, automotive,

andtubes." Mannesmannis one of Europe‘s largest telecommunications providers with

ownership interests in cellular and competitive wireline carriers in a number of countries.

        On November 16, 1999, Vodafone AirTouch announced an offer to acquire all of the

shares of Mannesmann. On February 4, 2000, Vodafone AirTouch and the management of

Mannesmann reached an agreement on the terms of the acquisition. Pursuant to the merger,

Vodafone AirTouch offered 58.9646 Vodafone AirTouch Shares for each Mannesmann Share.

Under the transaction, Mannesmann shareholders hold not more than 49.5 percent ofthe

combined company. Four members of Mannesmann‘s Supervisory Board have been invited to

join the Board of Vodafone AirTouch, for a total of 5 representatives out of a total of 19 on the

postmerger Vodafone AirTouch board. Thus, existing Vodafone AirTouch shareholders and

management will continue to exercise defacto and dejure control of Vodafone AirTouch and its

U.S. subsidiaries. The European Commission approved the transaction on April 12, 2000.

  1    See Vodafone AirTouch Ple and Bell Atlantic Corporation, Memorandum Opinion and
Order, DA 00—721, [ 7—8 (rel. March 30, 2000).

  2     Mannesmann‘s engineering and automotive divisions will later be sold as a part of the


        Because of the nature of this transaction and the Merger Control Law in the European

Union within which it has evolved, Vodafone AirTouch is in the unusual position ofseeking

Commission approval of a transaction for which many ofthe steps required under corporate law

have already been undertaken. To date, at least 98 percent of all Mannesmann shares havebeen

tendered. Until European Commission approval of the transaction, however, Vodafone

AirTouch was prohibited from exercising control of those Mannesmann shares. Indeed,

Vodafone AirTouch was effectively prohibited from conducting the type of due diligence

typically undertaken prior to consummation of suchtransactions. Vodafone AirTouch

subsidiary Globalstar USA, Inc. submitted a Foreign Carrier Affiliation Notification on April 14,

2000, based on publicly—available information at the time, but Vodafone AirTouch has since

beenable to obtain updated information, as reflected below.*


        Commission approval of the instant transfer of control application is necessary to reflect

Vodafone‘s defacto ownership rights over all Mannesmann AG corporate assets. Mannesmann

Telecommunications USA, Inc. will continue to exist as a U.S. subsidiary and hold the

international Section 214 authorization. This transaction will not have anti—competitive effects in

any U.S. international service market, including any input market that is essential for the

provision of international service. This is confirmed by the fact that Vodafone AirTouch and

  3     As the Commission has previously determined in a different but relevant context, "the
circumstances surrounding a tender offer . . . while increasingly commonplace in the financial
world are clearly not ordinary in the context of a licensee‘s affairs and in the license transfer
setting . . . ." Tender Offers and Proxy Contests, Policy Statement, 59 Rad. Reg. 1536, 8

  4     The differences between the information provided herein and in the April 14, 2000 FCN
filing are minor and not of decisional significance.


Mannesmann are not significant potential participants in the provision of U.S. facilities—based

international services." Moreover, for the reasons discussed below, no foreign carrier affiliate of

the combined Vodafone AirTouch—Mannesmann has sufficient market power on the foreign end

of a route to affect competition adversely in the U.S. market. All foreign carrier affiliates are

from WTO Member countries, and all are either competitive mobile wireless or local service

providers with far less than 50 percent of the international transport and local access markets in

their respective countries.


       In accordance with Section 63.18 of the rules, Applicants submit the following

information in support of this Application. The information set forth belowis labeled according

to the corresponding rule section to which it is responsive.

I.     Transferee/Transferor Information

       Section 63.18(a)—(b) —— Transferee/Transferor Name, Address and Citizenship


               Mannesmann Telecommunications USA, Inc.
               450 Park Avenue, 24th Floor
               New York, NY 10022—2669
               Citizenship: Delaware

  5      Vodafone AirTouch subsidiaries are currently constructing earth stations for use with the
Globalstar system, and Mannesmann is currently carrying some traffic for a competitive wireline
affiliate (Arcor) from Germany to New York. Thus, both carriers are, at most nascent facilities—
based providers of international services.


                 Vodafone AirTouch, Plc
                 The Courtyard
                 2—4 London Road
                 Newbury, Berkshire RG14 1JX United Kingdom
                 Citizenship: United Kingdom

          Section 63.18(c) Contact Information. All correspondence concerning this application

should be addressed to:

          On behalf of Transferor:

                 Joseph E. Innamorati, Esq.
                 Mannesmann Corporation
                 450 Park Avenue, 24th Floor
                 New York, New York 10022
                 Phone: (212) 826—0040
                 FAX: (212) 826—0074


                 Pamela J. Riley
                 AirTouch Communications, Inc.
                 1818 N Street, NW Suite 800
                 Washington, DC 20036
                 Phone: (202) 293—4960
                 FAX: (202) 293—4970

       Section 63.18(d) —— Existing Authorizations. Neither Mannesmann nor Vodafone

AirTouch directly hold any international Section 214 authorizations. Mannesmann‘s wholly—

owned subsidiary, Mannesmann Telecommunications USA, Inc. currently holds the international

Section 214 authorization subject to the instant application for international facilities—based and

resale service pursuant to Sections 63.18(e)(1) and (e)(2) of the Commission‘s rules (File No.

ITC—214—19981028—00756). Vodafone AirTouch affiliate Globalstar USA, Inc. is authorized to



international facilities—based and resale service for certain earth station facilities pursuant to

Sections 63.18(e)(1) and (e)(2) of the rules (File Nos. ITC—214—19990728, ITC—214—19991229—


II.     Transferee Information

        Section 63.18(h) —— Ten Percent or Greater Direct or Indirect Shareholders. There are

no ten percent or greater direct or indirect shareholders in Vodafone AirTouch.

        Section 63.18(i) —— Foreign Carrier Affiliations. Vodafone AirTouch hereby certifies

that it is affiliated with foreign carriers in Australia, Canada, Egypt, Fiji, Germany, Greece,

India, Japan, Malta, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, The Netherlands, Uganda, United

Kingdom, Portugal, and Hungary. The Commission has already determined that Vodafone

AirTouch is entitled to nondominant treatment on all of these routes.© Each ofthese affiliates is a

mobile wireless carrier that holds substantially less than 50 percent of the international transport

and local access markets in their respective countries. Except as discussed below with regard to

Germany, the transaction described herein does not alter Vodafone AirTouch‘s ownership in

these foreign carrier affiliates.

        Applicants hereby further submit a list of foreign carrier affiliations involving the

countries and carriers listed below, resulting from the acquisition of Mannesmann AG by

Vodafone AirTouch."

  6    See AirTouch Communications, Inc. and Vodafone Group, Plc, Memorandum Opinion
and Order, DA 99—1200,[ 15—18 (rel. June 22, 1999); Public Notice, FCN—00010, File No.
FCN—NEW—19991124—0050 (rel. Dec. 8, 1999); Public Notice, FCN—00014, File No. FCN—
NEW—19991223—0058 (rel. Feb. 11, 2000).

  §     The previously—announced merger of Mannesmann and Orange U.K., a mobile wireless
service provider in the United Kingdom, will not be consummated under the terms of the
Vodafone AirTouch—Mannesmann merger.


        ——      Germany. As previously disclosed, Vodafone AirTouch already holds a greater
                than 25 percent indirect ownership interest in cellular carrier Mannesmann D2. Its
                interest will increase from a co—controllinginterest to 100 percent and sole
                controlling ownership interest. Vodafone AirTouch will also acquire a 74 percent
                controlling ownership interest each in fixed line telephony carriers Arcor and

        ——     France. Vodafone AirTouch will hold approximately a 32 percent ownership.
               interest in cellular carrier SFR.

        ——     Italy. Vodafone AirTouch will hold approximately a 77 percent controlling
               interest in cellular provider Omnitel. Vodafone AirTouch will also hold a 100
               percent ownership interest in fixed line telephony carrier Infostrada.

        ——     Austria. Vodafone AirTouch will hold a controlling 53 percent interest in fixed
               line telephony and mobile telephonycarrier Tele.ring.

       Sections 63.18(G) —— Affiliated Destination Markets. Vodafone AirTouch hereby certifies

that it seeks to provide international telecommunications services to the destination countries

listed above in which it holds a controlling ownership interest: Germany, Italy, and Austria.

       Section 63.18(k) —— Status as Nondominant Carrier. Each of the above—referenced

countries is a WTO Member, and the foreign carriers discussed aboveare competitive mobile

wireless and/or competitive local service providers. None are monopoly providers of

communications services, and none have sufficient market power on the foreign end of the route

to affect competition adversely in the U.S. The foreign carriers also hold substantially lower

than 50 percent of the international transport and local access markets in their respective


       Sections 63.18(I)—(m) —— International Switched Resale Condition/Non—Dominant

Treatment. As demonstrated above, Vodafone AirTouch affiliates providing either facilities—

based or resold international telecommunications services to countries where such affiliates will


acquire an affiliation with a foreign carrier —— namely, Germany, France, Italy, and Austria —— are

entitled to nondominant treatment pursuant to Section 63.10(a)(3) of the Commiuission‘s rules.

       Section 63.18(n) —— Special Concessions Certification. Vodafone AirTouch hereby

certifies that it has not agreed to accept any special concessions directly or indirectly from any

foreign carrier or foreign administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows between the

United States and any foreign country which Vodafone AirTouch may serve under the authority

granted pursuant to this Application and will not enter into any such agreements in the future.

       Section 63.18(0) —— Anti—Drug Abuse Act Certification. Pursuant to Section 63.18(J),

Vodafone AirTouch certifies that, in accordance with 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001—1.2003, no officer,

director or five percent or moreequity holder has been denied Federal benefits pursuant to

Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862.

       Section 63.18(p) Streamlined Processing. For the reasons discussed above, the

authorized carriers controlled by Vodafone AirTouch qualify for a presumptionof non—

dominance under Section 63.10(a)(3) of the Commission‘s rules on all applicable routes. This

application is therefore subject to streamlined pursuant to Section 63.12(c)(1)(1) of the

Commission‘s rules.


               Accordingly, Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest, convenience

and necessity will be served by grant of the instant application.
                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      VoODAFONE AIRTOUCH, PLC

                                              (/                *A
                                      By:    ,/%WLZ/(/& fi&?’/ .

                                      MANNESMANN TELECOMMUNICATIONS USA, INC.

                                              Jose'p/H E. Ifmamorati, Vice President
May 22, 2000

Document Created: 2019-05-26 10:38:00
Document Modified: 2019-05-26 10:38:00

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