Attachment Joint Application

This document pretains to ITC-STA-20170905-00146 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


   Special Temporary Authority Attachment 2

  International Section 214 Assignment Application
Clarity Telecom, LLC d/b/a Vast Broadband, Assignor
          Long Lines Metro, LLC, Assignee

                                   Before the
                              Washington, DC 20554

Joint Application of                            )
Clarity Telecom, LLC d/b/a Vast Broadband,      )           WC Docket No. 17-_____________
               Assignor,                        )
and                                             )
Long Lines Metro, LLC,                          )
               Assignee,                        )
For Consent To Assign Assets and Customers      )
Subject to Blanket Domestic Section 214         )
Authority and To Partially Assign International )
Section 214 Authority Held by Clarity Telecom,  )
LLC d/b/a Vast Broadband to Long Lines Metro, )
LLC, Pursuant to an Asset Purchase Agreement    )

                                   JOINT APPLICATION

       Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the “Act”), 47

U.S.C. § 214, and Sections 63.01, 63.03, 63.04, 63.18, and 63.24 of the Commission’s rules, 47

C.F.R. §§ 63.01, 63.03, 63.04 and 63.24, Clarity Telecom, LLC d/b/a Vast Broadband (“Vast” or

“Assignor”) and Long Lines Metro, LLC (“Metro” or “Assignee”) (collectively, the

“Applicants”) hereby request Commission consent for the: (i) assignment to Metro of assets and

customers of Vast in Iowa and South Dakota, and (ii) partial assignment of the international

Section 214 authorizations held by Vast, pursuant to an Asset Purchase Agreement

(“Agreement”), dated April 28, 2017, between Vast, its parent, and Metro’s parent, Long Lines,

LLC (“Long Lines”). The assignment of assets, customers and authorizations pursuant to the


Agreement is herein after referred to as the transaction. As explained herein, the transaction was

consummated on June 30, 2017.1

       Long Lines acquired from Vast certain assets used in the business of providing residential

and commercial cable television services, VoIP telephony, local exchange and interexchange

services, and high-speed Internet services in the states of Iowa and South Dakota, which

therefore resulted in the sale of assets of Vast as a holder of blanket domestic Section 214

authority under Section 63.01 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.01, as well as the partial

assignment of the international Section 214 authorizations held by Vast to allow the transition of

customers from Vast to Metro. Vast is retaining its international Section 214 authorizations to

continue to provide international services in other areas.

       The transaction did not result in a reduction or impairment of service to Vast’s Iowa or

South Dakota customers. The transaction was virtually transparent to the assigned customers

with respect to the services that they receive. As more fully described below in the public

interest statement, Metro continues to provide a high level of technical operations and customer

service with Metro’s acquisition of Vast’s hybrid fiber-coax network, existing copper plant, and

system electronics, which will be integrated into Metro’s own network, plant, systems, and


       The transaction raises no competitive issues. Metro continues to compete with other local

providers in the local and long distance markets, as well as in the video and broadband markets.

Pursuant to state regulatory filings in Iowa and South Dakota related to this transaction, attached

        The Applicants are concurrently filing a request for Special Temporary Authority with
the International and Wireline Competition Bureaus for authority to continue providing services
to the assigned customers utilizing the assigned assets pending approval of this Joint Application.


as Exhibit A are copies of the written notifications that were sent to all affected customers by

Metro prior to the consummation of the transaction.2

       No radio licenses were included in the transaction. Vast retains its receive-only satellite

earth station registration and open video system authorization.

       As required by Section 63.04(b) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b), Section

V of this Joint Application provides the additional information required for the assignment of the

assets used in the provision of domestic telecommunications services arising from the

transaction. In Section IV of this Joint Application, the Applicants provide the information

required by Sections 63.18 and 63.24 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18 and 63.24,

for the partial assignment of Vast’s international Section 214 authorizations.

       Request for Streamlined Treatment. The Applicants respectfully request streamlined

treatment of both the domestic and international components of this Joint Application pursuant to

Sections 63.03 and 63.12 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.03 and 63.12, respectively.

Streamlined treatment of the Applicants’ request for authority to assign the assets of Vast used in

the provision of domestic telecommunications services is appropriate because the assignment is

entitled to presumptive streamlining under Section 63.03(b)(2) of the Commission’s rules. The

transaction resulted in Metro, the assignee, having a market share in the interstate, interexchange

market of less than 10 percent, and Metro provides competitive telephone local exchange

services and exchange access services exclusively in geographic areas served by a dominant,

local exchange carrier, specifically Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC in both Iowa and

        The written notifications of the assignment from Vast to Metro that were sent to all voice
service customers, pursuant to the state regulatory filings in Iowa and South Dakota, were
consistent with the requirements for customer notification in FCC rule Section 64.1120(e), 47
C.F.R. § 64.1120(e). The Iowa customer notice references the Lakeside community, and for
avoidance of doubt, the Applicants clarify that Lakeside is a part of the Storm Lake exchange
described in Section II of this Joint Application.


South Dakota, (“CenturyLink”) who is not a party to the transaction, and neither of the

Applicants is dominant with respect to any service.

       The Applicants’ request for consent to the partial assignment of the international Section

214 authorizations held by Vast to Metro qualifies for streamlined processing under Section

63.12 of the Commission’s rules because, in accordance with Section 63.12(c), neither Clarity

nor Metro is affiliated with any foreign or dominant U.S. carrier. Furthermore, Metro continues

to operate under the existing international 214 authority of its parent, Long Lines, which does not

have and does not request authority to provide switched basic services over private lines to a

country for which the Commission has not previously authorized the provision of switched

services over private lines. In the alternative, should the Commission determine that the

application does not qualify for streamlined processing, Applicants seek expedited processing

because the Joint Application involves a small transaction that is limited in scope, the Applicants

are both CLECs, there are no competitive concerns, and the transaction is in the public interest.

       Unfortunately, the Applicants did not seek timely Commission approval of the

transaction. The oversight was inadvertent and unintentional. At the time of the transaction,

Applicants did not have advice from federal communications counsel on this very small

transaction involving less than 1,500 voice customers and were not aware of the obligation to

request Commission approval for the transaction. As soon as this failure came to the Applicants’

attention, the Applicants took steps to remedy the noncompliance to the extent possible by

seeking Special Temporary Authority (“STA”), attached hereto as Exhibit B, for the continued

provision of service customers utilizing the assigned assets. The Applicants regret this oversight

and have taken steps to ensure compliance with all applicable Commission requirements going



       The Applicants request expeditious approval of the assignments, which would serve the

public interest by allowing customers to continue to receive competitive services from Metro

without interruption. Metro is well qualified to provide the domestic international services to the

assigned customers.


       A.      Clarity Telecom, LLC d/b/a Vast Broadband

       Vast is a telecommunications service provider with headquarters in Sikeston, Missouri.

Vast is a competitive local exchange carrier (“CLEC”) registered in Iowa and South Dakota.

Vast provides competitive local, long distance, high-speed Internet, and cable televisions

services in Iowa and South Dakota. Vast offers interexchange services through a combination of

its own facilities and resale arrangements with other carriers. These communications services

are provided over Vast’s own fiber optic, copper, and coaxial cable facilities throughout its

service areas. With regard to this transaction, Vast provided domestic interstate and international

services in certain communities in northwest Iowa and southeast South Dakota, with service

areas mirroring the incumbent local exchange carrier (“ILEC”), which is CenturyLink in Iowa

and South Dakota. Vast has retained its authority to provide local and long distance services in

other parts of Iowa and South Dakota.

       B.      Long Lines Metro, LLC

       Metro is a telecommunications service provider with headquarters in Sergeant Bluff,

Iowa. Metro is a CLEC registered in Iowa and South Dakota. Metro provides competitive local,

long distance, high-speed Internet, and cable televisions services in Iowa and South Dakota.

Metro’s interexchange services are offered through resale arrangements with other carriers.

Metro provides communications services over fiber optic, copper, and coaxial cable facilities


throughout its services areas, and in the areas previously serviced by Vast and acquired by

Metro, over fiber optic, copper, and coaxial cable facilities acquired through the transaction. As

a result of this transaction, Metro is providing domestic interstate and international services in

the northwest Iowa and southeast South Dakota communities previously served by Vast, with

service areas mirroring the ILEC, which is CenturyLink in Iowa and South Dakota. Metro also

provides local and long distance services in other parts of Iowa and South Dakota.


       The transaction was an asset acquisition by which Metro acquired the existing customers

and substantially all of the local exchange assets of Vast currently utilized to provide

telecommunications services in the transferred service areas, specifically the Storm Lake and

Sioux City, Iowa local exchange areas, and the North Sioux City and McCook Lake, South

Dakota local exchange areas (“Transferred Service Areas”). Following the consummation of the

transaction, the Transferred Service Areas have been covered, and will continue to be covered,

by Metro, pursuant to its existing state regulatory authorities to offer local and intrastate services

in Iowa and South Dakota, its domestic Section 214 authority and international Section 214

authority, subject to the Commission’s consent. Vast has retained its existing state regulatory

authorities to offer local and intrastate services in other parts of Iowa and South Dakota outside

the Transferred Service Areas, and likewise retains its domestic Section 214 authority and

international Section 214 authorities for interstate and international long distance services. The

boundaries of the Transferred Service Areas are and will continue to remain identical to the

current ILEC exchange boundaries of CenturyLink, as reflected in their exchange boundary

maps on file with the Iowa and South Dakota state regulatory authorities.


       Following the consummation of the transaction, Metro owns substantially all of the assets

of Vast used in the provision of local exchange telecommunications service in the Transferred

Service Areas, and is providing local exchange and long distance services to customers in the

Transferred Service Areas on substantially the same terms and conditions as previously provided

by Vast. Vast no longer provides local exchange and long distance services within the

Transferred Service Areas. The consummation of the transaction did not result in an

interruption, reduction, loss or impairment of services to any subscriber.

       A diagram of the corporate structure of Metro is provided in Exhibit C.


       Approval of the transaction, including the partial assignment of the international Section

214 authority from Vast to Metro will serve the public interest, convenience, and necessity.

Grant of the STA also will serve the public interest. A grant will permit the continued,

uninterrupted provision of high-quality service to customers. It also will promote competition in

the communications services marketplace. The consummation of the transaction and transfer of

service provided by Metro has not resulted in an interruption, reduction, loss or impairment of

services to any subscriber, and the Applicants are not aware of any harms to customers or to the

market that has occurred as a result of the consummation transaction. The continued provision

of service by Metro will have a positive impact on the communications market, and specifically

on the ability of Metro to provide competitive voice, Internet, and video services to customers.


       In support of this Joint Application, the Applicants submit the following information

pursuant to Section 63.24(e) of the Commission’s rules, include the information requested in

Section 63.18(a)-(d) and (h)-(p), 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18(a)-(d), (h)-(p), 63.24(e):


       § 63.18(a)    Name, address, and telephone number of each applicant.


       Clarity Telecom, LLC d/b/a Vast Broadband
       912 S. Main Street, Suite 106
       Sikeston, MO 63801
       Phone: (573) 481-2265
       Attention: J. Keith Davidson
       FRN: 0023758238


       Long Lines Metro, LLC
       501 4th Street
       Sergeant Bluff, IA 51054
       Phone: (712) 271-2710
       Attention: Brent Olson, President & CEO
       FRN: 0015136211

       § 63.18(b)    State under the laws of which each applicant is organized.

       Vast is a limited liability company organized under the laws of Delaware. Metro is a

limited liability company organized under the laws of Delaware.

ASSIGNMENT APPLICATION FORM -- §§ 63.18(c) and (d)

       § 63.18(c)    Name, title, address, and telephone number of an officer for each
                     applicant and legal counsel.


       J. Keith Davidson
       Chief Financial Officer
       Clarity Telecom, LLC d/b/a Vast Broadband
       912 S. Main Street, Suite 106
       Sikeston, MO 63801
       Phone: (573) 481-2265



       Brent Olson
       President & CEO
       Long Lines Metro, LLC
       501 4th Street
       Sergeant Bluff, IA 51054
       Phone: (712) 271-2710

       Legal Counsel to All Applicants (to whom correspondence should be addressed):

       Gregory W. Whiteaker
       Robin E. Tuttle
       Herman & Whiteaker, LLC
       6720-B Rockledge Drive, Suite 150
       Bethesda, MD 20817
       Phone: (202) 600-7274 and
              (202) 827-0667
       E-mail: and

       § 63.18(d)     Statement about previous international Section 214 authorizations for
                      each applicant.

       Clarity Telecom, LLC (“Clarity”) holds two international Section 214 authorizations to

provide global facilities based services and global resale services. See File Nos. ITC-214-

20020619-00300 and ITC-214-19990625-00428. Clarity is retaining its international Section

214 authorizations and by this application does not seek to assign them.

       Metro provides international services pursuant to the international Section 214

authorization held by its parent, Long Lines, LLC, which holds an international Section 214

authorization for global resale services. See File No. ITC-214-20060724-00362.



        § 63.18(h)     Ten Percent or Greater Interest Holder in Metro.

        The ten percent or greater interest holders in Metro are Pioneer South Dakota, L.L.C.,

Long Lines, LLC and Schurz Communications, Inc.

        Pioneer South Dakota, L.L.C.
        501 4th Street
        Sergeant Bluff, IA 51054
        Principal Business: Holding company that owns an operating subsidiary that provides a
        range of communications services
        Citizenship: Delaware limited liability company
        Percentage Held: 100 percent direct interest
        FRN: 0015570641

        Long Lines, LLC
        501 4th Street
        Sergeant Bluff, IA 51054
        Principal Business: Holding company that owns an operating subsidiary that provides a
        range of communications services
        Citizenship: Delaware limited liability company
        Percentage Held: 100 percent direct interest
        FRN: 0015136211

        Schurz Communications, Inc.
        1301 E. Douglas Road, Suite 200
        Mishawaka, IN 46545
        Principal Business: Holding company that owns operating subsidiaries that provide a
        range of communications services.
        Citizenship: Indiana corporation
        Percentage Held: 100 percent indirect interest
        FRN: 0008712937

The following persons have ten percent or greater equity ownership of Schurz Communications,



        Todd F. Schurz
        1211 E. Eckman Street
        South Bend, IN 46613
        Principal Business: CEO of Schurz Communications, Inc.
        Citizenship: U.S. citizen
        Percentage Held: 31.0% indirect interest
        FRN: 0019312420

        Scott C. Schurz, Jr.
        2126 Willow Lake Drive
        Mishawaka, IN 46545
        Principal Business: Director and VP of Human Resources and Administration
        Citizenship: U.S. citizen
        Percentage Held: 11.9%
        FRN: 0019312396

The following entities have a ten percent or greater voting interest in Schurz Communications,


        Schurz Communications, Inc. Voting Trust Agreement
        c/o Schurz Communications, Inc.
        1301 E. Douglas Road
        Mishawaka, IN 46545
        Percentage Held: 75.2% indirect interest
        FRN: 0019981125
               Todd F. Schurz, U.S. citizen, FRN 0019312420
               Scott C. Schurz, U.S. citizen, FRN 0019312396
               Franklin D. Schurz, U.S. citizen, FRN 0019312347

        Elizabeth Crockett Ray 1992 Exempt Family Trust For David C. Ray UTA dtd.
        17565 Green Oaks Ct.
        Granger, IN 46530-6921
        Percentage Held: 12.1% indirect interest
        Trustee, David C. Ray, U.S. citizen, FRN 0019312495

No other person or entity holds a ten percent or greater direct or indirect interest in Metro.



       See Section II of this Joint Application, above, for a narrative of the transaction,

assignment, and partial assignment. See Section III of this Joint Application, above, for the

public interest statement.


       § 63.18(p)      Statement Regarding Streamlined Processing.

       This Joint Application qualifies for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of

the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12, because Metro is not affiliated with any foreign or

dominant U.S. carrier whose international switched or private line services Metro seeks authority

to resell, and Metro does not provide and does not request authority to provide switched basic

services over private lines to a country for which the Commission has not previously authorized

the provision of switched services over private lines.


     In support of this Joint Application and in accordance with the requirements of the

Commission’s rule Section 63.04(b), 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b), the Applicants submit the following

additional information:

     § 63.04(a)(5)     Certification Regarding Denial of Federal Benefits.

     In addition to the certifications provided in the electronic Application for Assignment of

International Section 214 Authorizations, which is a part of this Joint Application, the Applicants

individually certify, pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission’s rules, 47

C.F.R. §§ 1.2001-1.2003, that they are not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to


Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862, because of a conviction for

possession or distribution of a controlled substance.

     § 63.04(a)(6)     Description of the Transaction.

     The Applicants describe the transaction in Section II of this Joint Application.

     § 63.04(a)(7)     Geographic Areas Served and Services Provided.

     The Applicants describe the geographic areas in which they offer domestic

telecommunications services and the services that are provided in each area in Sections I and II

of this Joint Application.

     § 63.04(a)(8)     Statement Regarding Streamlined Treatment.

     In addition to the answer provided for question 20 in the international Section 214

authorization assignment application, pursuant to rule Section 63.18(p), the Applicants’ domestic

Section 214 assignment application is eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to Section

63.03(b)(2), 47 C.F.R. § 63.03(b)(2), of the Commission’s rules. The transaction resulted in

Metro, the assignee, having a market share in the interstate, interexchange market of less than 10

percent, and Metro provides competitive telephone local exchange services and exchange access

services exclusively in geographic areas served by a dominant, local exchange carrier,

specifically Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC in both Iowa and South Dakota, who is

not a party to the transaction, and neither of the Applicants is dominant with respect to any


     § 63.04(a)(9)     Other Related Commission Applications.

     In connection with this Joint Application, the Applicants will submit a Request for Special

Temporary Authorization regarding the continued provision of service to customers utilizing the

assigned assets, and the assignment of customers of Vast’s international service to Metro.


      § 63.04(a)(10) Statement Regarding Special Consideration.

      The Applicants do not request special consideration because no party to the transaction is

facing imminent business failure.

      § 63.04(a)(11) Identification of Waiver Requests.

      The Applicants do not seek a waiver in connection with this Joint Application..

      § 63.04(a)(12) Public Interest Statement.

      The Applicants provide a statement showing how the grant of this application will serve the

public interest, convenience, and necessity in Section III of this Joint Application.


       Based on the foregoing, the Applicants respectfully request that the Commission grant

this Joint Application and consent to the assignment of Vast’s assets and customers in the

Transferred Service Areas to Metro for use in the provision of domestic telecommunications


services, and the partial assignment of the international Section 214 authorizations held by Vast

to allow the transition of customers from Vast to Metro.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                     Gregory W. Whiteaker
                                                     Robin E. Tuttle
                                                     HERMAN & WHITEAKER, LLC
                                                     6720-B Rockledge Drive
                                                     Suite 150
                                                     Bethesda, MD 20817
                                                     Counsel for Clarity Telecom, LLC d/b/a
                                                     Vast Broadband and Long Lines Metro, LLC

Dated: September 1, 2017


                         EXHIBIT A


May 31, 2017

Dear ValuedCustomer:

This is an important notice required by the Towa Utilities Board ("NJHB") and the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC")
concerning your local and long distance telscommunications services.

Long Lines Metro, LLC d/b/a Long Lines Broadband ("Long Lines") has agreed to acquire the Clarity Telecom, LLC d/b/a Vast
Broadband (*"Vast") local exchange network serving the communities of Storm Lake, Lakeside:and portions of Sioux City, Iowa.
Pending finalregulatory approval, we anticipate this acquisition will close; effective on or about June 30, 2017.

The acquisition will result in a change of your local and long distance carrier. Following the acquisition, Long Lines will assume
direct responsibility for the provisioning of local telecommunications services and long distanceservices previously provided to
you by Vast, This change will not affect your existing services or rates. Your telephone number will not change, Going
forward, Long Lines will notify you in writing at least 30 days in advance of any future changes to your local or long distance
services or rates,                                                               '

Prior to and following the closing date, Long Lines and Vast will work cooperatively to ensure a seamiless transition for
customers, Prior to the closing date and for a limited transitional period, Vast will be responsible for receiving any inquiries,
complaints or changes to your service, Following the closing date and transitfonal period, Long Lines will be responsible for
receiving any inquiries, complaints or changes to your gervice. In order to ensure that any service—related fssuesor other concerns
are addressed, Long Lines and Vast will coordinate to handle service orders, billing inquiries, customer service inquiries or other
customer communications. If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact us:

          Contact Vast Broadband:                             Contact Long Lines Broadband:
          Main: (888) 445—2888                                Local: (712) 271—4000
          Tech Support: (866) 496—6665                        Toll Free: (866) 9015664
          Email:                       Email: info@longlines .biz

If you have complaints or concerns that we are unable to address, you may contact the IUBCustomer ServiceSection, including
by calling toll—free at (877) 565—4450 or via email at customer@Inb.,

You may choose another carrier for your local and long distance services; however, unless you elect to change your local or long
distance—carrier, no gcttonis required by you. You will continue to receive the same, excellent services without interruption.
You will not be charged any carrier—change feesas a resultofany changes made prior to the closing date.

If you have a freeze on your preferred long distance carrier, that freeze will be antomatically lifted in order to complete this
change. If you would like to re—apply this freeze, please contact Long Lines® Customer Service at the numbersprovided above to
re—apply the freeze. Please note thatany "freeze" you have placed on yourexisting telephone lines fo prevent unauthorized
transfer to anotherlongdistance carrier will be over—ridden for purposes ofthis acquisition, and will need to be reinstated by you
after the transition is complete,                                '

This transgctfonwill not result in the discontinuance, interruption or impairment of any felecommunications services to which you
are subscribed. As indicated above, your existing rates and service plans will remain the same,

Providing excellent and uninterrupted service to our valued customers is our top priority, Please contact us using the carrier
contact information provided aboveany questions or concerns you may haveconcerning this transfer.

We look forward to serving you. Thank you for your business,


                                  Phone * Internet * Cable TY + Wireless
        501 Fourth Street * Sergeant Bluff, IA 51054 * Phone 712.271.4000 « Fax 712.271.2727

                         IMPORTANT NOTICE


        Clarity Telecom, LLC, d/b/a Vast Broadband, (“Vast Broadband”) and Long Lines
Metro, LLC (“Long Lines”) are pleased to announce that Long Lines is acquiring Vast
Broadband’s telephone, cable, and internet customers, as well as certain other customers
receiving additional types of services from Vast Broadband. Subject to approval by the Federal
Communications Commission and state regulators as necessary, Long Lines will replace Vast
Broadband as your current telecommunications service provider on or after June 30, 2017 (The
“Transfer Date”). As a result of this transaction, Long Lines will assume responsibility for all
services previously provided to you by Vast Broadband. Long Lines is excited about the
opportunity to provide your telecommunications service(s) and looks forward to a long and
mutually rewarding business relationship.

        Please rest assured, the transaction will have little or no impact on your current services,
nor will there be any interruption of your service. The agreement between Vast Broadband and
Long Lines has been structured so that the transfer of service will be virtually seamless. You
will retain all other service rates, features, terms, and conditions of service and your telephone
number. Long Lines will not impose any charges for the transfer of your services to Long Lines
and no action is required from you to continue your telecommunications service(s) with
Long Lines. You will receive your first billing statement from Long Lines in the next 3 or 4
months. As in the past, you are responsible for paying all bills rendered to you by Vast
Broadband during the transition of service.

        You do have the right to select a different carrier for your telecommunications service(s).
If you choose to switch to an alternate carrier for services, you may incur a fee from the alternate
carrier for the transfer for services to that alternate carrier. If you select a local telephone service
provider other than Long Lines, you should also contact your current long distance provider to
ensure that your current long distance plan is not changed. Please note that if you are a customer
of Vast Broadband on the Transfer Date as set forth above, your account will automatically be
transferred to Long Lines. In addition, should you have a term commitment with Vast
Broadband and you disconnect or transfer services to another carrier prior to the end of that term,
you will be liable to Vast Broadband for any applicable early termination charges, subject to
applicable law. Please note that when your service is transferred to Long Lines, any preferred
carrier “freeze” you have in place on your existing telephone lines to prevent unauthorized


transfer of your services to another carrier will be over-ridden for purposes of this transaction
and will need to be reinstated by you by contacting Long Lines after the transfer is complete.

        If you have any questions regarding this transaction or questions about your service or
billing prior to the Transfer Date set forth above, you should contact Vast Broadband at

        If you have any questions regarding this transaction or question about your service or
billing after the Transfer Date set forth above, you should contact Long Lines at its toll-free
customer service telephone number 866-901-5664.

       Vast Broadband thanks you for your business and Long Lines looks forward to providing
you with quality service for many years to come.


                                            Long Lines Metro, LLC and
                                            Clarity Telecom, LLC, d/b/a/ Vast Broadband


                      EXHIBIT B


 Joint Application for Assignment of Assets and Customers

  Clarity Telecom, LLC d/b/a Vast Broadband, Assignor
            Long Lines Metro, LLC, Assignee

                                                              DONALD                  L.         HERMAN,          JR

                                                              GREGORY                     W.      WHITEAKER
                                                              ROBIN              E.      TUTTLE
                                                              CARRIE                L.     DEVIER
HERMAN       &    WHITEAKER, LLC                              CLARE              C. LIEDQUIST
                                                              KENNETH                    C. JOHNSON                     ,   o f    c o u n s e l

                                                              † Admitted in DC, SC and FL only
                                                              †† Admitted in SC only
                                                              ††† Admitted in DC and VA only

                                                              TEL       202-600-7272
                                                              FAX        202-706-6056
                                                              6720        B    R ockledge           Driv e,       S uit e         15 0

                                                              Bet hes da ,            M D        20817

   September 1, 2017

   Via ECFS and IBFS

   Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
   Federal Communications Commission
   Office of the Secretary
   445 12th Street, SW
   Washington, DC 20554

          RE:    Clarity Telecom, LLC d/b/a Vast Broadband, Assignor, and Long Lines
                 Metro, LLC, Assignee – Request for Special Temporary Authority

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

           Clarity Telecom, LLC d/b/a Vast Broadband (“Vast” or “Assignor”) and Long Lines
   Metro, LLC (“Metro” or “Assignee”) (collectively, the “Applicants”), through the undersigned
   counsel and pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.
   § 214, and Section 63.24 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.24, respectfully request
   Special Temporary Authority (“STA”) for continued operation of facilities in, and provision of
   service to customers in the Storm Lake and Sioux City, Iowa local exchange areas, and the North
   Sioux City and McCook Lake, South Dakota local exchange areas (“Transferred Service Areas”)
   pursuant to the assignment of assets and customer relationships and the partial assignment of
   international Section 214 authorizations from Vast, a non-dominant provider of domestic and
   international services, to Metro, also a non-dominant provider of domestic and international

           Specifically, effective June 30, 2017, Vast assigned all the assets utilized to provide
   telecommunications services in the Transferred Service Area, along with the telephone
   customers served in such area to Metro pursuant to an asset purchase agreement (“Agreement”)
   between Vast, its parent, and Metro’s parent, Long Lines, LLC (“Long Lines”). The transaction
   resulted in the assignment of Vast’s domestic operations and customers, see 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.01,
   63.03, and 63.04, and the partial assignment Vast’s international Section 214 authorizations

Herman & Whiteaker, LLC
Page 2 of 3

pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18 and 63.24. See File No. ITC 214-19990625-00428, and File No.
ITC-214-20020619-00300. Vast, however, retained its international Section 214 authorizations,
and Metro provides international service pursuant to Long Line’s authority, see File No. ITC-
214-20060724-00362, as a wholly owned, indirect subsidiary of Long Lines. In addition, Vast is
continuing to provide the telecommunications services in the Transferred Service Area pursuant
to a Transition Services Agreement. Additional details about the transaction and parties are
included in the joint domestic and international application filed concurrently herewith and
attached hereto as Exhibit A (the “Application”) seeking Commission approval for the

        Unfortunately, the Applicants did not seek timely Commission approval of the
transaction. The oversight was inadvertent and unintentional. At the time of the transaction, the
Applicants did not have advice from federal communications counsel on this very small
transaction involving less than 1,500 voice customers and were not aware of the obligation to
request Commission approval of the assignment of the assets and customers and partial
assignment of the international Section 214 authorizations. As soon as the Applicants learned of
this oversight, the Applicants immediately took steps to remedy the situation and to seek
authority, to the extent necessary, for the continued operation of the assets and provision of
service to customers. The Applicants regret this oversight and have taken steps to ensure
compliance with all applicable Federal Communications Commission requirements going

         Grant of the requested Special Temporary Authority (“STA”) will serve the public
interest by permitting the continued, uninterrupted provision of service to customers while the
Commission reviews the Application. Grant of the STA also will promote competition in the
communications services marketplace. Without discounting the regulatory obligation to obtain
prior approval, the Applicants note that no harm to customers or to the market occurred as a
result of Applicants’ oversight. Instead, the transaction will have a positive impact on the
affected operations and customers, and Metro’s ability to provide competitive voice, Internet,
and video services to customers. The Applicants have acted in good faith to rectify the failure to
file for approval of the domestic and international assignments as quickly as possible.

        The Applicants request temporary authority for sixty (60) days while the Application is
pending. The Applicants acknowledge that the grant of this STA will not prejudice any action
the Commission may take on the Application, and that once granted, the STA may be revoked on
the Commission’s own notice, without a hearing. The Applicants further acknowledge that grant
of the STA will neither preclude nor dictate the scope of any enforcement action related to the
underlying transaction.

      This filing with the International Bureau and the applicable credit card payment in the
amount of $1,155.00, which satisfies the filing fee required under line 2.d. of Section 1.1107 of
the Commission’s rules, are being submitted electronically through the MyIBFS.

Herman & Whiteaker, LLC
Page 3 of 3

       Please contact the undersigned counsel if you have any questions or require further

                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                    Gregory W. Whiteaker
                                                    Counsel for Clarity Telecom, LLC d/b/a
                                                    Vast Broadband and Long Lines Metro, LLC


cc:    Tracey Wilson, Wireline Competition Bureau
       Myrva Charles, Wireline Competition Bureau
       David Krech, International Bureau

               EXHIBIT C


                                                       Schurz Communications, Inc.
       Jordan-Soldier Valley Telephone Company
                      (IA C Corp)
                                                                        Long Lines, LLC                                            Jefferson Communications, L.L.C.
                                                                        FRN 0015136211 - ID 20-2964224
           FRN 0004322335 - ID 42-0348620                                                                                          FRN 0004984761 - ID 46-0446249
                  (Soldier, Moorhead)
         Q.A.T. Corp.                    CommChoice of Iowa, L.L.C.                                              Jefferson Telephone Company, LLC           DakotaComm, LLC
         (IA C Corp)                   FRN 0006801401 - ID 39-1900002                                             FRN 0004322301 - ID 46-0309651            FRN 0011529575
FRN 0015570682 - ID 42-1334072           (Onawa, Whiting, Danbury)                                                         (Jefferson, SD)                   ID 20-1121481
   Advanced Network Communications, LLC
                                                                                                Northwest Iowa Telephone, LLC
                     (50%)                                                                                                                    Pioneer South Dakota, L.L.C.
                                                                                               FRN 0002576452 - ID 20-2965615
       FRN 0005919022 - ID 42-1505727                                                                                                       FRN 0015570641 - ID 46-0448183
                                                                                                 (Sergeant Bluff, Salix, Sloan)
  (Anthon, Correctionville, Holstein, Ida Grove)
                                                                                                                                                  Long Lines Metro, LLC
        Le Mars Communications, L.L.P.
                                                                                               Triple “L” Communications, L.L.C.            FRN 0003792686 - ID 46-0436721
                                                                                               FRN 0015570666 - ID 42-1468303            (Sioux City, N. Sioux City, Dakota Dunes,
       FRN 0008303927 - ID 91-2081975
                                                                                                                                         Woodbine, Logan, Magnolia, Mo. Valley)
                                                                                                                                               Long Lines Siouxland, LLC
 Mapleton Communication Management Agency
                                                                                                    Pioneer Holdings, LLC                              (NE LLC)
             (Partnership – 50%)
                                                                                               FRN 0017603507 - ID 39-1882163               FRN 0016237927 - ID 20-5622530
       FRN 0008288532 - ID 03-0486967
                                                                                                                                                   (South Sioux City)
                                                                                                Pioneer TeleTechnologies, L.L.C.
                                                                                                    (Wholesale – 12 towns)                  Orange City Communications, LLC.
                                                                                                FRN 0015570732 - ID 46-0438874              FRN 0003911567 - ID 42-1492916
                                                                                            , L.C.
                                                                                                FRN 0015570773 - ID 42-1451747



                            DECLARATION OF BRENT OLSON

       I, Brent Olson, declare, under penalty of perjury:

        1.     I am the President and CEO of Long Lines Metro, LLC ("Metro").

       2.      I have read the foregoing Joint Application requesting that the Federal

Communications Commission ("Commission") consent: (a) to the assignment of assets and

customers of Clarity Telecom, LLC d/b/a Vast Broadband ("Vast") as a holder of blanket

domestic Section 214 authority under Section 63.01 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §

63.01, to Metro, and (b) to the partial assignment of the international Section 214 authorizations

held by Vast to allow the transition of customers to Metro.

       3.      The statements stated in the Joint Application, with respect to Metro are true and

accurate to the best of my information, knowledge, and belief.

                                                     Brent Olson

Dated: September _/, 2017

                         DECLARATION OF J. KEITH DAVIDSON

       I, J. Keith Davidson, declare, under penalty of perjury:

       1.      I am the Chief Financial Officer of Clarity Telecom, LLC d/b/a Vast Broadband


       2.      I have read the foregoing Joint Application requesting that the Federal

Communications Commission ("Commission") consent: (a) to the assignment of assets and

customers of as a holder of blanket domestic Section 214 authority under Section 63.01 of the

Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.01, to Long Lines Metro, LLC ("Metro"), and (b) to the

partial assignment of the international Section 214 authorizations held by Vast to allow the

transition of customers to Metro.

       3.      The statements stated in the Joint Application, with respect to Vast are true and

accurate to the best of my information, knowledge, and belief.

                                                     T. Keith Davidson

Dated: August 5_0_, 2017

Document Created: 5740-04-19 00:00:00
Document Modified: 5740-04-19 00:00:00

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