Attachment 20170817131226-587.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20140812-00246 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                      Federal Communications Commission
                                            Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau
                                                                                    (202) 4181462
                                                                                    (202) 4182824 (fax)
                                                                                    August 27, 2014
                                                                                    Ref: EB 2014—23

Douglas May               (202) 647—5835              Christopher Hemmerlein        (202) 482—1885
Shawn B. Cooley           (202) 282—8489              Jonathan McHale               (202) 395—5656
Edward T. Hand            (202) 514—2464              Richard Sofield               (202) 233—0702
Robert Gorman             (301) 225—6116              Sean Desmond                  (202) 456—6068

RKe:       Expereo Holding / CETP III
           WC DK 14—134

           Comments Due: September 5, 2014

Dear Sir or Madam:

            Expereo Holding ("Transferor") and CETP III Expereo S.Ar.l ("CETP III‘ or
"Transferee," collectively, with Expereo Holding, the "Applicants"), request Special Temporary
Authority ("STA") for the transfer of control of the domestic and international Section 214
authorizations of Expereo USA, Inc. ("Expereo USA"), a non—dominant service provider, from
Expereo Holding to CETP III. CETP III is incorporated under the laws of Luxembourg.
Applicants request the grant of this STA request as soon as possible to permit continued
operations by Expereo USA.

        The Applicants request sixty (60) days temporary authority while the underlying Section
214 Applications are pending. The Applicants acknowledge that the grant of this STA will not
prejudice any action the Commission may take on the underlying Applications, and that once
granted, the STA may be revoked on the Commission‘s own notice, without a hearing. The
Applicants further acknowledge that grant of the STA will neither preclude nor dictate the scope
of any enforcement action related to the underlying transaction.

         A copy of the STA request is attached for your review. Please comment on this request
by September 5, 2014. The request for comments on the underlying applications should be
referred to you next week.

       For further information, please contact David Krech, Policy Division, International
Bureau, at (202) 418—7443, or Jodie May, Competition Policy Division, Wireline Competition
Bureau at (202) 418—0913. The counsel for applicants is Michael P. Donahue: email, phone 703—714—1319.


                                                      George Li,
                                                      Deputy Chief, Policy Division

George Li

From:                            Veronica Garcia—Ulloa
Sent:                            Wednesday, August 27, 2014 4:11 PM
To:          :                   ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                 ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                 ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                 ‘Shawn.Cooley@HQ.DHS.Gov‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                 ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                       ‘; ‘‘;
                                 ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘"IP—
                       ‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                 ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                 ‘‘; "Hagar, Richard"‘
Ce:                              George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Howard Griboff; James Ball; Jodie May;
                                 Kathleen Collins; Troy Tanner; Adrienne Downs; Veronica Garcia—Ulloa
Subject:                         RE: Cover Letter Reference EB 2014—23 (comments due by September 5, 2014)
Attachments:                     Expereo.pdf; Expereo Joint Application.pdf; ExpereoRequest_for_STA[1].pdf

Good Afternoon,

Attached is the STA request, mentioned in the Cover Letter Reference EB 2014—23, for your review.

Thank you,

Veronica Garcia—Ulloa
Attorney Advisor
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau, Policy Division
(202) 418—0481

From: Veronica Garcia—Ulloa
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 3:56 PM
To: ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
‘Shawn.Cooley@HQ.DHS.Gov‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘IP—‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
‘‘; ‘‘; "Hagar, Richard"‘
CC: George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Howard Griboff; James Ball; Jodie May; Kathleen Collins; Troy Tanner;
Adrienne Downs; Veronica Garcia—Ulloa
Subject: Cover Letter Reference EB 2014—23 (comments due by September 5, 2014)

Good Afternoon,

Attached to this email is Cover Letter Reference EB 2014—23 (comments due by September 5; 2014).

Thank you,

Veronica Garcia—Ulloa
Attorney Advisor

                                        Federal Communications Commission
                                              Washington, D.C. 20554

  International Bureau
                                                                                      (202) 418—1462
                                                                                      (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                                      October 9, 2014
                                                                                      Ref: EB 2014—28

  Douglas May              (202) 647—5835               Christopher Hemmerlein        (202) 482—1885
  Shawn B. Cooley          (202) 282—8489               Jonathan McHale               (202) 395—5656
  Edward T. Hand           (202) 514—2464               Richard Sofield               (202) 233—0702
  Robert Gorman            (301) 225—6116               Michael M. Johnson            (202) 456—7341

  Re:        Expereo/CETP III
             WC DK 14—134

             Comments Due:      October 22, 201
             Reply Comments Due: October 2           014

  Dear Sir or Madam:

        On August 18, 2014, Expereo                   lding B.V. (Expereo Holding) and CETP III
  Expereo S.&.r.l. (CETP III) (together, A           licants) filed an application to transfer control
  of Expereo USA, Inc. (Expereo USA                  o CETP III. CETP III is a limited liability .
  companyincorporated under the laws of                uxembourg.

             Expereo USA provides domesti            roadband and competitive telecommunications
  services and international services (ITC           4—20100729—00309).

          Expereo USA, a Delaware corp« tion, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Expereo
  Holding, a company organized under tt laws of the Netherlands. All of the shares of
— Expereo Holding will be transferred to      tpereo Acquisition Holdings, B.V. Following
  closing , CETP III will hold a majorit, , 67 percent of the equity and voting rights in
  Expereo Acquisition Holdings B.V. with the remaining 33.1 percent being held by
  current owners of Expereo Holding through Brumbear B.V. CETP III Participations, a Luxembourg entity, will own 100 percent of CETP III. Carlyle Europe
  Technology Partners III, L.P. (CETP III, L.P.), a United Kingdom entity, will own 83.51
 percent of CETP III Participations S.A.r.l, and CETP III Co—Investment, L.P. (CETP III
 Co—Invest), a Canada entity, will own 16.49 percent of CETP III Participations S.A.r.l.
 The CETP III entities are ultimately owned by The Carlyle Group L.P., a Delaware

         A copy of the Public Notice (DA 14—1466, released October 8, 2014) seeking
  comments on the Petition is attached. Should you have any national security, law
  enforcement, foreign policy, or trade concerns with respect to the Petition, please file

           your commients on (r before October 22, 2014, using the Commission‘s Electronic
           Comment Filing Syst :m (ECFS): http //               '

                    For furtier information, please contact David Krech, Policy Division,
           Internation:iil Bureau, at (202) 418—7443, or Jodie May, Competition Policy Division,
           Wireline Compeitior Burear. at (202) «18—0913.


                                                            George Li,
                                                            Deputy Chief, F ol cy Division

George Li
                        eE oCE E_E E_E —E                                   oo opooreene ooo uextaan

From:                             Lavid Krech
Sent:                             Thursclay, Octc ber C9, 2014 3:13 PM
To:                               J »die May
Ce:                               ( eorge Li
Subject:                          FW: Cover Lettar ReFersnce EB 2014—28 (corimants by October 22, 2014)
Attachments:                      Expereo—CETP °N doc10 8.docx; Executive 3ranch 2014—28.docx

From: Adrienne Downs           >
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 2:49 PM
To: ‘‘; ‘che nmelein@ntia.doc.gav‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
‘‘; ‘Tyron :.Brown‘; ‘Brian.williams@associat‘;
‘Shawn.Cooley@HQ.DHS.Gov‘; ‘TTée‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
"‘; ‘Jenr‘; ‘‘;
‘‘; ‘gleni‘; ‘‘;
‘ ; ‘IP—‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; "Hagar,
CC: George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Howard Griboff; James Ball; Kathleen Collins; Veronica Garcia—Ulloa; Troy
Subject: Cover Letter Reference EB 2014—28 (comments by October 22, 2014)

Cover Letter Reference EB 2014—28 (comments by October 22, 2014)

Adrienne Downs
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission

Document Created: 2019-11-01 23:14:45
Document Modified: 2019-11-01 23:14:45

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