Attachment 20170330165458-347.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20150720-00173 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                           i# & TMMLEOY

                                                                                    S__treamlined      ITC—STA—20150720—00173
 |                                   1/a3 )1s                                                          182015001333
     JUL 23 2015             “w                                                     Sierra Telephone Long Distance
               &                          bys Associale Divisica CC                 Re: 1Te—T/lo—&8oi:           ‘G— OCi7
     Policy Division                      Policy Divisica, 18B
lntemationalRBgsrgg:se o E‘i'g"mln?\:lre.&M&Ls                                  |     Expires . F@nuary |        »1G

                       Special VTemporary Authority ("STA") is he            equested for Sierra Teleph:         ‘bng

              Distance ("STLD®") to continue uninterrupted service t         yublic while an application f«      tion

              214 authorization for a transfer of control of Sietra Te       ne Company, Inc. ("STC") a          LD

              (jointly, the "214 Holders") from Harry H. Baker,               John H. Baker is processt              the

              Commission(the "214 Application").‘

                       As explained in more detail in the attached 1         it for Domestic Section 214         oa

              trénsfer of control of STC and STLD occurred on Jan            12, 2015 when John H. Bake          ame

              successor and sole trustee for each of the two trusts th       d a combined 98% of the‘vo          :ock

              of Sierra Tel Communications Group ("STCG®"), the :            ockholder of each of the 214        lers.

              John H. Bakef is familiar with‘<opera'tions of the opera       ompanies, having served as          icer

              of STC since 1981, and STLD since 1998.

                       The 214 Holders remain the carriers of recorc         istomers. Grant of the reque        STA

              will serve the public interest, convenience and nece           because it will permit the          ued

              provision ofservice by STLD without interruption to            mers while the Commission           ders

              the 214 Application. Customers rely upon STLD for              ommunications service and           1 be

              adversely impacted if there was a disruption ofservi           rile the 214 Application is ;       sed.

              This STA request and the 214 Application demonstrate the qualifications of John H. Baker to

              control STLD, and that the past transfer of control of STLD does not present any eligibility or

              anticompetitive concerns under applicable Commission rules and policies.

               * STC, STLD and John H. Baker are parties to a Joint Application for Transfer of Control of Domestic
              and International Section 214 authorizations filed contemporaneously herewith.
              2 See Attachment 3 of this application.

olciolaistoleleleteteloletek —COMM. .TOURNAL— setetcleielotelefolelolelelofoleteiok: DATE JUL—23—2015 selslsiek TIME 16123 solsslslolok

         MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                             START=JUL—23 16: 21                           END=JUL—23 16:23

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olololololololelatololotototololotatc ‘ololot tolololol soletolototolok —INTL. BUREAU                     — solokiof: —                     202 418 2824— solviotoioloioiok

                                                                                                                                    > D
                                        TINTERNATIONAL BUREAU
                                                                Policy Division

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                                                         Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
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                                           DaTE:                _#/as/‘s
                    o                       FROM:_Aarienae Meweil
           TELEPHONE NUMBER: (202) 418— oura.
                                                 TO: Davia Nace
                          FAXNUMBER: (763) 584— 824
         TELEPHONE NUMBER: (763) 584— Elt
         HTC—STAQois6#6~6bpl73% tz ITC&— T/4—20150 740—0017(_


Document Created: 2019-05-23 09:51:23
Document Modified: 2019-05-23 09:51:23

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