Attachment 20170803134547-970.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20131118-00311 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                       Federal Communications Commission
                                             Washington, D.C. 20554

Intérnational B ireav
                                                                           E ma 1:   James.Ball
                                                                                     (202) 418—.462
                                                                                     (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                                     November 27, 2013
                                                                                     Ref: EB 2013—35

Douglas Ma                (102) 647—5835               Christ )ph:r H smmer] sin     (202) 482—..885
Shawn B. C« oley          (102) 282—84 39              Jonathan 1Act ale             (202) 395—5656
Edward T. E and           (102) 514—24 54              M; tthow Bert stein           (202) 324—5422
Richard Sofi :ld          (£02) 233—07)2               Rcober Gcrm:n                 (301) 225—6116
Sean Desm »nd             (202) 456—60 58

Re:         Kust/Aggiegsto USA
            WCDK Nc. 13—272

            Comments Due: Decemker 11, 2013
            Roply Com mont Due: Deceinb r 1.8, 201 3

Dear Sir 0: Mad:im:

        O 1 Cictober 25, 2013, Krush Communicat ons, 1.LC (Xrist) a id Aggregato
(USA) In:., (Agzgreg aito USA), (collec ively Aopicint:) filed a i aplication to transfer
certain assets ofKrush to Aggrejzato L SA Apolizarts :sonsumtiat:d this transaction
without prioraggth arization from the Cox missi n on September ., 013.

        A zgregato U;SA is a wholly—ovned sub sidiary of Aggreg ato Global Limited
(Aggrega:o Global). A;;gregato Globil is ownd by AGIMO Ho ldiigs Pty Limited
(AGMO . Toldings) (38 percent) and V 2 ‘Telscom nunications G roup ) imited (M2
Telecomiaqunications) (32 percerit), both Austri lisn entities. ACMO Holdings is a
privately held compiny owned ty the following Austra ian citiz :n:: llario Faenza (25.5
percent), Allan Gtiassi (30 percent, Alan Barakat (20 percent) anc. Keith Wilson (24.5
percent). M2 Teleccmtaunications, Australia‘s fourth largest telecommunications
company, is a publicly held company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. None of
M2 Telecommunications‘ shareholders hold an ownership and/or voting interest of ten
percent or more in M2 Telecommunications.            £~              x

       A copy of the Public Notice (DA 13—2288, rel. Novem_ber'/27, 2013) seeking
comments on the Petition is attached. Should you have any national security, law
enforcement, foreign policy, or trade concerns with respect to the Petition, please file
your comments on or before December 11, 2013, using the Commission‘s Electronic
Comment Filing System (ECFS): referencing WC Docket
No. 13—272. See General Information section of the attached public notice, DA 13—2288.

                    For fuither information, please contact Dennis Johnson, Wireline Competition
             Bureau, (202) —118—0809; or Dav d Krech, International Bureau, (202) 418—7443.


                                                            George Li,
                                                            Cepity Chief, Po.liey Div sion

George Li

From:                           Veronica Gai sia—Ulloa
Sent:                           Wednesday, November 2 7, 2013 2:01. PM
To:                             Veronica Gai :ia—Ulloa ‘e ward‘ ‘chernmerl sin‘;
                                ‘maydc@stai‘; ‘Chari: tophe r.Siefken@ic.fbi.g »v‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘Tyrone.Bron 1@usdoj ge /; ‘Bri‘;
                                ‘shawn.coole‘; ‘TTele‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘alex.daman( ) ; ‘J janne Orgmarn@usdoj. jov‘; ‘ma :th:«‘;
                                ‘Jennifer.Rockoff@usc oj. jov‘; J nc ; ‘‘;
                                ‘glenn.kaminsky@hq.clhs jyov‘; ‘‘; ‘sdasr‘; ‘IP—
                      ‘; ‘kristin.ta: lor@\‘; ‘John.daslmore@‘‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘mark.meconnell@usdoj. ov‘; ‘r »bert.s.gormar .civ@mail.rm il";
                                ‘caroline.brown@usdoj.g »v‘; "F agar, Richard"
Ce:                             George Li; David Krech; S 1san OConnell; Howsi rd Griboff; James Ball; Jodie May; Sumita
                                Mukhoty; Dennis Johnso
Subject:                        Cover Letter Reference E.   2015 —35 (com ment: due by December 11, 2013)
Attachments:                    Executive Branch 2013—3‘ .docx DA 13—228i3.d oc

Cover Letter Reference EB 2013—35 (comments due by Decembe| 11, 2013)

Thank you,

Veronica Garcia—Ulloa
Law Clerk
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau/Policy Division
(202) 418—0481

7Streamlined            ITC—STA—20131118—0031 1
                        1B2013002649                               date:
Krush Communications LLC                                           autho                                          u
Re: it — MG—570F —= 6                                              Bidl,
                                                                 %            (~         (

                                                                  signature _ ’&E"
                                                                                   i-.’évg b< E
                                                                 poflionwachaoialg ~ 27—
                                                                  doamdi¥ioas         EC G—y         ;

                                               ATTACHMENT 1

   Answer to Que          1 10:

   Krush Communic         s, LLC (°Kr_1") and Aggregato (USA) Inc. (°Aggregato USA") (colled         aly

   "Applicants"), pU      it to Sectic 214 of the Communications Act, as amended, 47 U.S.C           § 2
   and Sections 63        nd 63.24 c     he Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.04, 63.24, res       ictf   y .
   request Special        orary Aut      ty (PSTA") to allow Krush to continue to provide s          "ice   >
   custorners pend        cormmissior    ipproval of the parties‘ Joint Application for consen       :o     >
   assignment of al       1e assets o    ‘rush to Aggregato USA that are related to Krush‘s busit    is :   a
   provider of prepi      itionwide Ic   1 distance services,. Because Krushis already providing     srvi   s
   to international (     mers, the /    olicants respectfully request that the Commission grant     is ©   \
   request as soon i      ssible.

   Krush is a holdt        domestic      4 "blanket" authorization and international 214 autho       atic   !
   Aggregato USA i        acently fori   d Delaware corporation that intends on proviging dome       ic i   i
   international lon«     ance telec     munications services on a prepaid basis. Adg‘i'éga;o U       is    _t
   registered to pro      nterstate t     communications. Aggregato USAis a wholly—owned sub:        ian    f
   Aggregato Globa        ted (‘Aggr     ato Global"). Aggregato Global is owned by AGMO Hok         gs     _
   Limited ("AGMO|        1gs") and \    Telecommunications Group Limited (°M2 Telecommunice         ns

   On September :         13, Aggre      o USA acquired all of the assets of Krush, including        irus s
   licenses, authort;     is, custome     accounts and receivables, customer and vendor contr        s i i
   agreements, equ        it, and inte   ctual property. Applicants‘ failure to obtain Commission    pre
   for the transfer c     itrol was in   vertent. Applicants were not aware of their obligation u_    er :
   Cormnmunications       and the C¢_    mission‘s rules to obtain approval for the proposed tr:     sac i
   until consulting 1     Regulatory     ounsel, and very much‘regret any inconvenience this fi      3 r 7
   cause the Comm          orits staff

   Grant of this STA request will serve the public interest. It will allow Krush to provide uninterrupted
   telecommunications services during the pendency of the assignment application before the FCC,
   thereby avoiding the loss of vital communications services by its customers. Further, as described.
   more fully in the assignment application, allowing Krush to continue operations until such time as
   the application is approved will promote competition in the domestic and international
   communications services marketplace. Aggregato USA will be able to provide Krush‘s customers
   with additional and advanced telecommunications services that will enhance the services they
   already receive. Finally, grant of the instant request will allow Applicants to come into compliance,
   and begin the formal wind—down process for Krush, thereby reducing the administrative burden on
   the Commission.

   The Applicants acknowledge that grant of this STA request will not prejudice any action the
   Commission might take on the Joint Application, and the STA may be revoked by the Commission on
   its own motion and without a hearing. Applicants further acknowledge that grant of this STA
   request and the Joint Application will not preclude enforcement action.

   * On November 29, 2007, Krush received an International Section 214 authorization for authority to

yoleicieieietateleietetetatek —COMM,. .JTOURNAL— solcisieietetatetaletelofotoltaioiok DATE DEC—G3—2013 solelolok TIME 14146 seletololololok

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                                               JINTERNATIONAL BURE.AU
                                                                   Policy Division

                                                                   FAX SHEET
                                                            Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
          Thit fe                     i        ded onlyfor the add      shown below. It may contain Information that it privile, ;ed\ confidential or otherwise protected
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George Li
             momcomonemmmunmmined                                         ane

From:                               George Li
Sent:                               Tuesday, December 03, 2013 11:22 AM
To:                                 ‘Brown, Caroline (NSD)‘
Ce:                                 Sofield, Richard (NSD); James Ball; David Krech; Adrienne Downs; Jodie May; Dennis
Subject:                            RE: Krush Communications LLC —— WC Docket No. 13—272; ITC—ASG—20131018—00286;

Thank you so much Caroline and Rick.

From: Brown, Caroline (NSD) []
Sent: Tuesday, DeceW&\M
To: George Li
Co: Sofield, Richard (NSD)
Subject: RE: Krush Communications LLC —— WC Docket No. 13—272; ITC—ASG—20131018—00286; ITC—STA—20131118—

Hi George,

Team Telecom approves a


Caroline Brown

From: Brown, Caroline (NSD)
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 10:34 AM
To: ‘George Li‘
Co: Sofield, Richard (NSD)
Subject: RE: Krush Communications LLC —— WC Docket No. 13—272; ITC—ASG—20131018—00286; ITC—STA—20131118—

Hi George,

Per our conversation this morning, Team Telecom will send you its comments by COB Wednesday, December 4.

Thank you.

Caroline Brown

Caroline Brown                                                                                    %
Attorney Advisor                                                                            /) (
National Security Division, Foreign Investment Review Staff                                (
202.233.0709 (direct dial)                                                                     /\ [   f      X                                                                                2, U

From: George Li []
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 9:29 AM
To: Adrienne Downs; Sofield, Richard (NSD); Shaifer, Marilyn (NSD); Ongman, Joanne (NSD); Brown, Tyrone (NSD);
Brown, Caroline (NSD); Taylor, Kristin (NSD)
Co: Jodie May; Dennis Johnson
Subject: RE: Krush Communications LLC —— WC Docket No. 13—272; ITC—ASG—20131018—00286; ITC—STA—20131118—

Can we have your comments today please ?

From: Adrienne Downs
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 4:14 PM
To: Sofield, Richard (NSD) (; Shaifer, Marilyn (NSD) (; Ongman,
Joanne (NSD) (; Brown, Tyrone (NSD) (; Brown, Caroline (NSD)
<> (; kristin.tavlo@fifiqov
Co: James Ball; David Krech; George Li; Sumita Mukhoty; Jodie May; Dennis Johnson
Subject: Krush Communications LLC —— WC Docket No. 13—272; ITC—ASG—20131018—00286; ITC—STA—20131118—00311


On October 18, 2013, Krush Communications LLC (Krush or Assignor) and Aggregato (USA) Inc., (Aggregato USA or
Assignee) filed a combined domestic and international applications for the transfer of assets and Section 214
authorization of Krush to Aggregato USA. (WC DK 13—272 and ITC—ASG—20131018—00286). On September 1, 2013,
without Commission authorization, Aggregato USA acquired all of the assets of Krush‘s license, authorization, customer
accounts and receivables, customer and vender contracts and agreements, equipment, and intellectual property.

Aggregate USA is a wholly—owned subsidiary of Aggregate Global Limited ("Aggregate Global") an Australian
company. Aggregate Global is owned by AGMO Holdings Pty Limited ("AGMOHoldings") and M2 Telecommunications
Group Limited ("M2 Telecommunications"). AGMO Holdings is a privately held company owned by llario Faenza, Allan
Ghiassi, Alan Barakat and Keith Wilson, citizens of Australia. M2 Telecommunications, Australia‘s fourth largest
telecommunications company, is a publicly held company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. None of M2
Telecommunications‘ shareholders hold an ownership and/or voting interest of 10% or morein M2

On November 18, 2013, applicants requested Special Temporary Authority (STA) to allow Krush to continue to provide
service to customers pending Commission approval of the above listed underlying applications. (WC DK 13—272 and ITC—

Please let us know if you have any national security, law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns with grant of the
STA requests by C.O.B. Monday, December 2, 2013. (We will formally refer to underlying application when the public
notice is released.)

Adrienne Downs

Document Created: 2019-10-14 21:55:11
Document Modified: 2019-10-14 21:55:11

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