Attachment 20170801104908-497.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20130514-00137 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                      Federal Communications Commission
                                            Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau
                                                                                    (202) 418—1462
                                                                                    (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                                    May 16, 2013
                                                                                    Ref: EB 2013—14

Hillary Morgan            (301) 225—6113              Douglas May                   (202) 647—5835
Shawn B. Cooley           (202) 282—8489              Christopher Hemmerlein        (202) 482—1885
Edward T. Hand            (202) 514—2464              Jonathan McHale               (202) 395—5656
Richard Sofield           (202) 233—0702              Matthew Bernstein             (202) 324—5422
Sean Desmond              (202) 456—6068              Robert Gorman                 (301) 225—6116

Re:        Section 214 Applications and STAs

           Comments Due:; May 22, 2013 for STAs
                          June 5, 2013 for Section 214 Applications

Dear Sir or Madam:

         Please review the following applications and advise us whether you have any national
security, law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns. EKlectronic filed (e—file)
applications are able to be viewed by accessing and searching by the file

ITC—214—20130426—00122 (e—file)
3GTY, Inc.‘s application for authority to provide international resold service to China.
Two citizens of China, each of whom owns 50% of the applicant.

ITC—T/C—20130514—00136 (e—file)
Cascabel Networks LLC seeks Commission approval for the transfer of control of its
international section 214 authorization, ITC—214—20070425—00160. The transaction was
consummated on January 1, 2011. The following individuals hold 10% or greater
ownership interest in Cascabel: Simon Marsi, a citizen of Mexico (30.5%); Ricardo
Flores, a U.S. citizen (30.5%); and Salomon Marsi, a citizen of Mexico, (30.5%).

ITC—STA—20130514—00137 (e—file)
Cascabel Networks LLC requests Special Temporary Authority (STA) for a period of 180
days to continue to provide international facilities—based and resold services while the
underlying application ITC—T/C—20130514—00136 is pending.

ITC—T/C—20130514—00138 (e—file)
IPBTEL LLC seeks Commission approval for the transfer of control of its international
Section 214 authorization, ITC—214—20040426—00159. The transaction was consummated
on January 1, 2008. The following individuals hold 10% or greater ownership interest in
IPBTEL: Simon Marsi, a citizen of Mexico (30.5%); Ricardo Flores, a U.S. citizen
(30.5%); and Salomon Marsi, a citizen of Mexico, (30.5%).

           ITC—STA—20130514—00139 (e—file)
           IPBTEL LLC requests Special Temporary Authority (STA) for a period of 180 days to
           continue to provide international facilities—based and resold services while the underlying
           application ITC—T/C—20130514—00138 is pending.

           We request your consent to grant the STAs by May 22, 2013, and comments on the
           section 214 applications by June 5, 2013. If we do not receive your comments on the
           section 214 applications by NoonJune 5, 2013, we will assume that you do not have any
           concerns with the above listed applications and the applications will be auto—granted on
           June 7, 2013 per Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12.


                                                          George Li, Deputy Chief, Policy Division

George Li

From:                           Adrienne Downs
Sent:                           Thursday, May 16, 2013 4:47 PM
To:                             ‘‘; "Morgan, Hillary J CIV (US)‘ (‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘IP—‘; ‘‘;
                                ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
Ce:                             George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Howard Griboff; James Ball
Subject:                        Cover Letter Reference EB 2013—14 (comments due by May 22, 2013 and June 5, 2013)

Cover Letter Reference EB 2013—14 {comments due by May 22, 2013 and June 5, 2013)

Adrienne Downs
International Bureau, FCC
(202) 418—0412

: Streamlined         ITC—STA—20130514—00137                                                       Granted HMaY 2» 20
                      1B2013001026                                                                                             To

                                                                               kc e
 Cascabel Networks LLC                                                                                                 Policy Divisi

 Re : Tt ee —zmntsesit .owp[{26                                                  date:c .. ...                      International :    au

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                                                                                W‘J?}K‘JW’S               < TA           P¥o
                                                                            PE iA Mcrrofrermmmanmmniermmnmmmmnt

         C ascal el Ne tw or :s, L .C                                                               AT TA.CHMENT 1
         F eque: t for Sp ecal Te nporar» Autho ‘it                                                          Page 1

         EESPONSE TJ )UE T. ON 10

                  Cascei bel t et vo ks L_C ("Applisait"          or ‘Cascab:1"), pursu: at io 17 C.      .R. § 63.25,
         h sreby reque sts S; sc al Te nrf ori ry Auth »ri y i    "ST4A") for a perioc. 0 ‘0::e— 1uid1    sd gighty (180)
         diys. Applican:regussts S TZA. a . a remeia m            saur: for in unaut] or ze 1t ansfe      : of control
         w hile a sepaiate ly i1 d ipf lic ati n for tr; ns ‘er   of co itrol ts intern ati ni 1 sc io:   . 214 authority
         (¢ Transfer A »p ic: ticn" is pend ng. Rejre tal         ly, A »picint was t na va e ha : tk     : change in
         n ember inte es s ( he "" ‘ra isiction") dessrivec        it it T ansfer Apy licati n als>v      orld be
         considered a trans 2r of sontrol cf intern: tic aa        Suct on 214 authority re jui ing p     ricr
         C ommission ap orc va .

                 As eapl:i in ‘d n he ur de lying Ti in fe A pp ic: ticn, Applca it l el av :s hat international
         S »ction 214 aut 10: ity is arpus blh unnece sa y ‘or th : ty pes of service it »re vides ‘The only
         service offered y 4; pl canit is thie intern iti n: l tern initicn of voize wriatermm: t protocol
         (ZolP) traffic 0 —ig nz e« by wial filiated car ier cu stc mers in the U.S. A »p:icint »flers its
         survices only to ca Ti r / ustoriers on a pi vite sortr: ctiial basis (Z.e., not orf a :o amon carrier
         basis). Notwitk sts 1d ng the fore going, 4 pr ic nt obtaine«| international Se :tion 214 authority
         for business purpose: as some fcreign ca riers will only contract with U.S. sntiti :s which possess
         such authority.

                 Applicant recognizes that it is obligated to follow Commission procedures as a grantee of
         international Section 214 authority. Thus, the Applicant seeks STA as a remedial measure for its
         unauthorized transfer of control and, to the extent necessary, to continue providing the
         international services described above while the Transfer Application is pending. Applicant
         acknowledges that the grant of this STA will not prejudice any action the Commission may take
         on the underlying Transfer Application. Applicant further acknowledges that this STA can be
         revoked by the Commission upon its own motion without a hearing, and that grant of an STA
         and the underlying Transfer Application will not preclude enforcement action.


                Cascabel is not a foreign carrier. However, upon consummation of the Transaction,
         Cascabel certifies that it is affiliated with a foreign carrier in Mexico (i.e., any entity that is
         authorized within a foreign country to engage in the provision of international
         telecommunications services offered to the public in that country) through the ownership
         interests of its Members. Cascabel seeks to provide international service to Mexico, a country in
         which it has foreign carrier affiliations through Members who own more than 25% of Cascabel,
         as descrihed helow

solcioieietotatataletolataiek —COMM. JOURNAL— solctoloicieiaiatololeistetataloteick: DATE MAY—23—2013. salstciok TIME @91 05 selstotetololok

         MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                            START=MAY—23 09: @4                         END=MAY—23 09: 05

             FILE NO.=625

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                                                                                                              —INTERNATIONAL BUREAU                             =

Nolcioloiolotololelolololelelolelelololeleleletolotoletetetotoletetotok —INTL BUREAU                    — solotoiok —                    202 418 2824— solviototalolsick

                                        INTERNATIONAL BUREAU
                                                                Policy Division

                                                                FAX SHEET
                                                         Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
         Thisfottrmile transinission is itended onlyfor the oddresses shown below. Jt may contain information that isprivileged, confidenilalor otherwise protected
        from digclgsure. Any review, dissemination or use ofthis wonsmission or its contenta by persons other than she addressas is strictlyprohibited, Ifyou have
        reckived this Iranzmitzion in ¢rror, please notlfy us immediciely by ielephone and mail the original to us at the Faderal Communications Commizsion,
        International Bureou. 445 12® Street S, W., Room 7—4625, Washingion, DC 20554,


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Document Created: 2019-05-23 17:33:37
Document Modified: 2019-05-23 17:33:37

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