Attachment 20161229095357-287.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-19991223-00813 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                             214 Applications
                            RESALE SERVICE

                            FACILITIES—BASED SERVICE
     1 cfct

                            FACILITIES—BASED/RESALE SERVICE
                         ACILITIES—BASED SERVICE

                            PRIVATE LINE RESALE SERVICE

                            BILE SATELLITE SERVICE
     aten clef

/C               AgSSTICNMENT
         o       TRANSFER/ASSIGNMENT
         o       TEMPORARY
         o                       ING LICENSE

                                                                                                                                                              APPROVED BY OMB   3060—0589
  BEFORE Fi°OCEEDING                                                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                            *                               .                                   REMITTANCE ADVICE
                                                                                                  "L "PAGE NC).___]:___!!:}éj;gL:;j 1999’
1) LOCKBOX # 358115

                                                   name               as       appears on your

          Steptoe & Johnson, LLC                                                                                                                      780 .00
  STREET ADDRESS LINE            1

          1330 Conne

  CITY                                                                                                                                             ZIP CODE

         Washing ton                                                                                                   D.C                                200
  DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include areacode)                              ©                                  COUNTRY          (if notin U.S.A.)

          (202) 429—3000 —

                       IE MORE THAN ONE APPLICANT, USE CONTINUATION SHEETS                                                                                             159—C
                                                          name                 asit   appears on your

         SkyOnline,                      Inc.
           ADDRESS LINE              1   «
         2000 L Street, N.W., #200
           ADDRESS LINE NO. 2

   CiTy                                                                                                     5) STATE                               ZIP CODE

         Washington                                                                                                D                                 2.
   DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                                               COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A.)

          (202) 530—5240

                                                                                                                       FCC CODE 2

19D)      CALL

PAYER TIN                                o |s|2]1|3s|4« l9 7| 9|o                                                        LICANT TIN                  o ofi 1| of 7| 3| 3| a |s

 ___Colleen Sechrest                                                                  , Certify under penalty of perjury that th(eljregoing and supporting information
                                (PRINT NAME)                                                                                             h

       true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief. SIGNATURE                                                        >/(—)M(—(/V\

                                                                                                                                                     MONTH      YEAR

                 hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD

                  the service(s}/authorizations(s) herein described

                                                                           1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
  STEPTOE & JOHNSON ur                                                     Washington, DC 20036—1795

                                                                           Telephone 202.429.3000
                 ATTORNEYS AT LAW                                          Facsimile 202.429.3902

(202) 429—6205

                                     December 23, 1999


 Ms. Magalie R. Salas                                                     424— 6 75¢°
 Federal Communications Commission
 International Bureau —— Telecommunications
 P.O. Box 358115
 Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

         Re:     SkyOnline, Inc.: Application to Transfer Control of Section 214

 Dear Ms. Salas:

               Enclosed please find for fi ling on behalf of SkyOnline, Inc. ("SkyOnline"),
 an original and five copies of an application to transfer control of the Section 214
 authorization held by SkyOnline.

              Also enclosed is a check i n the amount of $780.00 for the applicable filing
fee as well as an additional copy the ap plication which we ask you to date stamp and
 return with our messenger.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                          # ~¢             i     ;
                                                           ue   oHAA .3
                                          CAds g ;         Aa
                                           Alfred M. Mamlet _
                                           Colleen Sechrest


       WASHINGTON                         PHOENIX                              LOS ANGELES

                                Before the
                             Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

STM Wireless, Inc., Pequot Capital                  File No. __
Management Inc., SkyOnline, Inc., and
SkyOnline Communications, Inc.

Application Pursuant to Sections 214
and 310(b)(4) of the Communications
Act, as Amended, to Transfer Control of
SkyOnline, Inc. and to Exceed the
Indirect Foreign Ownership Benchmark
in SkyOnline Communications, Inc.



             STM Wireless, Inc. (°STM"), Pequot Capital Management, Inc. ("Pequot"),

SkyOnline, Inc. ("SkyOnline"), and SkyOnline Communications, Inc. ("SkyOnline

Communications") (collectively "Applicants") hereby request approval, pursuant to

Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934 ("Communications Act"), for the

proposed investments which will result in the loss of negative control of SkyOnline by

STM and Pequot.     Additionally, as two of the proposed investors, Telfin S.A. ("Telfin")

and Nouvel Investissement en Technologie S.A. ("de Kergolay") are foreign companies

which propose to have a greater than 25 percent interest in SkyOnline, Applicants

request approval, pursuant to Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act, to exceed

the indirect foreign ownership benchmark up to non—controlling levels in SkyOnline

Communications, the wholly—owned subsidiary of SkyOnline and the proposed holder of

SkyOnline‘searth station authorization.‘
              Part II of this Application describes the proposed transaction and

demonstrates that grant of this Application is in the public interest. Part III provides the

information required by 47 C.F.R. § 63.18.


               SkyOnline holds a Section 214 authorization to provide global facilities—

based and resale services. It also holds an earth station authorization to provide

services via Intelsat and Solidaridad, the Mexican satellite system.

              Under the proposed transaction, SkyOnline proposes to assign its earth

station authorization to its wholly—owned subsidiary, SkyOnline Communications. At

the same time, two foreign companies, de Kergolay (Luxembourg) and Telfin (Belgium),

propose to invest in SkyOnline, resulting in the loss of negative control by both STM and

Pequot.   As a result, upon FCC approval of the proposed transaction, SkyOnline will

not be owned or controlled by any one corporation or alliance of corporations. Rather,

SkyOnline will be owned and controlled by several unrelated entities as follows: de

Kergolay and Telfin will each have a 28.31 percent interest and two Board seats; STM

will retain a 16.57 percent interest and one Board seat; Pequot, a Delaware corporation,

       ‘ Concurrently with this Application, Applicants are submitting the requisite 312
Forms, requesting FCC approval for: (1) the pro forma assignment of SkyOnline‘s earth
station authorization from SkyOnline to SkyOnline Communications (attached as Exhibit
A); and (2) the transfer of control of SkyOnline Communications, as more fully described
below (attached as Exhibit B).

will retain a 16.08 percent interest and one Board seat; Remec, Inc. ("Remec"), a

California corporation, will have a 10.73 percent interest. The CEO will also serve as an

additional member of the Board.     Thus, it is clear that, upon approval of the proposed

transaction, no one entity will have either affirmative or negative control of SkyOnline.

              The proposed change in control, including the proposedforeign

investment, is in the public interest. The proposed investments will result in the

availability of greater financial resources for SkyOnline, permitting it to expand services

and provide increased competition in the market for telecommunications services.

              Additionally, the FCC has established a strong presumption that indirect

foreign investment above the 25 percent benchmark establishedin Section 310(b)(4)

serves the public interest when the investing companyis from a World Trade

Organization (‘WTO") country, such as Belgium." Specifically, the Commission stated


              Because additional foreign investment can promote
              competition in the U.S. market, we conclude that the public
              interest will be served by permitting more open investment
              by entities from WTO Member countries in U.S. common
              carrier wireless licenses with the entry policies we justify and
              describe above in Section III.A [i.e., a policy of open entry
              absent a very high risk to competition in the U.S. market].
              We note that such an analysis could apply in various
              contexts: petitions for declaratory rulings by existing or
              prospective licensees that the public interest would be
              served by allowing them to exceed 25 percent indirect

      &       In the Matter of Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S.
Telecommunications Market, 12 FCC Red. 23891 (1997) ("Foreign Participation Order").
See also In the Matter of Amendment of the Commission‘s Regulatory Policies to Allow
Non—U.S. Licensed Space Stations to Provide Domestic and International Satellite
Service in the United States, 12 FCC Red. 24094, 1| 151 (1997).

               foreign ownership; initial license applications; and transfers
               of control.>
Further, in discussing this "very high risk" standard, the Commission concluded that:

               wecannot at this time envision a circumstance in which
               indirect foreign investments by entities from WTO Member
               countries that do not result in a transfer of control will pose a
               very high risk to competition.*

Here, the proposed foreign investment is indirect (as the earth station authorization at

issue will be held by SkyOnline Communications, the wholly—owned subsidiary of

SkyOnline), and the proposed foreign investors are from Belgium and Luxembourg,

both WTO Members. Moreover, these two companies are completely unrelated, and

thus they will not control SkyOnline, either singly or in combination. Accordingly, the

Commission‘s strong public interest presumption is fully applicable.


               The following information is provided in compliance with 47 C.F.R. §


         (a)   The name, address and telephone number of the Licensee is:

                      SkyOnline, Inc.
                      2000 L Street, NW. #200
                      Washington, D.C. 20036
                      (202) 530—5240

               Foreign Participation Order at «[ 111.

         4     Id. at 1 112.

              The name, address and telephone number of the proposed transferors

                     STM Wireless, Inc.
                     One Mauchly
                     Irvine, CA 92618
                     (714) 450—9282

                     Pequot Capital Management, Inc.
                     500 Nyala Farm Road
                     Westport, CT 06880

       (b)    SkyOnline is a Delaware corporation.

       (c)    Correspondence concerning this Applica      n should be directed to:

                     Christopher Tai
                     Vice President and General Counsel
                     SkyOnline, Inc.
                     2000 L Street, NW. #200
                     Washington, D.C. 20036
                     (202) 530—5257

       with copies to:

                     Alfred M. Mamlet
                     Colleen Sechrest
                     Steptoe & Johnson, LLP
                     1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
                     Washington, D.C. 20036—1795
                     (202) 429—3000

       (d)    SkyOnline has a global Section 214 authorization to provide facilities—

based and resale services."

       (e)    Applicants seek authority, pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(h)(3), for the

change in control described in Part II above.

       (f)    Not Applicable.

       (g)    Applicants are requesting authority pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(3).

The grant of this Application will not constitute a major action as defined in 47 C.F.R.

§1.1305. Accordingly, no environmental information is required to be submitted with

this Application under 47 C.F.R. § 1.1311.

       (h)     Upon approval of this Application, SkyOnline will have the following direct

and indirect 10—percent or greater shareholders: (1) STM, with a 16.57 percent

interest; (2) Telfin, with a 28.31 percent interest; (3) Pequot, with a 16.08 percent

interest;© (4) de Kergolay, with a 28.31 percent interest; and (4) Remec, with a 10.73

percent interest. There are no interlocking directorates with foreign carriers.

       The principal place of business of STM is:

                     STM Wireless, Inc.
                     One Mauchly
                     Irvine, CA 92618
                     (714) 450—9282

       The principal place of business of de Kergolay is:

                     Nouvel Investissement en Technologie S.A.
                     clo Fidei S.A.
                     50, Val Fleuri
                     L—1526 Luxembourg
                     (352) 44 09 29

       5 See Overseas Common Carriers Section 214 Applications Actions Taken, File
No. ITC—98—114, 13 FCC Red. 6496 (SkyOnline was previously known as Direc—to—
Phone International, Inc.).                       '

      © Pequot‘s interest is held through its two subsidiaries, Pequot Private Equity
Fund, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership and Pequot Offshore Private Equity Fund,

          The principal placeof business of Telfin is:

                        Telfin, S.A.
                        1 Place du Trone
                        B—1000 Brussels, Belgium
                        32 2 510 71 11

          The principal placeof business of Pequot is:

                        Pequot Capital Management, Inc.
                        500 Nyala Farm Road
                        Westport, CT 06880

          The principal placeof business of Remec is:

                        Remec, Inc.
                        9404 Chesapeake Drive
                        San Diego, CA 92123

          (i)   SkyOnline certifies, by signature to this Application, that upon approval of

the proposed transaction it will be affiliated with a foreigncarrier, Suez Lyonnaise

Telecom, which provides voice and data communications via a cable network in France.

Suez Lyonnaise Telecom is owned 100 percent by Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux

(Belgium), which in turn owns 99.4 percent of Societé Generale de Belgique ("SGB")

(Belgium). SGB own 96 percent of Tractabel (Belgium), which owns 99.9 percent of


          (J)    SkyOnline certifies, by signature to this Application, that it does not seek

to provide service to any country in which (1) SkyOnline is a foreign carrier; or (2)

SkyOnline controls a foreign carrier; or (3) two or more foreign carriers (or parties that

control foreign carriers) together own more than 25 percent of SkyOnline and are

parties to, or beneficiaries of, a contractual relation affecting the provision or marketing

of international basic telecommunications services in the United States.

       (Kk)    Upon approval of the proposed transaction, SkyOnline will be affiliated

with a foreign carrier in France. France is a member of the WTO.

       (1)     As demonstrated in paragraph (m) below, SkyOnline is entitled, pursuant

to 47 C.F.R. § 63.10(a)(3), to non—dominant status on all international routes, including

affiliated routes.

       (m)      SkyOnline continues to qualify for non—dominant status on all routes. As

noted in item (i) above, upon approval of the proposed transaction, SkyOnline will be

affiliated with a carrier, Suez Lyonnaise Telecom, in France.    Suez Lyonnaise Telecom

is a competitive carrier which provides voice and data services via a cable network. As

a competitive carrier, Suez Lyonnaise Telecom clearly controls less than 50 percent of

the local access and international transport markets. In short, SkyOnline is not affiliated

with any foreign carrier with sufficient market power to affect adversely competition in

the U.S. market, and thus SkyOnline is entitled, under Section 63.10(a)(3), to non—

dominant status on all routes.

       (n)     Applicants certify that they have not agreed to accept special concessions

directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier or administration with respect to any U.S.

international route where the foreign carrier possesses sufficient market power on the

foreign end of the route to affect competition adversely in the U.S. market and will not

enter into such agreements in the future.

       (0)     By their signatures to this Application, Applicants certify pursuant to 47

C.F.R. § 1.2002 that they are not subject to denial of any federal benefits pursuant to

Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. § 853a.

       (P)       Not applicable.


             For the reasons set out above, Applicants hereto request that the

Commission promptly grant this application to transfer control of SkyOnline and to

exceed the indirect foreign investment benchmark in SkyOnline Communications, Inc.,

the proposed holder of SkyOnline‘s earth station authorization.

Date: December 23, 1999                         Respectfully submitted,

                                                SkyOnline, Inc.

Alfred M. Mamlet
Colleen Sechrest
                                         By:      eAE i a
                                                Christopher   C. Tai
Steptoe & Johnson, LLP                          Vice Presidént and General Counsel
1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Counsel for SkyOnline, Inc. and                 SkyOnline Communications, Inc. _
 SkyOnline Communications, Inc.

                                                       C/ Tai
                                                Vice Presideht and General Counsel

                                                STM Wireless, Inc.

                                                Pequot Capital Management, Inc.


             For the reasons set out above, Applicants hereto request that the

Commission promptly grant this application to transfer control of SkyOnline and to

exceed the indirect foreign investment benchmark in SkyOnline Communications, Inc.,

the proposed holder of SkyOnline‘s earth station authorization.

Date: December 23, 1999                         Respectfully subrnitted,

                                                SkyOnline, Inc.

Alfred M. Mamlet                         By:
Colleen Sechrest                                Christopher C. Tai
Steptoe & Johnson, LLP                          Vice President and General Counsel
1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Counsel for SkyOnline, Inc. and                 SkyOnline Communications, Inc.
 SkyOnline Communications, Inc.

                                                Christopher C. Tai
                                                Vice President and General Counsel

                                                STM Wireless, Inc.

                                         By:      L    (\,   (£    ~.

                                                 o      _         5‘    L2   ,;J-

                                                 \\f’u,kuix \{C« §%¢ 1 h11
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                                                     (woemer eX   d P44¥ tXf
                                                Pequot Capital Management, Inc.



             For the reasons set out above, Applicants hereto | 3c uest hi t tie

Commission promptly grant this application to transfer control o S ty()n in > :nc to

exceed the indirect foreign investment benchmark in SkyOnline S« m nini:ations, Inc.,

the proposed holder of SkyOnline‘s earth station authorization.

Date: December 23, 1999                         Respectfully sut m ite d,

                                                SkyOnline, Inc.

Alfred M. Mamlet                         By:
Colleen Sechrest                                Christopher C. Tai
Steptoe & Johnson, LLP                          Vice President and General Counsel
1330 Connecticut Aver 1e, NW.
Washington, D.C. 200: 6
Counsel for SkyOnlin \, Inc. and                Sky )rline Commu nicatio 1s, lic.
 SkyOnline Communr ‘cations, Inc.

                                                Chri itcpher C. Tai
                                                Vice President and Senera Cou isel

                                                STN Wireless, Inc.


                                                Pequot Capital Management, Inc.



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                                                                   Exhibit A, page 1 of 1

                             EXHIBIT A

               This application seeks approval for SkyOnline, Inc. ("SkyOnline") to assign
its earth station authorization to its wholly—owned subsidiary, SkyOnline
Communications, Inc. Two companies, STM Wireless, Inc. ("STM") and Pequot Capital
Management, Inc. ("Pequot") currently have negative control over SkyOnline. Pequot is
a Connecticut corporation; STM is a Delaware corporation.‘

       ‘ Concurrently with this Application, SkyOnline and SkyOnline Communications
are submitting: (1) an FCC Form 312 for the proposed transfer of control of SkyOnline
Communications (attached as Exhibit C); and (2) an Application pursuant to Sections
214 and 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act, as amended, to transfer control of
SkyOnline‘s Title II authorization and to exceed Section 310(b)(4)‘s indirect foreign
investment benchmark in SkyOnline Communications (attached as Exhibit D).

                                                                    Exhibit B, page 1 of 1

                             EXHIBIT B

              This application requests authority for the pro forma assignment of
SkyOnline, Inc.‘s ("SkyOnline") earth station authorization to SkyOnline‘s wholly—owned
subsidiary, SkyOnline Communications, Inc. ("SkyOnline Communications"). This
proposed pro forma assignment is in the public interest as it will enable SkyOnline to
obtain the additional investment, including the foreign investment, proposed in the
concurrently filed transfer of control applications.‘ This additional investment will enable
SkyOnline to expandits services and provide increased competition in the market for
telecommunications services.

       ‘ Concurrently with this Application, SkyOnline and SkyOnline Communications
are submitting: (1) an FCC Form 312 for the proposed transfer of control of SkyOnline
Communications (attached as Exhibit C); and (2) an Application pursuant to Sections
214 and 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act, as amended, to transfer control of
SkyOnline‘s Title II authorization and to exceed Section 310(b)(4)‘s indirect foreign
investment benchmark in SkyOnline Communications (attached as Exhibit D).


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                                                                    Exhibit A, page 1 of 1

                               EXHIBIT A

              Upon approval of the proposed transaction described in Exhibit B,
Licensee SkyOnline Communications, Inc. ("SkyOnline Communications") will be (as it
is currently) 100 percent owned by SkyOnline, Inc. SkyOnline, Inc. will not be owned or
controlled by any one entity. However, two foreign companies, Nouvel Investissement
en Technologie S.A. ("de Kergolay"), a Luxembourg corporation, and Telfin S.A.
("Telfin"), a Belgium corporation, will hold interests above 25 percent (i.e., 28.31 percent

                                                                      Exhibit B, page 1 of 1

                             EXHIBIT B

               This application requests authority for the second stepof a two—step
transfer of control transaction. In step one, SkyOnline, Inc. ("SkyOnline") is requesting
authority to assign the earth station authorization at issue here to its wholly—owned
subsidiary, SkyOnline Communications, Inc. ("SkyOnline Communications").‘ in this
step two, SkyOnline and SkyOnline Communications request authority to transfer
control of SkyOnline Communications from STM Wireless, Inc. ("STM") and Pequot
Capital Management, Inc. ("Pequot"), to SkyOnline itself. More specifically, two foreign
companies, Nouvel Investissement en Technologie S.A. ("de Kergolay") (Luxembourg)
and Telfin S.A. ("Telfin") (Belgium) have agreed toinvest in SkyOnline, diluting STM‘s
and Pequot‘s interests. As a result, upon FCC approval of the proposed transaction,
SkyOnlinewill no longer be owned or controlled by any one corporation or alliance of
corporations. Rather, SkyOnline will be owned and controlled by several unrelated
entities as follows: de Kergolay and Telfin will each have a 28.31 percent interest and
two Board seats; STM will retain a 16.57 percent interest and one Board seat; Pequot, a
Connecticut corporation, will have a 16.08 percent interest and one Board seat; Remec,
Inc., a California corporation, will have a 10.73 percent interest. The CEO of SkyOnline
will also serve as an additional member of the Board. Thus, it is clear that, upon
approval of the proposed transaction, no one entity will have either affirmative or
negative control of SkyOnline. SkyOnline Communications will continue to be 100
percent owned by SkyOnline.

             The proposed change in control is in the public interest. The proposed
investments will result in the availability of greater resources for SkyOnline, permitting it
to expand services and provide increased competition in the market for
telecommunications services.

       ‘ Concurrently with this Application, SkyOnline and SkyOnline Communications
are submitting: (1) an FCC Form 312 for the proposed pro forma assignment of
SkyOnline‘s earth station authorization to SkyOnline Communications (attached as
Exhibit C); and (2) an Application pursuant to Sections 214 and 310(b)(4) of the
Communications Act, as amended, to transfer control of SkyOnline‘s Title II
authorization and to exceed Section 310(b)(4)‘s indirect foreign investment benchmark
in SkyOnline Communications (attached as Exhibit D).

Document Created: 2019-04-14 04:03:49
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 04:03:49

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