Attachment 20170105140440-490.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20000412-00222 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


       Categories of       ices for 214 ApplicaLions

O    LIMITED/GLOBAL R              E













Description of Application:

                                        BEFORE THE                                 ,\\3})

                   Federal Communications Com]ms's;@rr*
                                    WASHINGTON, D.C.                        *

 In the Matter of                                )
                                                 )             &
 Application for Transfer of Control of          )         Streamlined          ITC—T/C—20000412—00222
 International Section 214 Authorizations        )         CONVERSENT COMMUNICATIONS, LLC
 Held by Conversent Communications, LLC,         )
 and Conversent Communications Long              )
 Distance, LLC, from NEVD Holdings, LLC,         )
 to Elantic Communications, Inc.                 )


              NEVD Holdings, LLC ("NEVD"), hereby seeks authority pursuant to Section 214

 of the Communications Act of1934, 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63. 18(e)(3) of the

 Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(3), totransfer control of the international                 —

 Section 214 authorizations held by its subsidiaries Conversent Communications, LLC               |

 ("Conversent LEC"), and Conversent Communications Long Distance, LLC ("Conversent

 LD," and together, "Conversent"), to a new corporation, Elantic Communications, Inc.

 (‘Elantic‘).‘ In addition, control of PayPhone, LLC ("PayPhone"), a provider of

 payphone services and a wholly—owned subsidiary of NEVD, will be transferred to Elantic.

 Simultaneously, the ownership inteyests of two other unaffiliated companies, Cavalier

| VTelephone Corporation ("Cavalier"), and Florida Digital Network, Inc',(,|,,'FDN")’ will also

 be contributed to Elantic.

 !       To the extent necessary, Elantic and NEVD hereby also request authority to
 transfer control of the domestic nondominant Section 214 authority held by the
 subsidiaries of NEVD to Elantic. These authorizations are held pursuant to the
 Commission‘s blanket waiver for domestic, non—dominant Section 214 authorizations.


L.           Description of the Parties

             A.     NEVD Holdings, LLC

             NEVD is a Rhode Island limited liability company. It is the holding company for

Conversent CLEC, a Rhode Island limitedliability company; Conversent LD, a New

Hampshire limited liability company; and PayPhone, a Colorado limited liability company.

Through itself and its CLEC operating subsidiaries, Conversent CLEC provides (or will

provide) a variety of communications services, including local exchange, long distance,

international, and data services to customers in nine Mid—Atlantic and New England states:

Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut,

Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey. Conversent LD provides international services

in these states. PayPhone provides payphone services in Massachusetts, Rhode Island,

New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, and Connecticut.

             B.     Cavalier Telephone Corporation

             Cavalier is a Delaware corporation that provides local exchange services through

CLEC operating subsidiaries in Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Maryland.

             C:     Florida Digital Network, Inc.                                           |

             FDN is a Delaware corporation that is certified to provide telecommunications

services in Florida. FDN offers local, long distance, and Internet services in various cities

in Florida and holds an international Section 214 authorization to operate as an

international resale carrier." An application for prior Commission approval of the

contribution of the ownership of FDN to Elantic will be filed separately by FDN‘s

regulatory counsel.

2            See ITC—98—443.

IL.          Description of the Transaction

             Under the proposed tiansacion, t ie ow iers of NEVD will contribute their

membershif interests in NEV ) to Elantic Cortempcoranecusly, the owners of Cavalier

and FDN w II contribut: their stock in their res; ective: companies to Elantic. Following

consummation of the tr insact on, Cavalie : and . ‘DN will su vive is wholly—owned

subsiciaries of Elintic. NEVI) will cease to exiit. However, NE‘/D‘s wholly—owned

subsiciaries, Conversen CLET, Co mversent LC , and PayPlone, vvill continue as whiolly—

owned subs diaries of E antic. Comvrersent CLE C‘s operatirg subsidiaries will also

continue as wholl ;—owr 2d sutbsidiaries of Convirsent CLEC: and indirect wholly—ov‘ned

subsidiaries of NEVD.

III.         Public Injerest Consderations

             Proript agp prova . of th :s app icatio n will serve the pt blic ir terest by enabling

Conversent CLEC, Cor versent LD, PayP 10ne, Caval:er, and FDNI to combine their

networks ard operation s, thereby eriabling; them to compete in the domestic and

internationa mark etplaces in : more econ »mica ly efficient ind competitive manner The

combinatior of th:se co npanies will result in sij nificant cost saviugs and business

synergies, thus strengthening the competitive position of the combined entity. For

example, the transaction will permit Elantic to expand the scope of its marketing efforts

throughout its combined service area while reducing overhead and duplicative facilities.

Conversent‘s international customers will continue to receive service from Conversent

after the proposed transaction, but will directly benefit from the efficiencies gained as

result of the proposed transaction.


             These economies will be brought forth in a domestic and international marketplace

that is marked by su‘stantial competition from the Bell Operating Companies and other

incumbent local exclhange carriers, as well as large long distance sarriers suct. as AT&T

and MCI World4dCon /Sprirt. The combination of the assets, personnel, and r:lationships

of Conversent, PayPhone, Cavalier, and FDN will enable Elantic :o compete nore

effectively with: these: formidable competitors.

             For all of the above: reasons, approval of this Application on a streamlined basis

would plainly serve the puljlic interest.

                                  SECTION 63.18 JINF()RMATZ[ON

             In accordancs with Section 53.18(e)(3) of the Comunission‘s Rules, NEVD and

Elantic provide the followi 1g information

             (a)    Name, addt ess; and telephone number:

                    Transferee:     Elantic Communications, Inc.
                                    2134 W. Laburnum Avenue
                                    Richmond, VA 23227
                                    Tel. (800) 950—7858
                    Transferor:     NEVD Holdings, LLC
                                    313 Boston Post Road West
                                    Suite 140
                                    Marlboro, MA 01752
                                    Tel. (508) 486—6300

             (b)    Elantic is a corporation organized underthe laws of Delaware. NEVD is a

limited liability company organized under the laws of Rhode Island.

             (c)    Correspondence concerning this application should be addressed to:


                     For Elantic:

                            David Mayer
                            Vice President
                            Elantic Communications, Inc.
                            222 Richmond Street
                            Suite 206
                            Providence, RIL 02903
                            Tel. (401) 490—6353
                            Fax. (401) 490—9751

                     for NEVD:

                            Scott Sawver
                            Vice President, Regulatory
                            NEVD Holdings, LLC
                            222 Richmond Street
                            Suite 206
                            Providence, RI 02903
                            Tel. (401) 490—6377
                            Fax (401) ‘272—9751

                    with a copy to:

                            Thomas Jones
                            Sophie J. K.eefer
                            Willkie, Farr & Gallagher
                            Three Lafayette Centre
                            1155 21st iStreet, NW
                            Washingto:1, DC 20036
                            Tel. (202) 328—8000
                            Fax (202) 887—8979

             (d)    The following international Section 214 authorizations are sought to be


              Licensee              File Number            Type of Authorization

              Conversent            ITC—96—303; ITC—ASG—   International resale of
              Communications,       19991119—00721         public switched services
              Conversent            ITC—214—19990210—      International resale of
              Communications        00081                  public switched services
              Long Distance, LLC


             Elantic does not currently hold any international Section 214 authorizations.

             (e)     Not applicable.

             (£)     Not applicable.

             (g)     Not applicable.

             (h)     Following consummation of the trinsaction, Elantic‘s 10% or greater

shareholders will be follows:

Name                     Address                 Citizensh p   Principal           Approximat:
                                                               Business            Interest

Cavalier Telephone      2134 W. Laburnum         USA           Competitive Local   36.67 %
Corporation             Ave., Richmond VA                      Exchange Carrier
Florida Digital         390 N. Orangie Ave.,     USA           Competitive Local   33.33 %
Network, Inc.           20th Floor, Orlando                    Exchange Carrier
                        FL 32801                               and Internet
                                                               Service Provider       es         s
Robert C. Fanch          1873 South Bellaire     USA           Communications      23.67%
                        Street, Suite 1550,
                        Denver, CO 80222                                               s         ez

             Other ‘ndividuals anc entities will own the remaining 6.33 % interest i1 Elantic.

             Through Cavalier, the indirect 10% or greater owners of Elantic are as follows:

Name                    Address                  Citizenship   Principal           Interest in
                                                               Business            Cavalier

M/C Venture             75 State Street, Suite   USA           Investment Fund     32.76%
Partners IV, L.P.       2500, Boston, MA
KDZ Holdings,           813 Colony Bluff         USA           Holding Company     48.4%
LLC.                    Place, Richmond, VA              f

             Through FDN, the indirect 10% or greater owner of Elantic is as follows:

Name                    Address                  Citizenship   Principal           Interest in FDN
Media/                  75 State Street, Suite   USA           Investment Fund     60.7%
Communications          2500, Boston, MA
Partners III, L.P.      02109


             Elantic has no interlocking directorates with any foreign carrier.

             (i)     Elantic will not be affiliated with any foreign carrier.

             ())     Elantic does not seek to provide .internationayl telecommunications services

to any destination country in which it is a foreign carrier; controls a foreign carrier; or is

affiliated with a foreign carrier.

             (k)     Not applicable.

             (1)     Not applicable.

             (m)     Not applicable.

             (n)     Elantic certifies that it agrees not to accept special concessions directly or

indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the

foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end ofthe route and will not enter

into such agreements in the future.

             (0)     Elantic certifies pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 ofthe

Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001—1 .2003, that no party to this application is

subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse

Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853a.

             (p) _   This application qualifies for streamlined processing under Section 63.12 of

the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12, because Elantic will not be affiliated with any

foreign carrier or with any dominant U.S. carrier whose international switched or private

line services Elantic seeks to resell. Nor does Elantic seek to provide switched basic

services over private lines to a country for which the FCC has not previously authorized

the provision of switched services over private lines.



          In light of the above, Elantic and Conversent respectfully request that the Commission

process the instant application on a streamlined basis and grant the authorization requested.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                       By: fim /I/ &~o
                                               David Mayer        /
                                               Vice President
                                               Elantic Communications, Inc.
                                               222 Richmond Street
                                               Suite 206
                                                rovidenc      {?2903

                                       By:     )ifi              'V\fl
                                               Scott Sawyer
                                               Vice President, RegulLry Affairs
                                               NEVD Holdings, LLC
                                               222 Richmond Street
                                               Suite 206
                                               Providence, RI 02903

April 10, 2000


                                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

             I, Scphie J. Keefer, hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing "Application for Tranfer of Cont ol of

International Section 14 Authorizations held by Conversent Communications, LLC, and Conversent

Communicatons Longs Distance, LLC, from NEVD Holdings, LLC, to Elantic Communications, Inc.", has leen

served by :irst class mail, postage prepaid, unless otherwise indicated, to the following partie::

J. Breck Blalock                                               Justin Connor
Chief                                                          Policy and Facilities Branch
Policy and Facilities Branch                                   International Bureau
International Bureau                                           Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission                              445 12th St., S.W.
445 12th St., S.W.                                             Washington, DC 20554
Washington, DC 20554                                           (via hand delivery)
(via hand delivery)

Rebecca Arbogast                                               Dr. John J. Hemre
Chisf                                                          Deputy Secretary of Deferise
Telecommunications Division                                    Department of" Defense
International Bureail                                          Roon 313944
Federal Communicztions Commission                              1010 Deferise Pentagon
445 12th S:., is.W.                                            Washinpto:1, DC 20301—1010
Washingto:1, 1D).C. 20554
(via hand delivery)

Hon. Richard Danzig                                            Kiathy D. Smith, Esq.
Secretary of the Navy                                          Acting Chief Counsel .
Office of the Secretzry                                        Departmient of Commerce (NTIA)
Department of the Navy                                         Room 4/13
The Pentagon                                                   14th & Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20310                                         Washington, DC 20230

Anthony D. Cina                                                Office of General Counsel
Bureau of International Communications and                     National Security Agency
 Information Policy                                            9800 Savage Road
Department of State                                            Fort Meade, MD 20755—6000
Room 4826
2201 C Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20520—1428

Tatia Williams                                                 Hon. Clarence L. Irving
Senior Policy Advisor                                          Assistant Secretary for Communications and
Office of International Affairs                                 Information
Department of Commerce (NTIA)                                  Department of Commerce (NTIA)
Room 4898                                                      Room 4898
14th & Constitution Ave., N.W.                                 14th & Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20230                                           Washington, DC 20230


Joan Donoghue, Esq.                                    Robin R. Layton
Assistant Legal Advise: for Eco:motmic, Business and   Department of Commence (NTIA)
  Communications Affairs                               Room 4324
Office of the Legal Adviser                            14th Street & Constitution Ave., N.W.
Department of State                                    Washingtor., D.C. 20230
2201 C Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20520—6310

Richard Beaird                                         Steven Lztt, Esq.
Acting Deputy Assistart Secretary                      Bureau of International Communications and
Bureau of International Communications and              Information Policy
 Information Policy                                    Department of State
Department of State                                    Room 4836
Room 4826                                              2201 C Street, N.W.
2201 C Street, N.W.                                    Washington, D.C. 205::0—1428
Washington, D.C. 20520—1428

Carl Wayne Smith, Esq.                                 Gary Couey
Code AR Defense Information Systems Agency             Office of International Communications and
701 South Courthouse Road                               Information Policy
Arlington, VA 22204                                    Department of State
                                                       Room 4826
                                                       2201 C Strest, NW.
                                                       Washington, D.C. 20520

Shirl Kinney                                           Suzanne Settle, Esq.
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Communications and      ‘Senior Policy Advisor
 Information                                           Jepartment of Commierce (NTIA)
Department of Commerce (NTIA)                          Room 4701
Room 4898                                              L4th Street & Constitution, N.W.
14th Street & Constitution, N.W.                       ‘Washington, D.C. 20230
Washington, D.C. 20230

Jack Gleason                                           Jr. Linton Wells
Acting Administrator                                   Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for C3
Office of International Affairs                        Room 3E194
Department of Commerce (NTIA)                          6000 Defense Pentagon
Room 4701                                              Washington, D.C. 20301—6000
14th Street & Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20230

Cathleen Wasilewski, Esq.
Attorney Advisor, Office of Chief Counsel
Department of Commerce (NTIA)
Room 4713
14th Street & Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20230

Dated April 12, 2000                                                            J. Lojer
                                                                              Sophie J. Keefer 1


Document Created: 2019-04-20 06:18:23
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 06:18:23

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