Attachment 20170207111143-190.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-19990311-00193 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


       222            Categerias of Services for 2 4   ppli
o o9‘ & @ = ©

                    INTERCONNECTED PRIVATE Lrj:
                    LIMITED GLOBAL FACILITIES—                /LIMITED
                    GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE

                    SWITCHED RESALE SERVICE
                    TRANSFER OF CONTROL

  Description of Application:

                                                  FCCG/MELLON            MAR 11 1999

                                        Before the
                                 Washiiigton, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of


                                                                      File No. M C—
Applics:tion for Authoriziation to Transfer Control
Pursuar t to Section 214 cf the
Commu nications Act of | 934, as Amendec

                                             J PLTCATION

        Televista, Inc. ("Telev sta") and Al ied Commur icati m H »ldin gs L. .C ("Allied"), and

Televisa and Cross Tom nunications, Inc. ("Cross")(co lectively ‘efer ed to as "Applicants")

hereby ipply, pursuint to Section 214 of tke Co nmunications Ac of 1 2334, as amended, and

Section 63.18 of the Rules, (1] for authorit ; to t ansfer control of Allie 1 to ‘‘elevista, and (2) for

authority to transfer contiol of Cross to Tel evista, respectively.

        Televista will acq 1ire ; ill of the stock of Allied and o1 Crois. T ie ccmbined expertise of

the Apr licants will strengthen them and mike thiem a more e fective ce mpe :itor under the banner

of Televista.

        This application is eligible for streamlined processing procedures under Section 63.12 of

the Rules. None of the Applicants has any affiliation, within the meaning of Section

63.18(h)(1)(i), with a dominant U.S. or foreign facilities—based carrier. Indeed, none has any

affiliation with any carrier, foreign or domestic.

        The following information is set forth in the corresponding relevant lettered provisions of

Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules.

         (a) The names and address:s of Applican‘s are:
         Televista, Inc. ("Televista")              Al ied Commurication Holdings, LLC
         420 Park Place                              (¢ Allicd")
         Suite 100                                  22 5 E. i4‘ Strect
         Clearwater, FL 33759                       Su te 501
                                                    Ne w York, NY 10022

         Cross Commuicationss, Inc. ("C ross‘ )
         15760 Ventura Blvd.
         Suite 1204
         Encino, CA 9 436

        (b) Televista is incorporated in tk s State of Flori da; Allied is a liinited lia »ility somy any

incorporated in the Stat : of Newv, Yo‘k; ai d C1 ss i; ince rporated in the State of California..

        (c) Correspond: nce regarding this app licati on st ould be addressed to:

        Robert E. Conn
        Shaw Pittman P »tts & Trowtl ridg:
        2300 N Street, NI.W.
        Washington, D.C. 20037
        (202) 663—8093

        (d) Televista has global facilities base 1 anc glot al resale services Sectior 214 :iutho fity,

which was granted effetive January 10, 997, File No. TC—96—653, FCC Public Notic: Ref ort

No. 1—8225, January 16 1997. Allied ha: glol al resale iiection 214 authority, which griinted

effective July 3, 1998, l‘ile No. ITC—98—3 32, FZC F ublic Notice Report No. I—8319, Jul:, 9, 1998.

Cross has global resale Section 214 authc rity, whica wa ; granted effective September 15, 1$95,

File No. ITC—95—445, FCC Public Notice Report No. I—8103.

        (e) Applicants seek authority to transfer control of Allied and of Cross to Televista.

        (£) Not applicable.

        (g) Not applicable.

        (h) None of the Applicants | as an affiliation v ith ; ny U.S. or forsign carrier. Thus,

Televista should continue to be regt lated as a noi1don inan : carrier for al of the services and

destination countries covered by the exis ing FCC aut 10riz atior s of Tele ista, Allied and Cro is.

       Televista is a wholly—owned subs diary o1 The Fur: : Grc up, Inc. ("Furst"). Seetransf r—

of—control authorization, File No. IT T—T/ 2—1998(721 005( 7, ef ective S ptembe: 4, 1998, FC C

Public Notice Report No. TEL—O000( 5, S¢ ptember 10, 1998 .

      Furst‘s ten percent or greater s aare] olders and t ieir « wne ship percentages are:

      John Streep — 45%                               John Taylr — « 6%
      456 Oakshade Road                               456 Ciakst ade load
      Shamong, N.J. 08088                             Shan ong, N.J. 08088

Messrs. Streep and Kaylor are citize is of the United © tates
                                                         \/     o
                                       E_ ze ,‘-b’\»\\_’/
                       nsc oce Lc

        (i) Neither Furst, Televista, i0r a 1y of the oth :r Aj plic: nts has agreed to accept speci i

concessions directly or indirectly frem ar y foreign ca rier ir ad ninistration with respect to

traffic or revenue flows between the U.S. and any for: ign «c ount y. Nor will any of them ente

into such agreements in the future.

        (J) Neither Furst, Televista, nor any of the oth :r Applic: nts is subject to a denial of

Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

         WHEREFORE, Applicants respectfully submit thiat the public interest, convenience and

necessity will be served by a prompt grant of this application.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               TELEVISTA, INC.
                                               ALLIED COMMUNICATION HOLDINGS LLC
                                               CROSS COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                               oo _[bllFo
                                                   Rdobert E. Conn
                                                    Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge
                                                   2300 N Street, NW.
                                                   Washington, D.C. 20037
                                                   (202) 663—8093

                                                    Their Attorney

March 10, 1999


         1. Pursuant to Section 63.18(h) of the FCC Rules, Televista, Inc. ("Televista") certifies

that neitherit nor any of the other corporations, mentioned in the foregoing Application, has an

affiliation with any foreign carmer. Televista further certifies that neither it nor any of the other

corporanons, mentioned in the foregoing Applicatic1, has an af:iliation with any U.S. carmer

whose facilities—based services are or will be resold ay Televists eithur directly or indirectly

Televista also certifies that it is responsitle for the c ontinuing a :curacy of all of the


         2. Pursuant to Section 63.18(1) of the FCC L .ules, Televista cortifies it has not agreed to

accept special concessions directly or indirectly frou 1 any foreign carner or administr: .tion with

respect to traffic or revenue flows between the U.S. and any foreign country served o: to be

served under the authority granted pursuant to Part /3 of the Commission‘s Rules; amd Televista

has not agreed to enter into such agreements in the i iture.

         3. Pursuant to Sections 1.2001.1—2003 of th: FCC Rules, Telavista certifies that it is not

subject to a denial of Federal benefiss that include FCC benefits pursuant to Section §301 ofthe

Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

                                                         Patrick R. Greenish
                                                         Televista, Inc.
March%, 1999

Document # 729549 v 1

                                  CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

         I hereby certify that I have caused copies of the foregoing Application to be served this

10°" day of March, 1999, by first class mail, postage prepaid, on the following:
                            Deputy Assistant Secretary of
                              Defense (Telecommunications)
                            Offics of the Assistant Secretary
                              of Defense
                            Peraitago:1, Room 3E160
                            Washington, D.C. 20401

                            National Security Agency
                            GO042, NSA., EMC Cenrter
                            Room 10136
                            9800 Savage Road
                            Fort (Georg: Meade, MD 20755

                            U.S. Coordinator ar.d Director
                            Officzs of International Communications
                              Policy (EB—TD)
                            Department of State
                            21st and C Streets, N.W.
                            Washington, D.C. 20305—2000
                            Attn: Code 15

                            Chief Regulatory Counsel
                            Defense Communications Agency
                            Washington, D.C. 20305—2000
                            Attn: Code 115

                            National Telecommunications and
                              Information Administration
                            14th & Constitution Avenue, N.W.
                            Room H4717
                            Washington, D.C. 20320

                                           Jeanette Solomon

Document #: 729459 v.1

                                              Before the
                               Washington, D.C. 205@ i4

In the Matter of


                                                                         ile No. ITC—
Application for Authorization to Transfer Zontrol
Pursuant to Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as Amended

                                       AME NDE D APP LIC\TICIN

       Televista, Inc. ("Televista"), Alliec Corimunicstion Told ngs LLC (¢.illiec"), and Cross

Communications, Inc. ("Cross") herety ariend their ab ove—c ntitld applicatioi to r:move Cross *

as an applicent.

       Pursuant to a request hy the FCC Staff, a separae ap »lica ion will be f led ty Televista

and Cross for aithority to transfer control of Cross to T slevista. ‘This separati on of the applicants

will enable the Commission t > collect two filin;; fees pursua it to ts procedure.

       The Commission is respectfully request:d to process this ipplication, is amznded, in

order to authorize promptly the transfer of cont—ol of Allied o Te evista.
                                                Respectfully s 1bmi tted,

                                                TELEVISTA, INC.
                                                ALLIED COMMUNICATION HOLDINGS LLC
                                                CROSWCATIONS, INC.

                                                By:                      f@M
                                                      Robert E. Conn
                                                      Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge
                                                      2300 N Street, N.W.
                                                      Washington, D.C. 20037
April 13, 1999                                        (202) 663—8093

Document Created: 2019-04-19 18:44:32
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 18:44:32

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