Attachment 20170209131520-150.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-19990524-00288 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                          Streamlined        ITC—TZC—19990524—00288
                                          TELMEX/SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS, LLC

               Categories of Services for 214 Applications

0 0O 0 O G

0A 0



0 0


 Description of Application:

                                              FCG/MELLON        May 24 1999
                                                   B fore| ie
                           FELC iRA COMMUT ICA® [ONf COMMISSION
                                     Washingi m, D 2. 2( 154

111 ie M tter of                                           )
/E .\ E [JSPRINT COMN UNIC ATIONS,                         )      File No.               i
. _1 Cz id TELMEX INT] RNA "TONAL                          j
‘‘E N U ES USA, INC.                                       )
.a@poli   at   on for Consentto    ‘rans   sr Coatrol      )
cfijo     at   on Carrier Holdin   —Aut    oriza ion       )
. w su    n    to Section 214 of   ie C¢   nmunicatic is   )
..c o0     1   34, as Amended, 1   ) Ope   ate as an       )
: at m iti nal Switched Res le Ca rier                     )
    a6B                                                    )

                    Pursuant to ; ectio 214 ofthe Zom:t unic: ions Act of 1934, as amended, and

lecuica—       3.18 of the Com ssion s Rules, Te nex/. print Zomtr unications, LL.C. ("TSC")

1 et :b —r quests the Commi sion‘ cons nt to ransf r con rol o1 TSC to Telmex International

‘‘entu ‘e: USA, Inc. ("Telmex US \"), a whol_ y ow1 sd in irect ubsidiary of Teléfonos de

México, S.A. de C.V. ("Telmex"              TSC, a 50—50 joint venture between Telmex USA and an

indirect subsidiary of Sprint Corporation ("Sprint‘‘), currently holds an international Section 214

switched resale authorization granted on October 30, 1997 ,‘ which became effective on

1         Telmex/Sprint Communications, LL.C., Application for Authority Under Section 214 of the
          Communications Act for Global Authority to Operate as an International Switched Resale
          Carrier Between the United States and International Points, Including Mexico, Order,
          Authorization and Certificate, 12 FCC Red 17551 (1997), applications for review pending.


August 7, 1998." On May 4, 1999, Telmex and Spriit anr                          ince    chei   aut      dec   ion

teemnin~*eth~—~joi~t —amni in          ol‘ a t and Telme:s‘sint                 on      aco    ref     int    nteae   tin ie

                      ) th     re s    :oe f t            selow,prom>»tgra      oft     iA     icat    nw      gre    y se e

          ob        rost e aven         a    i Ccou       sssity by en:uring    sme     htr    sitic   for    OC‘s    xist g

          bol         nol ge           20—   S            continue to offer:    ique    nd«    mnpe    ive

         Io :o : cas m oo 1 t : 1 rserved Hispanic                              mm      ity.   fore ver,      is

         1      1     i ib     fe,     «s i 1             sprocessed under,     eC      immi   lon‘    iew    |—da

          1     .   t esi pyo          cor ,          3   use Telmex USA‘       affil   e,1    me      sff    ia}     TO

                1 :   «M ue )          i I i x JSA hereby certif                tha     twi    com y w        ithe

                          im   ntos    [     0            ns for the affiliat   rou     C L    ddii    n, 1   mex     SA




          1     :   1 fth other        : 1i c s           +TSC‘sSection2        aut     nmza   nw      .cor   aque     apf y

                io3 med utho           . < ,          1   Telmex USAand         par     t,T    mex     vill   mpl     fully

          Eko   1   i se«      ditio

         i ; [/Sprir: :ommunica jms, _.L.C., Applicationf: Autt ity __der Section 214 of the
        C i1 mications Act for Global Authority to Operate as an International Switched Resale
        Carrier Between the United States and International Points, Including Mexico, Order, File No.
        ITC—97—127, DA No. 98—1585 (released Aug. 7, 1998), application for review pending, stay
        denied, Order, DA No. 98—1678 (released Aug. 21, 1998), stay denied, AT&T Corp. v. FCC,
        Civil Action No. 98—1404 (D.C. Cir. Sept. 28, 1998).
        47 C.F.R. § 63.12(c)(v); see also 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review —— Review of International
        Common Carrier Regulations, IB Docket No. 98—118, FCC 99—51, at 22 (released March 23,
        1999). This Application also is presumptively eligible for streamlining, and Telmex is
        presumptively nondominant on the U.S.—Mexico route, because Telmex USA‘s foreign affiliate,
        Telmex, is from a WTO Member country (Mexico) and Telmex USA seeks to serve that country
        solely by reselling the switched services of unaffiliated U.S. international carriers. 47 C.F.R.
        §§ 63.12(c)(ii), 63.10(a)(4). In order to facilitate the prompt processing of this Application and
        to minimize any unnecessary administrative burdens on the Commission, however, TSC and
        Telmex USA are filing this Application under Section 63.12(c)(v) of the Commission‘s Rules.


        INTRO UCJ]                                     IP"                    & PROPC ED



                     llow           aten               0—4    ‘ref    atol    battle, the ‘omt         ssio

TSC     applicati 1 for             ecti               ruth   ity t pel       a as ~7 int nati         al s    tche

cart   bet reen ie U1               toes :             mat    1al 1   nts,    «cluc ig ‘XiCC           In 4    zust

       om: ence      opel           T¥                 zo             ubs     ueni ‘ ex; nde                   ve c

       1a, 1 xas     ad C           —Ip      idit      a to   idit:   al      tal—1 lony lista                 ice,

       its © iston is in     mat    ral {    J At      ber:   ) fa    itate   alls    the    by 1              tive

       o. [ SC a o ha        atro   ced      uni       e se   ice |   JWI     3 "V Xicc     m Li               rich    1ab)

indi   1ual resi« ng ir      ie C   ted      ates      ) pa   or t    ins     latic of : rasic                 ae I:   : fol

thei   slati es it VMexi     , as   ell :    for i     mth    ser     e fe    — T% ‘ha:     plsisisl           wit     ts

Suc(   s in »ringing su      inn    ativ               es t   he I    par     con runi _

                   Since 7                   sd c      rati   is, 6   1EV(    it ar   its went         1ave    :ram

       leal about the U             anic     ark        lea   ag t    n t     seva ate their 1         peci    e bi    36S5i

        Specifically, bi            and      s pa      ats    lievy   hat     > OV!   all market       ill t   bett    ser     i

       nt focuses its ef     I8 €   ens1     ng t : prc       sio1    f oc    petil ‘e traditio1       l lor   dist    CC

serv   >s to tie Hispan.. mat       1, w     le Telme»        jcou:    on     mtra    tional cor _aun          tior

servives such as México en Linea and other products and services specifically designed for that

market. Sprint and Telmex therefore have mutually decided to terminate their joint venture

relationship and are proceeding amicably to restructure their operations to ensure that both

companies can better serve the U.S. Hispanic population.

                   Telmex USA accordingly proposes to acquire Sprint‘s 50% interest in TSC.

Under the terms of the agreement between Telmex USA and Sprint, TSC will be liquidated, and


its assets, including its Section 214 authorizati    i, will be distributed to Telmex USA.‘ Telmex

TSA t= + —‘Il become the operating entity.

T.                 ON 63.18 INFORMATION

                   Pursuant to Section 63.18 of th   Jom     ssicn‘: Rales, 7 SC subriit: the folle viag


                   The name, address, and telephe    +nu1    er of e ch appli ant are:

                   Telmex/Sprint Communication       L.L.
                   9444 Farmham
                   Suite 300
                   San Diego, California 92123
                   (619) 268—3681

                   Telmex International Ventures     SA,
                   9444 Famham
                   Suite 300
                   San Diego, California 92123
                   (619) 268—3681

                   TSC is a limited liability company or;   uized under the laws of Delaware.

T                  ; a corporation organized under the la    of Delaware.

4       Under the terms of their agreement, Sprint (TSC‘s underlying facilities—based carrier) will
        succeed to TSC‘s base of subscribers to its "Dial 1" and international 800 services. On
        May 21, 1999, Sprint filed a Petition for Waiver of the Commission‘s authorization and
        verification rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 64.1100—64.1190, to the extent necessary to enable Sprint to
        transfer those subscribers to its customer base without first obtaining each subscriber‘s
        authorization and verification.


        (c)        Cor spom        ice      ncerning this Application should be addressed to:

                   Luis Lope:      .ojo
                   Chie Exe        ive     ‘ficer
                   Teln sx/S;      itC     imunications. L.L.C. and
                   Chie Ope        ing     ‘fice ind Secretiry
                   Teln    x Im    aati    al V     itures 1( SiA,lac.
                   9444    Farml   n
                   Suite   300
                   San     Jiego    alif   aria‘!   123
                   (619    268—    81

                   with icop       ddr     sed>

                   Gary M. E       cein
                   Teresa D..      er
                   Latham &        atki
                   1001 Pernn      lvar    Avi      ue, N.W.
                   Washingts       D.(     200      >
                   (202) 637—      00

                   and with a      ddi     nal          py addressed to:

                   Leon M. K       tent    im
                   Kent Y. N:      imy
                   Sprint Cor      rati«
                   1850 M St       .N      V.
                   11th Floor
                   Washingto       D.(     200
                   (202) 857—      30

        (d)        TSC holds a glot          aut    rization under Section 214 of the Act to operate as an

international switched resale carrier between the United States and international points, including

Mexico (File No. ITC—97—127). Telmex USA has not previously applied for or received

authority under Section 214 of the Act.

        {e)—(g) No response required.


          (h)       The name, address, citizenship, and princip 1 businesses of any person or entity

that cire :t c indir st y w s atleasttin; n :nt ofthe e uity of Telmex USA, and the

perceati ze of squity » m 1 y each of tios e tities (to tt nearest one percent), are:

         —la ie                    Teléfonos de /A fico, S.A. «: C.YV.
         .ud reos:                 Parque Viil     8
                                   Colonia C 1a1   it« noe
                                   06599 Mecc      ,] .F.
         lt ze ship:               Mexico
         n c al Bu it ss           Telecomn un     :a ons and re ted serv es
         Cene Owr n ab :           100%

         Ta ie                     Carso Glo »al [se scom, S.A 1e C.V.
         ud reos:                  Ayv. Insurgen :s ur 3500
                                   Colonia Pefis ?¢ ire
                                   Tlalpan, Mex :c D.F.
         it ze ship:               Mexico
         _fi ci alBuir ss           Holding com ar : for teleco imunica ons—relatedinvestments
         Cerce :Owr n m :          22% of Telm «

Telmex C rs         Glot 1 e :c mand Telme U A have or rill have the following interlocking

director te :

         ‘bh fi lowit ;i e In ctors of both a o Global 1 lecom a d Telmex: Ing. Carlos Slim
         .eaag, og.Ja n C i > Pardo, Ing. Ula dio X. Got :alez Laporte, C.P. Juan Antonio
         FPerez jimon it |Lic Carlos Slim Don t.

5        Telmex wholly owns Telmex USA through a series of holding companies. Telmex holds 99.9%
         of Sercotel, S.A. de C.V., a Mexican holding company. Cercotel holds 99.9% of Inmobiliaria
         Aztlan, S.A. de C.V., a Mexican holding company. Inmobiliaria Aztlan holds 100% of Telmex
         International, Inc., a Delaware holding company. Telmex International, Inc. in turn holds 100%
         of Telmex USA.
         France Telecom, the French telecommunications company, holds approximately 5% of Telmex‘s
         capital stock. Telmex‘s shares also are publicly traded and therefore may be held by other
         non—U.S. interests. In addition, SBC Communications, Inc., the U.S. Regional Bell Operating
         Company, holds less than 10% of Telmex‘s capital stock.


        ‘"he following are direct©« s of arso Global Tels am : d alt nate direc ors of Telm x:
        ‘ic. Jose Kuri Harfush, ( P. H nberto Gutierre: Dlve —Zul zarreta, Li . Marco Ar :onio
        ilim Domit and Lic. Pat 0 $ m Domit.

        n addition to being a di1 stor ‘Carso Global T                     Ccot   and     slmex, Ing Jaim Chi o
        ardo : a di ctor of Te iex 1| JA.

        i)          ‘elm x USA cer ies 1 it it| "affiliatec vith i "fo ign< rrie ‘und                        Sec ion

63.09(d) and (      of t e Commis:                   ules. Specifical TS 1iex I iA h ian ffilia jmw th a

foreign carrier 1 Me ico by vir s of                 e fac that it is v    olly   wne     by ai indi set su_sidis :y of

Telmex, a Me can | :lephone c«                ipar

        0)          ‘elm x USA cer ies it it : <eks to pro de i                   Sma     mal>   leco amur sations

services to a d tina on country               mher   ‘he f lowing ar

                    1)           Where it :   a fo   ign c rrier in th: cout ~y, C istru g°"f reign amer" as

including a ca er ; Efiliated wi
                                                     reig     carmier‘ u ler & stiot      ;3.05 4) and (e) ‘the

Commission‘s lules. As noted                  jove   [Telx xUSA se         s to   ‘Ovic   inte ational

telecommunic ons services to                  exic   , whe e it is affil   ted > th, :    1 wh lly owned     y,


                    3)           Where an atity hat c ms more t in 25 perce t of‘ »Imex USA                  or that

controls Telmc.. USA, controls a fore:               1 Ccar   er in that country. Telmex L JA seeks to provide

international telecommunications services to Mexico, where Carso Global Telecom controls


        (k)        Mexico is a Member of the World Trade Organization.

        (1)        Telmex USA will file the quarterly traffic reports required by § 43.61(c) of the

Commission‘s Rules.


        (m)        ot at lical sbee use‘ sImex USA is nots :king tthi :imeto be sguli :d as

qon—dominant       rthe rovi on c inter ational cor m nicai mss vice :o Mexico

        (n)        Ime US, cert es tl tith—inot ig sed t acce             spe alco cess ns d sctly

or indirectly fr a1an jore aca           erv hres ectt a yU..      inte atio lrow s wk re th

foreign carrier    osse: :s m ‘ket: »wer nthe forei n nd o. chern tea .wil ri0te teri >

such agreemen      in t!l   fun

         (0)       slme     US. cert es,f rsua to § ci ons 1 2001         iwou i1.2 13 0 the

Commission‘s       ules     hat1   par   tot :app catic i subj :tto       deni    ofF dera jene s

pursuant to See on 5 )1 0          he i ti—D ig Al se it (f19i ij, 21     .S.C §85 i.

        (p)        ais + plic ion« alifi sfor rear irsdpr cessi ;put iant             +§ 6 12(c v)

because the aff    ated estit tion :ark (Me ‘co) ia WTC Menr sercce nitry nd 1 Imes JSA

agrees to becl;i sifie as a        omit atc: 4ert the: fiuated estin ion— untr und +<§ 6. .:0,

without prejud :to:         rig) top itior ‘orre lassification &. a lat    dats


                   ‘om; grar ofth ; Applicatic_m will greatly serve       epu ic it srest,

convenience art    neo sity. Hisp ic Americans currently are underservy i1 by existing.

telecommunications providers. Terminating the joint venture relationship and enabling Sprint to

focus more directly on bringing competitive traditional long distance services to the Hispanic

market, while Telmex USA concentrates on providing nontraditional services to that market, will

enhance service to the entire market in ways that a single company cannot do on its own. Indeed,

6       See also note 3 supra.


TSC      $Xp    enc    o d:    wit      ts I    xicc n L        :‘a product suggs     s that :   1 uniq     |,

nont:    itic          ucts    ad s     vice    hat     ‘¢ ta   red to the needs      fHisp:     : Ame      ans with

stror    ult    l ti   to L    in A     eric    n g Gell        id M=exicc in pa cular 1         be en      cal tc

ensu            thi:   nde              Jopi    tiot    las a   CSS     bas c tele    mmur       tions :    vice

Teln            wi.    ‘{ont   16 a     , gnt   id T            SUS |   . these inn   ative j    lucts :    iset        ces,

prov                    An     ical     wit]    asy     2SCES   o th    e services    ; a low    :‘ost th        the    ind

their                  ion:    y ha     : pai

                       1CSS    ;> thi   App     atic    und     the     w stream.     ed prc     ures x     1len:       e that

Teln                   onti    & to     rovi    : the           imil    services t    the me     inders     ved

segn                   spar    pot      latic   in a    Sam             uninterruy    :d mar     . TSC           per:   s an

ongec                  rith    isti1    cus     ner ind :               es in twel     cities    Arizor          Tex    . and

Calii                  sust    1CTS     id e    »loy    °S n¢           inty and a    nooth      asitior    > the

restr                  ise.

                       e si    ifici    tly,    s Apry lica             es no new     iSsuCcs.   mex l      A se        s

only     cor    e      ope     .6 u;    er 1    2‘s Se ctio             ithorizatic   as cul     ly cor     tion        , and

Teln     /S     an(    is pf   nt, Telme        will c am;      ful     with those conditi       . Moreover,            ll of

the i:   es tnat TSC‘s competitors previously raised about a Telmex—affiliated entity operating in

the United States and the state of long distance competition in Mexico have been briefed

repeatedly. Even assuming those issues were validly raised in prior proceedings —— and, in light

of U.S. WTO commitments, they were not —— those issues have since been resolved among the

parties or by the Mexican Government. As the Commission is aware, U.S. carriers and Telmex

recently resolved the most contentious of those issues —— the level of U.S.—Mexico settlement rates


—— with Telmex agreeing to reach the $0.19 benchmark rate on July 1, 1999, fully six months

at~ ‘    ""    _~_   mission‘s deadline.‘

                     rticularly in light of the interests of TSC‘s existing customers and employees

a                    1 in the Hispanic community for the services that Telmex USA plans to

C                    ie, TSC and Telmex USA urge the Commission to grant this Application


7       To the extent the Commission believes any further issues remain with respect to the entry of a
        Telmex—affiliated entity into the U.S. long distance market, Telmex USA would not object to
        moving pending proceedings, such as the fully briefed Show Cause Order, to the new docket.
        See Telmex/Sprint Communications, L.L.C., Application for Authority under Section 214 of the
        Communications Act for Global Authority to Operate as an International Switched Resale
        Carrier Between the United States and International Points, Including Mexico, Order to Show
        Cause, File No. ITC—97—127, DA 98—2400 (released Nov. 24, 1998).


FROM LATHAM & WATKINS WASH DC #2                          (WED) 5. 19‘ 99 21:03/8T. 20:59/N0. 4261479727 P 13

       IV.     CONCLUSION

                          For the foregoing reasons, th: Commission should grant its consent to the transfer

       of control of TSC to Telmex USA under the Commission‘s new streamlined processing


                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        TELMEX/SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS,

                                                               Luis Lopez R
                                                               Chief Executve       Ficer

                                                        TELMEX INTERNATIO «AL VENTUIES
                                                        USA, INC.                                 e¥~

                                                               Chief Opera        D Ficer and Secretary

       May 24, 1999


                                    CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

                   11 er: by certify that I hae> is 24th day of: Aay, 199§, c us id sopies »ftae

foregoing "A; plisat on "to bi: servec. b: h; nc delive y im i ie followi ag

     Chairmat V illi ar E. Kennard                        Conm: aissioner us an Ness
     Federal C on mni :ations Comtr iis: i01              Fede: al Commnivzat m ; Comriisio:
     445 Tweifth St set, S.W.                             445 " welfth Stiee, S W
     Washingion, D C. 20554                               Wast ington, D.C. 2(55 1

     Commissioner Aichael Powell                          Comaissioner Harol Furchtgott—Rot i
     Federal Commnications Commissio1                     Fede: al Communicat ns Commissio:
     445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                             445 12th Street, S.W.
     Washington, D.C. 20554                               Washington, D.C. 20554

     Commussioner Clot a ‘ Iristani                       An Fi zg:rald
     Federal Comi im iic: ticas Comm: ssi on              Jecer: l C ommuiic itic as Comm ss: on
     445 Twelfth S trest, s V.                            4i T~ zseifth Street, S V.
     Washington, J.C. : 05 54                             ‘Neashi igion, D.C. 20554

     Dan Connors                                          ‘YMashiJ MacB id :
     Federal Comiawm ic: ticns Comm: ssi on               ecer: l Commuiic itic as Comm ssion
     445 Twelfth i tre st, s.W.                           4i Ts relfth Street, SS V.
     Washington, 0.C. : 0554                              Washi igton, D.C. 205 54

     Paul Misener                                         Karen Gulick
     Federal Communic: tions Commission _                 Feders | Communicatic as Commission
     445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                             445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
     Washington, D.C. 20554                               Washington, D.C. 20554

     Roderick K. Porter                                   Peter Pappas
     Acting Chief                                        International Bureau
     International Bureau                                Federal Communications Commission
     Federal Communications Commission                   445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
     445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                             Washington, D.C. 20554
     Washington, D.C. 20554


     Rebecca Arbogast                         Kathy O‘Brien
     Chief, Telecommunications Division       International Bureau
     International Bureau                     Federal Communications Commission
     Federal Communications Commission        445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
     445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                 Washington, D.C. 20554
     Washington, D.C. 20554

     Sherille Ismail                          Ken Stanley
     International Bureau                     Telecommunications Division
     Federal Communications Commission        International Bureau
     445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                 Federal Communications Commission
     Washington, D.C. 20554                   445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
                                              Washington, D.C. 20554

                                          Teresa D. Baer


                                                              LATHAM & WATKINS
       PAUL R. WATKINS i8998 — 1973)                                   ATTORNEYS AT LaAW
                                                                                                                                 NEV    C 0    ik or   ing
        DANA LATHAM (1898 — 1974)                                                                                         @as THIRC      a/!   NUE     stitE i00:
                                                                   !On! PFNNSYLVANIA ZVE., N.w.                         NEV YORK.       EV     rORK    Co.l2—48 iz
                                                                                                                      PHONLI (212) t    0 3+   200,    Fax 7liies
                CHIGAGO OFFiCE                                                itE i3oc
       sEARS TOWER, suiTE se00
        CHICAGO, ILLINOIs sosos
                                                                   A M o_ D.c. 20304—2505                                     QRANG . 21 UNTY 2 °F CE
                                                                                                                      650 ‘OwWN CEITIP ORiv :. sJite a > c
  FHONE (312) 876—7730, FAX 993—9767                               T it or_ (202) s37—2200                            COST., MESA, I/L "ORNI\ ai sile— > s
                                                                                                                      PHON | (7i4) £4 i— 23§, tX 78 5—6 2 uk
            HONG KOoN: OFFice                                           Fo c »a s37—220!1
       suiTe 2205A, i12ND FLOOR                                                                                                 SAb     [ i6 30Of M :f
      NO. 9 QUEEN‘s ROAD CENTRAL                                                                                           7oli‘s‘      itibEt, sttE z100
               HONG KonG         s                                                                                     SAN DIEGO,       ;/ L "ORNI\ a2i01—s313
PHCNE + s52—asarm—7ses, Fax asaa—70o0s                                                                                PHONI (S19) |     35— 234. FAX eoe— + g

                Lonpon                                                                                                         SAN F |AnL1SCOQ,        JFFIGE
           ONE ANGEL COURT                                                                                            505 wONTGO!N ERY STRE T. SUITE i900
      LONDON EC2R 7HJ ENGLAND                                                                                        SAN F.IANCISCO, CALIFORNIA S41i1—2582
PHONE + 44—171—374 4444, FAX 374 4460                                                                                 PHONE (41§) 391—0600, FAX s95—a095

                    AN                  £E                                                                                       LL1    NVA       Y     OFEFI
   633 WEST FIFTH STREET, sUITE 4000                                                                                       135 COMMONWEALTH DRIVE

                                                                                       ; 1999
  LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071—2007                                                                                    MENLO PARK, CALIFORNIA S4025

  PHONE (213) 485—1234, FAX S91—8763                                                                                 PHONE (650) 326—48600, Fax 463—2800

                M            w   OFFL                                                                                                  NGAPOR          E1
     ULITSA GASHEKA, 7, Orh Froor                                                                                         20 CECIL STREET, sUITE 25s—02
        MOscow i23056, RUSSiA                                                                                          THE EXCHANGE, SINGAPORE O49705
PHONE + 7—095 785—1234, FAX 785—1235                                                                                   PHONE + GB—§§6—i18i, FAX sse4l7

            N            R       orF                                                                                                   TOKYO OFFICE
     ONE NEWARK CENTER, lerm FLOOR                                                                                 INFINI   AKASAKA,    8—7—1§.   AKASAKA.      MINi TO—KU
     NEWARK, NEW JERSEY O7I01—3174                                                                                         TOKYO iO7—0052, JAPAN
  PHONE (9739) s39—1234, Fax e30—7208                                                                               PHONE +813—3423—3970, FAX 3423— i97i

                VIA MESSENGER

                Federal Comtaunications CTom nissi
                International ‘3ureau — Telecon mun :a                  x
                P.Q.Box 355113
                Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15251—51

                                             Re:    Applicationc 1 1         : iz int Comm n ations, LL.C. for Consent to
                                                    Transfer Con                  Internati is Ventures USA, Inc.



                Dear Sir or Madam:

                                             Enclosed for filing are s c g ia and five copi s of the Applicatioh of
                Telmex/Sprint Communications, LL.C ((                        ‘SC") for consent,©       ider Section 214 of the
                Communications Act of 1934, as amen                     u_   and Section 63.18         fthe Commission‘s Rules, to
                transfer control of TSC to Telmex Inteational Ventures USA, Inc. Also enclosed are an "CC
                Form 159 and a check for $780 in payment of the filing fee for this Application.

                                             Please contact me if you have any questions.

                                                                                      Very truly yours,

                                                                                      Teresa D. Baer



 O5/21/Y94                 ZU1IL4O rAa ava vui                             uus.

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Document Created: 2019-04-20 06:28:38
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 06:28:38

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