1. Applicant
2. Contact
3. Place of Incorporation of ApplicantNew Jersey
4. Other Company(ies) and Place(s) of Incorporation
5. Service Type(s) (check all that apply)
Global or Limited Global Facilities-Based Authority (Section 63.18(e)(1))
Global or Limited Global Resale Authority (Section 63.18(e)(2))
Individual Facilities-Based Service (Section 63.18(e)(3))
Individual Switched Resale Service (Section 63.18(e)(3))
Individual Facilities-Based and Resale Service (Section 63.18(e)(3))
Switched Services over Private Lines (ISR) (Section 63.16 and/or 63.18 (e)(3))
Inmarsat and Mobile Satellite Service (Section 63.18(e)(3))
Overseas Cable Construction (Section 63.18(e)(3))
Individual Non-Interconnected Private Line Resale Service (Section 63.18(e)(3))
Other (Section 63.18(e)(3))
Is a fee submitted with this application?
If Yes, complete and attach FCC Form 159. If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
Governmental Entity Noncommercial educational licensee
Other(please explain):
9. Description of Special Temporary Authority Requested.
Request to temporarily provide services during interim period while underlying International Section 214 application is being reviewed by Team Telecom, Executive Branch, due to non U.S. Citizen ownerhip of over 10 percent in the applicant. |
10. In Attachment 1, provide justification of need for special temporary authority requested.
11. If this request for Special Temporary Authority is associated with any pending applications filed with the Commission, enter either the file number [e.g., ITC-214-19930101-23412] or the IB Submission ID of the pending application [e.g., IB200311111] AND go to question 16.)
File Number ITC2142012052400136 or Submission ID |