Attachment 20170112141751-073.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-19980916-00633 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                           ~TLi1cZ7/e_ 9980760433

             Categories of Services for 214 Applications


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    Description of Application:

                                                             recimElLon               sep 151898 COPY
                               SWIDLER BERLIN SHFPEFF FRIEDMAN, LLP

WASHINGTON OFFICE               ~   '                                                                            NEW YORK OFFICE
3000 K STREET, NW, SutTE 300                                                                                     919 THIRD AvENUE
WaSHINGTON, DC 20007—5116                                                                                NEW YORK, NY 10022—9998
TELEPHONE (202) 424—7500                                                                                  TELEPHONE (212) 758—9500
FACSIMILE (202) 424—7647                                                                                   FACSIMILE (212) 758—9526

                                                       September     , 1998


         Magalie Roman Salas, Esq                                             Streamlined           ITC—T/C—19980916—00633
         Secretary                                                            ACCESS AUTHORITY, INC.
         Federal Communications Commission
         International Bureau — Telecommunications Divisio
         P.O. Box 358115
         Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

                   Re:         Application of Access Authority, In   and Ursus Telecom Corp. to
                               Transfer Control of Access Authorit   Inc.

         Dear Ms. Salas:

                 Enclosed for filing with the Commission are          original and six (6) copies of the application of
         Access Authority, Inc. and Ursus Telecom Corp. (¢o          stively, the "Applicants") for authority pursuant
         to Section 214 of the Communications Act. The Ar            icants are requesting approval of the transfer of
         control ofAccess Authority, Inc. to Ursus Telecom C         p. The Applicants respectfully request that their
         application be handled on a streamlined basis.

                 As required by the Commission‘s Rules, enc!          ed is a check in the amount of $780.00, payable
        to the Federal Communications Commission. Pleas              ate—stamp the extra copy of this application and
        return it in the enclosed self—addressed, stamped em         ope. If you have any questions concerning this
        application, please do not hesitate to contact the unc       signed.

                                                                     Respectfull}/ submitted,
                                                                       %p HarsZ
                                                                     Helen E. Disenhaus
                                                                     Adam L. Kupetsky

                                                                     Counsel for
                                                                     Access Authority, Inc.


        £6:        Jeffrey Chaskin
                   Paul E. Biava
                   Michael Donahue


                                      Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

Access Authority, Inc. and
Ursus Telecom Corp.                                                                     ,
                                                                      File No._LCG—T—149 9096 00422
Application for authority pursuant to
Section 214 of the Communications Act
of 1934, as amended, to transfer
control of an authorized
 international carrier


        Access Authority, Inc. ("Access Authority") and Ursus Telecom Corp. ("Ursus") (together

the "Parties"), by their undersigned counsel, hereby request authority, pursuant to Section 214 ofthe

Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214 (1982), and Section 63.18 of the
Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18 (1997), to transfer control of AccessMfi._;?)
For business reasons, the Parties need to quickly consummate a transaction whereby Ursus will

acquire all of the outstanding shares of capital stock of Access Authority and Access Authority will

become a wholly owned subsidiary ofUrsus. The Parties respectfully request expedited, streamlined

treatment of this application.


        A.     AccessAuthority,Inc.
        Access Authority, Inc. is a privately held Delaware corporati     10se principal offices are

located at 2325 Umberton Road, Suite 27, Clearwater, FL 34622. Pu         : to Section 214 authority

granted by the Commission, Access Authority is authorized to operate      acilities—based andresale

carrier in accordance with Sections 63.18(e)(1) and (2) of the Con        on‘s Rules. See Access

Authority, Inc., 13 FCC Red 2783, File No. ITC—97—060 (effective ]        i18, 1997). As required

by Commission Rules, Access Authority maintains tariffs at the Co         sion for its international


       Access Authority is considered to be a non—dominant carri          ler the FCC rules. It is

respectfully submitted that, after completionof the transaction desct     ierein, Access Authority

will continue to be qualified to operate as an authorized non—dominat     mational facilities—based

and resale carrier, as a subsidiary of Ursus.

       B.      UrsusTelecomCorp.

       Ursus Telecom Corp. is a Florida limited liability corporation     :address is 440 Sawgrass

Corporate Parkway, Suite 112, Sunrise, Florida 33325. Ursus curre         i0lds global Section 214

authority to provide resold and facilities—based international telecomm   tions services. See Ursus

Telecom Corp., 13 FCC Red354, File No. ITC—97—692 (effectiveJan. 2, 1998). Ursus also holds

a cable landing license for the Bahamas II Cable System. See Modification of Cable Landing

License, File No. SCL—96—003(M), DA 98—1674 (rel. August 21, 1998). Ursus has no foreign carrier

ownership, and is not affiliated with any foreign carrier.

       Ursus is considered to be a non—dominant carrier under the FCC rules. It i:

submitted that, after complétion of the transaction described herein, Ursus will cc

qualified to operate as an authorized non—dominant international facilities—based and 1


       Access Authority and Ursus have determined that they will realize significant &

marketing efficiencies by merging their operations. Accordingly, Access Al._lthority a

consummate an Agreement ("Agreement") in Whlich Ursus will purghiser 100 percen

of Access Authority, with Access Authority becoming a wholly—owned subsidia

Approval ofthis application will enable Ursus to provide international services more ef

efficiently. Access Authority‘s customers will continueto receive high quality, afford

as customers of a wholly owned subsidiary of Ursus.


       Approval ofthe proposed transaction will serve the public interest in promoting

among operating international carriers by providing Ursus the opportunity to s

competitive position with greater financial resources. Because the transfer of contr

Authority to Ursus involves two non—dominant telecommunications carriers op
                            *    ez

competitive international telecommunications marketplace, the transfer of control w

competition or raise antitrust issues.‘      The transaction will invigorate competition in the

international services market by enabling Access Authority and Ursus to pursue their marketing and

       ‘See In re Applications ofNYNEX Corp., Transferor and Bell Atlantic Corp. Transferee, for
Consent to Transfer Control ofNYNEX Corp. and Its Subsidiaries, File No. NSD—L—96—10 (adopted
August 14, 1997) (applying the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission 1992 Merger
Guidelines for evaluating the likely competitive effects of the merger).


business plans more effectively.       The acquisition, therefore, will serve the public interest by

enhancing the service offerings, operational efficiency as well as the financial viability ofUrsus and

Access Authority.

IV.     INFOR\       TIONREQUIRED BY SECTI                163.18

       Pursuant      Section 63.18 of the Commissio        Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18, the Applicants

submit the follov. ___g information:

       (a)     Name and address of Applicants are:

               Access Authority, Inc.
               2325 Umberton Road, Suite 27
               Clearwater, FL 34622
               (813) 571—4500

               Ursus Telecom Corp.
               440 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway
               Suite 112
               Sunrise, FL 33325
               (954) 846—7887 (Telephone)
               (954) $46—7889 (Facsimile)

       (b)     Access Authority is a corporation orga     ied under the laws of the State of Delaware.
               Ursus is a limited liability corporatic    organized under the laws of the State of

       (c)     Correspondence concerning this appli       ion should be sent to:

       For Access Authority:

               Paul Biava
               Access Authority, Inc.
               2325 Umberton Road, Suite 27
               Clearwater, FL 34622
               (813) 571—4500
               (813) 592—4577

For Ursus:

         Jeff Chaskin
         Ursus Telecom Corp.
         440 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway
         Suite 112
         Sunrise, FL 33325
         (954) $46—7887 (Telephone)
         (954) $46—7889 (Facsimile)

         with a copy to:

         Helen E. Disenhaus, Esq.
         Adam L. Kupetsky, Esq.
         Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP
         3000 K Street, N.W., Suite 300
         Washington, D.C. 20007
         (202) 424—7500 (telephone)
         (202) 424—7645 (facsimile)

(d)      Access Authority currently holds Section 214 global authority to provide resold and
         facilities—based international telecommunications services. See Access Authority,
         Inc., 13 FCC Red 2783, File No. ITC—97—060 (effective March 18, 1997).

         Ursus currently holds Section 214 global authority to provide resold and facilities—
         based international telecommunications services. See Ursus Telecom Corp., 13 FCC
         Red 354, File No. ITC—97—692 (effective Jan. 2, 1998). Ursus also holds a cable
         landing license for the Bahamas II Cable System. See Modification of Cable
         Landing License, File No. SCL—96—003(M), DA 98—1674 (rel. August 21, 1998).

(e)(5)   The authorization sought in this application will approve a transaction which would
         permit Ursus to acquire one hundred percent of the outstanding shares of Access

(£)      Not applicable.

(g)      Not applicable.

(B)   Ursus has no foreign carrier ownership.—Ursus‘s
                                                      10% or greater
                                                                                  are: >

      Name/Address                    Citizenship      %     Principal Business

      Fincogest, S.A.                 Swiss          90%     Fiduciary Corporation (a trust
      1, Carrefour de Rive                                   whose sole beneficiary is
      CH1207                                                 Mr. Luca Giussani, a private _—
      Geneva, Switzerland                                    Italian citizen, resident in the
                                                             United States, whose address *.;
                                                             is 440 Sawgrass Corporate
                                                             Parkway, Suite 112, Sunrise,
                                                             Florida 33325. Mr. Giussani
                                                             is not affiliated with a foreign

      Jeffrey and Joanna Chaskin ,U.S.                10%    Telecommunications
      9944 N.W. 48" Court        \
      Coral Springs, FL 33076

      Ursus has no interlocking officer or directorate information to report. Ursus is not
      affiliated with any foreign carrier.

i)    As required by Section 63.18(i) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(i),
      Ursus certifies that it has not agreed to accept nor shall it accept in the future any
      special concessions, as defined by the Commission‘s Rules, directly or indirectly
      from any foreign carrier or administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows
      between the U.S. and any foreign country for which Access Authority or Ursus
      may be authorized to serve.

G)    Neither Ursus nor Access Authority is subject to a denial of Federal benefits
      pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. Certification
      pursuant to Section 1.2002 of the Commission‘s Rules (implementing the
      Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 3301) are attached.

(k)   Neither Ursus nor Access Authority is affiliated with a foreign carrier.
      Accordingly, Ursus and Access Authority request expedited, streamlined
      treatment of this application in accordance with 47 C.F.R. § 63.12.


          For the reasons stated herein, Access Authority and Ursus respectfully submit that the

public interest, convenience and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this application for

consent to the transfer of control of Access Authority.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                                       Helen E. Disenhaus, Esq.
                                                       Adam L. Kupetsky, Esq.

                                                       SWIDLER BERLIN SHEREFF FRIEDMAN, LLP.
                                                       3000 K Street, N.W.
                                                       Suite 300
                                                       Washington, D.C. 20007
                                                       Phone (202) 424—7500
                                                       Facsimile (202) 424—7645

                                                       Counsel for Access Authority, Inc.
                                                         and Ursus Telecom Corp.

September 15, 1998


  09/11/98   FRL 08:35 FAX 215 59% 0753     ACCESS AUTHORITY                                                id 002
sEP—10—98    18.44 FROM: SWIDLER BERLIN SHEREFF FR    iD:— 26242475645                                          j
               On behaif of Access Authority, Inc. and in accordance with Section 1.2001—1.2003 ofthe
       Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.FR. §§ 1.2001—1.2003, I hereby certify that no party to this
       application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits that imcludes FCC benefits pursuant to
       Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. § 833a. I also hereby certify
       that the statements in the foregoing application for transfer of control of in international camer
       licensed under Section 214 are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and are
       made in good faith.
                                      ACCESS AUTHORITY, INC.

SEP—10+~98   18   :28   FROM.SWIDLER    BERLIN    SHEREFF    FR    ID: 2024247845
                                                                                                           PAGE   23

                                    CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

             On behalf of Ursus Telecom Corp. and in accordance with Section 1.2001—1. O( +0 the
      Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001—1.2003, I hereby certify that no party :o t S
      application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits gurs1   int to

     Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. § 853a. I alsc hei ‘by se ify
     that the statements in the foregoing application for transfer of control of an inter iati( 1a)
     carmer licensed under Section 214 are true, complete, and correct to the best of niy k on led ce
     and are made in good faith.

             Ursus Telecom Corp. has not agreed to accept nor shall it accept i1 the fi ture an Sp Cis
     concessions, as defined by the Commission‘s Rules, directly or indirectly from a ny | Ee m
     camer or administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows on any U S. inte mat on lrc ite
     where the foreign camer possesses sufficient market power on the foreigr end orthe         ol e d 0

     affect competition adversely in the U.S. market

                                    URSUS TELECOM CORP.

                                    Name:         /J’Effrz@/ 2. QuAsk n

                                    Title:   CAIE£        Ofi’flfi‘fin\q{ O@Q(Cert—

                                    Date:         ?//0/96.

Document Created: 2019-04-10 08:49:49
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 08:49:49

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