Attachment 20161222162537-940.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20000314-00154 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                               S ATe&l
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James J. R. Talbot          Emifi"”‘*"fi’d To e                                       Room 1122M1
Senior Attorney                            —                                        295 North Maple Avenue
                               APR        O3 2000                                   Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
                                *                                                   908 221—8023

                          reoenn commucrnons SOaY®                                  EMAILIfalbot@atL.oom
                                           waue efMBsON                                       21—

                               orFice oF THE sECRETAEY
 April 3, 2000

 Ms. Magalie Roman Salas
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, SW, Room 204
 Washington, DC 20554

Attn: George Li, International Bureau.

                       Re: AT&T Latin America Corp., FirstCom Corporation,
                           Application for Transfer of Control of Authority Pursuant
                           to Section 214, File No.flflfiwflmm

Dear Ms. Salas:                                                 7g00

               AT&T Latin America Corp. ("AT&T Latin America") is pleased to
provide the following information regarding the ownership of SL Participacoes S.A.
("SL Participacoes") to supplement the record of this proceeding.

              SL Participacoes, which owns 10 percent of the equity of AT&T Latin
America Corp., is wholly owned by the professional staff of its affiliate, Promon
Tecnologia S.A. The largest individual shareholder is Mr. Carlos M. Siffert, a citizen
of Brazil, who holds an interest of 5.01 percent. Over 98 percent of the shares of SL
Participacoes are held by citizens of Brazil, and the remaining shares are held by
citizens of other countries.

                Please contact the undersigned if you require any additional
information in connection with this application.

                                                          Respectfully submitied.
                                                           (DW g R ulbst [he
                                                          James J. R. Talbot
                                                          Senior Attorney

%     Recycled Paper

FROM AT&T LAW DEPT                                             (TUE) 9. 26 00 16:05/8T. 16:04/N0. 4862446952 P              2

              James J. R. Talbot            —                                                          Reom 1122M1
              Senior Alttorney                                                                         295 North Maple Avenue
                                        RECE,VED                                                       Gasking Ridge, NJ 07920
                                                                                                       908 221—8023
                                          BL                                                           FAX 908 221—4490
                                         S—P 2 8 2000                                                  EMAIL
                                         Telecom Division
                                        international Bureau
                                                                     September 26, 2000

                                                                                               si 2 hn

              Ms. Magalie Roman Salas                                                           ,
              Sectetary                                                                        SEP 2 6 2000
              Federal Communications Commission                                           PEPEREL Oe
              445 Twelfih Street, SW, Room TW—A325                                            orrice,“mvfineuacoumsensy
              Washington, DC 20554

                                   Re: AT&T Latin Amernca Corp., FirstCom Corporation,
                                       Application for Transfer of Control of Authority Pursuant
                                       to Section 214., File No. ITC/TC—0314—00154

              Dear Ms. Salas:                                      fllfl&a 4y —ColSU

                           AT&TLatin America Cortp. ("AT&T Laitin America") hereby notifies
              the Commussion that all acts required to consummate the above—referenced transfer
              of control were completed on August 28, 2000.

                                   Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions concerning
              this notice.

                                                                     Respectfully submitied,

                                                                 ~JYaccg               —|eMc—tV.

                                                                     James J. R. Talbot
                                                                     Senior Attorney

                8 Recycled Paper

Document Created: 2019-04-21 11:05:26
Document Modified: 2019-04-21 11:05:26

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