Attachment 20170608134553-213.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20150820-00207 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                otreaminea             1IV—5S 1 A—20150820—00207
               — Granted                                                        TC3 Telecom, Inc.

        C                     70 1S
date:_.:.).s.ifi'- sz -3- fiew Sedtionimmmies meus teres                                Sceton 214 Aplicat‘or for
authorized by:                                                                       Special Temporary Awhcrity
                                                                                         Attaciment 1 Page 1 of 2 _
                                                                         C’IO\,«‘\      Suéj C‘;f           hl
SIgnatllle .L&fl#l-—(.fluh—--——-                                             0.(,‘(    nél l 74C/V\44L'fj             t‘n

     e¥ p res:               Man.L 27 z& ‘[‘C3 ‘elsom Inrc.                       yrojpe"       /co\A—- L
    Questior 10; T1 4 ttiick ment 1, provide justitics ticn of need for spl ‘ci l tenipora ry
                 a itliority requested.

   Respons ::

           T 23 Tele com, In         . ("TC3 ) 1espectfully su       »x its thit the yublic in tersst would be s rv sd
   by a gran : of this Secial        Temporary A thori:y <"S         TZ ") pe iding griint of its ap plicat on fo : tl e
   transfer cf control 1sgard        ing its Secton 63.16(e) (1.      gobal ind/ot litait=d sloba facilties—t ase d
   authonity and its Se stion        53.18(e)(2) global arid/or      in ited global resale an thorify, Fil: No. [T\S—
   214—20041209—0 14 32, fil         2d simul :aneoisly hsrewi       h. Prommpt action grainting his STA w.ll
   allow TC 3°s cusoriers u          1irterruy tec ancess : o inte   rm. ticnal long disitaiice service.

           T 23 seeks t iis SA to correct the ina Iverte nt fai ur: to seek an 1 c btiin the
   Commission‘s p: io: appr »vil of a trens:‘er of sontrol, TC3 :s a w 10lly— ow ne1 s absidiary 0 ‘T 23
   Leasing Compar y, Inc. (‘TLC®"), a Michigan corpcraior. ‘TLC, ntun , vias w aolly—»wnelb ;
   the Josep 1 P. M: tta usch . Ag:eement of ‘[rust, dated Jtne 26, 200 (tie ‘JIM Trust"). Te PIH4
   Trust is o ‘ganize1inder he laws of ‘he State of M ch gan. Josefh T. Mataiseai, a ciiizcn wfhe
   United States, is the T us zee of the JJ‘M Trust ar d ot :d ‘he JPM Trust s : 0C% interest in LC

             Thie trans ‘er of co atrol occuried on Februar ; 1 4, :20‘ 4 upc n the co is m: nation 0‘ a
   transactic a wher in th: J.‘N Trus,, tirough Mr. M; tt: usch as Trt stee, ol 1 100 % of ""LL2‘s
~ issued an | outstend ng stock: to D&P Communicationi, I1c. ("D& P"),. This iailure to sesk in
  obtain the Comn ission‘s prior approval of a trar sfir cf con rol w is vec :nily dentified aid TC€ 3
  seeks to correct t 1is fa Iu e ty submi tit g this Reqies ard the as: oc ated Application sesking
  formal ap proval f he TCB3 pwnersh p : tructure as it ¢exists :oday

          Tle ownt rship information before and after the transaction that transierred control uf                                  ’
   TC3 to D&P is reflected in the companion transfer of control application and in Attachment 2 to                                 :
   this STA request. Since February 14, 2014, the control of D&P has not changed.

            Grant of this request for STA will ensure that TC3 will be able to continue to provide.
   uninterrupted international resold service. D&P, TLC and TC3 (the "Applicants") have taken
   steps to correct this deficiency by filing applications for Commission approval of the transfer of
   control as well as the instant request for STA. Applicants acknowledge that the grant of this .
   STA extension will not prejudice any action the Commission may take on the underlying transfer

  1       TC3 has also filed a STA request to continue its domestic operat1ons A copy of this STA
  request is attached hereto as Attachment 1—A.

Document Created: 2019-05-29 18:20:26
Document Modified: 2019-05-29 18:20:26

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