Attachment 20170817150121-530.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20141015-00279 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


 Streamlined          ITC—STA—20141015—00279                                Granted
                      1B2014002051                                              f             OCT 29 201
 Five9, Inc.                                                                                        §     yee

{g . tie—iut. woiBpl19 reseli? __
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Att:chment 1
In Attachm n 1, provide justi ic ition of ae d ‘or spec al terippriary an thority recqusstod.

Five9 has been providing rssile of nternati n; 1 t:lecoram unica:io is servicss for se veral zeirs
but, as a result of sood faita relii nce on pre ic us legal advice, vias urawar : 0 it : nsec to re ziser
witk. the Federsl C ommunicatior s Commius: io\ (tae "Com missin‘) or to s :eure Sestion 21.
authorization. Fiv :9 has nce w reg ist sred wit i thie Commiission as a contribu or to the Univer: al
Service Fund aid is required :o riig itself nt ) compliince as pro nptly as possi>e urde:®
Section 214. Folle wing a volunt iry disclosire of ts failur: to regi; tei with the C orm missi>n as a
reseller of long di: tance se vizes, it has alsc re spcnded to a Lettsr of ngquiny frori t ie
Enforcement Bure au, which ssk :d "or proo:‘tk at‘ive9 ha ; receve d Sectio i 214 au horiz ition.

On February 20, 2 013, the Cc mai: sion‘s It te na ional Bireau jra ated Fiv :9‘ s J im ar/ 2 ), :013
request for Spezia Temporar; 4 ut iority (*3T A* . Five9‘ s underh in;app icatioafor Secticn
214 international 1 esale authorit ‘ is currently ind »r reviey, by DO /T sam ‘eleccm.

On April 10, 2013, Five9 filed a rejuest to : en sw its international 21« auth pri zat or , which vai
granted on April 18, 2013. This zi nt was e ‘fetive until October : 1, 2013

DOJ/Team Telsec m requested a is\ vers to c »rt uin "Triage Questionis."‘ Five » filec! th e 1espor ses
on June 14, 20. 3. Follow—1p Triag : Questicns wore served on Fiv :9 on Ai gust::8, 2013 ar d
Five9 answered those questions on Septemler 26 2013. ¢.s of this filing, L‘OJ/T sam Telecc m
has still not acted on Five9‘s application for 214 authorization.

Due to the federal government shutdown in October 2013, the FCC issued Public Notice (DA
©13—2025), which extended Five9‘s STA deadline to November 4, 2013. On October 21, 2013,
Five9 filed a request to renew its international 214 authorization, which was granted on
November 4, 2013. Five9 sought renewal of the STA on April 25, 2014, and it was granted on
May 2, 2014. .

Because the DOJ/Team Telecom review of Five9‘s application for 214 authorization is still
pending, Five9 seeks STA renewal for the same period of 180 days as requested in previous
renewals. Five9‘s current STA expires on October 29, 2014.

As noted in Five9‘s February 15, 2013 supplemental filing to its January 20, 2013 STA request,
Five9 continues to agree to the following three provisions:
    (1) the STA can be modified or revoked by the Commission upon its own motion without a
    (2) the grant of the STA will not prejudice any action the Commission may take regarding
        Five9‘s underlying International Section 214 application; and

#solololetotelctatetotetetatok —COMM . JOURNAL— #otoicteteicictetatateteteletetetlek DATE OCT—29—2014 selatiok TIME 13159 selelotelotolok

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Document Created: 2019-05-23 02:28:23
Document Modified: 2019-05-23 02:28:23

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