Attachment public notice

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20000211-00069 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


445 12 STREET, S.W.
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554                                                                                             DA 00-689
News media information 202/418-0500   Fax-On-Demand 202/418-2830   Internet:

                                      CABLE SERVICES BUREAU ACTION

                                                                                                              March 27, 2000

                        PROPOSED TRANSFER OF CONTROL
                              CS DOCKET NO. 00-30

Petitions/Comments due: April 26, 2000
Oppositions/Responses due: May 11, 2000

        On February 11, 2000, America Online, Inc. (AOL) and Time Warner Inc. (Time Warner) filed
joint applications under Sections 214 and 310(d) of the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. §§ 214, 310(d),
requesting Commission approval of the transfer of control to AOL Time Warner of licenses and
authorizations controlled by AOL and by Time Warner or its affiliates or subsidiaries. On March 21,
2000, the parties supplied the Commission with a supplemental public interest statement.1 This transfer of
control would take place as the result of the proposed merger of AOL and Time Warner, following which
both AOL and Time Warner would become wholly owned subsidiaries of a newly formed holding
company, AOL Time Warner. The ultimate ownership and control of those entities holding licenses and
authorizations would be transferred from AOL and Time Warner to AOL Time Warner.

         AOL and Time Warner submit that the public interest will benefit from the proposed transaction
which will combine the strengths of the two companies to build an integrated media and communications
company capable of enhancing consumers’ access to the broadest selection of high-quality content and
interactive services.

       Interested parties may file comments or petitions to deny the applications no later than April 26,
2000. Oppositions or responses to these comments and petitions may be filed no later than May 11, 2000.

        For administrative convenience, the various applications listed below have been consolidated into
one general docket. The Cable Services Bureau will have primary responsibility for reviewing the
applications. All filings regarding any aspect of the proposed merger should reference the Cable Services
docket assigned to this proceeding, CS Docket No. 00-30.

    On March 6, 2000, FCC General Counsel Christopher Wright requested that AOL and Time Warner amend
their filing by providing additional information necessary to substantiate claims made in the February 11 public
interest statement, so that the public may have a more meaningful opportunity to comment.

                               EX PARTE STATUS OF THIS PROCEEDING

          Because this proceeding involves broad public policy issues, the Cable Services Bureau will treat
the proceeding as "permit but disclose" for purposes of the Commission's ex parte rules. See generally 47
C.F.R. §§ 1.1200-1.1216. Should circumstances warrant, the Bureau may designate this proceeding and
all interrelated proceedings as restricted. As a "permit but disclose" proceeding, ex parte presentations will
be governed by the procedures set forth in Section 1.1206 of the Commission's rules applicable to non-
restricted proceedings.

         Parties making oral ex parte presentations are reminded that memoranda summarizing the
presentation must contain a summary of the substance of the presentation and not merely a listing of the
subjects discussed. More than a one or two sentence description of the views and arguments presented is
generally required. See 47 C.F.R. § 1.1206(b)(2), as revised. Other rules pertaining to oral and written
presentations are set forth in Section 1.1206 (b) as well. Interested parties are to file with the Commission
Secretary, Magalie Roman Salas, 445 12th Street, S.W., TW B204, Washington, D.C. 20554, and serve
James Bird, Office of General Counsel, 445 12th Street, S.W., 8-C818, Washington, D.C. 20554, To-
Quyen Truong, Associate Chief, Cable Services Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., 3-C488, Washington, D.C.
20554, Royce Dickens, Cable Services Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., 3-A729, Washington, D.C. 20554,
Linda Senecal, Cable Services Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., 3-A734, Washington, D.C. 20554, and
International Transcription Service, Inc., 1231 20th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, with copies of
any written ex parte presentations in these proceedings filed in the manner specified above.

                           TRANSFER OF CONTROL APPLICATIONS

         The applications for transfer of control of Time Warner’s and AOL’s authorizations and licenses
to AOL Time Warner include numerous Commission authorizations and licenses. Attached is a list of the
authorizations and licenses involved in this transaction. They are separated by type of authorization and
license, and, within each category, by the subsidiary or affiliate that holds the authorization or license.
Each subsidiary or affiliate may hold multiple authorizations or licenses of a particular type. Interested
parties should refer to the transfer of control applications for a listing of the authorizations or licenses.
Parties should be aware that additional applications may have to be filed to identify any additional
authorizations in the services noted. AOL and Time Warner have requested that grant of the applications
listed herein include the authority for AOL Time Warner to acquire control of: (1) any authorization issued
to AOL or Time Warner or subsidiaries and affiliates during the Commission's consideration of the transfer
of control applications and the period required for consummation of the transaction following Commission
approval; (2) construction permits held by licensees involved in this transfer of control that mature into
licenses after closing and that may have been omitted from the transfer of control applications; and (3)
applications that will have been filed by such licensees and that are pending at the time of consummation of
the proposed transfer of control.

    An ex parte presentation is any communication (spoken or written) directed to the merits or outcome of a
proceeding made to a Commissioner, a Commissioner's assistant, or other decision-making staff member, that, if
written, is not served on other parties to the proceeding or, if oral, is made without an opportunity for all parties to
be present. 47 C.F.R. Sec. 1.1201.


                                      GENERAL INFORMATION

          The applications for transfer of control of the licenses/authorizations referenced herein have, upon
initial review, been accepted for filing. The Commission reserves the right to return any applications if,
upon further examination, they are determined to be defective and not in conformance with the
Commission's rules and policies.

         Final action will not be taken on the applications earlier than 31 days following the date of this
Notice. Interested parties may file pleadings as indicated above regarding the applications. An original
and 4 copies of all pleadings, in accordance with Section 1.51(c) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.
§1.51(c), must be filed with the Commission's Secretary, Magalie Roman Salas, 445 12th Street, S.W.,
TW B204, Washington, D.C. 20554. One copy of each pleading also must be filed with other offices, as
follows: (1) International Transcription Service, Inc., the Commission's duplicating contractor, at its office
at 1231 20th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, telephone (202) 857-3800; (2) James Bird, Office of
General Counsel, 445 12th Street, S.W., 8-C818, Washington, D.C. 20554; (3) To-Quyen Truong,
Associate Chief, Cable Services Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., 3-C488, Washington, D.C. 20554; (4)
Royce Dickens, Cable Services Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., 3-A729, Washington, D.C. 20554; (5)
Matthew Vitale, International Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., 6-A821, Washington, D.C. 20554; (6)
Marilyn Simon, International Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., 6A-633, Washington, D.C. 20554; (7)
Monica Desai, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., 4-A232, Washington, D.C.
20554; and (8) Laura Gallo, Mass Media Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., 2-A640, Washington, D.C. In
addition, twelve copies of each pleading must be filed with Linda Senecal, Cable Services Bureau, 445 12th
Street, S.W., 3-A734, Washington, D.C. 20554.

         In addition to filing paper comments, parties may also file comments using the Commission's
Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS). See Electronic Filing of Documents in Rulemaking
Proceedings, 63 Fed. Reg. 24,121 (1998). Comments filed through the ECFS can be sent as an electronic
file via the Internet to <>. Generally, only one copy of an electronic
submission must be filed. In completing the transmittal screen, commenters should include their full name,
Postal Service mailing address, and the applicable docket or rulemaking number. Parties may also submit
an electronic comment by Internet e-mail. To get filing instructions for e-mail comments, commenters
should send an e-mail to, and should include the following words in the body of the message,
"get form <your e-mail address>." A sample form and directions will be sent in reply.

        Copies of the applications and any subsequently filed documents in this matter may be obtained
from International Transcription Service, Inc., 1231 20th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036,
telephone (202) 857-3800, and will also be available through the Commission's Electronic Comment Filing
System. Copies of the applications and documents are also available for public inspection and copying
during normal reference room hours at the Commission's Reference Center, 445 12th Street, S.W., CYA-
257, Washington, D.C. 20554. The Cable Services Bureau's home page <> will
contain electronic versions of selected key documents, including Applicants' public interest statement,
public notices, and procedural orders.

        For further information, contact Linda Senecal (202) 418-7044, or Richard Kalb (202) 418-1055
of the Cable Services Bureau. Press inquiries should be directed to Michelle Russo (202) 418-2358 of the


Cable Services Bureau. TTY: (202) 418-7172 or (888) 835-5322.


Domestic Fixed Satellite Service (Part 25)

Cable News Network LP, LLLP

Turner Teleport, Inc.

Time Warner Entertainment-Advance/Newhouse Partnership

Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.

Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P.


International Section 214 (Part 63)

ITC-T/C-2000211-00069                                 Time Warner Telecom Inc.
                                                      Time Warner Connect of San Antonio, Inc.

Television Broadcast Station (Part 73)

BTCCT-200211AAD                WTBS(TV)               SuperStation, Inc.
                               CH. 17                 Atlanta, GA
                               FAC ID 64033

Low Power Television (Part 74)

BTCTTL-20000211AAE             W34AX                  Time Warner Entertainment-
                               FAC ID 64636           Advance/Newhouse Partnership
                                                      Henderson, NC

Cable Television Relay Services (Part 78)

Cablevision Industries, Inc.
        CAR-50596-09           WHZ-685        Fishkill, NY
        CAR-50597-09           WHZ-239        Lloyd, NY
        CAR-50598-09           WHZ-502        West Point, NY
        CAR-50599-09           WAD-241        Wurtsboro, NY

Century Venture Corporation
       CAR-50600-09            WHZ-810        Brunswick, GA
       CAR-50601-09            WLY-436        Jekyll Island, GA
       CAR-50602-09            WHZ-971        Owensboro, KY
       CAR-50603-09            WAW-505        Brookfield, WI
       CAR-50604-09            WGZ-277        Wauwatosa, WI

CNN America, Inc.
     CAR-50605-09              WHZ-931        Oakland, CA

Florida Cablevision Management Corp.
        CAR-50606-09          WLY-604         Golden Gate, FL

Kansas City Cable Partners
       CAR-50607-09            WLY-353        Ft. Leavenworth, KS
       CAR-50608-09            WHZ-921        Leavenworth, KS
       CAR-50609-09            WGW-207        Independence, MO
       CAR-50610-09            WAE-602        Kansas City, MO
       CAR-50611-09            WGW-219        Kansas City, MO


       CAR-50612-09           WGW-220        Kansas City, MO

KBL Cablesystems of Minneapolis, Inc.
      CAR-50613-09           WHZ-238         Eden Prairie, MN

KBL Cablesystems of the Southwest, Inc.
      CAR-50614-09            WHZ-244        Minneapolis, MN

Massachusetts Cablevision Systems Limited Partnership
      CAR-50615-09             WAL-427        Bellevue, OH
      CAR-50616-09             WAY-894        Galion, OH
      CAR-50617-09             WBB-813        Upper Sandusky, OH

Paragon Communications
       CAR-50618-09          WHZ-373        Carson, CA
       CAR-50619-09          WGZ-435        Mars Hill, ME
       CAR-50620-09          WGV-525        Fishkill, NY
       CAR-50621-09          KN-5098        Manhattan, NY
       CAR-50622-09          WHW-60         Manhattan, NY
       CAR-50623-09          WAF-665        New Windsor, NY

Staten Island Cable, LLC
        CAR-50624-09         WHZ-455        Elizabeth, NJ

Texas Cable Partners, L.P.
       CAR-50625-09           WHZ-504         Alton, TX
       CAR-50626-09           KYZ-22          Bandera, TX
       CAR-50627-09           WMC-696         Beaumont, TX
       CAR-50628-09           WHZ-677         Commerce, TX
       CAR-50629-09           WGI-758         Eagle Pass, TX
       CAR-50630-09           WHZ-780         El Paso, TX
       CAR-50631-09           WJI-36          El Paso, TX
       CAR-50632-09           WLY-483         Ft. Bliss, TX
       CAR-50633-09           WGI-756         Farias Ranch, TX
       CAR-50634-09           KOD-36          Harlingen, TX
       CAR-50635-09           KA-80625        Houston, TX
       CAR-50636-09           KYX-62          Loma Vista, TX
       CAR-50637-09           WGI-757         Moore, TX
       CAR-50638-09           WHZ-869         One North, TX
       CAR-50639-09           KYX-61          Pearsall, TX
       CAR-50640-09           KOD-31          Pharr, TX
       CAR-50641-09           WAF-861         Port Isabel, TX
       CAR-50642-09           WBH-846         Port Neches, TX
       CAR-50643-09           KOD-35          Weslaco, TX
       CAR-50644-09           WGI-755         Winter Haven, TX
Time Warner Cable of Southeastern Wisconsin, L.P.


       CAR-50645-09         WLY-245      Brown Deer, WI
       CAR-50646-09         WHZ-447      Milwaukee, WI
       CAR-50647-09         WGZ-421      S. Milwaukee, WI

Time Warner Entertainment Company L.P.
      CAR-50648-09           WBM-740     EMS-Lanai, HI
      CAR-50649-09           WAE-470     Glenwood, HI
      CAR-50650-09           WAX-743     Glenwood, HI
      CAR-50651-09           WAB-577     Haleakala Mtn., HI
      CAR-50652-09           WHZ-819     Hana, HI
      CAR-50653-09           WLY-683     Hawaii Kai, HI
      CAR-50654-09           WLY-240     Hawaii Kai, HI
      CAR-50655-09           WAE-478     Hilo, HI
      CAR-50656-09           WBM-744     Hilo, HI
      CAR-50657-09           KA-80614    Honolulu, HI
      CAR-50658-09           WGV-848     Kahului, HI
      CAR-50659-09           WHZ-876     Kahului, HI
      CAR-50660-09           WAV-644     Kaupulehu, HI
      CAR-50661-09           WAN-954     Kaupulehu Lava Flow, HI
      CAR-50662-09           WLY-248     Kihei, HI
      CAR-50663-09           WLY-713     Lahaina, HI
      CAR-50664-09           WLY-684     Lanai City, HI
      CAR-50665-09           WAN-953     Mahukona, HI
      CAR-50666-09           WBD-613     Mauna Kapu Peak, HI
      CAR-50667-09           KA-80615    Mauna Kapu Peak, HI
      CAR-50668-09           WAB-578     Maunaka Mtn., HI
      CAR-50669-09           WLY-402     Meyers Ranch, HI
      CAR-50670-09           WLY-415     Mililani, HI
      CAR-50671-09           WLY-409     Olinda, HI
      CAR-50672-09           WLY-678     Puu Kolii, HI
      CAR-50673-09           WLY-685     Puu Nana, HI
      CAR-50674-09           WBM-738     Puu Nana, HI
      CAR-50675-09           WBM-742     Puu Nianiau, HI
      CAR-50676-09           WHZ-617     Waimalu, HI
      CAR-50677-09           WBD-612     Waipahu, HI
      CAR-50678-09           WHZ-728     Brazil, IN
      CAR-50679-09           WRC-25      Chanute, KS
      CAR-50680-09           WRC-23      Garnett, KS
      CAR-50681-09           WLY-703     Independence, KS
      CAR-50682-09           WRC-24      Iola, KS
      CAR-50683-09           KZW-67      Neodesha, KS
      CAR-50684-09           WBL-521     Thrall, KS
      CAR-50685-09           WBK-510     Saco, ME
      CAR-50686-09           WAS-288     Sanford, ME
      CAR-50687-09           WLY-479     Columbus, NE
      CAR-50688-09           WAB-572     Wynantskill, NY
      CAR-50689-09           WHZ-633     Bazetta, OH


       CAR-50690-09          WAY-890       Columbus, OH
       CAR-50691-09          WHZ-408       Lima, OH
       CAR-50692-09          WHZ-587       Marysville, OH
       CAR-50693-09          WAY-903       New Albany, OH
       CAR-50694-09          WHZ-437       Ottawa, OH
       CAR-50695-09          WHZ-406       Richwood, OH
       CAR-50696-09          WHZ-545       Troy, OH
       CAR-50697-09          WLY-471       Youngstown, OH
       CAR-50698-09          WGK-594       Burlington, WI

Time Warner Entertainment-Advance/Newhouse Partnership
      CAR-50699-09           WHZ-982       Clearwater, FL
      CAR-50700-09           KA-80616      Clearwater, FL
      CAR-50701-09           WLY-462       Deland, FL
      CAR-50702-09           WHZ-784       Lakeland, FL
      CAR-50703-09           WHZ-785       Lakeland, FL
      CAR-50704-09           KD-55011      Orlando, FL
      CAR-50705-09           WHZ-396       Palm Harbor, FL
      CAR-50706-09           WGZ-487       Pinellas Park, FL
      CAR-50707-09           WHZ-652       St. Petersburg, FL
      CAR-50708-09           KD-55009      Tampa, FL
      CAR-50709-09           WLY-330       Barada, NE
      CAR-50710-09           WLY-331       Octavia, NE
      CAR-50711-09           WHZ-882       Camden, NY
      CAR-50712-09           WLY-554       Crown Point, NY
      CAR-50713-09           WGK-590       Glens Falls, NY
      CAR-50714-09           WAN-337       Lake George, NY
      CAR-50715-09           KB-60127      Rochester, NY
      CAR-50716-09           KD-55003      Rochester, NY
      CAR-50717-09           WAF-786       Sidney, NY
      CAR-50718-09           WLY-235       Atlantic, NC
      CAR-50719-09           WLY-509       Beaufort, NC
      CAR-50720-09           WBF-574       Burgaw, NC
      CAR-50721-09           WGJ-890       Butner, NC
      CAR-50722-09           WAJ-761       Fayetteville, NC
      CAR-50723-09           WLY-333       Fayetteville, NC
      CAR-50724-09           WLY-246       Garner, NC
      CAR-50725-09           WHZ-394       Havelock, NC
      CAR-50726-09           WHZ-430       Lizard Lick, NC
      CAR-50727-09           WHZ-395       Morehead City, NC
      CAR-50728-09           WLY-646       Pembroke, NC
      CAR-50729-09           WLY-429       Raleigh, NC
      CAR-50730-09           WAX-279       Red Springs, NC
      CAR-50731-09           WAE-564       Supply, NC
      CAR-50732-09           WHZ-774       Wilmington, NC
      CAR-50733-09           WDH-701       Florence, SC
      CAR-50734-09           WGV-822       Sumter, SC


       CAR-50735-09          KA-80624          Austin, TX
       CAR-50736-09          KD-55017          Austin, TX
       CAR-50737-09          WBY-600           Austin, TX
       CAR-50738-09          WAH-212           Bluegrove, TX
       CAR-50739-09          WAH-213           Crafton, TX
       CAR-50740-09          WLY-367           Elroy, TX
       CAR-50741-09          WSV-58            Flat, TX
       CAR-50742-09          WHZ-585           Grenada Hills, TX
       CAR-50743-09          WHZ-339           Lukenbach, TX
       CAR-50744-09          WSV-56            McGregor, TX
       CAR-50745-09          WAH-228           Vashti, TX
       CAR-50746-09          WCJ-907           West Lake Hills, TX
       CAR-50755-09          WHZ-259           Kannapolis, NC

TWI Cable Inc.
      CAR-50747-09           WGV-526           New Riegel, OH

TWI Summit Cable, Inc.
      CAR-50748-09           WHZ-548           Banning, CA
      CAR-50749-09           WLY-451           Beaumont, CA
      CAR-50750-09           WLY-306           Cathedral City, CA
      CAR-50751-09           KD-55002          Palm Desert, CA
      CAR-50752- 09          WLY-449           Whitewater, CA
      CAR-50753-09           WHZ-547           Whitewater, CA
      CAR-50754-09           WGZ-470           Palm Desert, CA

Private Land Mobile Radio Services (Part 90)

                                                              Lead Call Sign

Alert Cable TV Inc.                                             KYK615
Alert Cable TV of Oklahoma, Inc.                                KWS691
Alert Cable TV of South Carolina Inc                            KFI554
America Online, Inc.                                            KNNW816
American Television and Communications Corporation              KXL770
Cablevision Industries, Inc.                                    KNGX578
Cablevision Industries Limited Partnership                      KNHJ962
Cablevision Industries of Alabama, Inc.                         KYD420
CAT Partnership                                                 KRU795
Century Venture Corporation                                     KZE460
Community CATV Corp.                                            WRJ952
Dorchester Cablevision Inc.                                     WSK244
Erie Telecommunications, Inc.                                   KNCA620
Fairclark Cable TV, Inc                                         KQI872
Florida Cablevision Management Corp.                            KYY472
Home Box Office                                                 KB51583


HBO Studio Productions                                   WPLP425
Kansas City Cable Partners                               WRU681
KBL Multnomah Cablesystems, LP.                          KVZ416
KBL Portland Cablesystems, LP                            WYJ623
Massachusetts Cablevision Industries Inc                 WNZV590
Massachusetts Cablevision Systems, LP                    KYC473
Paragon Communications                                   KBE579
Texas Cable Partners, LP                                 KYK905
Time Warner Cable of Avalon, LP                          WPMF361
Time Warner Entertainment Company, LP                    KEA342
Time Warner Entertainment-Advance/Newhouse Partnership   KFM714
Time Warner Inc.                                               KNAX816
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc                                WNXV224
TWFanch-one Co.                                                WPFZ212
TWFanch-two Co.                                                WPJZ742
TWI Cable Inc                                                  KNHA621
TWI Summit Cable, Inc                                          WNDP983
Warner Bros.                                                   WPLD733
West Valley Cablevision Industries, Inc                        WNSH254

Fixed Microwave Services (Part 101)

Private Operational Fixed Point-to-Point Microwave

                                                         Lead Call Sign
CNN America, Inc.             0000084755                 WNES530
Superstation, Inc.            0000084751                        WNEL539
Texas Cable Partners, L.P.    0000084765                 WNEW367
Time Warner Entertainment-
Advance/Newhouse Partnership 0000084762                  WNER856

Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave

                                                         Lead Call Sign
American Television and
Communications Corp.            0000084776               KAY61
Texas Cable Partners, L.P.      0000084753               KLH77



Document Created: 2019-04-08 14:00:22
Document Modified: 2019-04-08 14:00:22

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