Attachment 20170815163554-520.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20140314-00097 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                              Streamlined                ITC—STA—20140430—00143
                                                                          Angel Americas LLC
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                        ;QUES ‘; 0 1 P }C [A LTEM CR RZ alT. CR IY
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Angel Amri        as    2 ("Anjpsl   At   e ci1"     ho rebyre uests     ar    eaote si n of     :s S    ec al           .
Temporar A        ith   y ("STA ")   ar   nid 3e    te nber 27 2015      a     1. xt mno se to   Apr     3 ), i )1 .,! jor
an additio: al    je    of 14 d y:    t   a o ‘@    ngcsl Amerca t        c    ninusinpro        ide     er ic tc th
former cu: o1     iet    STiProse    d    L 30 S    P )pendit 5: op      on    al of he ap pl    satic   as iL 1i or
assignmer o        S‘   interna o)   al   in c on   ss :c Sectic n‘ 1+   a)    thori yiou n;     el A    necicos.
 STi is cun m     y     inkrupt y nc is     u1 it &5 > provic :t le o1 it in ce         ic is ervice: to
 customers 4      1g    merica: pire as     :d h asets of{ Ti ot o b nl ru              toyis id tl 2: 3sc      it    ec
 Asset Purc ria   e     Sale Ag ee nc it    dice F bruary ,201), va ap                  ov d oy th :t an        ru    ote /
 court. Wi 11     ie    t of the or zi al   S A th custonm :r: o S iv/e s1              arn sfecred io in       :el
 Americas nc      se    ehas boecr prov     de cariug the S CA peicd, vkhocl              & ie tenced e         oi    cs
 April 30, 1 )1   ..    ie STA x) ire 3 q   cct <g antoft e nocr si1g ss                gr m nt a) pl sa        o1
 Angel Am ri      as    lno lon ei be pi    m tt d o provicsi:n ic si1nsac               castome suid           rt    e
 cards and N       n    ers they pire a     :d in n $Ti. As of F bria y: 6,             2C 14 Angel \n          ar    cas
 estimates ia     ar    «cimatel 2 9, :0     c resc@forme S icas or et a                s ut tanc in; , v       itk   a: ice
 value of $ ,3    8,

 By grantir ;t is     \exten o requcs + ag :1 Amerca v l e abie ~, ind cor m ts >, erve
 the unused or ur     ired prepa lcal n; ci d and mi ut is of the form r Ti customer: di ing
 the period autho.._. 1 by the S‘1 A (and therescter if tk : transfer is ultimately approved). 4 igel
 Americas has the financial and technical capabilities to provide continued and even improved
 service to such customers, and granting the STA requested herein is in the public interest.
 Furthermore, Angel Americas agrees to abide by the Authorization Conditions proposed by the
 Enforcement Bureau for an entity providing services to the customers of STi, and set forth in
 Exhibit A to this Attachment 1.

  Angel Americas acknowledges that the grant of its request for Special Temporary Authority will
  not prejudice action by the Commission, or other reviewing agencies, on the underlying Section
. 214 assignment applications. Angel Americas also acknowledges that any authority granted
  pursuant to the request is subject to cancellation or modification upon notice, but without a

 * The original STA was granted under ITC—STA—20130926—00264.
 > The international 214 assignmentapplication is ITC—ASG—20130130—00035. The Domestic
 214 assignment application was filed jointly with the international applications on January 30,

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Document Created: 2019-05-23 09:29:01
Document Modified: 2019-05-23 09:29:01

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