Attachment 20170110114321-210.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20000427-00290 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                           THE WASHINGTON HARBOUR
F‘ E C E'                                 3000 K & ET, NW, SUITE 300
           VED                            WASHIN     N, DC 20007—5116
                                            TELEPI   IE (202) 424—7500                            NEW YORK OFFICE
                                                                 47                          THE CHRYSLER BUILDING
  FEB 0 8 2002                               FACSI   E (2.'022 s21 1045                      405 LEXINGTON AVENUE
                                              ww                               NEw YoRrk, NY 10174
  Telecqm Division
International Bureau                           Ja    iry 31, 2002

                                                           i°   : °5 gm p q p   gee gae.

          BY HAND                                          RECEIVED
          Wll.ham Caton                                         FEB — 6 2002
          Acting Secretary
          Federal Communications Commission           reueraAl. COMMUNICATIONS ComMISSiON
          445 12th Street, S.W.                             bEeite Of ThSEChEMAEY
          Washington, DC 20554

                  Re:     General Telecom, Inc. (    >FRN)
                          Pro Forma Assignment       International Section 214 Authorization
                          To: Verestar, Inc. (FR)    :003—612—991
                          File Nos.    ’M                    ~ 0;
                                        ITC—214—     971209—00769

         Dear Ms. Salas:

                 On behalf of General Telecon        Inc.("GenTel"), a wholly—owned subsidiary of
         Verestar, Inc. ("Verestar"), the undersi    :d notifies the Commission that as a result of an
         internal corporate reorganization, o0        December 31, 2001, the above—referenced
         International Section 214 Authorizatio       vas assigned from GenTel up to Verestar. The
         transaction was purely pro forma in na      2 because the ultimate ownership and control of
         the authorization remains the same. Tl       efore the transaction is subject to the reporting
         requirements of Section 63.24 of the C      imission‘s rules. For the Commission‘s records,
         GenTel no longer exists as a separate e      y.

                  Please address any inquiries regarding this matter to the undersigned.

                                                                   Very truly yours,

                                                                   Ruth Pritchard—Kelly

         ce:      Michael B. Milsom
                  Scott Lyon
                  Helen Disenhaus



I, Michael B. Milsom, do hereby certify as follows:

          My business address is 800 Curmmings Center, Suite 258x, Beverly, MAO1915—6197.

          I am the General Counsel of Verestar, Inc. ("Verestar‘).

          Verestar is the parent corporation of a wholly—owned subsidiary called General ‘Telzso m
Inc. ("GenTfel").      As part of a year—end corpurate recrganization, Verestar and GenTe!
consummated a pro forma assignment of GenTel)‘s International Section 214 Autth »rization (I ile:
No. ITC—214—19971209—00769 ("Authorization‘") on Decemiber 31, 2001.) As a resu‘lt uf his
reorganization, GenTel, the former holder of the Authorization, has merge.I| with and into
Verestar, with Verestar as the surviving entity. Therefore, Verestar beciume the holder of the
Authorization. As there was no transfer of control, the transaction was pro formu: i1 nature.

        The assignment of authorization from GenTel to ‘Verestar described abasve was n>n—
substantial and does not involve a change in the ultimate control of the authorizaion.

          I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

                     sigms: ukALol _
                     Name:          Michael B. Milsom

                     Title:          General Counsel of
                                     Verestar, Inc.


Document Created: 2019-04-20 17:19:33
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 17:19:33

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