Attachment 20170110142841-407.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20000519-00310 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                          ervices for 214 Applications
Sepy                              =      ED SERVICE
~g                             IES—BASED/RESALE SERVICE
m                                     RESALE SERVICE
  Description of Application:
          O L 10 «tveme

                                                                                   C       Mau, y 19 200
                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                             )
MGC COMMUNICATIONS®S, INC.                   )
                                             )      File No. ITC 2000— _____
Application for Authority Pursuant to        )
Section 214 of the Communications Act        )
of 1934, as Amended, to Transfer             )
Control of Authorization to Provide         )
Global Facilities—Based and Resale          )
Telecommunications Services                 )
Holdings, Inc.                              )

To:    The Commission


       MGC Communications, Inc. ("MGC" or "Applicant"), by its undersigned attorneys,

hereby respectfully requests authority from the Federal Communications Commission

("Commission"), pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the

"Act"), and Section 63.18 (e)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.18 (e)(3), to permit

streamlined processing of the transfer of the ownership and control of BroadSpan

Communications, Inc. ("BroadSpan"), the recipient of the Section 214 authorization granted on

October 2, 1998 under File No. ITC—214—19980925—00659 (the "214 Authorization") to MGC. In

accordance with the Commission‘s fee schedule, Fee Code CUT, MGC attaches a check in the

amount of $780.00 to this Application.


          A.     MGC Communications, Inc.

          MGC is a publicly—held Nevada corporation headquarteredin Pittsford, NewYork. MGC

is authorized to provide to provide global resale services under Section 214. Further information

concerning MGC was submitted in ITC—214—19970731—00440 andis, therefore, already a matter

of public record at the Commission, and MGC requests that it be incorporated by reference


          B.     BroadSpan Communications, Inc.

          BroadSpanis a privately—held Missouri corporation headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri.

BroadSpan is authorized to provide facilities—based and global resale services under Section 214

in File No. ITC—214—19980925—00659. BroadSpan has, and will continue to have, sufficient

technical, financial, and managerial resources to operate as a global carrier of international

telecommunications service pursuant to the terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(2) of the

Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2). Upon approval by the Commission of this

Application and the completion of the transfer of ownership and control, BroadSpan will still

provide the telecommunications services authorized under the Section 214 Authorization.


          MGC and BroadSpan‘s parent, Primary Network Holdings, Inc. ("Primary"), have agreed,

pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of Merger dated April 17, 2000 ("Merger Plan"), to allow

MGC to acquire Primary. The proposed transaction will effect a transfer of control in the

ownership of Primary, which will continue to operate as a wholly—owned subsidiary of MGC.


MGC will acquire Primary by assuming Primary           ting indebtedness and issuing a portion of

its authorized but unissued common stock to Prit       shareholders. Specifically, pursuant to

the proposed Merger Plan, on or before June 15,        or as soon thereafter as may be practicable

(the "Effective Date"), MGC‘s wholly—owned sut         y, Mpower Merger Sub, Inc., a Delaware

corporation ("Mpower Sub"), will merge into Pri         As a result of this merger, Primary will

be the surviving corporation. Each outstanding s       f Mpower Sub‘s common stock (par value

of $.01 per share) will be converted into one shar     ie surviving corporation‘s common stock

(par value of $.01 per share).

       As of the Effective Date, each then curt        iareholder of Primary common stock and

preferred stock (each stock with a par value of        per share) will receive the right to obtain

0.02022 shares of the common stock of MGC (1           lue $.001 per share) for each share of the

shareholder‘s Primary common stock or preferred        , as the case may be.

       As ofthe date ofthis Application, MGC cu        has 35,498,456 shares ofits common stock

that is issued and outstanding and 24,492,404 sh       f common stock that have been authorized

but have not yet been issued. As of the date of thi    lication, Primary currently has 63,600,815

shares of common stock and 3,156,765 shares of p       »d stock that are issued and outstanding and

16,399,185 shares of its common stock that is authorized but have not yet been issued. MGC

estimates that in acquiring Primary it will, on the Effective Date, issue approximately 1,350,000

shares of its authorized and unissued common stock to Primary‘s shareholders. As a result ofMGC‘s

acquisition of Primary, Primary will become a wholly—owned subsidiary of MGC, and BroadSpan

will continue operations, but as an indirect subsidiary of MGC. Accordingly, the Section 214

Authority should continue to be designated in the corporate name of BroadSpan.


        In addition to the issuance of its authorized but unissued common stock, MGC will also

assume the existing indebtedness of Primary. As of the date of the Merger Plan, Primary‘s existing

indebtedness consists of 12%senior subordinate notes with an aggregate balance of approximately

$60,000,000 and other various indebtedness in an aggregate amount of approximately $6,000,000.

In addition, Primary has also issued a 15% senior note in the original principal amount of

$10,000,0000 that is payable to MGC (the "MGC Note"). Interest on the MGC Note accrues and

must be repaid, along with the principal amountof the MGC Note, on the earlier to occur of (a) the

one year anniversary of the MGC Note, (b) an acceleration of the MGC Note due to an event of

default under the MGC Note, or (c) a transfer of control of Primary.


        Consummation of the proposed transaction will serve the public interest in promoting

competition among providers oflocal and interexchange telecommunications services by combining

the financial resources and complementary managerial skills and experience ofMGC and BroadSpan

in providing telecommunications services to the public. MGC and BroadSpan anticipate that the

contemplated transfer ofownership and control will result in a company better equipped to accelerate

its growth as a competitive telecommunications service provider. The transfer or ownership and

control will permit MGC and BroadSpan to manage their telecommunications operations more

efficiently, thereby enhancing their operational flexibility and efficiency. These enhancements will

benefit customers of each carrier nationwide by offering better services at competitive prices.

Accordingly, the proposed transaction will benefit the public interest by enabling MGC and

BroadSpan to offer competitively priced services in the U.S. interstate and international marketplace.


       In support of MGC‘s request for authorization, the following information is submitted

pursuant to Section 63.18 (e)(3) ofthe Commission‘s rules and regulations, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(3).

               The name, address and telephone number of MGC and BroadSpanare:

               MGC Communications, Inc.
               171 Sully‘s Trail, Suite 202
               Pittsford, New York 14534
               Telephone:      (716) 218—6550
               Facsimile:      (716) 218—0165

               BroadSpan Communications, Inc.
               11756 Borman Drive, Suite 101
               St. Louis, Missouri 63146—4133
               Telephone:     (314) 214—0000
               Facsimile:     (314) 995—5718

       (b)     MGC is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state ofNevada.

               BroadSpan is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of

       (c)     The name, title, address and telephone number of the officer to whom
               correspondence concerning this application should be directed to:


               Francis D.R. Coleman, Esq.
               Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and General Counsel
               MGC Communications, Inc.
               171 Sully‘s Trail, Suite 202
               Pittsford, New York 14534
               (716) 218—6568


            Richard S. Phillips
            BroadSpan Communications, Inc.
            11756 Borman Drive, Suite 101
            St. Louis, Missouri 63146—4133
            (314) 214—0000

            with a copy to:

            Douglas G. Bonner, Esq.
            Sana D. Coleman, Esq.
            Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn PLLC
            1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW
            Washington, D.C. 20036—5339
            Tel:   (202) 857—6000
            Fax: (202) 857—6395

            The Commission is requested to direct any inquiries concerning this application to
            Douglas G. Bonner, Esq. and Sana D. Coleman, Esq.

(d)         MGC has authority to provide global resale service under Section 214 (See
            ITC—214—19970731—00440). BroadSpan has authority to provide global facilities—
            based and global resale services under Section 214 (See ITC—214—19980925—00659).

(e) — (g)   Not applicable.

(b)         The entity that owns at least 10 percent of the equity of MGC is:

            Providence Equity Partners III LLC
            901 Fleet Center
            50 Kennedy Plaza, 9th Floor
            Providence, Rhode Island 02903

            Providence Equity Partners III LLC is a U.S. entity owned by bnly U.S.citizens. Its
            principal business is private equity investments in telecommunications.—As of April
            30, 2000, it owned 13.2% of MGC‘s equity.

            MGC has no interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

)           See attached certification.

O           See attached certification.

(k) — (m)   Not applicable.

(n)         By the attached certification and as required by Secti   63.18(n) ofthe Commissior‘
            rules, MGC certifies that, except as permitted by tt     ommission‘s Rules, direct
            or indirectly from any foreign carrier or administ       on with respect to traffic |
            revenue flows between the U.S. and any foreigr           juntry which MGC may t
            authorized to serve and it will not enter into such a    ements in the future.

(0)         By the attached certification and as required by 63.1    >) of the Commiission‘s rule
            MGC certifies that no party to this Application,          defined in Sections 1.20(
            through 1.2003 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R       §1.2001—1.2003, is subject :
            a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 530      the Anti—Drug Abuse Act
            1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853(a).

(P)         MGC submits that this Application is entitled to         samlined processing for t
            following reasons: (1) grant of this Application is       the public interest and wi
            enhance competition in the international telecommut      itions market; (2) MGC is n«
            affiliated with a foreign carrier; (3) MGC is not :      liated with a dominant U.{
            carrier whose international switched or private ]        ‘s services Applicant seek
            authority to resell; and (4) MGC does not seek to j      vide switched basic service
            over private lines to a country for which the C          mission has not previousl
            authorize the provision of switched services ove         rivate lines. Accordingh
            Applicant requests streamlined processing of this A1     .cation in accordance with 4
            C.F.R. §63.12.

       As demonstrated in this application, Applicant submits that the grant ofthis application will
serve the public interest, convenience and necessity. For the reasons specified herein, MGC
respectfully requests the Commission to grant the instant Application via streamlined processing.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                             By: D L/Z;t,/(a /5/6%@«7
                                                     Douglas G. Bonner, Esq.
                                                     Sana D. Coleman, Esq.
                                                     Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn, PLLC
                                                     1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
                                                     Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                     Tel:    (202) 857—6293 (Bonner)
                                                            (202) 775—5753 (Coleman)
                                                     Fax: (202) 857—6395

                                                     Counsel to MGC Communications, Inc.



                  1, Francis D. R. Coleman, under penalty of perjury declare that I am the Vice _

President of Regulatory AfTairs for MGC Communications, Inc.; that I am authorized to

mike this certification on hehalf of the Applicants in the subject proceeding; that I have

raid the forcgoing stiuements attached hereto; and that the same are true, accurate and

correet to the best ol my knowledge, information and belief.

                                               Name: Francis D. R. Colernan
                                               Title: Vice President of Regulatory   Affairs
                                                       MGC Communications, Inc.           0e

       Subscribed and Sworn to before me this _/ z k/‘{Lday of       g@é                , 2000.

              MARY E. ROSS!                    Nomy       U
       Notary Public. State of New York        My Comntrésion Expires:                 C
             No. O1ROS010426
         Qualified in Monroe County
      Commiasion Explres July 20, 202)

  may 17 ‘Ba @3:110M NRENT FOX SFL                                '                            ~ P.o


        1.         CFR 63.18(i). MGC Communications, Inc. ("MGC") is not affiliated “rith any

foreign carrier.

        2.         47 CFR 63.18(j). MGC does not éeek to provide international communication

services to any destination country meeting any of the conditions set forth in 47 CFR 63.18(J).

        3.         47CFR 63.18(m). Except as permitted by the Commission‘s Rules, as amended

from time to time, MCHC: has not agreed to accept any special concessions, as defined by the

Commission‘s Rules, directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier or administration with respect

to traffic or revenue flows between the U.S, and any foreign country which MGC may be

authorzed to serve and it will not enter into such apreements in the future.

        4.         47CFR63.18(0). No party to this Application is subject to a denial of Federal

benefits pu.suant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853(a).

Document Created: 2019-04-22 08:49:05
Document Modified: 2019-04-22 08:49:05

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