Attachment 20161227095615-733.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20000328-00186 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                       B fore he
                        FEDERAL COMMU] ICA "TON s CO UMI sSIO [
                                 Washing on, 1 .C. 2 1554

                                         rCo/MEL .OR        M iR 2: .200
In th2 1 {a ter oi
                                                       N in—Stre amline d iTC—T >—200 0328— 0186
                                                       T ‘LEBE MUDL INTEF NATC IAL LIl ITED
Acquis :ic 1 of Clobel let C© mmu 1ications
Group it ited hy ~6( nevw irks iic.

Applic: tic 1 for I‘r; ns er of ZSontiol of
Interna io al Setiin 14 A ithor ty

                         APP .ICA NIONTO*‘ RAX SFEI CO] [TR( L OJ
                        INT] RNA TIONAL S iCT] JN2 4 Al THC RIT

         2u suan tc Section 214 cfthe Comm inicat ons 4 :t of 934, is am ndec by th

Telecoi ur inica iois . ic o1 1996 (the "Act"), and & sctior 63.1    of tl 2 Cor miss »n‘s F ales, «17

CER. }63.18, 36 )n tworl s inc. ("360netwe ks")‘ and C lobel ‘et C« mmu icatic as Gt »up

Limitec (" slobeNt" inc tc gethe : "Applicant "), he ‘eby : sek a thori y to t ansfe cont ol of ‘he

internat or al Secticn‘ 1¢ au :hority" held by T leBei nuda [nter ation 1 Lin ted, ; subsi liary of

GlobeN® at, to 360n :tv or«ss a connection witk the p opos: d acq 1isitic 1 of ( lobel ‘et by

360net 0o: <¢s." As ie crbe below, the prop« sed ti insac ion b twee 360; stwo &s an .

GlobeN »t vill serv : tl e jput ic interest by enh ncing the ability : fthe wo c mpa:. ies to offer

        36O0networks was formerly known as Worldwide Fiber Inc.

        See Overseas Common Carrier Section 214 Applications Actions Taken, Rep. No. I—8311,
        File No. ITC—98—321, Public Notice, 13 FCC Red 11222 (1998); see also International
        Authorizations Granted, Rep. No. TEL—00174, File No. ITC—T/C—19991201—00749,
        Public Notice, DA 99—3033 (rel. Dec. 30, 1999) (reflecting the corporate reogranization
        of TeleBermuda International Limited under GlobeNet).

        Simultaneously herewith, 360networks and GlobeNet are filing an application to transfer
        control of submarine cable landing licenses held by subsidiaries of GlobeNet in connection
        with the proposed transaction.

state—of—the—art fiber optic capacity to telecormmunications carriers and other end—users in the

international marketplace.

1.      Description of the Transaction

        On March 11, 2000, 360networks and GlobeNet entered into an Agreement and Plan of

Arrangement whereby 36O0networks would acquire GlobeNet through the exchange of shares of

36O0networks for shares of (GlobeNet, pending shareholder, governmental, and regulatory

approvals. After the transaction is completed, GlobeNet will become a wholly—owned, direct

subsidiary of 36O0networks. Through the acquisition of GlobeNet, 36O0networks will acquire

control of GlobeNet‘s subsidiaries, including TeleBermuda International Limited, which currently

holds an international section 214 authorization. GlobeNet will retain the same corporate

relationships with its subsidiaries, which will become indirect, wholly—owned subsidiaries of

36Onetworks. Commission approval ofthis transaction is requested in the instant Application.

IJ.    Description of the Parties

       A.      360networks inc.

       36O0networks, a Canadian corporation with its headquarters in Vancouver, British

Columbia, is an indirect subsidiary of Ledcor Inc., a privately—held Canadian corporation with

interests in the construction and communications industries. Through its subsidiaries,

360networks offers fiber—optic capacity to communications carriers, Internet service providers,

and other large end—users. The company is in the process of completing a technologically

advanced, 56,100—mile telecommunications network, which will include fiber optic terrestrial

networks in North America and Europe and an undersea cable linking North America and Europe.

         In addition, 36 )netw orks I as rec ently innou 1ced : 1 a filing with the U.S. Secur ties ai id

E> ch inge Commissior that t plan ; to is jue it: share s in a: . initisl public offering i i the : econc

qu art »r of 2 000.

        6.        Globe!{let Commu nicatons Croup Limi ed

        (ilo »eNet, a Burmud i com »any ‘ vith h :adqu irters in Bei muda and o ffices in Ne v Yoik,

Tcro: to. at d Montrea , is ar indej ender t dev Joper of fib sr—opt ic cable faci ities. Thro igh it

suisi iaties GlobeNet operites th : BUS —1 un jlerse: cable syste n between the U:1 ited States ind

Be :m id, ., a 1d is currei tly cc nstru: ting t ie Atl antica 1 cat le net vork, which will | onne: t the

Urt ite 1 Stat :s, Venezu +«la, B azil, i nd Bermud i. Th ough its sulsidiaries, G obeX t also own ; an

int re st in t ie TAT—14 cable netw: rk, es tendi:g bet veen he Ur ited States, Denn ark, CGierma 1y,

the N tkerliinds, Francs, and the U nited <Tingc om.

IN.     Pulklic Interes ; Conjider; tions

        F‘roiapt approv il of t us ap »licati n wil| serv| the ; ublic nterest by enablit g the

Af pliarts :o combine their : ietwo ‘ks an 1 opeation: , ther ‘by er abling them to co npete in the

int n itional marketple ce in i mor econ amic; lly eff cient ind competitive mannei. The

aci ui iti on of GlobeNet by 3 5Onet vorks will r »sult in sign ficant cost savings and jusiness

sy1 ergies, thus strengthening the competitive position of both companies. For ex: mple, the

combination of the North America—Europe cable system of 360networks with the GlobeNet

systems between the United States, Bermuda, and South America will enable the Applicants to

expand the scope of their marketing efforts while reducing overhead and duplicative facilities."

*       See In re Global Crossing Ltd. and Frontier Corporation, CC Dkt. No. 99—264,
        Memorandum Opinion and Order, 14 ECC Red. 15911, at 26 (1999) (noting that the
        merger between Global Crossing and Frontier will produce "tangible public interest
        benefits" because "the proposed merger will provide the Applicants with an opportunity to

         These economies will be brought fort! : in a global marketplace that is ma ked t

subsiar fial exis ing com )e ng cable systems, including Atlantic Cros ing (AC—1 Coli nbus I,

Gemin PTAT—1, TAT— 10 TAT—11, and TA‘ "—12/13, anc planned cce mpeting ca le sy:. tems, such

as Colh mbus II , FLAG A: antic—1, Level 3, MAC—|, MAYA—1, OX ‘GEN (US.              ), PA C—1, ‘AC,

and So ithern C coss.° I a dition, Tyco Inter iational Ltd. has recent y announce I plar : to b ild

and op rate the world‘s ‘la gest and most adv anced ‘ undersea cable ; etwork." 1 ie ad ditio of

the Glc »eNet a sets, pe so inel, and relations! ips v ill enable 36O0netv orks to cor pete qore

effectiy sly with these fo m 1able competitors. The economies of sca > and scopt that : :ill be the

result c "the cof ibinatio ic ‘360networks and Glot »Net will permit c istomers tc secut : a br »ader

range c : value—; dded se vi es for consumers ; s we | as reducing tran action cost for e id us rs of

unders: a cable :apacity

         Zor all c fthe ab: ve reasons, prompt appror al of this Applicai on would j ainly serve ‘he

public i iterest.

IV.      [nform; tion Re ju red bySection 63.18

         in accot lance w th Section 63.18(e)(3) of t ie Commission‘s 1 ules, the A iplica its su mit

the foll wing in ‘ormation in support of this Applice :ion:

        provide more services than either entity could provide itself" which "may result in
        improved competition in the market for domestic and foreign telecommunications

*       See International Bureau Report, 1998 Section 43.82 Circuit Status Data, at Table 7
        (December 1998).

6       See Laura Johannes, "Tyco to Build Vast Undersea Cable Network," Wall St. J. (Jan. 17,

(a)   The name, address and telephone number of 36Onetworks is:
             36O0networks inc.
             1066 West Hastings Street
             Suite 1510
             Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 3X1
             Tel:    (608) 6811994

      The neme, address and telephone number of GlotbeNet is:
            GlobeNet Communications Group Limited
            Swan Building
            26 Victoria Street
            Hamilton HM 12
            Tel:    (441) 296—4101

(b)   360networks is a Canadian corporation organized under the laws of he province
      of Alberta. GlobeNet is a corporation organized under the |aws cf E ermuda.

(c)   Correspondence regarding this Application should bi: addreissed to:
            Kenneth Douglas
            General Counsel — Offshore Operations
            36O0networks inc.
            1066 West Hastings Street
             Suite 1510
            Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 3X1
            Tel:        (604) $95—9900
            Fax:         (604) 681—6822
      with a copy to:
             Stephen R. Bell
             Jennifer D. McCarthy
             Sophie J. Keefer
             Willkie Farr & Gallagher
             Three Lafayette Centre
             1155 21st Street, NW
             Washington, DC 20036—3384
             Tel:        (202) 429—4741
             Fax:       (202) 887—8979

               Lin Gentemann
               Executive Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary
                GlobeNet Communications Group Limited
               Swan Building
               26 Victoria Street
               Hamilton HM 12
               Tel:       (441) 296—4101
               Fax:       (441) 296—3970
        with a copy to:

               Robert A. Mazer
               R. Edward Price
               Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.
               1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
               Washington, D.C. 20004—1008
               Tel:    (202) 639—6500
               Fax:   (202) 639—6604

(d)     36O0networks has not previously received authority under Section 214 to provide
       international services. However, Worldwide Telecom (USA) Inc., an indirect,
       wholly—owned subsidiary of 36Onetworks, is authorized to land and operate a
       private submarine fiber—optic cable extending betweenthe United States, Canada,
       Ireland, and the U.K., called the Hibernia cable."‘ In addition, Ledcor Industries
       Inc., an affiliate of 360networks, has received a cable landing license, jointly with
       fONOROLA Fiber Development Inc., Fiberco Telecommunications Corporation,
       and Metronet FiberUS, Inc., for the AmeriCan—1 cable, a private cable which
       extends between Seattle, Washington, and Vancouver, British Columbia.*

See In re Application for a License to Land and Operate in the United States a Private
Fiber Optic Submarine Cable System Extending Between the United States, Canda,
Ireland, and the United Kingdom, File No. SCL—LIC—19990804—00012, Cable Landing
License, DA 00—76 (Int‘l. Bur. rel. Jan. 14, 2000).

See fONOROLA Fiber Development Inc. and Ledcor Industries Inc., File No. SCL 98—
001, Cable Landing License, 13 FCC Red. 15663 (Int‘l. Bur. 1998); see also fONOROLA
Fiber Development Inc. and Ledcor Industries Inc., File No. SCL—MOD—19990901—
00016, Third Modification of Cable Landing License, DA 00—315 (Int‘l. Bur. rel. Feb. 18,
2000); fONOROLA Fiber Development Inc. and Ledcor Industries Inc., File No. SCL—
AM—19981112—00026, Second Modification of Cable Landing License, 14 FCC Red.
4507 (Int‘l. Bu. 1999); fONOROLA Fiber Development Inc. and Ledcor Industries Inc.,
File No. SCL—AMD—19980831—00015, Modification of Cable Landing License 14 FCC
Red. 1961 (Int‘l. Bur. 1998).

             Through its wholly—owned, direct subsidiary TeleBermuda International Limited,
             GlobeNet holds a global facilities—based and resale Section 214 authorization."
             TeleBer muda Inernational : imited also holds an interest in the TAT—14 cable."
             In addit: on, thro igh its indi1 ect, wholly—owned subsidiary Atlantica USA LLC,
             GlobsN :t holds the U.S. calile lar ding license for the Atlartica—1 cable network."
             GlobesN st‘s indit ect, vsholly owned subsi diary ‘Tel :B »rn uda I iternstional, L.L_C.,
             holds th: U.S. cible l:nding licen:e for the BUS—1 cz ble network .Approval of
             the tran:ifer of control of GlobeNet‘s subsidiaries‘ submarin: cabl: Isnding licenses
             is being soughit i1 a separate application filed simulta iecusly v/iith: tke instant

     (s)     This Apolication seek ; authority t transier sontrol of CloteNet to 360networks.

     (1)    Not spplicable.

     (g)    Not applicable.

     (h)    360nztv orks (formerly ki10owvn as Worldv/id : Fiber I1nc.) is majorityowned by
            Worldw ide Fibe1 Holcing;s L td., a company organ ze i urider tie aw‘s of Alberta,
            Canada. Other than V/orldvide F ber Hcldiig: L1d., no otier entity owns more
            than 10¢%% of S60networks. IDn# handred perceait of the sommm on shares of
            Worldw de Fibe: Holuings L td. ars held by ec co: Inc., a privately—held Canadian
            compan incorporated pursian: t the laws of Alterta. One hundred percent of
            the prefierred shares of Worldwide Fiber Ho‘idir gs Ltd. are 1el 1 by Ledcor
            Industries Limited, an Albera conipany and avihclly —.ov med sub:iidiary of Ledcor
            Inc. The only two sharet olcers oi Ledcor Inc. hoding i rterests j;re ater than 10%
            are David and Clifford Lede both Canadian cit zeiis, who join‘ly ow n more than

                                                                          i   Dlva. Ratld RES UceL

                   (n'anted, Rep. No. 'IEI—0‘)174, File N(: ITC —T/ C-19c 9120 1—00749,
     Pubiic Notice, DA 99—3033 (rel. Dec. 30, 1999) (re lecting t ie corporat«: reogranization
     of TeleBermuda International Limited under GlobeNet).
     See In re AT&TCorp., et al., File No. SCL—LIC—19990303—00004, Cable Landing
     License, DA 99—2042 (Int‘l. Bur. rel. Sept. 30, 1999).
     See Atlantica USA LLC, File No. SCL—LIC—19990602—00010,Cable Landing License,
     DA 99—2778 (Int‘l. Bur., rel. Dec. 10, 1999).
     See TeleBermuda International, L.L.C., File No. SCL—95—009, Cable Landing License, 11
     FCC Red 21141 (Int‘l Bur. 1996); see also TeleBermuda International, L.L.C., File No.
     SCL—T/C—19990210—00003, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 14 FCC Red 18951 (Int‘l
     Bur. 1999) (granting application to transfer control of TeleBermuda International, L.L.C.,
     to TeleBermuda International Limited).

           50% of Ledcor Inc. An Exhibit containing the names, addresses, citizenship, and
           principal businesses of the 10% or greater direct and indirect shareholders of
           36O0networks is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.

           36O0networks certifies that it has the following interlocking directorates with
           foreign carriers:

           David Lede, Chairmanofthe Board of 36O0networks, also serves as a director of
           Worldwide Telecom (Canada) Inc., WTI Telecom (Ireland) Limited, and WTI
           Telecom (U.K.) Limited. William Ramsey, a director of 360networks, is also a
           director of Worldwide Telecom (Canada) Inc. and WTI Telecom (Ireland)
           Limited. (Glenn Creamer, a director of 360networks, is also a director of Carrierl
           International S.A., a facilities—based, Pan—European carrier that is authorized, or
           will be authorized, to provide communications services throughout the European
           Union. Glenn Creameris also a director of Celpage, Inc., a provider of paging,
           cellular, and Internet services in Puerto Rico, with operations in Costa Rica and

    (i)    360networks certifies that it is affiliated with the following foreign carriers:

            Carrier                                        Country
            Worldwide Fiber F.0.T.S. Ltd.                  Canada
            Ledcor Industries Limited                      Canada
            Worldwide Telecom (Canada) Inc.                Canada
            WTI Telecom (Ireland) Limited                  Ireland
            WTI Telecom (U.K.) Limited                     United Kingom

    0)     36O0networks certifies that it seeks to provide international telecommunications to
           the same destination countries andthe same foreign carriers as listed in (1) above.

    (k)    Because Canada, Ireland, and the United Kingdom are members of the World
           Trade Organization, it is presumed that 36O0networks‘ affiliations with carriers in
           these countries do not pose any concerns that would justify conditioning or denial
           of this application." Moreover, as shown below, 36Onetworks‘ foreign carrier
           affiliates do not possess market power in their respective markets or the ability to
           discriminate against unaffiliated U.S. carriers on the foreign end of their routes
           through the control of bottleneck facilities or services.

           In Canada, 36O0networks is affiliated with three non—dominant Canadian carriers.
           Worldwide Fiber F.O0.T.S. Ltd., a member of the Ledcor group of companies, and

+   In re Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S. Telecommunications Market;
    Market Entry and Regulation of Foreign—Affiliated Entities, IB Dkt. Nos. 97—142 & 95—22,
    Memorandum Opinion and Order, 12 FCC Red. 23891, at €| 50 (1997).

             Ledcor Industries Limited, an indirect owner of 36O0networks, are registered as
             non—dominant Canadian carriers with the Canadian Radio—Television and
             T :e omm inications Commission ("CRTC"). Worldwide Fiber F.O.T.S. Ltd. is a
             st irt up cc mpany engaged in the construction of a fiber optic cable system in
             C in: da an 1 does not possess market power."* Similarly, Ledcor Industries
             L mi ed is i new entrant to the: telec »mmunic ati n: se :tor in ( an id; enga ;ed it
             tk c onstn ction of a fib »r opt c cab 2 syst:m anidoe not pos seis 1t iarket
             pow ‘r. " ‘ Vorldwide Telec on (C an ida), :nc , holés a 1 Intern:; tic na Services
             L    ceise fre    m the CRTC an 1 a St bn          arine Cale     Livense from nc asi           ty Ca:    ada.
             C    irr :ntly,   Worldwide T sle:sor1 (Zai        ada) nc is     pr:—ojeration i. O:           ce
             0)   er itiona    , it will operite ‘he C; na      lian port on    of th Hibern a cab           > syst    m.
             A    secrd‘ng     y, neither 36(ine :wrk s n       or its Corig   i cirr ar affliliaces ha      e he      ability
             tc    ac: artu    ompetitively ig: in:t u ral      iliated U.S.    carriurs throu zh the         ccnt:    >l of
             bi   ttl meick    services or fe cilitie : in C;   nada.

             Ir Ei rope,       WTI Telecori (re an )1 imite 1 h          ol¢s a G neral T.      lec   on     m nic     ations
             L :ei se in       [reland. WT] Telecon: (U.K.) in           ite 4 t ols an Int     rn    itic   na F;     cilities
             L :ei se in       ‘he U.K. Both are ita t—/ p conipa        ues cea ed to 0j       er    te     the Ei    ropean
             p«rtins 0:        the Hibernia calile sys teri. Conse       qunty, reither j       os    ies    i m arl   et
             pcwir or t ie ability to d sc im inae ; gains: ui af ilistee U.S. cirrirs on the
             er d cftiie sable.""

     (1)     Tie oreig i carrier affili ite. 0:‘ 3¢ On stworks jus lif ‘fcir a pres m ti n of 1 on—
             d: m‘ 1a1.ce under Sectio 1 63.10(; )(@ ) becaus: e ick fo ‘eign aff lia elick s 5 3%
             m irk 2t shs :e in the inter 1at ior al : rai sport an| the l oc: 1 access m; rk t cn t ie
             fc ‘ei m mc of the route. T rerefcre, 36Onetwv or:s :s n t requi ed to fle qi arterly
             tr ffi; repc rts required ty Sec ion1 4. .61(c).

     (m)     Te oreig i carrier affili tei. 0: 3¢ On stworks juilif for a pres m ticn of 1 on—
             de mi r1ance under Sectio 1 63.10(; )(@ ) becaus: ecick fo ‘eign aff lia e l ick s 5 3%
             m irk 2t she e in the inter 1at or al trai sport an| tl e l ac: 1 access mi rk t cn t ie
             fc ‘ei in end of the route. Taeiefore, 360netv orks s e ititled t« nun— lon1in int
             cl ssification pursuant to Section 63.10 for tt 2 countries listed in re: 10. ise to
             paragraph (i).

     See In Re SSI Atlantic CrossingLLC and GT Landing Corp., File No. SCL—ASG—
     19981207—00028, Order and Authorization, DA 99—1274, at «3 (rel. June 30,
     1999)("Because all of GT Landings‘ affiliates in the destination countries of the AC—1
     Cable are start—up companies with no market power, we find that these affiliations do not
     affect grant of the instant application.").

(n)   360networks certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessions directly
      or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route
      where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route
      and will not enter into such agreements in the future.

(0)   36O0networks certifies that no party to this Application is subject to a denial of
      Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.
      See 21 U.S.C. § 853a.

(p)   This Application is entitled to streamlined processing under Section 63.12(c)(1)( .)
      because 36O0networks‘ foreign carrier affiliates qualify for a presumption of non—
      dominance under Section 63.10(a)(3). As discussed above in paragraph (k),
      36O0networks‘ foreign carrier affiliates lack 50% market share in the international
      transport and local access markets in their home countries.



       For the foregoing reasons, the Applicants request that the Commission authorize the

transfer of control of the international Section 214 authorization held by TeleBermuda

International Limited from GlobeNet to 360networks in connection with the acquisition of

GlobeNet by 36O0networks.

Respectfully submitted,

       tS —                                     GlobeNet Communications Group Limited

   Kenneth Do
   General Counsel — Offshore Operations
   36O0networks inc.
                                                    Lin Gentemann
                                                    Executive Vice President, Gr— »ral Counsel
                                                    GlobeNet Communications (      jup Limited
   1066 West Hastings Street                        Swan Building
   Suite 1510                                       26 Victoria Street
   Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 3X1              Hamilton HM 12
   Canada                                           Bermuda

   Stephen R. Bell                                  Robert A. Mazer
   Jennifer D. McCarthy                             R. Edward Price
   Sophie J. Keefer                                 Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.
   Willkie Farr & Gallagher                         1455 Pennsylvania Avenue,     .W.
   Three Lafayette Centre                           Washington, DC 20004—10!
   1155 21st Street, N.W.
   Washington, DC 20036—3384

Counsel for 36O0networks inc.                       Counsel for GlobeNet Communications Group

Dated: March 27, 2000



         For the foregoing reasons, the Applicants request that the Commission authorize the

transfer of control of the international Section 214 authorization held by TeleBermuda

International Limited from GlobeNet to 360networks in connection with the acquisition of

GlobeNet by 360networks.

Respectfully submitted,

360networks inc.                               GlobeNet Communications Group Limited

By:                                            By: L—QE—\

      Kenneth Douglas                               L%Gememann
      General Counsel — Offshore Operations         Executive Vice President, General Counsel
      360networks inc.                              GlobeNet Communications Group Limited
      1066 West Hastings Street                     Swan Building
      Suite 1510                                    26 Victoria Street
      Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 3X1           Hamilton HM 12
      Canada                                        Bermuda

      Stephen R. Bell                                Robert A. Mazer
      Jennifer D. McCarthy                           R. Edward Price
      Sophie J. Keefer                               Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.
      Willkie Farr & Gallagher                       1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
      Three Lafayette Centre                         Washington, DC 20004—1008
      1155 21st Street, N.W.
      Washington, DC 20036—3384

Counsel for 360networks inc.                         Counsel for GlobeNet Communications Group

Dated: March 27, 2000


 360networks inc. and GlobeNet Communications Group Limited Application to Transfer
                   Control of International Section 214 Authorization

                                          EXHIBIT 1

           10% or Greater Direct and Indirect Shareholders of 360networks inc.

Name/Citizenship        Address                Business                 Interest
Worldwide Fiber         1066 West Hastings     Holds investments in     Holds 88% of the
Holdings                Street, Suite 1510,    construction and fiber   beneficial ownership
Ltd./Canadian           Vancouver, BC V6E      asset subsidiaries.      of36Onetworks Inc.
Corporation (Alberta)   3X1 Canada
Ledcor Industries       1066 West Hastings     Construction and         Owns 100% of the
Limited/Canadian        Street, Suite 1510,    related business and     preferred stock of
Corporation (Alberta)   Vancouver, BC V6E      investments;             Worldwide Fiber
                        3X1 Canada             telecommunications.      Holdings Ltd.
Ledcor Inc./Canadian    1066 West Hastings     Holding company.         Owns 100% of the
Corporation (Alberta)   Street, Suite 1510,                             common stock of
                        Vancouver, BC V6E                               Worldwide Fiber
                        3X1 Canada                                      Holdings Ltd.
David W. Lede/          1360 Cromwell Road,    Director, Chairman       Holds greater than
Canadian Citizen        West Vancouver, BC     and Chief Executive      10% interest in
                        V7S 2P2 Canada         Officer of Ledcor Inc.   Ledcor Inc.
Clifford W. Lede/       9618 42nd Avenue,      Director, President      Holds greater than
Canadian Citizen        Suite 300, Edmonton,   and Chief Operating      10% interest in
                        Alberta T6E 5Y4        Officer of Ledcor Inc.   Ledcor Inc.

Ta tia Willi im s                                     Hon. Clarence L. Irvin;g
Senicr Foliy Advisor                                  Assis ant Secretary for Comt iunications and
Offic: of Ir ternatiornal Aflairts                     T:ifo :mation
Depa tmen : ol Commerce (NTIA)                        Depa tment of Commerce (NTLA)
Rc on : 4898                                          Rcon 4898
14 th %£ Consti—ut.on Ave., N.W.                      14th .£ Constituton Ave., N. W.
W ast ingtoii, DC 20230                               Washington, DC 20230

Hon. Chris in Todd Whitmi n                           Office: of General Counsel
Offic: of th: Covernor                                Nztio nal Security Agency
PO O)1                                                9800 Savage F.oad
Trenton, N J. 08652                                   Fort Meade, MD 20755—600()

Joan Donoghue, Esq.                                   Robir R. Layton
Assistant Legal Adviser for Economic, B isiness and   Depai tment of Commerce (NTIA)
 Communications Affairs                               Room 4324
Office of the Legal Adviser                           14th Street & Constitution Ave., N.W.
Department of State                                   Washington, D.C. 20230
2201 C Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20520—6310

Richard Beaird                                         Stever Lictt, Esq.
Acting D sputy Asiistant Secretary                    3urea i of Internaiional Co mnmut ications and
Bureau 0:‘ Irternatioral Comnmuuricatio is and          Infor nation Poliy
 Informatio: Policy                                   Jepar ment of Stzte
Department of State                                   .¢oom 4836
Room 48. :6                                           2201 C Street, N‘V.
2201 C S rect, NJV.                                   Washi igton, D.C. 20520—1428
Washingion, D.C. 20520—1428

Carl Way ne Smitt , Esq.                              Gary Couey
Code AR Defense Information Systems Agency            Office of International Communi :ations and
701 South Courthouse Road                              Infor nation Policy
Arlington, VA 22204                                   Depar ment of State
                                                      Room 1826
                                                      2201 C Street, NW.
                                                      Washington, D.C. 20520

Shirl Kinney                                          Suzanne Settle, Esq.
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Communications and     Senior Policy Advisor
 Information                                          Department of Commerce (NTIA)
Department of Commerce (NTIA)                         Room 4701
Room 4898                                             14th Street & Constitution, N.W.
14th Street & Constitution, N.W.                      Washington, D.C. 20230
Washington, D.C. 20230

Jack Gleason                                          Dr. Linton Wells
Acting Administrator                                  Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for C3
Office of International Affairs                       Room 3E194
Department of Commerce (NTIA)                         6000 Defense Pentagon
Room 4701                                             Washington, D.C. 20301—6000
14th Street & Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20230


Cathleen Wasilewski, Esq.
Attorney Advisor, Office of Chief Counsel
Department of Commerce (NTIA)
Room 4713
14th Street & Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20230

Dated March 28, 2000                              Sopnu T Lajy
                                                  Sophie J. Keefer


Document Created: 2019-04-19 06:47:51
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 06:47:51

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