Attachment 20170803092002-653.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20130827-00233 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                       Federal Communications Commission
                                             Washington, D.C. 20554

 International Bureau
                                                                                     (202) 418—1462
                                                                                     (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                                     September 5, 2013
                                                                                     Ref: EB 2013—25

 Douglas May               (202) 647—5835              Christopher Hemmerlein        (202) 482—1885
 Shawn B. Cooley           (202) 282—8489              Jonathan McHale               (202) 395—5656
 Edward T. Hand            (202) 514—2464              Matthew Bernstein             (202) 324—5422
 Richard Sofield           (202) 233—0702              Robert Gorman                 (301) 225—6116
 Sean Desmond              (202) 456—6068

 Re:        STAs and Section 214 Applications

            Comments on STAs Due: September 16, 2013
            Comments on Section 214 Applications Due: September 25, 2013

 Dear Sir or Madarm:

          Please reviewthe following applications and advise us whether you have any national
 security, law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns by Noon September 16, 2013 for
 STAs, and September 25, 2013 for Section 214 applications, because we are prepared to take
 action on these applications. Electronicfiled (e—file) applications are able to be viewed by
 accessing and searching by the file number.

 ITC—214—20130823—00224 (e—file)
 NGP Tele, Inc.‘s application for authority to provide facilities—based and resale services
 between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant is 100%
 owned by a citizen of Israel.

 ITC—STA—20130823—00220 (e—file)
_ First Technology Development, Inc.‘s application for Special Temporary Authority
  (STA) to provide international telecommunications services while its underlying
  application, ITC—214—20130726—00202, is pending under TT/DOJ‘s review. (See EB
  2013—24, August 22, 2013). Please comment on this STA request by September 16,

 ITC—214—20130507—00229 (e—file)
 Dharm, Inc.‘s application for authority to provide facilities—based and resale services
 between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant is 100%
 owned by a citizen of India.

 ITC—214—20130827—00232 (e—file)
 Mobile Financial Services, LLC‘s application for authority to provide resale services
 between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant is located in

              the United Kingdom, and is wholly owned by a British company, which is indirectly
              owned and controlled by a British citizen.

              ITC—STA—20130827—00233 (e—file)
              Mobile Financial Services, LLC (MFS) requests Special Temporary Authority (STA) to
              provide international resale services between the United States and permissible
              international points while its underlying application ITC—214—20130827—00232, is
              pending under TT/DOJ‘s review. MFS seeks to operateas a Mobile Virtual Network
              Operator (MVNO). Applicant is located in the United Kingdom, and is wholly owned by
              a British company, which is indirectly owned and controlled by a British citizen.. Please
              comment on this STA request by September 16, 2013.

              ITC—T/C—20130816—00211 (e—file)
              Application for consent to transfer the control of LIGA Telecom, Inc. (holder of ITC—
              214—20120514—00126) from Mr. Dmytro Artemenko to Mr. Yaroslay Donchenko, a
              citizen of Romania. Without Commission‘s approval, the transaction was completed on
              November 17, 2012.

              ITC—STA—20130816—00219 (e—file)
              LIGA Telecom, Inc.‘s application for Special Temporary Authority to continue to
              provide international telecormmunication services to customers pending Commission‘s
              approval of its underlying application (ITC—T/C—20130816—00211) for consent to transfer
              the control of LIGA Telecorm, Inc. from Mr. Dmytro Artemenko to Mr. Yaroslay
              Donchenko, a citizen of Romania. Without Commission‘s approval, the transaction was
              completed on November 17, 2012. Please comment on this STA request by September
              16, 2013.

             If we do not hear from you by Noon September 25, 2013, regarding the Section 214
             applications, we will assume that you do not have any concerns with these applications
             and these applications will be auto—granted on Septembcflr 27, 2013 per Commission‘s
      _______rules.47.C.E.R. §63.12.       ies e                                           EiiRenne hndn rneadine uie cetoenmemmegs
From:                               Veronica Garcia—Ulloa
Sent:                               Thursday, September 05, 2013 3:40 PM
To:                                 ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                    ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                    ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                    ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                    ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                    ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                    ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘IP—
                          ‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                    ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                    ‘‘; Hagar, Richard (richard.hagar@HQ.DHS.GOV)
Ce:                                 George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Howard Griboff; James Ball; Adrienne Downs
Subject:                            Cover Letter Reference EB 2013—25 (comments due for STAs by September 16, 2013;
                                    comments due for Section 214 Applications by September 25, 2013)
Attachments:                        Executive Branch 2013—25.doc

Cover Letter Reference EB 2013—25 (comments due for STAs by September 16, 2013; comments due for Section 214
Applications by September 25, 2013)

Thank you,

Veronica Garcia—Ulloa
Law Clerk

                               ITC—STA—20130827—00233                                                                                       i 2013
     __NMobile Financial Servizes, LLC                                                      date:..___. ,...                        Mmamesis
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                                                             ATTA CEIMENT 1

                 Application Of Mobil: Finane al Services, LLC For Special Temporary A.uhority
                                     T ) Pro‘vide Intert ation al ¢Reol 1 Services

                   P irsuant to Section €3.25 of tie Comission‘s rules,‘ Mobile Fin: nc ial Se vices, LLC
           ("MFS") reqfuests. s ecial ter        iporary ; uthority (CST.A" tc pi ovide internat or al
           ielecomniur ications services         on a es ie basis be:ween th: United States a 1d all inemiational
           poiats (eccept any points on          the Com nission‘s exclusion list). MFS also :s f li1 g
           cor tempora 1eously an applic         ation secking a { ecion 214 au horization :o])ro ic e internationa
           tele comniuur ications services       on a es ile basis ("section 2 14 Applicatio 1") é.

                   As explainec in the Szctior. 2 4 Applisat on, MFSi is a wholly—owr eddicect sibsidiar; of                                    \/
           ‘TelzWare C roup Plc, a Briti:        h conipiny, and s ind‘ rectly o          vned and contolled             by Geoffrey
           Richard Hawvorth, a      British c    itizen. NIFS ther sfore anticivat        3s that the Section 2         14 A »plicatio 1
           wil| be subj »ct to review by=        he Depa tments of Jusice, Fior           ieland Security and           Defe ise and 1 1e
           ederal Bur sau of Ir vestigat         on ("Te; m Telec om") for n: tic         nal security concer           is. MFS reque sts
           this STA for authority to pro ride i ite nationa telecommiinisations services dur ng th: Sectio1
            14 Application prozess.                                                                                                \/

                   MFS seeks to operategaMobile Virtual NetworkOperator ("MVNO") inthe United
           States. MFS intends to enter the market to serve a niche groupfrfenterprise companies that have
           a mobile workforce and a new federal regulatory obligation to record and retain certain calls.
 *         MFS fully understands Team Telecom‘s review, and seeks the STA so to help enable timely
           compliance with the new federal rules.

C                   Accordingly, MFS requests that the                 Commii sipn grant an STA as soon as possible, and
\/ng\law}%ovemhgg 1, 2013, for a period\qf 180\days. Grant of this STA request would
           allow MFS to provide interm@tional telecommunieations services while the Commission and
           Team Telecom continue to consider the Section 214 Application and MFS responds to any
           questions Team Telecom may have. Thus, the STA serves the public interest.

                   MFS acknowledges that the grant of this STA will not prejudice any action the
           Commission may take on the underlying Section 214 Application. MFS further acknowledges
           that this STA can be revoked by the Commission upon its own motion without a hearing.

           Answer to Question 16 (Responses to 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18(d), (e)(3) and
           (A\      NIBO hha»~ sont munerlaninlyrmananaiisn d cvedfcmntites cevodase O coodtic se MA S   on Pulh   ut

xolololeletatalalalatatatatok —COMM . JOURNAL— solcicioiofotololetetetolatetetatolok: DATE DEC—1 1—2013. selelelck T IME: 14157 stelototolotolok

         MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                             START=DEC—11 14:55                            END=DEC—11 14:57

             FILE NO. =784

   STN        COMM.             ONE—TOUCHA                STATION NAMEA/TEL NO.                                                                  PAGES                  DURATION
   NO.                            ABBR NO.

   021            OK            &                         97835851                                                                               22022                  G@:091:32

                                                                                                               —INTERNATIONAL BUREAU                               —

xolololelofolololelofololololelotoleletoleletefolateletetatatalataleiok —INTL. BUREAU                    — Holotolok ——                    202 419 2824— solcicleieietoiok

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                                         INTERNA TTONAL BUREAU
                                                                 Policy Division

                                                                 FAX SHEET
                                                          Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
         This fe    M              is       ded onlyfor the addressee shown below. )1 may contzin information that is privlieged, confidential or otherwise protected
        jrom disclosure. Any review. dissemination or use ¢fthiransmssion ar is contents by persons other shon the oddreares Ls arieslyprohibited. Ifyou have
        rectived this mansmlizion in error, please notify us Immediptely by telephone and mail the original to us ot the Faderal Communications Commission,
        Internotional Bureau. +45 12" Sircet 8. W., Rogm 7—4623, Washington, DC 20554

                    j                       rrom;_                besge t>!‘
           TELEPHONE NUMBER: (202) 418 | i éz.
                                                 10: fdam Krinsky
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Document Created: 2019-05-24 04:53:38
Document Modified: 2019-05-24 04:53:38

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