Attachment 20161227090156-780.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20000321-00173 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


o m c Kaueo d a 6

                               FEOMELLC®                      MARf 21 °0
                                     Before th e
                                      Washington, D.C. 20554

I1: the Matter of

                                                   CA CA t t Airuath.. d
(‘ormerly, MJD ELE CHCICE CORP.)                                           ‘‘"ile No.

Application for Prior Co nsent to Transfer
Control of E::isting Streimlined
International Section 214 Autiorization


        FairP»int Comm inications Corp. (formrly, NUJD TeleCt oice Corp.) ("Fa rPoin:"), MJD

C ommunications, Inc. (°MJD Communications‘), anm| Thonas E. Lee Equity Fur d IV, L.].

(‘THL"), pu suant to Section 214 of the Comnunica:ions Act 0 1934, as a nend :d, an 1 Section

63.18 of the Zomniussio:i‘s Rules, respectfully reques Commission consent o the propoused

tiansfer of ccentrol of Fa rPoin: and its existing Strearilined Inter ratioral Se: tion :14

A uthorization, as well a: Fairl‘oint‘s ultimate parent compiny,                        [JD Commuiinicat ons, iroin the

e cisting common stockhalder: of MJD Communicati s to THL


        FairPoint currently resells switched international telecommunications services pursuant to

a streamlined International Section 214 Authorization granted by the Commission under File No.

ITC—98—439 (now ITC—214—19980610—00403), granted July 23, 1998.
        FairPoint. a Delaware corporation, is a wholly—owned subsidiary of MJD

Communications, also a Delaware corporation.

        THL and related funds presently own a non—voting, preferred stock comprising a 43.3

percent equity interest in MJD Communications. Upon receipt of Commission approval of this

application and applications for transfer of control of other Commission authorizations, THL and

related funds~      1 convert their preferred stock into common stock comprising a 47.2 percent

voting interest     . MJD Communications. At that point, THL will be the largest stockholder of

MJD Commu           ations and its principal source of future additional equity funding. In other

words, THL v_        obtain and exercise de facto control of MJD Communications and its

subsidiaries, i1     ading FairPoint, at the time of conversion and for the foreseeable future

thereafter. It is likely that THL‘s common stock interest in MJD Communications will grow to

exceed the 50.0 percent de jure control boundary at some point during the next year or two.

        The proposed transfer of control of MJD Communications and its subsidiaries, including

FairPoint, to THL will serve the public interest by allowing FairPoint to draw upon the financial

and administrative resources of THL and MJD Communications as it continues to resell and

market its international telecommunications services in highly competitive markets.

        Grant of this application will serve the public interest, convenience and necessity and in

support thereof, the following information is submitted pursuant to Section 63.18 of the

Commission‘s Rules:

        a)         Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the applicants are:

                   Authorization Holder:
                   FairPoint Communications Corp.
                   521 East Morehead Street (Suite 250)
                   Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
                   Telephone: (704) 344—81 50
                   Facsimile: (704) 344—8121

       MJD Communications, Inc.
       521 East Morehead Street (Suite 250)
       Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
       Telephone: (704) 344—8150
       Facsimile: (7O04) 344—8121

       Thomas H. Lee Equity Fund IV, L.P.
       75 State Street
       Boston, Massachusetts 02109
       Telephone: (617) 227—1050
       Facsimile: (617) 227—3514

b)     The Applicants are organized under the laws of:

       FairPoint Communications Corp.: Delaware

       MJD Communications, Inc.: Delaware

       Thomas H. Lee Equity Fund IV, L.P.: Delaware

       Correspondence concerning the application should be addressed to:

       Authorization Holder and Seller:
       Eugene B. Johnson, Executive Vice President
       MJD Communications, Inc.
       521 East Morehead Street (Suite 250)
       Charlotte, North Carolina 28202
       Telephone: (704) 344—8150
       Facsimile: (704) 344—8121

with copies to legal counsel:

       Gerard J. Duffy, Esquire
       Blooston, Mordkofsky, Jackson and Dickens
       2120 L Street, NW. (Suite 300)
       Washington, D.C. 20037
       Telephone: (202) 659—0830
       Facsimile: (202) 828—5568

                Anthony J. DiNovi
                Thomas H. Lee Equity Fund IV, L.P.
                75 State Street
               Boston, Massachusetts 02109
               Telephone: (617) 227—1050
               Facsimile: (617) 227—3514

       with copies to legal counsel:

               Mitchell F. Hertz, Esquire
               Kirkland & Ellis
               655 Fifteenth Street, NW. (Suite 1200)
               Washington, D.C. 20005
               Telephone: (202) 879—5000
               Facsimile: (202) 879—5200

        d)      Under the name MJD TeleChoice Corp., FairPoint was granted a streamlined

                International Section 214 Authorization to resell switched international

                telecommunications services in File No. ITC—98—439 (now ITC—214—19980610—

                00403), granted July 23, 1998.

        e)      Applicants are requesting prior Commission consent to the transfer of control of

                FairPoint and its existing International Section 214 Authorizations from the

                current stockholders of MJD Communications to THL.



        FairPoint, MJD Communications and THL each certifies that it is not a foreign carrier, and

that it does not have an affiliation with any foreign carrier.

         Fairloint, MJD Com nu u1cations and THL each certifie          t do¢ s not have an affiliation

with any of the U.S. carriers wt ose facilities—based internationa      zes F iirPoint resells and

proposes to continue to rese |.

         After completion of t ie »roposed transaction, the name        ‘ss, c tizenship and principal

business of the only entity hs vir & a ten percent (10%) or greate      est ir FairPoint will continue

to be:

Name/Address                             Owned Citizen         Pr       1 Bu; iness
MJD Communications, Inc.                  100.0%    DE         Te       nuni ations
521 E. Morehead St.                                 Corp.       B        Con pany
Charlotte, NC 28202

         MJD Cormunicatior s, nc. is a holding company whicl             rura telephone and other

telecommunications interest:.     "he names, addresses, citizenshi      princ pal businesses of the

entities having a ten percent (1(%) or greater voting interest in       Com nunications, Inc. will


Name/Address                             Owned      Citizen    P
Thomas H. Lee Equity                     47.20%       DELP.    Ir
 Fund IV, LP.
75 State Street
Boston, MA 02109

The general partner of Thomas H. Lee Equity Fund IV, L.P. is THL Equity Advisors, IV, LLC.
No single individual or entity holds a 10 percent or greater interest in THL and its affiliated funds.

Name/Address                             Owned       Citizen   Principal Business
Kelso Investment                         40.06%     DE L.P.    Investments
 Associates V, L.P.
320 Park Avenue, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10022

The general partner of Kelso Investment Assoziates V, L.P. is Kelso Partners V ‘which in tutn, is
owned by Messrs George E. Mate ich, Frank "[. Nickell, Joseph S. Shucheit, Thomas :t. W; II, IV
Michael B. Goldberg, Frank K. Bynum, Ir., ard David L. Wahrhaftig, each of whom is a U.S .
citizen and a holder of less than a five pe rcent gener al partnership interest.

        FairPoint: (1) will continue to mintair. sepa ‘ate books of account f:om a filiate d loc l

exchange carriers; (2) will continu: not :o joirtly ov n transmission or switching ‘acilit es wi h

affiliated local exchange carriers; and (3) will vontin 1e to take any tariffed _ervices fro:n affi iated

local exchange carriers pursuant tc the t :rms ind cc nditicns of their gener:; lly applicat le tar ffs.

        FairPoint will continue to t e tres ted as a no:iregulated affiliate for ; urposes of local

exchange carrier accounting under the C ommission‘; joint cost and affiliate trans iction s rule ; as

set forth in Parts 32 and 64 of the ZTomr ussion‘s Ru es.

                              Foreig n Co icessions a id Arrangements

        FairPoint, MJD Communication: and ‘[HL « ach certifies that it has not a zreed to aceept

special concessions, directly or incirectl:, frori any foreign carrier or foreig n adrunistiation with

respect to traffic and revenue flows between t ie Ur ited States and any foriign countm which

FairPoint may serve under the authority sought; and that it will not enter into such agreements in

the future.

                                Anti—Drug Abuse Act Certification

        FairPoint, MJD Communications and THL each certifies that, to th : best of its knowledge

and belief, no party to the application is subject to denial of federal bemefit: pursiiant t> Section

5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U S.C. 862.


        In light of the foregoing, FairPoint, MJD Communications and TH . respectfully submit

that the public interest, convenience and necessity would be served by a gr int of the proposed

transfer of control of FairPoint and its International Section 214 Authoriza :ion from tlie current

stockholders of MJD Communications to THL.

                                Respectfully submitted,
                                FAIRPOINT COMMUNjCATIONS COlP.
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                                Date:                en l                         a c e

                                MJD COMMUNICATIONS$, INC.
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                                Printed Name;                                                               2003           \\—x-uh \\
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Printed Name

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                                  CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I, Michael B. Adams, Jr., hereby certify that I am an attorney with the law firm of Blooston,
Mordkofsky, Jackson & Dickens and that a copy of the foregoing "Ajpplication for Streamlined
Section 214 Authority" was served this 21 st day of March, 2000, by first class mail as indicated, to
the persons listed below.

       The Honorable James Hunt, Jr.
       Office ofthe Governor
       State Capitol, 116 West Jones Street
       Raleigh, NC 27603

       The Honorable Madeleine Albright
       Secretary of State
       United States Department of State
       2201 C Street, NW.
       Washington, D.C. 20520

       The Honorable William S. Cohen
       Secretary of Defense
       1000 Defense Pentagon
       The Pentagon
       Washington, D.C. 20301

       International Transcription Service
        1231 20°" Street, NW.
       Washington, D.C. 20037

                                                  [A @"7':[0/%,
                                                      Michael B. Adams, Ir.

               2120 L STREET, NW., SUITE 300                  CRESTAR BANK, N.A                                     .
                 WASHINGTON, DC 20037                          WASHINGTON, DC                00015362                j
                                                                  15 52/540                                        )

AY        **** SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY &            00/100 DOLLARS                                                    ?;

                                                                                    DATE              AMOUNT        i
                                                                                  03/20/00     **x*x**x*x**$780 .00 ,
          Federal3 Communications
                    .                                             BLOOSTON, MORDKOFSKY, JACKSON & DICKENS          5j
5            Commission                                          a                        .                        y

                                                                         ro           AZta{ *                    m |j
                     "O 1536 21‘         20540005226   2065        L L gn®                                        /f

        READ INSTRUCTIONS CAR ZFULLY                                                                                                                                                APPROVED BY OMB 3060—0589
               BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                              FEDERAL CO UMMUNICATIONS C UMMISSION                                                                           m
                                                                                                                                a                                      SPECIAL U 5E
                                                                                                 REMITTTANCE ADVICE
                                                                                                                       |             1                                 FCs USE C\L                6          ud
        (1)Locksox® 358115                                                                                  PATRE NO zm 25 secomse
                                                                                                    SECTION A — PAYER INFORMATION
             (2) PAYIZR NAME (if paying by credi card, »nter name exactly as it appears on your caid)                                                            (3) TOT/L AMOL NT PAID (dollar ; and cents)

             Bloos:on, Mord}of iky, Jackson & Dickens                                                                                                            E                                a          _7 80.079_
             (4) STRZET ADDRESS LIN/z NO. 1
             2120 1           Street,                  N. 7.
             (6) STRZET ADDRESSLINiz NO. 2 _

             6 omm ——                                                                                                  ) STAE                                    (3) ZIP CODE
Vashington                                                                                 e                           DC                                            20037                                   &              C
             (¢) DAYTIME TELEPHONE |NUMBE ! (Inc! de area code)                                                       (10) COUNTRY CODE (if n xtin U.S.A.)
             1202)          659—00520

                            ..........................................                            SECTION B — APPLICANIT INFORMATION                          _[
                APPLICANT NAME payin by :                       ard, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)

Pairpoint Cormuni :at:ions (Co:rp.
        (121 STREET ADDRESS LINE N D. 1
  E21 East Morehead St:zeet, Suite 250C

[aai city                                       m                                                                     (15) STATE                                 (16) zi ‘cope
             (harlotte                          _                                                                      NC                                            232 02                                         LC 6
[(17| DAYTIME TELEPHONE NU ABE | (Incl de aresi codu)                                                                 (18) COUNTRY C IDE (if not in U.S.A.)
             1704)         344—8150

    :                 L.                                        L.                     &           SECTION! C — PAYMETNIT INFORMATION                            | : > =>>>
        (19A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER I1)                        i )A) PAYMENT         TYF 2 CODE (PTC)          _| (214) quantry            (22A) FEH: DUE FOR (PTC) IN ELC 3K 20A
                                                                         I C               | U      I T                          1       |s                      780 00
        (23A) FCC CODE 1                                                                                                     (24A) FCC CODE 2

Ewa) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                                 (i )B)_PAYMENT TYF 2 CODE (PTC)                  _| (218) quant y            (228) FEH: DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLC 3K 208 [
        (23B) FCC CODE 1                                                                                                     (24B) FCC CODE 2

        (19C) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                        (i 1C) PAYMENT TYF z CODE (PTC)                    (21C) QUaANTITY           (22C) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IhEL—C s 20C B
        (23C) FCC CODE 1                                                                                                     (24C) FCC CODE 2                        M

        (19D) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                        (i iD) PAYMENT TYF              CODE (PTC)         (21D) QUANTITY            (22D) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLC 3K 20D
        (23D) FCC CODE 1                                                                                                     (24D) FCC CODE 2

                                                                      ECTION D — TAXPAYERINFOR
        (25)                                                                                                               | (26) COMPLETE THIS BLOCK ONLY IF APPLICANT NAME IN B—11 is DIFFERENT FROM PAYER NAME IN A—2)

        PAYER TIN                                   0|s |2 l1 11|3 6 |2 |7 3                                               [ APPLICANT TIN                             |O0|e|2 |1 |7 |2 |a 4 o |7
                                                                                                          SECTION E — CERTIFICATION
        1,                                                                                         , Certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and supporting information
                                             (PRINT NAME)
        are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief.                                                              SIGNATURE
f                                                                   SECTION F — CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION
        (28)                                MASTERCARDNISA ACCOUNT NUMBER                                                                                               EXPIRATION DATE

                                                                                                                                                                         MONTH        YEAR

                   vISA        I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD                  AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                                              DATE

                               for the service(s)/authorization(s) herein described.                 p

                                                                                SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ESTIMATE ON REVERSE                                                FCC FORM 159              JULY 1997 (REVISED)

Document Created: 2019-04-19 05:10:56
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 05:10:56

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