Attachment 20170801152729-620.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20130726-00205 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


Streamlined           ITC—STA—20130726—00205
                                                                                  I                es            a.
                     1B2013001630                                                                                               .
Rubard LLC d/b/a Centmobile
                                                                                                        rante                       .
                                                                                                        é   2         (}UG 19 201
                                                                                               &                        Policy Divisic
                                                                                           daie:                      ntemnational.Bu
           .                          AILTSHIRE                                   —R %‘e‘%fil“
        WG                            k CGRAMN Sus                                1iPDeyCivc—8
                                                      A TACH M|                   L LR NOe
        Mr: Jim B:all      o.                                             gfl-;z at le a £ g’CA to g‘m-\l—'? au. 240
        Chief, Policy Divi iio i                                          ro X $ ip & fernit: AJ\i’KM'Z SeAnlces
        International Bure iu
                                                                                       + iz        tes ioullhs          (F;J'e\
        Federal Communi :at or ; ] u1 :au                                 sub, 2o F to                      C   ons    getAer
        445 12" St SW                                                     Vy 1: A1if#§St+23, msaeir                     stte
        Washington, D.C. 20 i5                                          gramw :              | .. —Etv&A —; 0[7,9‘)0"3470 ('ég' o

        Re: FCC Form 21 8 ‘A T C 214—201 20 i1 —C)l; 4

        Dear Mr. Ball:

                 This letter »y in le siy ned cou se s rvy :s is \ttachm n 3 o 1e Special Temporary
        Authority applicat or 0| R bi rd LLC |!/t ‘a Je tn ol ile filed Ju y 6, 2013. On rebruary 19,
        2013, your office: sn w :d ts previou: g in o Sjec al Tem: o1 in A ithority ("STA") to provide
        global resold inter iat of al el commu ic iti n: se vi zes for ; i; 1¢ tic nal 180 days. This grant
        expires on August 1§ 2 )1 .

               Eubard ap li¢ 11 ) t ie 3ureau: or nt rr iti n 1 Sectio i 14 au hority in May 2012. To

        ensure that Rubarc‘s su to ae s can cc it iu t ue reir Cel        )t le »repaid service while
                                                                               — o §

        Rubard awaits this de e n: 1a ion, Rut it s sk ; a ie ctensior 0: it S‘ ‘A to provide resold
        international telec im n ai at ons serv ce            ¢e ie vi1 g Rubai        1‘; S ‘A will ensure that its existing

        customers do not l )se it e 1a ional se vice: nc sr he ir prepa 1 e: to obile plans. This grant will
        therefore serve the pi bl 2: ite rest by p e er  ; F ult ard‘s cv itc nc :t ise from being

        disadvantaged by . d se in in ance of se ic :.

               Rubard recogniz :s hi t providing in sruator al servicss »ri r o express authorization by
        the Commission is not ; :r i ed by its n le: . Rubar i seeks . x; d tious treatment of its STA,
        which it acknowledges aoes 1.ot prejudic : a y future Commuss: in action and can be rzvoked or
        modified by the Commission upon its own motion without a hearing, in order to provide
        affordable international calling services during the pendency of Commission review.

                                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                                                 VA— 2{pmg——
                                                               Patricia Paoletta
                                                               Counsel to Rubard LLC d/b/a Centmobile

         cc: David Krech
               Adrienne Downs

       1900 18TH STRFFT. NW | SHITE 1900 [ WASHINATAN— NP onnag | TH onp—zon—iann | Fa‘y onp—zancdanm | W TOLiRerAraniaue Chna

Solotioletotololelatatotatatck —COMM. JOURNAL— selctotoieiotololeteletelolotetstatok DATE AUG—1.9—201.3. selctciek. TIME 10 50 seletalefololok .

         MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                            START=AUG—19 10:48                           END=AUG—19 10:59

             FILE NO.=705

   STN        COMM.             ONE—TOUCHZ                STATION NAMEA/TEL NO.                                                                 PAGES                 DURATION
   No.                            ABBR NO.

   9d1            OK            &                         97301301                                                                              P22002                  P2:01:43

                                                                                                               —..NTERNATIONAL BUREAU                             —

soloicletotofoleletalaletateleletefetefetetel stofefate leleletetatetetek —INTL BUREAU                   — solo oke —                     202 418 2824— solvieiailetsiok

                                          INTERNATIONAL BUREAU
                                                                 Policy Division

                                                                 FAX SHEET
                                                          Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
         Thisfoceimile trensmussion is intended onlyfor the addresser shown below. Jt moy contain information that is pi vileged, confidentiol or otherwise protected
         from disclogure, Any revicw, dissemination or use of this transmizsion or itr conents bypersons other than the ¢ ldressee is strictly prohibited, Ifyou have
         recérved this sronsmission in error. please notify us inmediately by islephone and mail the original t us at the F deral Communications Commissian,
         Internaitonal Bureav, 445 12Street $. W., Room 7—4625, Washingion, DC 20554.

                        pare: _E 4/ 13
               §        rrom:__<G&*4*       :
            rerermone nomeer: on 41s— 4 bt—
                                                  1o:         {Qa& reia                   ,f--:bta/é:fh\,

                            FaxNumBER: ztor :}%e~ [Besl
                                                                                      — \ 402

       seeciar mstructions: Rubard /Cont nsbls.
         ATr—SQez0) 2altG——cB0LC / fre .2UL —ralzo5 | & — e [3
                                                                                7                                                                                  j——
       AKL—Eth— 30 Fbo‘}vlo 20245


Document Created: 2019-05-23 08:01:19
Document Modified: 2019-05-23 08:01:19

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