Attachment 20170207102307-577.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-19990210-00180 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                     Categories of Services for
                        «.___ (Streamline/Non—

3 9 i9 0 3 o 8

                               A CILIT    IE
                  GL O B A L F

                 GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE
                 INDIVIDUAL FACIL          r
                 INTERCONNECTED PRIVATE LI        :
                 LIMITED GLOBAL ricxnzw:gsfaeamn SER
                  GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE | .‘
   m             SWITCHED RESALE SERVICE.._ 12
 C               TRANSFER OF CONTROL—
  §3             WINTER????@NAL SPECIAL PROJECT
                              x   #   0
                                  * %


   Description of Application:

                                                         B fore the
                             I EDERAL COM UMUI ICA¥1TION s CC UMISSION
                                       Wa: hing on, D.C. 20554

In th Mat ‘r of

                                                                     N/ N/ NZ/NZ/ N/ N/ N/ N/ NZ
woO. LD] JRT COM MU}] ICA"TION S, D                                                                IT 09:

App! :atio for A utho ty tc Transfer C ‘ntro
of W    rldP    rt C¢   nmu      icati(   as, Inc.,
an A    thonr   ed It   :ernai   onal     ‘acilities—B ised   ad
Resa    : Cal   ier U   ider i   sctio    .214 of the
Com     1uni(   tion:   Act      F192     }, as Amen led

                          AJl PLIC ATION E )R A JTH JRIM Y T TR «NSFE] |
                           C )NT ‘OL OF ¥A JTH )RIZ ED 1 [TE] NA IONAI
                              ‘AC) _ITIES—B, SE ANJ)RES ALF CAl RIER

         We l1dPo t Cor mun :ations, Inc. (W« 1dPc t), heceby »spe {fully re ju_st , pursuant to

secti n 21      of t}l » Cor mun sations Act of 1‘ 34, a . amended,                                         3.C. § 2 4, ar 1 Section

53.1{   of th Con missi in‘s| ules, 47 C.F.R.                  63.1 3, authorit; nunc pro tun tc tr nsfer a

:ontt   lling nter: st in‘ /orle ?ort to The Heic Con panies, LL > (H .co). WorldPort has

Yrevi usly sceir »d au 10rit to provide glob | res: le services ITC »7—257—AL) and global

raciliues—b sed s rvice und r Section 214 (TL C—97—436).


         WorldPort, a facilities—based multinational provider of long distance services and reseller

of international long distance services, is a publicly—held corporation, incorporated under the

laws of the State of Delaware. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) first granted

WorldPort Section 214 authority for global international resale services on July 16, 1997 (ITC—

97—257—AL) and subsequently granted WorldPort Section 214 authority for global facilities—

based and global resale services on September 12, 1997 (ITC—97—436). By this application,

WorldPort seeks FCC approval of the transfer of a controlling interest in WorldPort to Heico.

H 1CO, . limited lis mility :ompany organiz ‘d un er th dlaw of t} : Sta : of I claware, is

h«   (ding somp imny t at co itrols a diversifie l por olio if ma ufac uring and | istribution

CC   npar es.

           Vorld Port : rcent y ent red into a | tock ‘urck ise A ‘reer ent, 1 nder vhich it ha: sold .

CC   itrol] ag inierest n WrldP« rt to Heico Pur:           ) the ‘tock Purc     ase / gree ient,      nd a

TE   ated haret olde: Agre ‘:men , Heico obi ined share      and rotin righ s suf cien to co itrol

5( 1% <     the votes )f We rldPc :t sha ehol, ers v thre pect o ce1 ain n       atter:   and . as an optio . to

aC   juire ddit onal : rares and 1 pting right: repre ienti g an dditi mal : 0% «c ‘the Vork Port

st reho dlers‘ votes     Wo: IdPo: : has also t crea: d th size if its 3oart of D rectc s to e ght

     mbe i, apj ointe four indiv duals desi; aatec by E rico t      sem : as c   rectc    ‘s, ar 1 cau: ad

     ico‘s lesig nees ) com prise at least one half f the soarc ; of c ‘rectc :s of ach | f its

St   sidi: ies. In ad ition, Wor iPort has a aend d its 3ylan s to : rovic : thai at le: st one of

H ico‘s lesig nees | lust ippror > any actio . put efori the I oard of Di        ector    in 0 der fc t suc,

ac   ion t be p ‘oper.   aprroved by the Boa d of rec ors. / ime— ensit ve fi; anci; . and ‘orpo ate

CC   iside ition ; reql red taie exe :ution of t! > Sto k Pu chase Agr: 2mer and he tr nsfer of

cc itrol > He co pr )r to filing his applic: ion. Acco ding] r, Wi rldPort anc Heic ) resy »ctfu y

request wnc »ro func approva of the tran fer.

         The transaction described in the preceding paragraph has changed WorldPort‘s ownership

structure, but will have no immediate affect WorldPort‘s operations. Thus, this transfer will not

create confusion or inconvenience for WorldPort‘s existing customers, nor will it otherwise

adversely affect WorldPort‘s operations. WorldPort intends to continue to obtain capacity from

facilities—based carriers currently authorized to provide international services between the United

States and foreign points. Through its new ownership structure, as under its old structure,

WorldPort plans to compete with other carriers providing international switched service to

foreign points by reselling the »rvices over the e «cisti1 3 fac lities of A] &T, MCI, J.S. j >rint

and other authorized U.S. inter ation i carr.ers.       Norl Port elie es th: t its contin ed pj ‘senc :

in the intert atonal : esale nark tplac : and its ong oing impl: men‘ ition of its globa netw irk w 11

spur gresiter cc mpet tion & mon, and etween facilities base inte natio al cc nmoi camt Ts art 1

internationil r :selles.

        Contin 1atio1. of W orld] ort‘s urren services i in tk : put ic int ‘rest, conve nienc ‘, anc

necessity.    [tvill p: event disn tion of service to Wo dP o1 ‘s ex sting sustc ners nd c afer

further benefit ; upo i consume! of L aited States—ove1 eas 1 ng d stanc : semn .ces. Thest bene its

include competitive pricing, in sease | availability of : ‘TVIC opti ns, a d inc ‘easee varli y of

service options. Th: Commiss n ha ; previously dete mine l that Worl |Port s pro isior of

global facilities—bas:d and glot JA res: le service offerit IS is n the publi : inte est. — Vorle ‘ort

plans to provide the same servi es af >r the Heico tran actic 1 tha it pre vides curre itly a d wi .

be better positioned to offer co ipetit vely—priced serv :es u deri s nev owr »rshif struc        ure.

Therefore, WorldPort submits 1at th : public interest        ill b\   serv d by heC mmi sion‘

approval of this transfer of con ‘ol.


        In support of WorldPor s request for FCC consent to the ransfer of contro desc ibed

above, WorldPort submits the following information requested pursuant to Section 63.18 of the

Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18:

        (a)     Name, address, and telephone number of transferor:

                WorldPort Communications, Inc.
                1825 Barrett Lakes Center
                Kennesaw, Georgia 30144

      Name address, and telephone number of transferee:

      The Heico Companies, LLC
      70 West Madison Street
      Suite 5600
      Chic:iigo, Illin is 6060.2

(>)   The transferor is incomporated und :r ‘he laws of the State of Delavare.

      The t :ansferee is incorjorated ind 2r ‘he laws of the State of Delavare.

{:)   Corre sponden e concerning this a plication should be di ‘ected to the following
      contact points:

      If to iransferor:

      Christine M. Gill, Esq.
      McDermott, Will & Emery
      600 13"" Street, N.W.
      Washington, D.C. 20005—3096

      with a copy to:

      Donald Hilbert
      WorldPort Communications, Inc.
      1825 Barrett Lakes Center
      Kennesaw, Georgia 30144

      If to the transferee:

      The Heico Companies, LLC
      70 West Madison Street
      Suite 5600
      Chicago, Illinois 60602
      Attention: Michael E. Heisley, Sr.

(d)   The transferor has previously received authority to provide global resale services
      (ITC—98—606—AL, ITC—98—605—AL, ITC—98—294—AL, ITC—97—275—AL) as well as
      authority to provide global facilities based and global resale services (ITC—97—
      436) under Section 214 of the Communications Act.

          The transferee has not previously been authorized to provide service under
          Section 214 of the Communications Act and does not seek international authority
          under Section 214 except to the extent that it seeks a controlling equity interest in
          the transferor.

          T rme applican s o               seek o xpand the authority p: :v jusly gt in :d :o
          V orldFort. ‘ m p.               :s seeccaly Commussion ap are va of the t an ife of control
          o ‘Wor‘dF or tc H

          4 tthis in e, ie tho             /orldl‘o0. : nor Heico seek an   a ith prizatior be yc ad the
                     intinuati n of he     ernatior ail authority previou Iy gt inted to N\ rl Port by the

          C »mmissi n

(g)                  5t Apoli :al le

(b)                  »ico cor ifu sc ria   aas nc a filiation:s: with forei in :a fers, ot er thi n
      NC M esd ind

                     ‘orldPor ‘s iff lit   i with E ierTel N.V. of the 1 et ie1 and‘s, w iic i vas
                     sclosed o+ ie C       iission i i a prior WorldPort se tic n 214 aj pl ca ion (ITC—
                     i—605—A. .).

         I1           suppor of th s¢      fication Heico submits the ol ov ing nam :s, ad iresses,
         c           izenshi; a d oi       »al busii 2sses of the sharehc d rs ‘hat ow1 , d re tly or
          1          directly, te p—re     or more of Heico‘s limited al ili y comp; ny v« ting

         i1          terests:

        N ichael E Ecce                    c
        5 .00 Thre :E irs N_               onal Pla a
        C mcago,)llin oi 6                 2

        hir. Heisk yiss U__                d States citizens. His princiva oc :upatior is se ving as the
        Manager ind P1 :si                 t of Hei 0.

i)     Heico certifies 1 1at it has not ; greed to accept special concessio1 s, directly or
       indirectly, from any foreign caucrier or administration with respect to traffic or
       revenue flows between the United States and any foreign country that WorldPort
       may service under the authority granted WorldPort by the Commission under
       Part 63 of the Commission‘s rules. Heico further certifies that it will not enter
       into any such agreements in the future.

0)     Heico certifies that no party to this application has been denied, either
       individually or jointly, any federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—
       Drug Abuse Act of 1998, 21 U.S.C. § 853(a), and Sections 1.2001—1.2003 of the
       Commission‘s rules.


        V orldP ort ce tif es that all of the information provided in this application is accurate and
correct. a id subm ts ‘ha : tke public interest. convenience, and necessity would be served by the
FCC‘s ar »woval 0 ‘the t ansfer of control described herein.

       W¥   HEREF       )RE, WorldPort and Heico respectfully request that the Commission grant
WorldPo     t the aut   i0rity nunce pro tunc to transfer control of WorldPort to Heico and allow
WorldPo     t to cont   nue t provide resold and facilities—based international long distance
telecomn    unicatio    is services under its new ownership structure.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          By:     g/ 7                FEZE 2z
                                              /E        Z_
                                                    A. Moore
                                             / Chicf Executive Off ce
                                               Woi‘ldPort Commun cazio is, Inc:.
                                               1825 Barrett Lakes Cer te:
                                                 Kennesaw, Georgia 10. 44

                                                 Michael E. Heisley, Sr.
                                                 The Heico Companies, LLC
                                                 70 West Madison Street
                                                 Suite 5600
                                                 Chicago, Illinois 60602

Christine M. Gill
McDermott, Will & Emery
600 13‘" Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005—3096

Attorneys for WorldPort Communications, Inc.

Dated: February Ci        . 1999

Document Created: 2019-04-14 13:23:39
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 13:23:39

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