Attachment 20170817094042-860.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20140529-00169 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


 Streamlined         ITC—STA—20140529—00169                                                                                         a .
                     1B2014001012                                                                                                    msde
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  American Sam oa Lice
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                   AT ‘AC [ME T1 RE UES [FC ¢iSFP iCIALT] UPC RAF ¥Z Al THC RIT /

                   A eric 1 Sar oa L sense Inc. "AS I,"F iN OCO18« 1432 resp stful ;req ests peci I

       Tem »orat Aut ority ("ST i")p rsua :to S ictio. 63.25 oft 3 Co imis on‘s ules for

       cont uin prov sion (f fac lities »asee and ssale services be wee the l nitee State                                and he

      Inde end it St :eof jamo ("Ir eper lent! amo: °) followir ;the ons ama on b ASI

      pare t, Ai T Te scom LLC d/b, Blw Sky jomi unication: "Bh : Sk ‘), 0; in ac juist on 0: a

       cont ollin         inte sst it Sam: aTel .imit d (°"S imo; "el") and c iring hep nder y of \SL] s

       fore nc rier; ‘filia on n tific ionf edc neur »ntly and ; irsug tto: sctic                            63. l(a)        fthe

      Con niss in‘s: iles." ASL cun ntly olds »oth lobal facil ies—t sed. id g: bali sale

       inte iatio al S¢e tion 14 a thor y."

                    Se roal dlist einc imbe twi line arrie in Indepe lent amec , ap litic: ly—t tnot

       ethn sally flist; st nation directh nortl wvest fthe Territory c_.Am ricar Sam a. S noa el

       preéently has moure than 50—perc: it market share _ Independent Si_noa‘s fixe local access

       market. Consequently, ASLI does not qualify for post—consummation notification of the foreign

       carrier affiliation notification pursuant to Section 63.10(b) of the Commission‘s rules.*                              |

                   Blue Sky was the winning bidder in an auction conducted by the Government of

       Independent Samoa for sale of a majority stake in, and privatization of, SamoaTel. On January:

       21, 2011, Blue Sky entered into an agreement with the Government of Independent Samoa to

       acquire that controlling stake in SamoaTel. Blue Sky directly owns 68 percent of a special—

       1      47 CFR. § 63.25.
       2      Id. §63.11(a). >
       *‘     See FCC File Nos. ITC—214—19981207—00860 (global or limited global facilities—based
              service) and ITC—214—19980918—00671 (global resale service).
       4          in mm        K smlsc m

   soloicieletatalalelatalolatok   —COMM . JTOURNAL— sototolstelololalatol
                                                                           statofotalolotor DATE JUN—                   .—2014 sestoibk TIME 14144

                                                                                      .      START=JUN—11               4142             END=JUN—11 14144
                FILE NQ.=937

      STN        CoOMM.            ONE—TOUCHZ/             STATION NAMEA/TEL No.
      No.                            ABBR No.                                                                                               PAGES                DURATION

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                                                          Joloiote clotck —INTL   BUREAU               — Solololoje ~                202 418 29824— solotslotololofs

                                            ~ @— PD
                                   INTERNATI( INAL BURE. U
                                                          Policy Division

                                                        Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
                                            the ofthis
 Thisfocsimile 1ransm m‘zw"' ;T:::ndfi;:;?:{?u.  addressee  shown below.. It may contaln informat fon that isprivileg
                                                       rahimisglon or is contenis by persons other                      o. rfidentialor$ran         Nes
                                                                                                                                       otherwlae protected
                                                                                                    thiml:::m           : m";o,:‘bcmmgi::
   naes            Mf:;:;in ¢rror, please nolify vs immediately by 1elephore and mail the oflml 19 us at           e
 ;:“c:’t’v‘:,dwmbr;mur::u 448 12"" Street S. W., Room 7—4625, Woshington, DC 20554                                                          *

                                       DATE:                é; [! Lf
                                       FROM:                  é;w vvfi‘? L>j
     TELEPHONE NUMBER: (202) 418—Uhé"“'                                                            .
                                           TO; J»\’C/:Mk Ere cris
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Document Created: 2019-05-24 14:32:51
Document Modified: 2019-05-24 14:32:51

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