Attachment 20170209100005-327.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-19990422-00265 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                          Streamlined         ITC—T/C—19990422—00265
                                                          ONSITE ACCESS LLC

                                Categories of Services for 214 Applications

                              ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE

                              GLOBAL FACILITIES—BASED SERVICE
          9A 9A 9A 9A 0o A

                              GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE
                              INDIVIDUAL FACILLITIES—BASED SERVICE
                               GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE
     o o g‘\o o o a

                              LIMITED GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE
                              INMARSAT AND MOBILE SATELLITE SERVICE
                              SWITCHED RESALE SERVICE
                             ~ TRANSFER OF CONTROL


                              SUBMARINE CABLE LANDING LICENSE
                              INTERNATIONAL SPECIAL PROJECT

            Description of Application:

                               Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
                                                    701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                                                        Zashin; ton D.T. 27004

One Financial Center                                                                                            Te ephone: 202434 7300
                                                                                     ‘..“{"'Y)\ ? 2 4\%8{\,\)
Bostcn, Massachusetts 02111                                                                                     Fax: 202/424—7400
Telephon :: 617/542—6000                                    C mc im 29 iC W                   C                 wyw.imiintz.coni
Fex: 617, 542—2241                                          (;‘;% ifi i| L.A C

Cheris R. Kiser                                                                                                 Direct Dial Number
                                                                                                                Int:rnet Address:
                                                                   ip i1 ©2, 1999


         Federal Communications Commission
         International Bureau
         Telecommunications Division
         P:Q. Box 338115
         Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

                   Re:        Onsite Access LLC, On jit : V en ur ss, L. L.C., and On§ ite A« ce: s, Inc. —
                              Application for Authori y Pu‘st an it S »ction 214 of the To nnuunications
                              Act of 1934, As Amende d, To Ti an ife < Control of Ons te Ac zes ; LLC,
                              An Authorized Internat o1 al Ca rri 2r,. from OnSite Venture:s, L L.C.,
                              to OnSite Access, Inc.

         Dear Sir/Mad: m:

                 Enclos»d please find an original inc© fire.        of ies of the Applicatio 1 o‘ O 1S:te Ventures
         L.L.C. and OnSite Access, Inc., to trans: 2r :o1 trc      l 0 °C as:te Access LLC frcm OnSite Ventures,
         L.L.C. to C nS te Access, Inc. pursuant t ) S:et or        214 (ftie Communica ions.ict Also
         enclosed is the requisite fee of $780.00 1 ) c avir t     ie iss »ciated filing fee toagth ‘r vvith a Request
         for Confidential Treatment of Exhibits a id an FC         T ‘o1 n 59. An extra copy cft] is filing is
         also enclos:d. Kindly date—stamp received the ex          ra co »y and return it in the postage—paid
         envelope t at is provided. If you have any questi         ns re zai ding this filing, pleare contact
         undersigned1 counsel.

                                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                                     Chérie R. Kiser‘
                                                                     Casey B. Anderson
                                                                     Counsel for Onsite Access LLC,
                                                                     OnSite Ventures, L.L.C., and OnSite Access, Inc.


         cc:      Troy Tanner, International Bureau
                  Brian Benz
         DCDOCS: 147829.1 (362d01!.doc)

                                      Before the
                                      Vashin gton, D.C. 2055

OnS ite Access LIL C, OnSite Venture;;, LL C., ard )
On§ ite Access, Irc.                               )
Applic ition for A itl ority Pi rsuant t«               )        File Nc. ITC 99—
Sectior 2 .4 of the C ommun cations .\ct of             )
193—}, is Am en Ied, 10 Trens ‘er Control of            )
OnSite Access LLC, an Autiorized                   )
Inte nz 10@ Cartier, froni (mSite Venture;, L.L C. )
to C n§ te Aucess, Inc.                            )
eb is U &                   ds                       ow

                                           AF PLIC ATICN

        OaS:te Ventires, 2.1,.C. ("OVC") ind O1 Site , «cces: , Inc., ("OA °) (collectively, the

"Ap oli sants‘) l ier sb ; reques t authori‘ y, pusuant to sec ion 2 14 of he Co mmunications Act of

193 4, is am moec, 47 U.S.C. § 214 (1982) and s sctior 63.1{ of th: Com mission‘s rules,

47 C.F R. § 63 18 (1998), tc transfer control of C pSite Acces LL( :("O¢.C") from OVC to OAL.

        On Oct >b r .7, 199%, OAC was gr: nted {iectio 1 214 autho: ity to resell international

telecot imunic: tic ns service ; between the United State and variou ; inter 1ational points." In

1998, ine Commission approved a transfer of control of OAC to OVC.*

«_  The Commission‘s original Section 214 approval for OnSite Access LLC is stated in Public Notice
Report No. 1—8268, File No. ITC—97—511 (released October 23, 1997).

*    The Commission accepted the application for transfer of control of OnSite Access LLC to OnSite
Ventures, L.L.C. in File No. ITC—98—222 on March 20, 1998. See "Streamlined International Section 214
and Section 310(b) Applications Accepted for Filing," Public Notice, Report No. Tel—140—A, File No.
ITC—98—222—TC (released March 20, 1998) (listing application as accepted for filing). The application
was granted and took effect automatically on April 25, 1998, pursuant to the Commission‘s
"streamlined" Section 214 rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 63.12 (providing for automatic approval of Section 214
applications submitted under streamlining rules 35 days after date of public notice listing application as
accepted for filing).

        The / pplic ints respectfully reques expe lited treatment of this ag plicaiion tc perm t them

to u1 dertake ‘he tr:nsactons contemplated by th : Series B, Series 2 and Serie:: D Pr sferre 1

Stoc c Purchs se Ag eeme nt ("Stock Purchs se Ag eement") and Ag ‘eeme it and Plan of Me ‘ger

("‘Mrger Ag eeme 1t") (collectively "Agre sments"), which are atte ched :o this Appl: catior as

Exhibits 1 an 1 2 ard are ncorporated by r: ference. The Agrseme: ts req 1ire, smong other

thin; s, the m srger of OV C into OAI and tt e issu ance of prefsrred itock y OAL.*

        Grant of the requ »st for a trar sfer c cont ol of OAC Ttom OVC t> OA] — tog sther vith

the i ;suance f pre: erred stock conte nplat d by he Stock Purchas: Agre emen:: —— wi 1 proi 10te

com »etition in the ntern itional telecomm nicati ons marketrlace. OAC will have access t >

OAl s capita and ; larger pool of technical and lusiness expertise and contact;. OAC wil be

able to achie‘e sigiiuficai t economic and n arket ng efiiciencies an 1 ther ‘by w 11 be letter

equi »ped to 1 rovid : adv; need, high qualit:©, low cost t:leconimuni :ation s services t« subs=riber:.

        Follo ving the tra isfer of control, CAC v ill provide s ervice unde : the same r ame & ad

auth »rity. Tl.e trar sfer c control will hav : no aIverse consequenc es, an 1 the same pmublic

inter sst findi igs wiich ld the Comtaissio 1 initi illy to grant OAC s orig inal anplica ion fir

inter aational resale authc rity and the petiti n to ransfer control of OAC to OV C sup port g rant of

the iastant petition. Accordingly, grant of this application will serve the public interest.

                                              The Parties

        OAC is a New York Limited Liability Company which is presently owned 100% by

OVC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company. The principals of OVC are Arthur Simon, Daren

W. Hornig, Martin Rabinowitz, RSI—OSA Holdings, Inc., and Veritech Ventures LLC. Thus, for

*   The Agreements require these transactions to be consummated no later than 115 days from April 16,

purposes of this application to transfer cor trol, ()VC is the transferor of its controlling interest in

OAC to OAI, the transferee.

                                      Sectior 63.1 } Info rmation

        The following informat on is subrnm itted, as rec uired by section 62..18 of the

Commissio:n‘s Rules in suppor of this applicati n:

(a)     Name, Addre ;s and Tel :sphone Nu nber

                C nSit: Access I LC
                630 Fi fth Avent e, 12th Flc or
                New York, NY 10019
                Tel: (£12) 324—1 500

                C nSit: Venture: , L.L.C.
                630 F: fth Avent e, 12th Fic or
                hNew York, NY 10019
                Tel: (£12) 324—1 500

                C nSit: Access, nc.
                630 F: fth Avent e, 12th Floor
                New York, NY 10019
                Tel: (£12) 324—1500

(b)     State of Formation

        OAC is a limited liability company orga uized imnder the laws of the State of New York.

OVC is a limited liability company organized u ider thie laws of the State of Delaware. OAI is a

corporation organized under the laws of the Sta 2 of L elaware.

(c)     Correspondence

        Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

                        Chérie R. Kiser, Esq.
                        Casey B. Anderson, Esq.
                        MINTZ, LEVIN, COHN, FERRIS, GLOVSKY
                          and POPEO, P.C.
                        701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 900
                        Washington, D.C. 20004
                        (202) 434—7300

with a copy to:

                          Trian Benz
                          (Chief l‘inancial Officer
                          ()nSite Access LLC
                          t 80 Fi th Avnue, 12th Floor
                          llew York, NY 1(019

(d)      Existing Section1 214 Authority

         OAC was grant :d section 21.4 international at thorit y on October 17, ©.997, to resell

international telec omm inications service ; between tk e Uni ed St ites a1 d var ous ir ternational

points."    Neither OVC nor C AI possesses section 214 inte natioial awhority to provide my

telecommunications se vices, and they d« not seek such au horit; .

(e)      Requested Com mission Action

         OVC and OAI clo not seek to exp:ind or modify OA C‘s e: :isting section 214 globill resale

authority in any way. hese sarties only seek Commissior apprc val to trans:er OVC‘s 1 90%

ownership interest in C AC to OAI and for OAT to issue pre ferrec stock as co itemplated by the

Stock Purchase Agreen ient, vwhich approval is a condition j reced snt to consummation of the

Merger Agreement and Stocl: Purchase Agreement.

(£)      Streamlined Prc cessing

         This application is subject to streamlined processing undi r sect.on 63.12.

(g)      Environmental Assessment

         OVC and OAI do not seek facilities—based authority or to alter OAC‘s existing

international resale authority; therefore, section 1.1306 of the Commission‘s rules regarding

environmental assessments is inapplicable.

      See supra note 1.

(h)     Certifications/ Foreign Aff listions

        OAC and OVC certify that they are not afliliated with any foreign or U.S. facilities—! ased

carrier. OAl certiies that it is not affiliated with any foreign or U.S. facilities—based c irrier. In

support of this certification, and as required by section 63...8(h1) of the Commission‘s 1ules, he

name, address, citizenship and principal business of only those members who control — — or v i11

control upon closing of the transactions contemplited by the Merger Agreement and S:ock ] urchs se

Agreement —— 10% or more of each of the companies, OAC, OVC and OAI, is provide 1 in t! e cha ts

below. The percentage interest of each owner is listed on the Dwnership Intcrests Chart, atte ched | ereto is

Exhibit 3 and for which confidential treatment has been requested

  I. Ownership of OnSite Access LLC

        Member Name and Address            Meimber Ownership     Citizenship         Principal Busincss

  OnSite Ventures L.L.C.                                            .9.        Communications/
  680 Fifth Avenu:s, 12th Flcor                                                Investments
  New York, NY 10019 ___             Lo

  II. Ownership of OnSite V entures, L.L.C.

        Member Nume and Address      o     Member Ownership      Citizenship         Principal Businss     C

  RSI—OSA Holdings, Inc.                                            U.S.A.     Investments In And
  225 Broadhollow Road                                                         Provision Of Real Estate—
  Melville, New York 11747                                                     Related Services

  Veritech Ventures LLC                                             U.S.A.     Communications/
  2 Manhattanville Road, Suite 205                                             Investments
  Purchase, NY 10577
  Arthur Simon                                                      U.S.A.     Telecommunications
  452 Ardsley Road
  Scarsdale, New York 10583

  III. Ownersh p of )nSite Access, Inc.

            Name ind A "dress             Ofiap—ln;e_rey _C;’tz:;p_ __g!cipalagg__
                                          (J »llowing: iss 1ance
                                          opreferved «s tock)

  Spectrum Equit <Inve tors I {, L.P.                            1J.S. A.   Investmenats ir
  245 Lytton Ave iue, S iite 1‘ 5                                           Telecommunications and
  Palo Alto, Cali ornia 14301                                               Oher Busines ses
  JP Morgan Inveé tmen Corp ration                               U.S.A.     Investmenats it              |
  60 Wall Street, 4" Fi or                                                  Telecommunications and
 New York, Nev York 1026(                                                   Other Businesses
  Sixty Wall Stre t SBI ?Fun: , L.P.                             U.S.A.     Investments in
  60 Wall Street, 4"F: vor                                                  Telecommunications and
 New York, Nev York 1026(                                                   Other Businesses
 Crosspoint Ven ire P; tners                                     TU.S.A.    Investments in
 2925 Woodside ?oad                                                         Telecommunications and
 Woodside, Cali »mnia 4062                                                  Other Businesses

  RSI—OSA Hold igs, I c.                                         U.S.A.     Investments in Real Estate
  225 Broadholle v Rog |
  Melville, New ork 1 747
  RSI—OnSite Ho lings LC                                         U.S.A.     Investments In And
  225 Broadholle v Rog |                                                    Provision Of Real Estate—
  Melville, New‘ ork 1 747                                                  Related Services
  Veritech Ventu :s LL                         BX         o _EX ___j nvestm: _n_t;;____—
  2 Manhattanvil +Roa , Suit 205                                            ‘Telecommunications ar.d
  Purchase, NY 1 1577                                                       Other Businesses
  AT&T Venture "und [, LP                      TT         ottsXIDimeamniy.._
  3000 Sand Hill toad                                                       ‘[elecommunications ar d
  Building 1, Sui +285                                                      Other Businesses
  Menlo Park, Californ: . 94023

i)      Special Concessions from Foreign Carriers

        As required by Section 63.18(i) of the Commission‘s rules, OAC, OVC, and OAI each

certify that they have not agreed, individually or jointly, to accept at present or in the future any

direct or indirect special concessions from a foreign carrier or administration with respect to

traffic or revenue flows between the United States and any fore:gn ccun‘ry that OAC 1 1ay b«

authorized to serve.

0)      Certification Regarding Section 5301 of theAr ti—DrugAbuse Act of 1988

        OAC, OV C, and OAI each certify that thsy aave not been der ied, individually or joritly,

any federal benefits pursuant to section 5301 of the Arti—Drug Abuse Act cf 1988.


        For the reasons stated herein, OVC and OAI respectfully subrait that the public interst,

convenience and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this application for conser : to

transfer control of OnSite Access LLC from OnSite Ventures, L.L.C. to OnSite Acces ,, Inc.

Chérie R. Kiser                                   Respectfully submitted,
Casey B. Anderson
Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris,                       (I)   ONSITE VENTURZS, LLC,.
Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
701 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Suite 900            By:      /,%/'j/                             C
Washington, D.C. 20004                                  Brian Benz      s"
(202) 434—7300 (phone)                                  Chief Financial Officer
(202) 434—7400 (facsimile)

Attorneys for OnSite Access LLC,                  (II) ONSITE ACCESS, INC.
OnSite Ventures, L.L.C.                                   ?
and OnSite Access, Inc.                           By:             ?                            C
                                                       Brian Benz **~
                                                        Chief Financial Officer

Dated: Ay~.| 9 2            , 1999

DCDOCS: 146818.3 (35@@03!.doc)

                      EXHIBIT 1


Submitted under Seal — Confidential Treatment Requested



Submitted under Seal — Confidential Treatment Requested

                                            EXHIBIT 3

                                 OWNERSHIP INTERESTS CHART

                      Submitted under Seal — Confidential Treatment Requested

DCDOCS: 148153.1 (36bd01!.doc)

                                   Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
                                                   701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                                                       V asl ing on, D.C. 20004

One Financial Center                                                                                        ‘Telepho ie: 202/ 134—7300
Boston, Massachusetts 0211)                                                                                  Fax: 202 /434—74 30
Telephone: 617/542—6000                                                                                     "Telex: 753689
Fax: 617/542—2241

Chérie R. Kiser                                                                                             Direct Dial Num ser
                                                                                                            202/134— 7325

                                                          Aori 22 , 1 299

          HAND DEL: VJ :R

          Ms. Magalie io na i S alas
          Federal Com iu iic tic ns Com ni sic n
          The Portals, I ocm TV ‘—A325
         445 12th Stre :t, S.\ 7.
         Washington, J.C. !:0: 54

                   Re:        C ns te Access LL 2, Qr Site \ en fues, L.L.C., ainrd O1 Site . iccess, Inc.
                              — Ap plication for. \u hcrit ; I ur iu; nt to Section 214 cftie
                              C on m inicatioas A¢c :o 1‘ 34 As / mended, ‘Co Irimfe C ontrol
                              0 °C aste Acces I L C, . in At th »ri sed Internatioml Carricr from
                              C nf ite Venturs, L. ..C., 0 U)nijit : Access, nc.

         Dear Ms. Salas:

                In connetic n v zith the ibe     ve re: »re ac      d apy lication ("Applic ati m" ai ached hereto),
         OnSite Ventures L L. 2. (COV 2"          ar 1 ()ni ite     Acce ss, Inc., pursuant to Sectiu n 0.459 of the
         Commission‘s R ile s, hereby resp       :‘ct ull y 1 :qi   est cc nfidential treatment of th Series B, Series C,
         and Series D Stc sk ?referred Stoc      «1 un hase         \gree nent, the Agreement and Plan of Merger, and
         the Ownership Interests Chart (co       lectiv »Iy , *     ae Agreements and Chart"). The Agreements and
         Chart contain competitively sensi       ive, com ne        ‘cial and financial information that would not
          otherwise be available to the public. As such, the Agreements and Chart fall within the scope of
          Section 0.457(d) of the Commission‘s Rules and should be afforded protection from public

                 This competitively sensitive information warrants confidential treatment by the
          Commission. Accordingly, the Agreements and Chart, set forth at Exhibits 1, 2, and 3 to the
          Application, are being filed in a sealed envelope with the original Application and have been
          omitted from the five copies of the Application accompanying the original.

     Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.

        Ms. Magalie Roman Salas
        April 22, 1999
        Page 2

                In the event that this request for confidential treatment is denied, please provide the
         undersigned with advance notice of that determination. The parties further request that the
         Commission stay the release of the Agreements and Chart until such time as an application for
         review of the determination is resolved. Disclosure of the Agreements and Chart without
         affording the parties an opportunity to contest a finding against confidentiality would prejudice
         them and render moot any successful appeal.

                   Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions concerning this request.

                                                        Respecifully submitted,

                                                        Chérie R. Kiser _
                                                        Casey B. Andersot
                                                        Counsel for Onsite Access LLC,
                                                        OnSite Ventures, I .L.C., and OnSite Access, Inc.


         ce:    Troy Tanner, International Bureau
                Brian Benz

DCDOCS: 147831.1 (362f01!.doc)

Document Created: 2019-04-17 15:53:44
Document Modified: 2019-04-17 15:53:44

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