Attachment 20161227095145-680.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20000317-00185 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


          Categories      of ervices              214 Applicat.i
                       (Stgkamline/Nor        reamliine)

        LIMITED/GL      Aj RISALE             E

        LIMITED/GLOBAL     FACILI]            SED

        LIMITED/GLQBAL FACILI]                SED

        INDIVIDUAL FACILI].TIES—              SER


        TINMARSAT AfiD MOBLILE SZ              & SERVICE

        INTERNATIONAL SPECIAL                C






                                         C@ol/d{\(/lf"(fl   WI   CCB 6 41
Description of Application:
        dewmesti 2{U

        wet 3 Telk bistriee » lduch frwitg

 READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY                                                                                                                                                    APPROVED BY OMB 3060—0589
       BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                                                       REMITTANCE ADVICE
                                                                                                       y                                       SVE AUE] sesciacr bselJ
                                                                                                                                                                              ts 17
                                                                                                                                                                                 17 2000

                                                                                                   pageNe             or                                           FCC USE ONLY
 (1)Locksox® 358115                                                                                         eo             e

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     (2) PAYER NAME (if paying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)                                                                 (3) TOTAL AMOUNT PAID (dollars and cents)

     Hogan & Hartson                                                                                                                                          $                                           780 . 0 0
     c/o Peter A.                          Rohrbach,                          Esq.
     555 Thirteenth Street,                                                   NW
     (6) City                                                                                                (7) STATE                                        (8) ZIP CODE
     Washington                                                                                              DC                                                   20004
     (9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                                       (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A.)
     (202)          637—8631
                                                                               I        SECTION B — APPLICANT INFORMATION                                 I
(11) APPLICANT NAME (if paying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)

     TeleDistance,                             Inc.
     555 Seventeenth Street

(14) CITY                                                                                                   (15) STATE                                        (16) ZIP CODE

     Denver                                                                                                  CoO                                               80202
(17) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                                           (18) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A.)

     (303) 992—1400
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PAYER TIN                                  0|s 3 o o s 4 7 o 4                                                   APPLICANT TIN                                     |O|afa |3 |3 |s |2 |s o 2
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I,                                  tang                                                , Certif     d
                                                                                            ertify under               j
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are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief.                                                          SIGNATURE
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  247210        O3/17/00          FO70O25                  _ »ATTORBNEYSATLAW
                                                            655 13TH STREET, N.W.                     BANK OF AMERICA                     15—120
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                                                                                                                    OHEéK AMGUNT

                                                                                                                 780 .00
  SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY AND 00/100                                                                                *
  PaAY                                                                                       ,/////       c;fi;;éfi____
                                                                                          4*AN;%}VER $500. REQUIRG        WO SIGNATURES
  ORDER OF       gggfifiglggmmICATIONs                                                                /\                    ‘Z é

                                                                                                      AUTHORIZED SISNATURE

                                " 247 220® 605400 42046               00 192008 704 ?71°

                                               March 17, 2000

Federal Communications Cormmission
International Bureau — ‘Celecommunications
P.O. Box 358115
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

        Re:           Application Pursuant to Section 214 of the Som mss Act
                     and Section 68.13 of the Commission‘s llule s for
                     Consent to the Transfer of Control of T :leDis:i anc«, Inc. from
                     (Qwest Communications International Inc. to ‘fouch Anie:ica, Inc.

Dear Sir or Madam:

              Enclosed for filing are the original and two copie:: 0‘ a 1 Aip} li« ation
Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934 a:id Section 6i .13 of the
Commission‘s Rules for Consent to the Transfer of Control of ela[C istarce Inc.,
from Qwest Communications International Inc. (°Q@weit") to Touch Ame :ica, [nc.
Please note that the enclosed filinyg contains a facsimile signaiturs for Qvre: t ind
that the original. signature page will be delivered by hi nd on the nxt Commission
business day. Also enclosed please find FCC Form 15¢ (Fee Rsn it arce Advize) and
a check in the amount of seven hundred eighty dollars ($78).00) fo: the iling fee.

                        If there are any questions regarding this :iling, p es se cont.ict tke
undersigned counsel for the parties directly.

                                                          Respectfi lly sub nite d,

                                            Q)«\;\      By:    ZiimZigyfl%_
              arles H. Hglei{l &                              Peter A. Rohrhach
  /      Jonathan S. Marashlian                               David L. Sieradzki
  \__The Helein Law Group, P.C.                               Ronnie London
         8180 Greensboro Drive                                Hogan & Hartson L.L.P.
         Suite 700                                            555 Thirteenth Street, N.W.
         McLean, VA 22101—3828                                Washington, D.C. 20004—1109
         Phone: (703) 714—1300                                Phone: (202) 637—5458
         Fax: (703) 714—1330                                  Fax: (202) 637—5910

         Counsel for Touch America, Inc.                      Counsel for Q@west Communications
                                                              International Inc.
                                                              and TeleDistance, Inc.

\\\DC — 66983/15 — 0930498.01

                                               Before the
                              FEDERA] . CO MMUNICATICOCNS COMMISSION
                                         Washingtor,, DC 2051 4

In the Matier of

TeleDistan:e, Inc.

Application Pursuant to Section 214 of the
Comn uniciations Act of 19.}4 an 1 Section €3.18 of
the Cemmission‘s Rulass for Consent to the
Trans ‘er of Control of Tele Jista ace, Inc. from
Q@west Communications In:ernational Inc. to
Touch America, Inc.

Attention: ‘nternational B wreau

                             APPLICA‘TION FOl TRANSI‘ER QF CONTROL

                        Pursuant to Ssction 214 of the Conmunications Act of 11934, as

amenc.ed, and Sectioris 63. 18 of she Comm:ssion‘s rules, T~uch America, Inc.

("Touch America") antQ@west Communications nter:natio r1al Inic. (°Qwest")

(collec:ively "Applicants") lereb: seel: consent to the transfer of‘ control of

TeleD: stance, Inc. ("TeleDistanc»") from Qwest zo Touch America.

                        The progosed ransfer olcontrol will enable Q@west to complete the

divestiture of its interLATA business in the 14—state U S WEST, Inc. ("U S WEST")

region. The Commission recently found that the merger of Qwest and U S WEST

(the "Merger") would serve the public interest. Merger of Qwest Communications

International Inc. and U S WEST, Inc., CC Docket No. 99—272, Memorandum

Opinion and Order, FCC 00—91 (rel. March 10, 1999). Q@west must divest its

interLATA business in the U S WEST region prior to or upon closing the Merger.

\\\DC — 66983/15 — #1038714 v15

This a          lication seeks authority for Touch America to acquire TeleDistance

Holdii          ; Inc. ("TD Holdings"), which owns 100 percent of TeleDistance, from Qwest.

                        This application for consent to the sale of a nondominant interex—

chang           arrier clearly is in the public interest and should proceed on an expedited



                        Immediately prior to the merger of Qwest and U S WEST, the

follow:         _: two steps will occur:

                        First, Qwest‘s wholly—owned subsidiaries — Q@west Communications

Corpor          ion, LCI International Telecom Corp., USLD Communications, Inc., and

Phoen             Network, Inc., collectively referred to as the "Q@west Subs" — will transfer

their i         :egion interLATA service customers, together with certain associated

networ          facilities and employees, to TeleDistance. 1/ That assignment will be

achiev           through the Qwest Subs‘ transfer of these assets as a dividend payment to

Q@west          nd a transfer from Qwest, through TD Holdings (the immediate parent

compa            of TeleDistance), to TeleDistance. All of the related assignments of

Section 214 authorizations will be pro forma assignments for which prior

Commission approval is not necessary, pursuant to Section 63.24(a)(5).

1/         The mechanics of the assignments to TeleDistance will happen in immediate
succession, as follows: (1) the affiliates of TeleDistance that hold the assets to be
divested (which include the Qwest Subs and other subsidiaries of Qwest) will
dividend or otherwise make intercompany assignments of such assets to Q@west Inc.;
(2) Q@west will make a capital contribution of such assets to TD Holdings, the parent
of TeleDistance; (3) TD Holdings will make a capital contribution of these assets to

\\\DC — 66983/15 — #1038714 v15

                         Second, Q@west will transfer the stock of TD Holdings to Touch

America, and Touch America will pay cash to Q@west. As a result of this transaction,

TeleDistance will remain a wholly—owned subsidiary of TD Holdings but Touch

America will have ultimate control over TeleDistance.


                        Touch America seeks authority to acquire, by transferof control from

Q@west, a carrier holding authority under Section 214 to provide interstate and

international telecommunications service (the former being held by virtue of the

"blanket" Section 214 authorization provided for by Section 63.01 of the Commis—

sion‘s rules). 2/ Therefore, pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(3) of the Commission‘s

rules, the Applicants submit the following information in support of this


       (a)   The transferor is Q@west Communications International Inc. ("Q@west").
Its address and telephone numbers are:

                        Q@west Communications International Inc.
                        555 Seventeenth Street
                        Denver, Colorado 80202
                        Phone: (303) 992—1400
                        Fax: (303) 992—1044

The transferee is Touch America, Inc. ("Touch America"). Its address and telephone
numbers are:

2/    An application for Commission consent to the transfer of control of the
Section 214 authorizations held by the Qwest Subs to provide domestic
interexchange telecommunications service is being separately filed concurrently
with this Application.

\\\DC — 66983/15 — #1038714 v15

                         Touch America, Inc.
                         130 E. Main St.
                         Butte, Montana 59701
                         Phone: (406) 496—5100
                         Fax: (406) 496—5330

The carrier being transferred is TaleDistancs, Inc. ("TeleDistance"). Its address and
telepho:re numbers are:

                         TeleDistance, Inc.
                         555 Seventeenth Street
                         Denver, Colorado 80202
                         Phone: (303) 992—1400
                         Fax: (303) 992—1044

             (b)        Q@west is a Delaware corporation.
                        Touch America is a Montana corporation.
                        TeleDistance is a Delaware corporation.

            (c)         Correspondence concerning this aaplication should he addressed to the

For Qwest and TeleDistance:

                        R. Steven Davis
                        Senior Vice President of Government Affairs
                        Q@west Communications International Inc.
                        555 Seventeenth Street
                        Denver, CO 80202
                        Phone: (303) 992—4200
                        Fax: (303) 992—1044

                        With a copy to:

                        Peter A. Rohrbach
                        Hogan & Hartson LL.P.
                        555 13t" Street N.W.
                        Washington, D.C. 20004—1109
                        Phone: (202) 637—8631
                        Fax: (202) 637—5910

For Touch America:

\\\DC — 66983/15 — #1038714 v15

                        Michael J. Meldahl
                        President and Chief p »r: ti1ig Ofiicer
                        Touch America, In:.
                        40 E. Broadway
                        Bute, Montana 53701
                        Phone: (406) 496—5 199
                        Fax:: (406) 497—2150

                        With a copy to:

                        Charles H. Helein
                        Jor.athan i}s. Mara: hlian
                        The Helair. Law G :oup, P.S.
                        8180 Grze:isboro ‘ri e
                        Suite 700
                        McLean VA 2210 2—i 8i3
                        Phone: (703) 714—.300
                        Fax: (703) 714—13}0
                        E—mail: tharles@hele n. :or1
                        E—mail: jn .arashli in( %h »lein com

            (d)         At the time of the ranser of contiol, Tele:Jistance will receive
aut horit ;, y assignnient from the Q west Subs, to prov:de interstate and
int » onmal services from all ; oi it: ir the 14—stite U S‘VEST region: the states
of : irizo1ia, Colorado, Id aho, Iov a, M nat a, M:nr esota, Nebraska, New Mexico,
No th D ikota, Oregoa, South Dak ot:i, Ut: h, W asliuington, and Wyoming.

       Q vest and its su)bsidiarics liave jpre viously receivec. authority to provide
interratioral basic siritczhed, privi.te linme, data, television, and business services
both cn a facilities basis and on a resalt basis to all international points. Attach—
ment A contains a list of the Section 214 authorizations held by Qwest and its
subsidiaries. Touch America has pending with the FCC its application for Section
214 authorization.

       (e)   Pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(3), Touch America seeks authority to
transfer control of a common carrier holding international Section 214 authority.

            (£), (g) No response required.

       (h)    The following are the names, addresses, citizenship, and principal
businesses of the carrier being transferred and any person or entity that will
directly or indirectly own at least ten percent of its equity following the proposed
transaction. There will be no interlocking directorates with any foreign carrier.

\\\DC — 66983715 — #1038714 v15

The carrier being transferred is TeleDistance, Inc.:

            TeleDistance, Inc.
            555 Seventeenth Street
            Denver, Colorado 80202
            Phone: (303) 992—1400
            Fax: (303) 992—1044
            Toll—free customer service: (888) 524—0011
            Citizenship: Delaware corporation
            Principal business: international and domestic long—distance

The following company currently holds, and will continue to hold, 100 percent of the
equity of TeleDistance Inc.:

            TeleDistance Holdings, Inc.
            555 Seventeenth Street
            Denver, Colorado 80202
            Phone: (303) 992—1400
            Fax: (303) 992—1044
            Citizenship: Delaware corporation
            Principal business: holding company

The following company will, after consummation of the transaction for which this
Application seeks authority, own 100 percent of TD Holdings Inc.:

            Touch America, Inc.
            130 E. Main St.
            Butte, Montana 59701
            Phone: (406) 496—5100
            Fax: (406) 496—5330
            Citizenship: Montana corporation
            Principal business: telecommunications

The following holding company owns 100 percent of Touch America Inc.:

           Entech, Inc.
           16 E. Granite
           Butte, Montana 59701
           Phone: (406) 723—5421
           Citizenship: Montana corporation
           Principal business: holding company

\\\DC — 66983/15 — #1038714 v15

The foregoing holding company, Erte th, Inc., is a 100 percent, wholly—owred
subsidiary cf the following sompany:

            The Mont:ina Power Company
            40 E. B:oadvray
            Butte, Mo:utana 59701
            Phone: 46) 723—5421
            Citizenshis: Monvara :orporation
            Principal business:: energy snc telecommunications

The Montana Power Coripiain:; is a wile y areld corporation witk its shares trad»d on
the New York Stock Exc iaige und»r she syrmbol MTP. No sing‘le individual or
institution ow as 10% or ncre of its sk arss.

       (1)    Touch Ameica coartifies ht it is not affiliated, as de:ined in Setion
63.09(e) of the Commission s rules, with ary foreign carrier. TeleDistance w ll not
become affiliated with any foreign carrier &.s a result of the prog os>>d tran: fer 0:

       ()    The Applics nts certify tk at this application does not seek to provice
service to any country desc:ibed in para;rs phs (1) through (4) of Section 63.18(i).

            (k)         Not applicaole.

            (1)         N ot applica jle.

            (m)         Not applicale.

       (n)   Touch America cartifies het it has not agreed to arcept special
concessions directly or indivectly from any foreign carrier with 1esrect to iny U.S.
international route where the foreign ca ‘rier possesses market jower on the foreign
end of the route and will not enter int> such agreements in the ruture.

      (0)   Touch America certifies pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of
the Commission‘s rules that no party to the application is subject to a denial of
federal benefits pursuant to section5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

        (p)  This Application qualifies for streamlined processing pursuant to
Section 63.12. It should therefore be granted, according to Section 63.12(a),
fourteen days after the date of public notice listing this Application as accepted for

\\\DC — 66983/15 — #1038714 v15

       This A                lication qualifies for streamlined processing because it is not subject
to any of the                ceptions listed in Section 63.12(c): 3/

            (1)              uch America is not affiliated with any foreign carrier in a
                             stination market that it proposes to serve.

            (2)              uch America is not affiliated with any dominant U.S. carrier whose
                             vices Touch America (or TeleDistance) seeks authority to resell.

            (8               ither Touch America nor TeleDistance seeks authority to provide
                             itched basic services over private lines to a country for which the
                             mmission has not previously authorized the provision of switched
                             vices over private lines.

III.        PUBL              INTEREST STATEMENT

                        ‘    e Applicants submit that the proposed transfer of control would

serve the puk                :interest, convenience, and necessity. First, the requested transfer

of control wil                asure compliance with Section 271 of the Act at the time Qwest

merges with                  S WESTand will advance the public interest benefits already

identified in 1              + Commission order approving that merger. Merger of Qwest and

U S WEST,FE                  3.00—91. Second, existing customers will be protected, because

3/     The C imission decidedin its 1997 order implementing the World Trade
Organization lecommunications liberalization agreement, and reaffirmed during
its 1998 biennial regulatory review, that applications for assignments and transfers
of control of Section 214 authorizations would be eligible for streamlined processing
where an initial Section 214 application filed by the transferee would be eligible for
streamlined processing. Rules and Polictes on Foreign Participation in the U.S.
Telecommunications Market, Report and Order, 12 FCC Red 23,891, 24,032—33,
« 322 (1997); 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review — Review of International Common
Carrier Regulations, Report and Order, 14 FCC Red 4909, 4919 [ 22 (1999). The
fact that TeleDistance provides domestic telecommunications service (pursuant to
the "blanket" Section 214 authorization codified in Section 63.01) in addition to its
authorized international services should not render this application ineligible for
streamlined processing. Indeed, such a conclusion would render the Commission‘s
streamlining policy a nullity, since virtually all applicants provide domestic, as well
as international, service. There is no reason to make an exception in this case.

\\\DC — 66983715 — #1038714 v15

 TeleDistance will continue providing them the same services that they receive today

 from Qwest. Third, the transfer of control will expand the reach of Touch America‘s

 service offerings, thus increasing the reach of that growing competitive carrier.

 This would benefit consumers by promoting competition in the markets for

 interstate and international services.

\\\DC — 66983715 — #1038714 v15

                         For the foregorng reasons, the Applicants respectfully request that this

Application be granted expeditiously andon a streamlined basis.

                                                   Respectfully submitted,

TOUCH AMERICA, INC.                                 QWEST COMMUNICATION®S
                                                      INTERNATIONAL INC.
                                                    AND TELEDISTANCE, INC.

          )                 8      ¢   ~#

         Perr;i J. Cole                                   Drake S. Tempest
         Vice President of Corporate                      R. Steven Davis
          Business Development                            Q@west Communications
         Touch America, Inc.                               International Inc.
         40 E. Broadway                                   555 Seventeenth Street
         Butte, MT 59701                                  Denver, CO 80202
         Phone: (406) 496—5100                            Phone: (303) 992—4200
         Fax: (406) 496—5830                              Fax: (303) 992—1044

         Charles H. Helein                                Peter A. Rohrhach
         Jonathan S. Marashlian                           David L. Sieradzki
         The Helein Law Group, P.C.                       Ronnie London
         8180 Greensboro Drive                            Hogan & Hartson LL.P.
         Suite 700                                        555 Thirteenth, N.W.
         McLean, VA 22102—38235                           Washington, DC 20004
         Phone: (703) 714—1300                            Phone: (202) 637—5600
         Fax: (703) 714—1330                              Fax: (202) 637—5910
         E—mail:                       E—mail:
                                                          Counsel for Q@west Communications
         Counsel for Touch America, Inc.                   Internamonal Inc. and TeleDistance, Inc.

Dated: March 17, 2000

WADJC + 56359716 + 210387 14 v45

                       For the: foregoing reasons, the Applicants respectfully request that

 this Application be granted expeditiously and on a strearnlined basis.

                                               Re ipect ‘u. ly si bt uit tedl,

 TOUCH AMERICA, INC.                            Q7ES‘* COIM t N. C TION$:
                                                   11 /T 3E NA1 IC N. L INC.
                                                Al ID T IL EDL T \N C1}, INC.

         Perry J. Cole
                                                B‘fl__>.=                 Dss yomiaa ue r—«"
                                                      Drak : S. ‘veayf est
         Vice President of Corpora ie                 R. Steven D: ivis
          Business Development                        Qwest Communications
         Touch America, Inc.                            International Inc.
         40 E. Broadway                               555 Seventeenth Street
         Butte, MT 59701                              Dznver, CO &0202
         Phone: (406) 496—5100                        Pliocrie (303)     2—420(
         Fax: (406) 496—5330                          Fix (303) 39 1044

         Charles H. Helein                            Pote:£.ltolirl       h
        Jonathan S. Marashlian                        Dav d .. Siers       la
        The Helein Law Group, P.C                     Ron 1e Ln io
        8180 Greensboro Drive                         Hgin & Hart          1 L.L.P
        Suite 700                                     5055 TF ir eenth, NW.
        McLean, VA 22102—3823                         Was iing on, DC 20004«
        Phone: (703) 714—1300                         Phoue: (202) 637—5600
        Fax: (703) 714—1330                           Fax: (202) 637—5910
        E—mail: charles@helein.cor                    E—mail:
        E—mail:                        Counsel for Qwest Communications
                                                       International Inc. and TeleDistance,
        Counsel for Touch America,                    Inc.

Dated: March 17, 2000

\M\DC — G6983/15 — #1038714 vis

                                         ATTACHMENT A
                              List of Section 214 Authorizations Held
                  by Qwest Communications International Inc. and Its Subsidiaries

\\\DC — 66983715 — #1038714 v15



Qwest C m muini :atior s Cor po ‘at on

   I—T—C—9; —084, 6 CC Red 2957 1$991))— Gr ints authonty t) rosel thie s ervices of other
   camers o provid : ir ternaiior al :witched vo ce services.
   ITC—< 7— 567 (Lieesmser 1597 — Srints: authority to ojerate as a glol al based carmer
   and rese ler.

LCI Intern: itional Telecoin Corp.

   I—T—C—8¢—154 i Seatember ©5, 1936) —Srint: authority to p: ov de re alt inter 1ational
   switchec voice services be we en the U S. an| Caniida anipoirts ist:d n AT.%T‘s tariffs
   FCC Noi. 1 ard 2.
   I—T—C —9(—028 (April 12. 1593 )— Grants auth »rity to rese 1 aad opicra e faciliti :s to provide
   internationel p iviite lincs not int :rc onimiec:ed to the publi: s vit shed vork for the provision
   of intemnaitiona piivite in services between the U.S. an iJ ipin, Austri lia, Germmany,
   Singa>o1s, Fra ict, Swilzeilard, 10 1g Kong, Brazil, Italy, © pa n, Mc xic 0, Ire and, Belgium,
   Netherla 1ds, a id Jn tec. K ng do:n, inc to reell in emnuationi1 pnvate lit es for thi: provision
   of switc}   ed an i p1iviite lin : sirv ce betwset the U.S and Car adii.
   I—T—C—92    —184 (July 27, 19° 2) — Gira its auho ity to trensfer :o1 trcl o the Secion 214
   authoiiz:   tions of _itel Tel«co nn unications orpo ation, A ‘fo ‘d—i—C all Corp., and Charter
   Network     Comp any.
   I—T—C— 93 —001 (Fepruary 1(, 129; ) — Gran‘s ; uthor ty :o trar sfer c oni rol of Charter Network
   Compan‘‘‘s Se :tion 2:14 av the nz ation to Litel as pirt of the merger cf thie two companies.
   I—T—C— 93 :356 (Nevember | 3, 1903) — Grants authcnity to p1 ov. de int :t ationi l switched
   services jy res ‘lling the in en ational switch d services of c ther carr er:.
   I—T—C—94 —380 (July 1, 199« ) — Grants author ty to acquire aud perat : facilities to provide
   international communications services, including switched and private line services, between
   the U.S. and other countries (Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil,
   Chile, China, Colombia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guam,
   Guyana, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia,
   Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore,
   South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Venezuela, United Kingdom).
   I—T—C—94—527 (January 3, 1995) — Grants authority to resell services of other common carriers
   to provide international message telephone service and data, facsimile and operator services
   via private lines interconnected to the public switched networks in the U.S. and the United

   I—T—C—95—343 (May 31, 1995) — Grants authority to transfer control of LCI Telecom South,
   Inc.‘s Section 214 authorizations to LCI International Telecom Corp. as part of the merger of
   the two companies.
   I—T—C—95—590 (February 28, 1996) — Grants authority to acquire and operate facilities for
   service to various overseas points and to provide private lines between the U.S. and other
   countries provided that the private lines are not connected to the public switched network for
   the provision of international switched basic services unless authorized by the FCC
   (extensive list of authorized countries in Appendices).
   I—T—C—96—512 (October 29, 1996) — Grants authority to operate as a global facilities—based
   and global resale carrier in accordance with FCC rules.
   I—T—C—97—608 (November 24, 1997) — Grants authority to transfer control of USLD
   Communications Corporation‘s Section 214 authorizations to LCI International, Inc. as part
   of the merger of the two companies.
   ITC—98—271—TC (April 15, 1998) — Grants authority to transfer control of Section 214
   authorizations of LCIT and USLD from LCI International, Inc. to Qwest.

USLD Communications, Inc.

  I—T—C—89—092 (June 2, 1989) — Grants authority to international switched message telephone
  services to provide international switched voice service between the U.S. and various
  overseas points.

                                       ATTACHMENT B

      I, Perry J. Cole, in my capacity as Vice President of Corpo             al /        usin :s
Development for Touch America and on behalf of Touch America                         ET fy th at il t]l s
statements in the foregoing application with respect to Touch Ar              21     Ci and aj i: it d
companies are true and correct:

            Touch America certifies that it is not affiliated with any fc >               cartr 0i

           Touch America certifies that it does not seek to provide se vi                 o an / (   w it y
described in paragraphs (1) through (4) of Section 63.18(J).

       Touch America certifies that it has not agreed to accept sp                        ‘onc! SS DJ 5

                                                                             6 C 6
directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any                   . inte: n: 4t af
route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the fc                        end of h
route and will not enter into such agreements in the future.

       Touch America certifies pursuant to sections 1.2 )01 throu h : 008 af
Commission‘s rules that no party to the ar pl.eation is subject to    al of fe e al
benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the A ati—D ru;z Abise Act of

                                                   :’e ry ole
                                                    ‘To ich A.meru.a, Inc.
                                                    40 E. Broadway
                                                    Butte, Montana 59‘%.0.
                                                    Phone: (406) 496—5100
                                                    Fax: (406) 496—5330

ANAWDC + 05403715 2403874 v15

Document Created: 2019-04-22 04:53:18
Document Modified: 2019-04-22 04:53:18

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