Attachment 20161229134916-373.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20000128-00043 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


o5                      =    ED   SERVICE
Migy                         ED/RESALE SERVICE
~g                 NE RESALE SERVICE
5      MOBILE
  5)       RVI

C      CABLE

                                        3000 K STREET, NW, SUiTE300           ‘          2 6 2000       opy
                                        WASHINGTON, DC 20007—5116
                                            TELEPHONE (202)424—7500
                                            FACSIMILE (202) 424—7645
                                                                                              NEW YORK OFFICE
                                                                                              919 THIRD AVENUE
                                                                                            NEW YORK, NY 10022
                                             January 28, 2000


Magalie Roman Salas, Esq.
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau Telecommunications Division
P.O. Box 358115
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

        Re:       Application of RCN Corporation and 21st Century Telecom Group, Inc. for
                  Authority to Transfer Control of International Authority (ITC—214—19980731—
                  00532) held by 21st Century Telecom of Illinois, Inc.

Dear Ms. Salas:

        Enclosed for filing with the Commission are an original and six (6) copies of the above—captioned

       As required by the Commission‘s Rules, a check in the amount of $780.00 is enclosed. Please
date—stamp the extra copy of this application and return it in the enclosed self—addressed, stamped envelope.
Any questions regarding the enclosed application should be addressed to the undersigned.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                    is A[ //;m LL__//
                                                  Russell M. Blau
                                                  John M. Beahn

                                                  Counsel for RCN Corporation


ge:     Mark J. Tauber, Esq.
        Joseph 0. Kahl       _
        Philip J. Passanante, Esq.
        Robert Currey
        Breck Blaylock (FCC)
        George Li (FCC)

                                      Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

RCN Corporation and

21st Century Telecom Group, Inc.                             File No. ITC—ASG—19909________

Application for Authority to Transfer
Control of International Authority
(ITC—214—19980731—00532) held by
21st Century Telecom of Illinois, Inc.


       RCN Corporation ("RCN"), and 21 st Century Telecom Group, Inc. ("2 1 st Century")(together

"Applicants") by their undersigned counsel and pursuant to Section 214 ofthe Communications Act

of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §

63.18, hereby request authority to t?emsfer control of the international Section 214 authorization

(ITC—214—19980731—00532) of' 21§t Century‘s subsidiary7 21st Century Telecom of Illinois, Inc.

("21st Illinois”);cgE’;,’C#N. RCN and 21st Century have entered into an Agreement and Plan ofMerger

(“Merge:A;eement”) executed on December 12, 1999. To effect the transaction, RCN has created

a new acquisition subsidiary, 21st Holding Corp. ("2 1st Holding") organized under the laws of the

State of Illinois. 21st Holding will merge into and with 21st Century, the 100% stockholder of 21 st

Illinois. 21st Century will become a wholly—owned subsidiary ofRCN. 21st Illinois, therefore, will

become an indirect subsidiary of RCN.

          Upon consummation of the transaction, 2 1st Illinois‘ internati     ustomers will be served

  by the same team of qualified consumer representatives and will be          ded service pursuant to

  contracts and tariffs that offer all of the services currently offered by   llinois at the same rates,

  terms and conditions. Thus, service will continue to be provided us         e same network, billing

  systems and customer service operations as are used currently by 21         10is.


          RCN and 21st Century have determined that the proposed              rer will enable the two

  companies to enhance the range of telecormnmunications services a           oices available to their

  customers.    Moreover, the synergies resulting from the transaction        romote operational and

  administrative efficiencies within each company. These enhancemen           . efficiencies will enable

  RCN and 2 1st Century to compete more effectively in the telecommun         as market to the ultimate

 benefit of consumers. Finally, the proposed transaction will be consu        »d in a seamless fashion,

 will be transparent to consumers and will not in any way inconvenienc        ause harm to any of 21 st

— Illinois‘ customers.


          (a)     Name, address, and telephone number of Applicants:

                  Transferee:      RCN Corporation
                                  105 Carnegie Center
                                  Princeton, NJ 08540
                                  Phone: (609) 734—3700

                  Transferor:      21st Century Telecom Group, Inc.
                                  350 N. Orleans Street, Suite 600
                                  Chicago, IL 60654
                                  Phone: (312) 955—2100

       (b)     Transferee:    RCN is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of

               Transferor:    21st Century is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of

       (c)     Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

For the Transferee:

               Russell M. Blau, Esq.
               John M. Beahn, Esq.
               Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP
               3000 K Street, N.W., Suite 300
               Washington, DC 20007
               Phone: (202) 945—6947
               Fax:    (202) 424—7645

       With copies to:

               Joseph O. Kahl
               Philip J. Passanante, Esq.
               RCN Corporation
               105 Carnegie Center
               Princeton, NJ 08540
               Phone: (609) 734—3827
               Fax: (609) 734—3784

For the Transferor:

               Mark J. Tauber, Esq.
               Piper Marbury Rudnick & Wolfe, L.L.P.
               1200 19th Street, N.W.
               Washington D.C. 20036
               Phone: (202) 861—3900

       With copies to:

               Robert Currey
               President and CEO
               21st Century Telecom Group, Inc.
               350 North Orleans Street
               Suite 600
               Chicago, IL 60654

       (d)    Transferee:     RCN holds Section 214 authorizations through a variety of
                              subsidiaries (see attached Exhibit A) granted by this Commission to
                              provide global resale and/or facilities—based international
                              telecommunications services.

              Transferor:     21st Illinois, a wholly—owned subsidiary of 21st Century, holds
                              Section 214 authorization, ITC—214—19980731—00532 (effective
                              September 11, 1998) granted by this Commission to provide global
                              resale and/or facilities—based international telecommunications

       (e)(3) By this application, Applicants seek authority to transfer control of 21st Illinois‘
              Section 214 authorization to RCN.

       (h)    RCN certifies that it is not affiliated with any foreign carrier.

       The name, address, citizenship and principal business of the shareholders owning 10%
or more of RCN Corporation are as follows:"

       Name/Address                           % Held        Citizenship       Principal Business

       Level 3 Telecom Holdings Inc.          40.1%         United States     Telecommunications
       One Thousand Kiewit Plaza
       Omaha, NE 68131

        The following entities hold a ten percent (10%) or greater ownership or management
interest in Level 3 Telecom Holdings Inc.:

       Name/Address                           % Held        Citizenship       Principal Business

       Level 3 Holdings, Inc.                 90%           United States     Telecommunications
       One Thousand Kiewit Plaza
       Omaha, NE 68131

4      Vulcan Ventures, Incorporated ("Vulcean"), 110 110th Avenue, N.E., Suite 550, Bellevue,
WA 98004, a United States investment corporation, has agreed to purchase certain convertible
preferred stock in RCN. If this stock is issued as agreed and —converted to common stock, Vulcan
would potentially control more than 10% of RCN. Currently, however, Vulcan owns less than 10%
of the voting stock of RCN.         f

       Name/Address                            % Held        C itizenship     Principal Business

       David C. McCourt                        10%           TUnited States   Investmnent
        105 Carnegie Center
       Princeton NJ 08540

        The following entiies hold a ten percent (10%) or greater ownership or raanag:>ment
interest in Level :} Holcinys, Inc.:

       NMame/Ad Iiress                         % Held        C iti:enship     Principal Business

       FKS Inffoomation Serices, Inc.          100%          U‘nited States   Investment
       One Thousand Kiewi: Plazs.
       Omahz, NE 68131

       The fo lowing enti:ie: hold a ten percent (10%) or greater ownership or management
interest in PKS Iniformaticn Services, Inc.:

       Nlame/Ad Iress                          % Held        Citi:enship      Principal Business

       Level 3 Communivations Inc.              100%         Unied States     Investment
       One Thouvsand Kiewi : Plaza.
       Omaha, NE 68131

        The following entiie: hold a ten percent (10%) or grester ownership or management
interest in Level :) Communications Inc.:

       Name/Ad Iress                           % Held        Citizenship      Principal Bus: ness

       Walter Scott                             12%          Un:ted States     Investment
       One Thov sand Kie wi : Plaza
       Omaha, NE 68131

       RCN has no interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

       (1)     RCN certifies that it is not affiliated within the meaning of Section 63.09(e) of the
               Commission‘s Rules with a foreign carrier, as defined in Section 63.09(d) of the
               Commission‘s Rules.

       0)      RCN certifies that it does not seek to provide international telecommunications
               services to any destination country where:

               (1)       RCN is a foreign carrier in that country; or
               (2)       RCN controls a foreign carrier in that country; or


      (3)     any entity that owns more than 25 percent of RCN, or that controls RCN,
              controls a foreign carrier in that country; or
      (4)     two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) own, in
              the aggregate more than 25 percent of RCN and are parties to, or the
              beneficiaries of, a contractual relation affecting the provision or marketing
              or international basic telecommunicaticns servic n the Urite 1 Stat

(k)   Not applicable.

(1)   Not applicable.

(m)   Not applicable.

(n)   RCN certifies that it has not agreed to accept special        cessions, a; dsfi       in
      Section 63.14(b) of the Commission‘s Rules, divectly or 1     rectly, from any f    ign
      carrier, as defined in Section 63.09(d) of the Commissi       s Rules, with resy    to
      any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier ;      sesses sufficient r   ket
      power on the foreign end of the route to affect compet        n advers2ly in th     tS
      market, and will not enter into such agreement:; in the fi    e.

(0)   RCN and 21 st Century certify that no party to this appli«    on is sutject to a    ual
      of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 0:‘ the Ant:     rug A Jus e Act of    88.
      See Exhibit B.

(P)   Applicants request streamlined processing of ‘his appli       ion pursitart to S
      63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules.



           WHEREFORE, for the reasons stated herein, RCN Corporation and 21st Century

Telecom Group, Inc. respectfully request that the Commussion approve this Application and

grant all other relief as necessary and appropriate to effectuate the transaction described herein.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                             jRussell\ M. Blau
                                              \John M} Beahn
                                                       BR BERLIN SHEREFF FRIEDMAN, LLP
                                               3000 K Street, NW., Suite 300
                                              Washington, D.C. 20007

                                              Counsel to RCN Corporation

                                              Mank v42 Jaun/PHTF
                                              Mark J. Tauber
                                              Piper Marbury Rudnick & Wolfe, L.L.P.
                                              1200 19th Street, N.W.
                                              Washington D.C. 20036
                                              Phone: (202) 861—3900

                                              Counsel to 21st Century Telecom Group, Inc.

Dated: January §f 2000

                EXHIBIT A

Section 214 Authorizations of RCN Corporation

                Section 214 Authorizations of RCN Corporation Subsidiaries

RCNLong Distance Company and RCN Telecom Holding Company (formerly "RCN Telecom
RCN Long Distance Company                                        ITC 93—265
RCN Telecom Holding Company and all present                      ITC—214—19981002—00679
and future subsidiaries

RCN Telecom Holding Company subsidiaries:
RCN Telecom Services of Arizona, Inc.                         ITC—214—19981002—00679
RCN Telecom Services of California, Inc.                     ITC—214—19981002—00679
RCN Telecom Services of Connecticut, Inc.                     ITC—214—19981002—00679
RCN Telecom Services of Delaware, Inc.                        ITC—214—19970723—00430
RCN Telecom Services of Maine, Inc.                           ITC—214—19981002—00679
RCN Telecom Services of Maryland, Inc.                        ITC—214—19970723—00430
RCN Telecom Services of Massachusetts, Inc.                   ITC—214—19961004—00490
RCN Telecom Services of Nevada, Inc.                          ITC—214—19981002—00679
RCN Telecom Services of New Hampshire, Inc.                   ITC—214—19981002—00679
RCN Telecom Services of New Jersey, Inc.                      ITC—214—19970723—00430
RCN Telecom Services of New York, Inc.                        ITC—214—19961004—00489
RCN Telecom Services, Inc.*                                   ITC—214—19970707—00379
(formerly "RCN Telecom Services of Pennsylvani;
RCN Telecom Services of Philadelphia, Inc.

RCN Telecom Services of Rhode Island, Inc.

RCN Telecom Servicesof Southeast New York, Ir

RCN Telecom Services of Vermont, Inc.

RCN Telecom Services of Virginia, Inc.
                                                              hoof rag. Ne

RCN Telecom Services of Washington D.C., Inc.
RCN Telecom Services of Washington, Inc.

&      On November 4, 1999 RCN Telecom Services, Inc., a Delaware corporation, changed its
name to RCN Telecom Holding Company.

3    On September 29, 1999 RCN Telecom Services of Pennsylvania, Inc. changed its name to
RCN Telecom Services, Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation.

       EXHIBIT B

Certification of Applicants

                               CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

         On behalf of RCN Corporation and 21st Century Telecom Group, Inc. and in accordance
 with Section 1.2001—1.2003 of the Commussion‘ s Rules, 47 C.F.R. ‘ 1.2001—1.20003, I hereby
 certify that no party to this application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC
 benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1998. See 21 U.S.C. ‘ 853a. I
 also hereby certify that the statements in the foregoing application for approval to transfer control
 of Section 214 authorizations are true, complete and correct to the bes of my knowledge and are
 made in good faith.

         Neither RCN Corporation nor 2 1st Century Telecom Group, Inc. has agreed to accept nor
 shall it accept in the future any special concessions, as defined by the Commission‘s Rules,
directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier or administration with respect to traffic or revenue
flows on any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possess sufficient market power on
the foreign end of the route to affect competition adversely in the U.S. market.

                  :            R       *              21st CENYVURYVYTELE                  ()Up INC.
                       7//6(_%14%4                             fi%
By:       M O

          John D. Filipowicz                                   Tsl
                                                               Q   A
                                                      Name:    Koégr           1   C’ur/cu/
Title:    Senior Vice President
                                                      Title:   /Dre sic/ en t /c’E O
Date:     January 24, 2000
                                                      Date:           ’/,?a /o L

Document Created: 2019-04-22 16:51:46
Document Modified: 2019-04-22 16:51:46

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