Attachment 20161208144617-563.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20000515-00317 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                         KELLEY DRYE & WARREN cur
                                                 A LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP

                                               1200 I9"" STREET, N.W.

     NEW YORK, NY                                      SsUITE 500                       “N\fi     FACSIMILE
   Los ANGELES, ca                                                                             (202) ass—9792
                                              wasHington, p.c. 20036 \_\‘Q\\

                                                      (202) 955—9600



                                                     IVIay 12, 2000

           Federal Communications Commission
           International Bureau — Telecommunications
           P.O. Box 358115
           Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

                        Re:   In the Matter of World Access, Inc. and Communications
                              TeleSystems International d/b/a WorldxChange
                              Application for Authority to Transfer Control of a
                              CommonCarrier Holding an International Section 214
                              Authorizations And to Assign the Carrier‘s Section 214
                              Authorizations to A Surviving Corporation

           Dear Sir or Madam:

                        On behalf of World Access, Inc. and Communications TeleSystems International
           d/b/a WorldxChange, enclosed for filing an original and five copies of the above—
           referenced Application. Also enclosed for this filing are the FCC Form 159 Remittance
           Advice, a check in the amount of $780.00 to cover the filing fee, and a duplicate copy of
           the filing. Please date—stamp the duplicate and return to the courier.

                  If there are any questions regarding this filing, please contact me at
           (202) 955—9786. Thank you for your assistance with this matter.


                                                        an M. Griffin



                                                                                                                                       APPROVED BY OMB           3060—0589
    BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                                                       REMITTANCE ADVICE                             t ",’f‘E"
                                                                                                PAGE NO.
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                                                   name             as   appears on your

     Kelley             Drye & Warren LLP
                           7        §
     1200 19th Street, N.W.
     Suite 500

     Wash      in                                                                                          DC                       20036
     (202)          955—9600
                    ‘ IF                MORE—THAN ONE                                ICANT,      USE CONTINUATION SHEETS (
                                                           name          as   appears on your

       World Access,                               Inc.

       Resurgens Plaza,                                      Suite 2210

       945 East Paces Ferry                                              Road

       Atlanta                                                                                                 GA                   30326
                                                 area                                                                        not


                                                                                                                         80 .00

    AYER TIN                            o|1 |3                                                                           CANT TIN

1       oan         *          riffin                                          , Certify under penalty of perjury that the          and supporting information
                               (PRINT NAME)

      true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief. SIGNATURE

                hereby suthorize the FCG to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD

                        service(s/authorizations(s) herein described.

                                                                                                                                                        APPRoVED BY OMB —3080—0589                  I      m

 REMITTANCE ADVICE (Continuation Sheet) —                                                                                                                                    _
                                                                                                               s                                      PaAGE No.      _2 __or__2__
-                                               SECTION BB — ADDITIONAL APPLICANT INFORMATION
  11) APPLICANT NAME{if paying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)

    Communication TeleSystems International: d/b/a. WorldxChange‘

    9999 Willow Creek Rd.
fis) street Aporess LINE No. 2

K14 crrty                                                                                        (15) STATE                                                           (16) zip cope

    Sn plegs                                                                                         CA _                                                              92131 +
[i(17) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMEER (Include area code}                                             ((18) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A.)

                         -                                     SECTION CC — PAYMENT INFORMATION                                                                 f
 19A) FCCCALL SIGNIOTHER ID              I             PTPE ’Hfl                          lwfl aUANTIY                   [22a) Fee oue ror (.I’TC) IN BLOCK 20A

(234) FCC CODE 1                                                                          (24A) FCC CODE 2

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                                                                            reset form

                               KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP                                                                                                                                    006091
                                           1200 19TH STREET, N.W.
                                           WASHINGTON, DC 20036
                                                                                                                                                                                        BRANCH 00480

                                                                                                                                             pate         _May 5, 2000
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                                                                                       DETACH AND RETAIN THIS STATEMENT

                                                                                  KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP

              DATE                                                                             DESCRIPTION                                                                                 A AOUNT

              5/5/00                 Filing Fee for Section 214 transfer of control ap»licai:ion                                                                                     $780 .00

                                         Befor : the
                                  V/ashi igton, D.C. 20554

In the Matter 0:‘

                                                       Ns Nus! Nun! Num! Ne Nun! Nn N) Nus! Nus! Nus!
WORLD 4CCISS, INC. AND                                                                                  File No.

Application for Authority to T ransfer
Control 0‘ a Common Carrier Hold ng
an I itern:iitional Section 214 A uthorizatio as anl
to Assign che Ciurrier‘s Sectior. 214
Autiiorizations to a Surviving Corporatio 1

                                          AP PLIC ATION

I.       Introduction

         World A :scess, Inc. ("World Ascess" ) and : Somn unicaiion TeleSystems International d/b/a

WorldxChange ("WorldxChange") (eccllectr ely, t ie "Applicar ts"), by their attorneys and pursuant

to Section 214 0: the Communications Act cf 193« , as ainende1 ("the Act"), 47 U.S.C. § 214, and

Sect on 63.18(c) 3) of the Commission‘s Ru es, 4, C.F.I. § 62.18(c)(3), hereby request authority

to (1) trans fer control of WorldxChange to Vorld . \cces::, and 2) assign WorldxChange‘s

authorizations to a surviving corporation, as described herein.

IL.      Description of Transaction

         WorldxChange is a global telecommunications company that specializes in providing

high—quality, low—cost services to retail and wholesale customers in 13 countries, including the

United Kingdom, Germany, the U.S., France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Chile, Guatemala,

Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. The Company operates 45 switches, which are connected


by an extensive network of owned and leased undersea and land—based fiber optic cables.

WorldxChange is a California corporation based in San Diego, California. At present,

WorldxChange holds numerous Section 214 authorizations, as well as several cable landing

licenses and an earth station license, and is regulated as a non—dominant carrier on all routes.‘

         World Access is a leading provider of bundled voice, data and Internet services to key

regions of the world. Through its licensed subsidiaries, World Access competitively provides

end—to—end voice and data communications services including frame relay, IP, ATM, and

multimedia applications via its redundant digital network. World Access‘ network backbone

consists of gateway and tandem switches that are strategically located throughout the U.S. and 13

European countries and are linked by an extensive fiber network.

         World Access is a Delaware corporation that is based in Atlanta, Georgia. Its subsidiaries

hold numerous Section 214 and cable landing licenses, and are subject to non—dominant

regulatory treatment onall routes. The Applicants note that World Access has recently entered

into an agreement to purchase STAR Telecommunications, Inc. ("STAR") and that appropriate

applications to transfer control of STAR‘s authorizations and licenses are currently pending

before the Commission.‘

         World Access and WorldxChange have determined that their current business operations

are complementar}f and that significant economies of scale, as well as other marketing and

managerial benefits, would be achieved by the merger of World Access and WorldxChange. For

this reason, the Applicants have entered into a merger agreement whereby the shareholders of

         Applications to transfer the cable landing and earth station licenses are being filed
         concurrent with the submission of this Application.
2        See Applications in File Nos. ITC—T/C—20000412—00225 and SCL—T/C—20000412—00014.

DCO1/GRIFJ/111272.1                                2

WorldxChange will receive approximately 31 million shares of World Access common stock,

subject to adjustment under certain circumstances. In addition, World Access will assume

approximately $225 million in WorldxChange debt. The merger will be accomplished by

merging WorldxChange with and into WorldxChange Communications, Inc. ("WorldxChange

Communications"), a Delaware corporation that is wholly—owned subsidiary of World Access

and that was formedto effectuate the acquisition. Following the merger, the current business of

WorldxChange will be conducted through WorldxChange Communications. Thus,

WorldxChange Communications will hold and will continue to provide service under

WorldxChange‘s existing licenses andauthorizations.

III.     Regulatory Treatment and Application Processing

         WorldxChange is affiliated with foreign carriers in the United Kingdom, Germany, Fran«;e,

the Netherlands, Belgium, Chile, Guatemala, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Italy, Spain, and

Sweden. However, the Commission regulates WorldxChange as a non—dominant carrier on all of

these routes, because each foreign affiliate holds significantly less than a fifty percent market share

in the international transport and local access markets in its respective home country. Similarly,

World Access is affiliated with foreign carriers in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, El Salvador,

Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway,

Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. No World Access foreign affiliate

holds a fifty percent or greater market share in its respective market and thus World Access is

regulated as a non—dominant carrier on all routes as well." All of the countries in which World

3        STAR is also regulated as a non—dominant carrier on all routes on which it is or is
         affiliated with a foreign carrier. Those routes are Canada, Germany, the United

DCOL/GRIFJ/111272.1                                3

Access and WorldxChange are affiliated with a foreign carrier are members of the WTO.

         Following consummation of the proposed transaction, World Access will control

WorldxChange‘s Communications‘ foreign affiliates, and WorldxChange Communications will

becomeaffiliated with World Access‘ foreign carrier subsidiaries.* However, the regulatory

classification of World Access and WorldxChange Communications should remain unchanged.

Since no foreign affiliate will havea greater than 50 percent market share post—merger," World

Access and its licensed subsidiaries, including WorldxChange ’Communicatioins, are entitled to a

presumption of non—dominant treatment under Section 63.10(a)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules.

         Streamlined processing is appropriate for this Application under Section 63.12(c)(1)(ii) of

the Commission‘s Rules, since the Applicants are entitled to a presumption of non—dominant

treatment post—merger.

IV.      Section 63.18 information

         Pursuant to Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, the Applicants set forth the following

information in support of this Application.

      (a) The name, address, and telephone number of the Transferor/Assignor is:

         Communication TeleSystems
           International d/b/a WorldxChange
         9999 Willow Creek Rd.
         San Diego, CA 92131
         (858) 547—5400

         Kingdom, and Japan.
*        If the FCC grants the transfer of control application for World Access and STAR,
         WorldxChange will become affiliated with STAR‘s foreign carrier affiliates as well.
         This is true even if World Access consummates its proposed merger with STAR.

DCO1/GRIFJ/111272.1                                4

         The name, address, and telephone number of the Transferee is:

         World Access, Inc.
         Resurgens Plaza, Suite 2210
         945 East Paces Ferry Road
         Atlanta, Georgia 30326
         (404) 261—6190

         The name, address, and telephone number of the Assignee is:

         WorldxChange Communications, Inc.
         Resurgens Plaza, Suite 2210
         945 East Paces Ferry Road
         Atlanta, Georgia 30326
         (404) 261—6190

    (b) World Access and WorldxChange Communications are corporations organized under the
        laws of the state of Delaware. WorldxChange is a corporation organized under the laws of

    (c) Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

         Richard Heidecke, Esq., L.C.E.
         World Access, Inc.
         1919 South Highland
         Suite 129, Building D
         Lombard, Illinois 60148
         Tel:         (630) 268—6620
         Fax:         (630) 268—6898

         Eric G. Lipoff, Esquire
         Communications TeleSystems
          International d/b/a WorldxChange
         9999 Willow Creek Drive
         San Diego, CA 92131
         Tel:         (858) 547—5400
         Fax:         (858) 452—3780

         With copies to:

DCO1/GRIFJ/111272.1                             n

        Danny E. Adams
        Joan M. Griffin
        Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP
         1200 19th Street, NW
         Washington, DC 20036
         (202) 955—9600
    (d) A list of the Applicants‘ Section 214 authorizations is provided in Attachment 1.

    (e) The Applicants are applying for transfer of control and assignment of license authority
        pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules.

    (£) No response required.

    (g) No response required.

    (h) WorldxChange Communications is a wholly—owned subsidiary of World Access.
        The name, address, citizenship, andprincipal businesses of World Access‘s ten percent or
        greater shareholders are as follows:

        Name:                    Armstrong Group
        Address:                 1 Armstrong Place
                                 Butler, Pennsylvania 16001
         Citizenship:            United States
         Principal Business:     Investment
         Percentage Interest:    16.4%

         The name, address, citizenship, and principal businesses of Armstrong Group‘s ten percent
         or greater shareholders are as follows:

        Name:                    Jud L. Stedwick Grandchildrens‘ Trust
        Address:                 1 Armstrong Place
                                 Butler, Pennsylvania 16001
         Citizenship:            United States
         Principal Business:     Investment
         Percentage Interest:    100%

         There are no 50 percent or greater owners of the Jud L. Stedwick Grandchildrens‘ Trust.

         Lawrence C. Tucker is a director of both World Access and MCI WorldCom, Inc. John D.
         Phillips and W. Tod Chmar both are directors of World Access and World Access
         Telecommunications Group Limited. Dennis Bay is a director of both World Access
         Telecommunications Group, Inc. and World Access Telecommunications Group Limited.

         Walter J. Burmeister, President of World Access and a director of FaciliCom International


         LLC, is also: President Director of FaciliCom International SA de CV (El Salvador);
         President of the Board of Directors of FaciliCom International Guatemala; Chairman of the
         Board of Call One B.V. (Netherlands); Director of FaciliCom International SARL
         (Switzerland), FaciliComInternational (Hong Kong) Limited, FaciliCom International K.K.
         (Japan), and FaciliCom International BVBA/SPRL (Belgium); and a Member ofthe
         Management Committee of FaciliCom International (UK) Limited.

         William Gerety, Chief Operating Officer of FaciliCom International LLC, is also:
         Chairmanof the Board of Directors of FaciliCom International A/S (Denmark), FaciliCom
         Finland OY, FaciliCom International AS (Norway), and FaciliCom International Sweden
         AB; Director of FaciliCom International S.R.L. (Italy); and Sole Member of the Board of
         FaciliCom International B.V. (Netherlands).

    . G).)
         Information on foreign affiliations post—mergeris contained inthe certification provided in
         Attachment 2.

    (1), (m)
         Since no foreign affiliate will have a greater than 50 percent market share post—merger,
         World Access and its licensed subsidiaries, including WorldxChange Communications, are
         entitled to a presumption of non—dominant treatment under Section 63.10(a)(3) of the
         Commission‘s Rules.

    (n) As evidenced by the certification provided in Attachment 2, neither World Access nor
        WorldxChange Communications has agreed to accept special concessions directly or
        indirectly from any foreign carrier with respectto any U.S. international route where the
        foreign carrier possesses sufficient market power on the foreign end of the route to affect
        competition adversely in the U.S. market, and neither World Access nor WorldxChange
        Communications will enter into such agreements in the future.

    (0) As evidenced by the certification provided in Attachment 2, no party to this Application is
        subject to a denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act
        of 1988.

    (p) World Access requests streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12(c) of the
        Commission‘s Rules. Streamlined processing is appropriate for this Application under
        Section 63.12(c)(1)(ii) of the Commission‘s Rules, since the Applicants are entitled to a
        presumption of non—dominant treatment post—merger.

DCO1/GRIFJ/111272.1                               J

     barti   en   qA   aicc h   a
                                                                            + E2t   at   M bebst ib B COAUHU Y   CS   d   oa sduze epay

V.           Conclusion

             For these reasons, the Applicants request thiit the Co. nmission process and grart t is

Application as quickly as possible.

                                            Respectfully Submitte 1,

WoORrLD AccCEss, INC.                                        COMMUNICATION TELESYSTEMS
                                                             INTERNATIONAL D/B/A WORLDXC HANGE

By:                                                          By: W&I
         Richard Heidecke, Esq. L.C.E.                            Edward S. Soren
         World Access, Inc.                                       Executive Vice President
         1919 South Highland                                      Communications TeleSystems
         Suite 129, Bldg. D                                       International d/b/a WorldxChange
         Lombard, Illinois 60148                                  9999 Willow Craek D—ive:
         (630) 268—6620                                           San Diego, CA 32031
                                                                  (858) 547—5400

Danny E. Adams
Joan M. Griffin
Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
1200 19th Street, N.W.
Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 955—9600

Its Attorneys

Date:             5//0[00


©5/09/2000       16:1>2    5302686899
                                                               WORLD ACccESS TELECO
                                                                                    M             PAGE   27

 V.       Conclusion

          For these reasons, the Applicants request that tie Commission process ind griint this

 Application is quickly as possible.

                                        Respectfully Sut mitted,

 WORLD AccEss, Inc.                                      COMMUNICATION TELES¥«TEMS
                                                         INTERNATIONAL D/B/Aa WonLbpxCHaAnNGE

 By:                  O _{leGGa ce          «£.6C.€. By: _
       Richard Heigecks, Esq. LC.E.                           Edward 5. Soren
       Wonld Access, Inc.                                     Executive Vice President
       1919 South Highland                                   Communications TeleSystems
       Suite 129, Bidg. D                                    International W/b/a WorldxChange
       Lombard, Minois 60148                                  9999 Willow Creek Drive
       (630) 268—6620                                        San Diego, CA 92131
                                                             (858) 547—5400

 Danny E. Adams
 Joan M. Griffin
 Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
  1200 19th Street, N.W.
 Suite 500
 Washington, D.C. 20036
 (202) 955—98500

 Its Attorneys

 Date:      _   5_/O qC

 DCOVGRIFJ/111272.1                                8

                                                                                      Attachment 1

                       Existing Section 214 Authorizations of the Applicants


         WorldxChange currently holds the following Section 214 authorizations. The Applicants
seek authority to transfer these authorizations as well as any other authorizations that may be
held by WorldxChange.

         1. Resale of switched services, File No. ITC—93—023;

         2. Facilities—based switched and private lines services via satellite, File No. ITC—94—217;

             Facilities—based switched and private lines services via PTAT—1 cable, File No. ITC—

             Facilities—based switched and private lines services via multiple cables, File No. ITC—

             Resale of private line for switched services to Sweden, File No. ITC—95—116;

             MAYA—I cable, File No. ITC—214—19990325—00153;

             Facilities—based switched and private lines services via Columbus—III cable, File No.

             AMERICAS—II cable, File Nos. ITC—98—342 and ITC—98—342A;

             Pan American Cable System, File No. ITC—97—221;

         10. Resale services to New Zealand, File No. ITC—95—444;

         11. Circuits on Russia Express II satellite, File No. ITC—96—634; ©

         12. AMERICAS—I and Taino—Caribe Cable Systems, File No. ITC—94—475;

         13. Global facilities—based and resale authority, File No. ITC—98—333;

         14. ISR to the U.K., File No. 95—115;

         15. Resale of private lines to Finland, File No. 95—143;

         16. ISR to Canada, File No. 94—402.


World Access

         World Access, through licensed subsidiaries, holds numerous Section 214 authorizations
to provide global facilities—based and resold switched services. See File No. ITC—96—378
(licensed to World Access Telecommunications Group, Inc. ("WAXS"), an indirect, wholly
owned subsidiary of World Access) (originally granted to Cherry and transferred to WAXS, see
File No. ITC—T/C—19980811—00555). In addition, World Access has recently entered into an
agreement to purchase STAR; appropriate applications to transfer control of STAR‘s Section 214
authorizations are currently pending before the Commission. See Applications in File Nos. ITC—
T/C—20000412—00225 and SCL—T/C—20000412—00014. Information concerning World Access
authorizations will be provided upon request.

DCO1/GRIFJ/111272.1                             2

                                                                                      Attachment 2


I hereby certify to the following:

1.       Foreign Carrier Affiliates. World — Access, Inc. ("World Access") is affiliated with and
         controls the following foreign carriers in the following countries:

          Country                          Carrier

          Austria                          FaciliCom Telekommunikation GmbH
                                           NETnet Austria

          Belgium                          FaciliCom International BVBA/SPRL

          Denmark                          FaciliCom International A/S
                                           LDI Denmark ApS

          El Salvador                      FaciliCom International SA de CV

          Finland                          FaciliCom Finland OY

          France                           FaciliCom International, SARL
                                           NETnet Telecom SA

          Germany                          FaciliCom Telekommunikation GmbH
                                           LDI Telecommunikations GmbH
                                           NETnet Germany
                                           NewTel Communications GmbH

          Guatemala                        FaciliCom International Guatemala

          Hong Kong                        FaciliCom International (Hong Kong) Limited

          Italy                            FaciliGCom International S.R.L.
                                           LDI SpA
                                           NETnet Italy


          Japan                             FaciliCom International K.K.

          Netherland                    _   Call One B.V.
                                            FaciliCom International B.V.

          Norway                            FaciliCom International AS
                                            NETnet Norway

          Portugal                          FaciliCom International Telecommunicacoes, LDA

          Spain                             FaciliCom International SL
                                            Dynamic Telecom de Espana

          Sweden                            FaciliCom International Sweden AB
                                            NETnet International AB (former knownas NETnet
                                            NETnet Sweden
                                            PhoneLine Sweden AB (formerly known as Cruisetel—

          Switzerlan                        FaciliCom International SARL
                                            NETnet Switzerland

          United Kir     om                 Central Cellphone Ltd.
                                            FaciliCom International (UK) Ltd.
                                            LDI Southern Europe
                                            LDI Communications Ltd.
                                            LDI Ltd.
                                            LDI UK Ltd. Speedial
                                            Newgate Communications
                                            World Access Telecommunications Group Limited

         Following its planned merger with STAR Telecommunications, Inc., World Access will
         also become affiliated with and control the foreign carrier affiliates of STAR, which
         include: (1) STAR Telecommunications, Inc. itself, which is licensed as a carrier in
         Canada; (2) STAR Telecommunications Deutschland GmbH, a carrier licensed in
         Germany; (3) STAR Europe Ltd., a carrier licensed in the United Kingdom; (4) PT—1
         Communications UK Ltd., a carrier licensed in the United Kingdom; PT—1 Canada, Inc., a
         carrier licensed in Canada; and (5) ITO Telecom, Inc., a carrier licensed in Japan.

         Following its planned merger with WorldxChange, World Access will also become
         affiliated with and control the foreign carrier affiliates of WorldxChange

DCO1/GRIFJ/111272.1                               2

         Communications, which include:

          Country                          Carrier

          Australia                         WorldxChange Pty., Ltd.

          Belgium                           WorldxChange B.V.B.A.

          Canada                            WorldxChange Communications, Inc.

          Chile                             WorldxChange Communications S.A.

          France                           WorldxChange Communications SA
                                           ACC Long Distance France SARL

          Germany                           WorldxChange Communications GmbH
                                           ACC Telekommunikation GmbH

          Guatemala                         WorldxChange Communications S.A.

          Italy                             ACC Telecom SRL
          Netherlands                       WorldxChange B.V.

          New Zealand                       WorldxChange Limited

          Spain                             WorldxChange Spain, SL

          Sweden                            WorldxChange AB

          United Kingdom                    ACC Long Distance UK Limited
                                            WorldxChange Communications Ltd.

         Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Denmark, El Salvador, Finland, France,
         Germany, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
         Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom are members of the
         World Trade Organization.

         Special Concessions. Neither World Access nor WorldxChange Communications has
         agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with
         respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses sufficient
         market power on the foreign end of the route to affect competition adversely in the U.S.


~~/ 777 2900
                    16;1]2   53026856899
                                                                WORLD AcoEse
                                                                                                        PAGE   33

         market and neither World Access nor WorldxChange Communications will enter into
         such agreements in the future.

 3.      Anti—Drug Abuse Act Certification. In accordance with the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of
         1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862, and Sections 1.2001—1.2003 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47
         C.F.R. §§ 1,.2001—1.2003, neither World Access, Inc. nor any other party to this
         applic ation is subject to a denial of U.S. federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 ofthe
         Anti— )rug Abuse Act of 1988.

                                                 World Access, Inc.

 Date: figf‘/_g_,}_aa 2

DCOVGRIPI111272.)                                4

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Document Created: 2019-06-03 16:37:14
Document Modified: 2019-06-03 16:37:14

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