Attachment 20170815153206-977.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20140222-00045 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


          Streamlined        ITC—STA—20140424—00129
          Epsilon Telecommunications (US) Pte. Ltd.
                                                                          date: ...                                      eau
       Y. tfe&"~ ‘/g{ 201[3 c>‘7fl 2—<s0 z¥2—                             autho
  BH\*GHI\NZ                                                              signature
                                  April 24, 2014
                         !                                                  E)s‘{%x\ St 944 L          .
                                                                                  TT344 201| 222— voof4~

                    |             ViaIBFS                                  qfimwfl 4 o K uow iud
                                                                                      Couads 4re as ~>C 4TA
                                                                                                           . xtirx
                                  Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                                  Office of the Secretary
                                  Federal Communications Commissio
                                  445 12th Street, S.W.
                                  Washington, DC 20554

                                  Re:      File Nos. ITC—T/C—20130912—     242 and [TTC—STA—20130912—00258
                                           Requestfor Extension ofSpeci    Temporary Authority
                                           Roy Martin Bell, Transferor
                                           Epsilon Telecommunications (    3) Pte. Ltd., Licensee
                                           Andreas Hipp, Transferee

                                  Dear Ms. Dortch:

                                  Andreas Hipp, Roy Martin Bell, and       »silon Telecormmmunications (US) Pte. Ltd.
                                  ("‘Epsilon") (collectively, the "Pa      ‘s"); through undersigned. counsel and
                                  pursuant to Section 214 of the Con       unications Act, as amended,‘ 47 U.S.C. §
                                 ~ 214, and Section 63.24 of the (         nmission‘s Rules, 47 CFR.            § 63.24,
                                   respectfully request an extension ol    ie attached Special Temporary Authority
                                  ("STA") that was granted on Februa:      .5, 2014, in connection with the transfer of
                                  control of <Epsilon, a non—domin         t international service carrier holding
                                  Commissionauthorization, toAndre:        Tipp (the "Transaction").

                                  The Department of Justi;-ce\' and D: rtment of Homeland Security (together,
              Beijing        |    "Team Telecom") have not yet c »luded their review of the Transaction.
            Frankfurt ;
                                  Accordingly, the Parties request ST. uthority for an additional sixty (60) days,
             Rartford             commencing on April 26, 2014, to permit Epsilon to continue operating pursuant
           Hong Kong
                                  to its international 214 authonty under Mr. Hipp‘s ownershlp and control while
      Lexingtan (GSC)
              London              Team Telecomcompletes its review.
          Los Angeies
             New York        /
                                  The Parties acknowledge that grant of this extension request will not prejudice
       Orange County
        San Francisco
                                  action by the Commission on the underlying Application, that any authority
        Santa Monica              granted pursuant to this request is subject to cancellation or modification upon
        Silicon Yalley
                                  notice but without a hearing, andthat grant of this request will not impact any
          Washington :            enforcement action by the Commission.

Bingham McCutchen LLP
      2020 K Street NW
       Washington, DC

    I 41.202.373.6000
    F +1.202.373:6001
                                  A/ZEOOOSS1 1

yoldloloioielslelelelatetelek —COMM. JOURNAL— soleisielelslalalsleletolalalalsteiek DATE APR—25—2014 setetaiek TIME 12153 solsioletatotok

         MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                           START=APR—25 12:52                            END=APR—25 12:53

           FILE NO. =904

   STN       COMM.             ONE—TOUCHZ                STATION NAME/TEL NO.                                                                    PAGES                 DURATION
   NO.                           ABBR NO.

   ad1           OK            &                         92023736001                                                                             ga2z2002              @a:G1:25

                                                                                                              —INTERNAT IONAL BUREAU                              «—

yolololololefolelefelolelefololefeteloletelatelafelataleleteletatetotok —INTL BUREAU                    — solctoto —                      202 418 2824— solcieleiciofoiok

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                                           INTERNATIONAL BUREAU
                                                                   Policy Division
                                                                                                                                             s                            ‘
                                                                                                                                      "yuelon®* {__,,.-
                                                                   FAX SHEET                                                   ——
                                                            Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
          Thisfacnmile transmiggipn it mignded anlyfor the addrexsee thown below, }t may conialn information thas is privileged, confidential or otherwise protected
          from disclagure. Any review, dissemination or use ofthis iransimiszion or its contents bypersahs dther than the addressee is strietlyprohibited. Ifyou have
          reedived this tranzmission in error, please notlfy us iminediately by telephone and maril the griginal16 ut at the Federol Communicgtions Commission,
          Jneernational Bursau, 445 12" Street $ W., Room 7—4625, Washingion, DC 20534.

                         FROM: éste'wfl gfi
             TELEPHONENUMEBER: 202 41862—
                                                   i8 Mgga tdds oi Fannds ut
                            raxwumBEnr:                          z09— 30)3— 6eof
           TELEPHONE NUMBER:                                                                  —— é se

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Document Created: 2019-05-26 02:24:47
Document Modified: 2019-05-26 02:24:47

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