Attachment 20170803134156-560.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20130514-00137 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


Streamlined          ITC—STA—20131107—00310                                                    Granted NOV 18 2003
                     1B2013002374                                                                                         Polic_y Divi
Cascabel Networks LLC                                C                                                                 international

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         Cases bel N etvok: , LLC
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                  fo : Ext ns ion of STA                             q /)         14 )c h                                       5‘, 7

         RE:SI O NS 1 °O Q UESTION 10

                C as atel. Ce works, LLC ( ‘A »p ic nt 0| "Ca: cabel"), pursvan tc 4 C F.l. } 63.25,
         hereb reqi 2sis tliat its Special Te nr or; ry A1 thori y / "STA") be ex en le ‘fir; peric d of one—
         hundr d sig hty‘ (1 8C ) days from N viemoer 16 , 2 )1 ), 1 ae date on wh ch it curre nt ST &A File Mo.
         ITC—S TY —2      )1 30: 14—00137) expir:s. A              »p:   ies at cec     ue   its extensica cfis { T..v hie:; se parately
         filed ; pp lic   tion i Fi e No. ITC—T/—2 01              40.    1« —OU1:      6)   for tran: fei o1 ccati ol of ts nt rationil
         Secticn : 14     atthority ("Transfer 2 prf lic           iti   m‘ ) i. p      m    ing. Ths Trai sfi r. p; ic ation is itill
         under reie       v by the "Teain Telece m‘‘e              ec    itive or;      nc   i agencics.

                 F eg     ‘et ab y, Appl:cant wa          uiay     @ar   :t    at th     c   ange in memler       in   arest:    (thie
         "Transactic      1". de sc ibed in its Tr;      ns er     Aj    pl    ca io.   ;a   so woul l b: c on    id   re 1 &   tr; ns ‘er of
         contrcl cfi       te na io ial Section 21        1 a utl   or    ty    :ecui    in   ; prior C on m:ssi   m    ap irc   va . \s
         explaine 1 i     . the i ncerlying Trans        er Ap     oli   sai   or, 2    pf   licant believe: th   at   nt rn    ation; 1 Section
         214 auth ori     y :s argiiably unnecesar firtie ypes of serviceitprovids. Tle:                                        nl s rvice
         offere 1 t y .   ipplican t is the intern: tio 1a) te m na io ic ‘voice cve ir ter ie pi xt(                           co .( 0. P)
         traffic origi    rated by unaffiliated c irrier su: to: ae s iataie U.S. Applicai t c ffers                            ts seivices ony
         to car ie c      stomrs on a private c oniractui lt asis (.e. not on icom ncn‘ar ie                                     besi:).
         Notwth: ta       diig ‘he foregoing, A ipl ca it jbtain2d in srnation al iiectio 1 2 14 av                             ‘hcerit / for
         busincss pu pose ; a ; some foreigr cz rrirs wi l cnl ‘ c ontract viith U S. en iti:s whcl pcssess
         such ; ut io1 ty                    .

                 £ py licant re sognizes that t is ol lig ate d 131 oll xw Com niisim jrcse luwss is ig antee of
         internati n; l Seciion1 214 authorit . ‘[h s, ‘he A »p ici nt seeks th s © T. . e ite is on as a 1 :medial
         measure fo: its w iat thorized trans ‘er of :o itrol inc , t the extent nesessaiy, 0 cor tir ue
         providin ; tue inte rn itional service s ¢#s: rit ed abov : v hile the Iriinsfer A ipl ca ion i pending.
         Applica: t acknowledges that the prant cft is STA 3x ension v/ill not ; ‘ejudice any action the
         Comuinis iion may take on the underlyin; : Transfer . pj lication. Applic nt further acknowledges
         that this STA extension can be revoked by the Commussion upon its own motion without a
         hearing, and that grant of an STA extensmn and the underlying Transfer Application will not
         preclude enforcement action.


                  Cascabel is not a foreign carrier. However, upon consummation of the Transaction,
         Cascabel certifies that it is affiliated with a foreign carrier in Mexico (i.e., any entity that is
         authorized within a foreign country to engage in the provision of international
         telecommunications services offered to the public in that country) through the ownership
         interests of its Members. Cascabel seeks to provide international service to Mexico, a country in
         which it has foreign carrier affiliations through Members who own more than 25% of Cascabel,
         as described below.                              '

                  Mr. Simon Masri, a 30.5% Member of Cascabel, either controls or has a greater than 25
         percent ownership interest in the following entities which are authorized within a foreign country
         to engage in the provision of 1nternat10na1 telecommunications services to the public in that

Jolatletatalalatatatatatatok —COMM.. JOURNAL— saleistatatataloialolatatalalalatelok: DATE NOV—18—201.3. steleteiok TIME: 141 29 sotetetelototok

         MODE = MémRY TRANSMISSION                                                              START=NQV—18 14:26                           END=NOV—18 14129

             FILE NO. =764

   STN         COMM.             ONE—TOUCHZ/              STATION NAME/TEL NO.                                                                   PAGES                 DURATION
   NO.                             ABBR NO.

   Pa1             OK           &                         97038120486                                                                            Pa3/G03               Bp:01:48

                                                                                                               —IN T=RN3T IONAL               BUREAU              —

Holololotololelolololelol slolelelolalalotelato} selatoic leletolottelok —INTL BUREAU                 _‘ — soloitck ——                    202 418 2824— solslslolololoiok

                                                                Policy Division

                                                                FAX SHEET
                                                         Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
        Thisfecstmile tronymission is iiended onlyfor the addresse¢ showh below. It may cantain information than is priviliiged, confidential or otherwise protsered
        Jrom disclosure. Any review, disreminauon or use ofthi transmizsion or is contents bypersons other than the addr sase is sirietly prohibited. }fyou have
        reckived thit Iransinistion in arror, please notify us immediately by relephone and mail the original 16 us at the Feder al Communications Commission,
        International Bursau. «45 12" Street $, W., Room 7—4623, Wa.rhhglm DC 20534.

                                           DATE:                   \\ [ ~] g/{-_,
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                           raxnumBEr®:;                        _‘703. X12.04$
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Document Created: 2019-05-23 15:16:15
Document Modified: 2019-05-23 15:16:15

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