Attachment 20170815134031-570.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20130926-00265 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


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             Granted                             e
                                                           Streamlined           ITC—STA—20140314—00102
                                 Mar 26214                                       1B2014000468

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                             Policy Division
                                                           Angel Am ——icas LLC
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                                                                         International Section 214
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                                   +                   Reques
                                                         quest for     ecial Temporary Authority
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                   REQUEST FOR SPECIAL TEMPORARY A                     THORITY
                                               ATTACHMENT 1
  Angel Americas LLC ("Angel Americas"), hereby requests an ext        sion of its 180—day Special
  Temporary Authority ("STA") granted September 27, 2013," for a       idditional period of 180
  days, to allow Angel Americas to continue to provide service to t    ‘ormer customers of STi
  Telecom Inc. ("STi") pending approval of the applications filed fc   ssigmment of STi‘s
  international and domestic Section 214 authority to Angel Americ
  STi is currently in bankruptcy and is unable to provide telecommt    sations services to
  customers. Angel Americas purchased the assets of STi out of ba:     ‘uptcy and the associated
  Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement, dated February 8, 2013, was       proved by the bankruptcy
  court. With the grant of the original STA, the customers of STi w    : transferredto Angel
  Americas and service has been provided during the STA period, v      ch expires March 26, 2014.
  If the STA expires prior to grant of the underlying assignment apy   ation, Angel Americas will
  no longer be permitted to provide services to such customers unde    he cards and PIN numbers
  they purchased from STi. As of February 26, 2014, Angel Ameri        ; estimates that
  approximately 299,200 cards of former STi customers are outstan      .g, with a face value of

  By granting this STA extension request, Angel Americas will be : > to, and commits to, serve
  the unused or unexpired prepaid calling cards and minutes of the i ner STi customers during
  the period authorized by the STA (and thereafterif the transfer is   imately approved). Angel
  Americas has the financial and technical capabilities to provide continued and even improved
  service to such customers, and granting the STA requested herein is in the public interest.
  Furthermore, Ange!l Americas agrees to abide by the Authorization Conditions proposed by the
  Enforcement Bureau for an entity providing services to the customers of STi, and set forth in
  Exhibit A to this Attachment 1.

  Angel Americas acknowledges that the grant of its request for Special Temporary Authority will
  not prejudice action by the Commission, or other reviewing agencies, on the underlying Section
  214 assignment applications. Angel Americas also acknowledges that any authority granted
  pursuant to the request is subject to cancellation or modification upon notice, but without a

  f he original STA was granted under ITC—STA—2013092600265.
  > The international 214 assignment application is ITC—ASG—20130130—00037. The Domestic
  214 assignment application was filed jointly with the mternatlonal applications on January 30,

sSoletleieietoleteletetetolek —COMM. JOURNAL— solsislelstetelaletalolelalalatalotok DATE MAR—27—2014. satstelok TIME 15143 solsloftololok

         MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                               START=MAR—27 15:41                             END=MAR—27 15:43

             FILE NO. =874

   STN         COMM.             ONE—TOUCHZ                 STATION NAMEA/TEL No.                                                                   PAGES                    DURATION
   NQ.                             ABBR NO.

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                                                                                                                  —INTERNATIONAL BUREAU                                  =

Holololotolololotolololototolotototoletatalalelelalatalalatetatolatetok —INTL. BUREAU                         — sololotok —                   202 418 2824— sololololototoiok

                                          INTERNATIONAL BUREAU
                                                                  Policy Division

                                                                   FAX SHEET
                                                           Fax Number:; (202) 418—2824
         Thisfatsunile transmuszion is intonded onlyfor the addressee shown below, 11 may contaln information that isprivileged, confidential ar otherwize prorected
         from dixelosure. Any review, dissennnotion or use ofthis transmizsion or its contents by persons other than the adeiresses is strictly probibited. Ifyou have
         recéived this transmission in error. pleose notfy us immediately by ielephone end mall the originalto us ot the Federal Communications Commission,
         Jnternational Bureau. +45 12" Street $. W., Room 7—A625, Washington, DC 20834

                                             DATE:               —5         C        ( “7).

                                             FROM:                     2 &#oves                           1
             TELEPHONENOMEER: 202 418. it bz
                                                   TO:        ?filmw                        L‘ Zh 0_4

                            raxwumerr: 1727 26 .. agt f—,—
          TELEPHoNENoMBER:                                        {1o— 249 — +990
       SPECIAL INSTRUCIIONS:                                    AHE &/ /—?‘m‘e'm\‘;‘c«
       Te SA—zelf aZllp mr0r 7 / As6G. 2ul30 l 30— 0035
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Document Created: 2019-10-12 06:50:15
Document Modified: 2019-10-12 06:50:15

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