Attachment 20170815164614-810.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20140514-00147 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


Streamlined             ITC—STA—20140514—00147                                                                             Granted

                                                                                                                      :’    &= = 4                  Inmm-mt K ’q W ’
                                                                                                                       fo.2 u.TCB
                                                                                                                                §           7        ;     .

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          IPB1E] ,,. L C                                                                                              e     A T. A CE MENT L
          Regqu ss for & ec m 1 Ext nsion (                                                                           &     311‘74_,DPageil
          RES! °C NS E [C C UES TON 1                                                                                 oo    fuae 3¥1 2 T‘ €

                  ]     >E   IT L, L1    C ("Z pplicar      ".or If                       ‘ rsuant t«                 it    3. 5,     hecety
          reque its     th   tis| pc     cial 1 empora      y .iu he                       ) be ext                   a     io o      ‘o ie— iundred
          eight :(      8(   ) cay f     om NVay 16, 2      ) |,                           ch its c                   A     im io     ce pices.‘

          Appl sa       t:   sq iess     ‘xtension of i     § T.                           ately fil                  ti    Fe—       To N C—T/C—
                                                                      J> aoa
          201305             10 34 ) f   or trai sfer of,   or ic .                         ional Se :                <a    or y "" ra isfer
          Appl sa            ") is »e:   ding. The Ti       n: fe                         i i still un _              v     he " ea n‘ ‘elecom ‘
          exec tin           rai cl a;   encie;.

                  1 .e re tal ly Appl cant wi it aa va                                     hange it       m        e in     csti( ae            >
          "Trar sa ti n‘ ) d :sc ribed in its Ti in: fe A P io: Hik                        Iso wou        11       01 mc    d       .t n fe of
          control f: itc m: tic nal Section 2 4 ui 10 it        ju                         g prior (      Of       Sf or    provi l. As
          expla ne 1: it ie in lerlying Tran: ‘er A                            ct          wlicant b      Ti $ at           >r at or ili ection
          214 a    it   or   ty s rg 1ably unnece: sa1y : or h«                             service       t1 ‘o 1C : s.     ie n y; 2r ice
          offer    d    y    Ap oli ‘ai the intern ticn .t                     tik    f voice,       ve    ‘1 te ne    otre 1( Vc P)
          traffi    o   ig   aa ec by unaffiliated c im ie ou itc                   (S     he U.S.        Aj pl cz it       ons its se vices only
          to cai   1¢   ‘c   ist om ar: on a private . on ra t 1                         , not on         1 C   m m m       iectiasij).
          Notw     th   ts   id: ng th : foregoing, A »p ic         nt         t    e i1 ‘ernatio1        al    e ti a       a th n yior
          busines: pi rpust i & s some foreig . c1t er                              m      ontract >      it .UL.S e1       es wi ic .pssess
          such aw 10         ity.
                       lican re cognizes that ti;c »li a d 0 ol ow Con ar. isi)n on
                    . ip                                                                   ju es as a granteec‘
          internat »mal Sec io 1 214 authorit /. Tt 18 tk : Apj 1C int seelc: th s ST C    ni on a: a remedia]
          measure for its unauthorized tran: fer 0. c« it ol an , ) the exi nt nece sary, to :ontinue
          providii.z the international services describec. abo mw > mhile the Transfe Applic.tion is pending.
          Applicant acknowledges that the grant of this STA extension will not prejudice any action the
          Commission may take on the underlying Transfer Application. Applicant further acknowledges
          that this STA extension can be revoked by the Commission upon its own motion without a
          hearing, and that grant of an STA extension and the underlying Transfer Application will not
          preclude enforcement action.


                  IPBTEL is not a foreign carrier. However, upon consummation of the Transaction,
          IPBTEL certifies that it is affiliated with a foreign carrier in Mexico (i.e., any entity that is
          authorized within a foreign country to engage in the provision of international
          telecommunications services offered to the public in that country) through the ownership
          interests of its Members. IPBTEL seeks to provide international service to Mexico, a country in
          which it has foreign carrier affiliations through Members who own more than 25% of IPBTEL,
          as described below.


          ‘ Applicant‘s initial STA (File No. ITC—STA—20130514—00139) expired November 18, 2013.
          Subsequently, Applicant obtained an STA extension (File No. ITC—STA—20131107—00309)
          through May 16, 2014.

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Document Created: 2019-05-24 12:02:11
Document Modified: 2019-05-24 12:02:11

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