Attachment 20170803153940-550.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20131101-00282 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


George Li

From:                               James Ball
Sent:                               Tuesday, December 24, 2013 11:36 AM
To:                                 Edward A. Maldonado (eam@maldonado—
Ce:                                 ‘rrg@maldonado—‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                    ‘richard.hagar@HQ.DHS.GOV‘; George Li; David Krech; Howard Gribott
Subject:                            FW: Pending STA Request for Teledirek
Attachments:                        DOC20131224105932.pdf


Attached is my action grating your STA request. It is for an additional 60 days which should be adequate to conclude
matters with the Team Telecom staff. | urge you to work with the DHS and DOJ staff sothat we can take final action on
your application within the 60 day period. Thank you.

James Ball
Chief, Policy Division
International Bureau

From: James Ball
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2013 5:26 PM
To: ‘richard.hagar@HQ.DHS.GOV‘
Co: George Li; Adrienne Downs; David Krech
Subject: FW: Pending STA Request for Teledirek


See the Maldonado email below indicating that his clientis willing to sign the LOA but apparently he his having problems
locating the team telecom email on the system. Please resend the LOA directly to him copying George and myself.

Thank you,


From: Edward A. Maldonado [mailto:eam@maldonado—]
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2013 5:10 PM
To: James Ball
Co: David Krech; Adrienne Downs; George Li
Subject: Re: Pending STA Request for Teledirek

Dear Mr. Ball:

I‘ve not been able to find it in my email and have delivery failures when sending to Mr. Brown. Client would be willing to
sign. Please request Team Telecom to remit again the letter and copy my assistant. 1 think the problem my be on my
email from our server. We experienced this before and my assistant‘s email has been fixed. Her email is
rrg@maldonado— . Please forward this to Mr Brown.

/s/ Edward A. Maldonado, Esq. /s/

No electronic contract formation is intended by this party. This signature is for purposes of this e—mail transmission only.
Contract with this party
shall occur on y by ori zin al <ignature on original documents.

The Law Offic »s of l:divaid . Maldonado, P.A.

CoralGa@;LigE:__                    f
Tel: 305 477— 580 Fax: 35— 477—7504
Website wmivu .malc or ad )—s
Sent froin ray iPhor e

On Dec i 3, 2C 13, at 4:39 PNMI, James Ball <> wrote:


        ‘Ne ara coordina‘in;; your request for an STA extension with Team Telecom. V/e understand that DHS
        previc eca Irift cetter of Assurances, for review and ccmment on Decemberr :.1 and has tried to reach
        vou re gardiag a staius update but has received no response t3 date. VWhen do you anticipate providing
        i response to the proposed LOA? Thank you.

        .amies Ball
        hi af,
        |‘ol cy Divis on,
        Laterr ation al Bur sa 1

        l‘re m Edward! A Maldonado [mailto:eam@maldonacilo—group com]
        tenrt: Wednesda;,, December 18, 2013 4:10 PM
        ""oi G:orge Li; ‘B ovin, Tyrone (NSD)‘
        Ue: Jemes Bal ; Cavid Krech; Adrienne Downs
        tuljje ct: RZ: ST.A

                                   <image002.png>THE LAW OFFIC] OF EDWARD A. MALDONADO, P\
                                   MALDONADO LAW GROUP
                                   815 Ponce de Leon Blyvd. # P—304 Coral Gablss FL 33134
                                   Tel: 305—477—7580 Fax: 305—477—7504 T« ll—Free: 1+ (877) 245—6326

        Wednesday,                                               December _                                      18,
                            Miami, FL

        Dear George:

        Any reason why the 12/19/13 date was detrmined by the Bureau instead of the 6 months requested? I
        understand that the date the Bureau set, but the original request contemplated that the Executive Branch
        was still reviewing the applicant and that had an uncertain date of completion. The applicant has no
        control over that process but is bearing the continued costs (money) of STA filing fees to keep
        compliant. The fact is the applicant is not completely owned by a US Citizen and is therefore compelled
        to file STAs to be compliant during the process of Team Telecom review, or, be fined by the Commission
        in ranges starting at $100K. For this reason they have filed multiple STAs with the Commission. They
        will file an additional STA ASAP if there is no other choice to be compliant, it just seems unfair when the

last STA request filed (to which the Executive Branch consented) requested 6 months to hedge possible
complications with Team Telecom review. That‘s why I‘m asking about the 12/19/13 date.

             /s/ _Edward A. Maldonado, Esq. /s/
             This signature is for purposes of this e—mail transmission only.
             Contract with this party shall occur only by original signature
             on original documents.

        815 Ponce de Leon Blvd. # P—304 Coral Gables FL 33134
        Tel: (305) 477—7580 Fax: (305) 477—7504 E—fax: (305) 230—8985 Toll—Free: 1+ (877) 245—6326
        From: Edward A. Maldonado, Esq.
        E—Mail: eam@maldonado—

        Notice: This message may contain confidential information that is protected by the attor         —cl     t privilege
        or otherwise. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any di                ost    , copying,
        distribution, or taking of action in reliance on the contents of this message is strictly prot   itee   fyou have
        received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by e—mail and               lete   ie original

        Notice: In accordance with Internal Revenue Service Circular 230, we advise you the              inlk      otherwise
        expressly stated, any discussion of a federal tax issue in this communication or in any          ftac   ient is not
        intended to be used, and it cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding federal tax penal        s u_   sr the U.S.
        Internal Revenue Code, or, to promote, market or recommend to another party any tr:              act      or matter
        addressed in this e—mail or attachments thereto.

From: George Li [mailto:George.Li@®]
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 3:54 PM
To: ‘Edward A. Maldonado‘; ‘Brown, Tyrone (NSD)‘
Co: James Ball; David Krech; Adrienne Downs
Subject: RE: STA

l do not think so. You need to file another request to extend the STA expires on Dec. 16                 O1.    See my
email to you on Nov.20, 2013 12:01 pm.

From: Edward A. Maldonado [mailto:eam@maldonado—]
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 3:42 PM
To: ‘Brown, Tyrone (NSD)‘; George Li
Subject: RE: STA

                                <image005.png>THE LAW OFFICE OF EDWARD A. MALDONADO, PA
                                MALDONADO LAW GROUP
                                815 Ponce de Leon Blyvd. # P—304 Coral Gables FL 33134
                                Tel: 305—477—7580 Fax: 305—477—7504 Toll—Free: 1+ (877) 245—6326

Wednesday,                                                                      December                                18,
                   Miami, FL

To all:

The original petition portion of the last Teledirek STA requested a 6 month grant of authority. It was
granted after the shut—down and that was when given the expiry date of 12/19/13. Perhaps the original
request corld be moved upon by t ie Commission to give ; ill adequate time for Executive Branch

               //Edward A. Maldonado, Esq. /s,
               TH is signature is for purpcses of t! is e—mai. transmission c nly.
               Contract with this party shall uceu only by original signat ire
               on original documents.

          315 Ponce de Leon Blvd. # P—314 Coril Gables FI. 33134
          Tel (395) 477—7580 Fax: (305) 477—7504 E—fax: 305)230—39§ 5 ‘Toll—Free: 1+ (877) 2 45—
          "rom: Sdward A. Maldonado, E sq.
          S—Mail: cam@maldonado—grou; ».ccm
          ww w.rialdonado—

          ‘Notice: This message may c ntain confidential inform ition that is protected y the         ‘omney—c   ier t p vilege
          or otherwise. If you are 10t the intendec recipiert, you are notified tha; :                 disclos   ire, ¢op ying,
          ddistribution, or taking of action in reliance on the contents of this message is str ct.   rohibite   |. If y ju have
          rec:ived this message in etror, please notify the serder iinmediately by e—n ai             id delet     tlhie prizinal

          Notice: In accordance with Internal Revente Service Circular 230, we advis: y               that unl :ss ot 1ien wise
          expressly stated, any discussion of a federal tax issue in this communicaticn or            any atta hrier t i; not
          intended to be used, and it cannot be used, fir the purjose of avoiding federal ax          nalties v ad :r the U.S. _
          Internal Revenue Code, or, to promote, marcet or recommend to another party :               transactior o m atter
          addressed in this e—mail or attachments theret ).

From: Brown, Tyrone (NSD) []
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 2:06 PM
To: George Li; "Edward A. Maldonado, Esq.‘ (eam@maldonado—‘
Subject: RE: STA

We are looking into extending the STA without a request, if that is a possibilit ;.

From: George Li []
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 1:17 PM
To: "Edward A. Maldonado, Esq.‘ (eam@maldonado—‘
Co: Brown, Tyrone (NSD)
Subject: RE: STA

Have you filed the request ?

From: George Li
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 1:11 PM
To: "Edward A. Maldonado, Esq.‘ (eam@maldonado—‘
Co: ‘Brown, Tyrone (NSD) (‘
Subject: RE: STA

From: George Li
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 12:01 PM
To: ‘Edward A. Maldonado, Esq.‘ (eam@maldonado—
Cc: Brown, Tyrone (NSD) (
Subject: STA

Hi Edward;
Teledirek‘s ITC—STA—20131101—00282 expires on Dec.19, 2013.
Could you file the request for the extension of STA early next month so we can get TT/DOJ‘s consent on
time to grant the extension?    Please send a copy of request to <>

Streamlined     ITC—STA—20131219—00343

                                                              Before the
                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATION                                 EVE       E@N""—"”""’m
                                          |          Washington D.C. 20554                                ranted _                 ,""T'Q:
                                                                                         in                                      Policy Bivic
                                                                                    exnile                            4       .mep Anst

                                                 o(# d
     In the Matter of:                                           Y                  dates.,        ;     M“Q_cfi.
                                                                                                              e eenrnafmmoran

     Teledirek Global Corp.                                      )                     LA i                          !Z;
                                                                                                         55‘fC/ UD/v z3

                   |                            e               )                    Signat            hwxL               P        pmelnntmser

     Application for Special Temporary                          ) 43 :t@‘/f"‘) 6 6?/[              K _3\4 \lol c0rtR2
     Authority to Offer International Services                  )    @fl      —   LMZ—2l4           £0)}Zo Fo |—ov} 4 2
     Pursuant to Section 214 of the                                                           —
     Communications Act of 1934, as Amended )

                 REQUEST FOR AN EXTENSION OF SPECIAL TEMPOl                                        iY AUTHORITY

     Teledirek Global Corp. ("Teledirek") byits attorneys, hereby requests an                      snsion ofits existing Special
     Temporary Authority to temporarily provide international telecommun:                          ons services and to operate
     pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 214, as amended (herein called the "STA Ap                            ation"), while application is
     being contemporaneously sought by the Federal Communications Com                              ion (the "Commission") for
     permanent Authority pursuant Section 214 of the Communications Act 0o                         34, as amended and codified
     under 47 U.S.C. § 214 et. al. (The "Act"). In support of this request, Tele                   k states as follows:


     Teledirek is a small—sized Florida corporation that desires to provide in                     ational long distance calling
     services to end—user consumers within the United States and Internatio                        /. Teledirek has previously
     applied for streamline International authority to operate pursuant to 47                          C. § 214, and was removed
     from streamline processing for review by Team Telecom because of its foreign ownership by Canadian
     and Haitian national;.l          Since its removal from streamline processing, Teledirek has received and
     responded to triage questions from the Executive Branch as a part of Team Telecom Review, and as of
     this date, has not received any further supplemental questions from the Executive Branch. Teledirek now
     seeks an extension of its existing Temporary Section 214 Authority so that it may continue to operate
     dl_l_ring the app[i(_‘.ation processo.    Prpqpnf1v
                                                 CSviild Teledirek‘s apnhcaflofl is under review kv the Executive

     Branch — Team Telecom.            Final consent by the Executive Branch on the underlying application has not

     ‘ See. Teledirek Global Corp.‘s Application for Authority to provide international facilities—based and resold
     services File Number ITC—214—20120801—00193 submitted 07/17/2012.

     Page | 1   Request for Extension of Special Temporary Authority from FCC International Bureau for File No. ITC—214—20120801—00193

NCM                  1B201 3002880

                                                            BPefore the
                                FEDERAL C OMMT NICATION COMMISSI                                       =            7""~           EC 19 ) 1:
                                                   ‘Washin ston D.C. 205’54                            s amnteg .                              s
                                                                                 |                                                    Policy Divisi
                                                                                :’ w:’?l’e                           1e           ausg         nel
    In the Matter of:                                         )                 Edate; {é              “‘-9.‘;. 1,”.)1.;3’.:2.. frsn se
                                                              )                 i anutio ite
    Teledirek Gobal Corp.                                     )                  IJ   é:fiiaé           75'124 Pat z<ts,
                                                                                 |                                                             >
                                                              ;                  ."‘I
                                                                                   scign r[ ire        k}k@&L @’é
    Application for Spec:al Temporary                         ) @;c’fwfrofl é( f[                       7 —@=_N3 I O//&D 78’?,
                                                              )    ‘Q} x             pp
                                                                               prg —                         3
                                                                                                       Lo‘yo 7________.
    Authority to Offer Inernaitioral Services
    Pursuant to S sction 214 of the                           )                pumisiess ues Gatena     bnied: iniolee etmedies bestenemiiintanes
    Communicatons Act of 93«), as Amend2d )

               REOUEST J‘OFE. AN EXTENSION OF SPECIAL TEMPOILAR                                        UTIHOERITY

    Teledir :k Glol al Corp. ("T sledirek") by its ittorneys, hereby requests an exte                  n of its existiny; Special
    Temporary A1thority o tempcrarily pirovice irtern:itional telecomtaunicatic                        iervices and tc operate
    pursuart to 4, U.S.C. § 214, is ainended ‘hercin called the "STA Apolics                           ‘), vwhile application is
    being contem; oratieously soug it by the: Felera Co nmunications Comuiniss:                        the ‘Co nmiss on") for
    perman »nt Awhority pursuiint Section 214 of the Cornmunications Act o1‘ 19°                       ; amended and codified
    under 47 U.S.C. §214 :t. a . (The "Act‘ ). Ti suppor of this request, Teledire                     tes is fo llows:


    Teledirck is a small—sized :"lor da corpcration that desires to provid: interna                    al long cistanc: calling
    service: to enc—user cconsuners within he \Jnit:d S:ates and Internatiorally                       sled:rek has previously
    applied for stramline ‘ntemnatimal authorit; to operate pursuant to 47 U.S.                        214 and was removed
    from streamline processing for review by Team Telecom because of its fore.,.. »wnership by Canadian
    and Haitian na’(ionals.1       Since its removal from streamline processing, Teledirek has received and
    responded to triage questions from the Executive Branch as a part of Team Telecom Review, and as of
    this date, has not received any further supplemental questions from the Executive Branch. Teledirek now
    seeks an extension of its existing Temporary Section 214 Authority so that it may continue to operate
    during the application process.         Presently, Teledirek‘s application is under review by the Executive
    Branch — Team Telecom.          Final consent by the Executive Branch on the underlying application has not

    ‘ See. Teledirek Global Corp.‘s Application for Authority to provide international facilities—based and resold
    services File Number ITC—214—20120801—00193 submitted 07/17/2012.

    Page|1   Request for Extension of Special Temporary Authority from FCC International Bureau for File No. ITC—214—20120801—00193

                                                                                               6n ks askore             699 6t remenemime        ca a d ts   en wnp   eerememimimimin

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Holotoletolololelolol Netelolotolelelelolalalalatol: letolotetatetatolok —INTL BLUREAU                — sololoiok ——                     202 418 2824— soleiciolofoloiok

                                       INTERNATIONAL BUREAU
                                                              Policy Division

                                                              FAX SHEET
                                                       Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
     Thisfacsinile ransmission is intended anlyfor the addrersea shown belaw, It may contain informiation that itpriv leged, confidential or oiherwlse protected
     Jrom disctosure. Any review, distemination or vse ofthis trannnitsion or its contents by persons other than the ads resses is atrictlyprohiblied. Ifyou have
     received this iranamission in error, please notify us immediately by relephonee and mall the original 10 us at the Fed ‘ral Communimiamcormlnbn.
     International Bureau, 445 12"" Sweet 5. W., Rooin 7—A625, Woshingion, DC 20554,

                                         DATE: _ l?/"‘”i/l ( 7
                                         FRoM: (éew'fi/? /»J                                             t

         TELEPHONE NUMBER: (202) 418—__| L&é T.
                                               to:          GEdward / [/hzc/cl/omdo G‘»%
                        FAX NUMBER:                           SoS— 4+)T} _ ’j{;’d tf.                                                       —
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  VMr—call o2 1. 19—a 3 if27


Document Created: 2019-05-27 08:20:11
Document Modified: 2019-05-27 08:20:11

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