Attachment 20170815164124-960.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20140513-00145 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


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                                                                     Streamlined               ITC—STA—201 40513—0014
                                                                     ngel Americas LLC

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                                                                                  Inerna io r1al f ection. 2. 4
  "l'c,§€/3'~'20\ LL)('(% —<A l2 '7
                        sns mm mss m l                          Requoest for Sdecia) T :m porary Authoriy
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               REOQU EST FOR 3P EC IA                     TEMPORARY \iULT.ICRT /
                               ATTA                       HMENT 1
     Angel America:      LLC (C.ingel Atmienicis" , h     »by requests ar. e: te:asi on of its Sp:cial
   . Temporary Aut      iority ("S TA") gr inted Se ote   »er 27, 201 , and ex erded to N ay 14, 201 4, fo:
     an additional pe   riod of 1| days, to alow 2 ing    Armmericas to continu eto provics service to th e
     former custome     s of S Ti Telecon Irc. "STHP      ser.ding apy ro al of the: applica :i0:1s fi. 2d for
     assignment of §    Ti‘s inte national an 1 con est   Section 214 auth »i y o An;zel Arnericas."
    STi is currently in bar kn iptcy an| is unatle t      aro‘vide tele :so1an un ics tions sei     vices tc
    customers. Angel Amier: cas purc 1a: ed th : as       ts of STi out of b inl ru atey ind        th: ass »ciate |
    Asset Purchase ainc. Siile Agreemint dite l F.        ruary 8, 2013, was a »p oved by           th: bar krupt y
    court. With the grant of he origiial STA th           ustomers 0: S‘Tive e trar sfurn           d to A1 ge
    Americas and service ha: been pr ov ded c uri          the STA pericd, whicl., as extendsd, e «pires
    May 14, 2014. [ftie ST &A expires piort« gr           t of the undsrl yin   g issign nent       ipplicaior, A     ng :1
    Americas will r o longer e perm: tte 1 to pov         s services to suich    cu stc mers un     let the saris ;   nc
    PIN numbers th :y ui chised fror i STi. 4s o          Fetruary 2¢, 201      |, . in zsel Aine   icis es imate     :
    that approximat sly 299,2 00 cards of fo m :r &       i customers are: oi   itsan ling, wi      h :. fac: vilue     of
    $1,338,495.                                                 ~

    By granting this STA exension r:ques;, / ng Americas vill be atle 0, an 1 commits to, se ve
    the unused or u. iexpirsd »repaid « alling ciird: nd :minutes of the fomsr STi customers d iri ig
    the period authurizsd by the STA (a1d the rea »r if the transfer i: u‘tinraately ar proved). sng el
    Americas has the financi iand technical capi._ilitizs to provide «on tinued and even improved
    service to such customers, and granting the STA requested herein is in the public interest.
    Furthermore, Angel Americas agrees to abide by the Authorization Conditions proposed by the
    Enforcement Bureau for an entity providing services to the customers of STi, and set forth in
    Exhibit A to this Attachment 1.

    Angel Americas acknowledges that the grant of its request for Special Temporary Authority will
    not prejudice action by the Commission, or other reviewing agencies, on the underlying Section
    214 assignment applications. Angel Americas also acknowledges that any authority granted
  _ pursuant to the request is subject to cancellation or modification upon notice, but without a

    * The original STA was granted under ITC—STA—2013092600265.
      The international 214 assignment application is ITC—ASG—20130130—00037. The Domestic
    214 assignment application was filed jointly with the international applications on January 30,

  seleieletatstaietetetetatetok —COf 4. JOURNAL— dolmieiatelolelalolalolelotete
                                                                                tstotok DATE MAY—1 4—2014 solotoick TIME 14147 stooloioi

                                    ON                                                                   START=M Y—14 14:45
                                                                                                                                                         END=MAY—14 14147
             FILE NO.=924

    STN       COMM.              ONE TOUCKH~                   StATION NAME/TEL No.
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                                                      eletatatetetok —INTL BUREAU                               — 300 ds —
                                                                                                                                                     202 418 2824           setstolstolotstok

                                            INTERNATIONAL BUK . [AU
                                                                  Pclicy Division

                                                                  FAX SHEET
                                                               l‘ax Number: (202) 418—2824
                                                                                                                        hr   &                           eatd
                                                                 e shown below. Ir may cantain infurmarion ahei itpriviley ad. confidential
                                                                                                                                    on      or wiherwase
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              oataeaige "a':l:."::fl:jfffflm.émm or us contents bypersons:,l";v"‘::xl‘}_: ;i m:::.:Lfixw Canmntion
              ns &:dc:u:Dt‘\:{n':;':rrrw pleart notifyus immediately by élephone w:&' mail the ¢riginal in
              :f‘m"mn’a’l Bureau, 445 124 Srceot 8 W.. Room /:4625, Weshingion. DC 20854.

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             THIS COVEK SHEETISPAGE 1 OF _8 PagEs

Document Created: 2019-05-23 15:32:41
Document Modified: 2019-05-23 15:32:41

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