STi Telecom Internat

LETTER submitted by Next Angel LLC



This document pretains to ITC-STA-20130130-00038 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                               Colleen King
1776 K STREET NW          January 31, 2013                                                     202.719.7307
PHONE     202.719.7000
FAX       202.719.7049

                          VIA IBFS
McLEAN, VA 22102
PHONE     703.905.2800    Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
FAX       703.905.2820    Federal Communications Commission
                          445 12th Street, S.W.
                          Washington, D.C. 20554

                          Re:       Application for Assignment of International Section 214 Authorizations
                                    and Request for Special Temporary Authority, File Nos. ITC-ASG-
                                    20130130-00037 and ITC-STA-20130130-00038

                          Dear Ms. Dortch:

                          Next Angel LLC (“Next Angel”), by counsel, files this letter pursuant to Section
                          1.65 of the Federal Communications Commission’s (“FCC” or “Commission”)
                          rules1 to provide updated information for the above-referenced pending applications
                          for assignment of international Section 214 authority from STi Telecom Inc. (“STi
                          Telecom”) to Next Angel and for Special Temporary Authority to continue
                          providing service to the customers of STi Telecom pending approval of the
                          assignment application. Specifically, New Angel herein provides a copy of the final
                          order from the Bankruptcy Court.

                          In addition, Next Angel provides minor updates to the ownership information
                          reported in the pending applications. Specifically, Next Angel is now directly
                          owned as follows:

                                   Next Communications, Inc. (“Next Communications”): 42.5% Equity and
                                    Voting Ownership in Next Angel.

                                   Angel Telecom (USA) Inc. (“Angel Telecom”): 42.5% Equity and Voting
                                    Ownership in Next Angel.

                                   Marcatel Telecommunications, LLC (“Marcatel”): 15% Equity and Voting
                                    Ownership in Next Angel.

                                    47 C.F.R. § 1.65.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
January 31, 2013
Page 2

In the pending application, Next Angel reported the following direct ownership:2

       Next Communications: 45% Equity and Voting Ownership in Next Angel.

       Angel Telecom: 40% Equity and Voting Ownership in Next Angel.

       Marcatel: 15% Equity and Voting Ownership in Next Angel.

To reflect this slight modification in ownership, the ownership information in the
pending application should be updated as follows:

Direct Ownership:

The following individuals have a direct ten percent or greater direct ownership
interest in assignee, Next Angel:

        Direct Shareholder Name:    Next Communications, Inc.
        Address:                    100 North Biscayne Blvd., 9th Floor,
                                    Miami, FL 33132
        Citizenship:                United States
        Principal Business:         Telecommunications
        Percentage Equity and Voting Ownership in Next Angel: 42.5%

        Direct Shareholder Name:    Angel Telecom (USA) Inc.
        Address:                    c/o WUERSCH & GERING LLP
                                    100 Wall Street, 10th Fl.
                                    New York, NY 10005
        Citizenship:                United States
        Principal Business:         Telecommunications
        Percentage Equity and Voting Ownership in Next Angel: 42.5%

        Direct Shareholder Name:     Marcatel Telecommunications, LLC
        Address:                     10190 Katy Freeway, Suite 410
                                     Houston, TX 77043
        Citizenship:                 United States

      See Assignment Application, Attachment 1 at 3-4; STA Application,
Attachment 2 at 5-7.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
January 31, 2013
Page 3

       Principal Business:         Telecommunications
       Percentage Equity and Voting Ownership in Next Angel: 15%

Indirect Ownership:

Next Communications Ownership:

       Indirect Shareholder Name: Arik Meimoun
       Address:                     450 Alton Road, No 1102, Miami Beach,
       Florida 33139
       Citizenship:                 United States
       Principal Business:          Telecommunications
       Attributable Equity and Voting Ownership in Next Angel: 21.25%

       Indirect Shareholder Name: Engin Yesil
       Address:                     40 Star Island Drive, Miami Beach, Florida
       Citizenship:                 Turkey
       Principal Business:          Real Estate
       Attributable Equity and Voting Ownership in Next Angel: 15.725%

Angel Telecom Ownership:

       Indirect Shareholder Name: Angel Telecom Holding AG
       Address:                     Blegistrasse 11a,
                                    CH-6340 Baar, Switzerland
       Citizenship:                 Switzerland
       Principal Business:          Holding Company
       Attributable Equity and Voting Ownership in Next Angel: 42.5%

       Indirect Shareholder Name: Angel Telecom Corporation
       Address:                     Blegistrasse 11a,
                                    CH-6340 Baar, Switzerland
       Citizenship:                 United States
       Principal Business:          Holding Company
       Attributable Equity and Voting Ownership in Next Angel: 42.5%

Marcatel Ownership:

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
January 31, 2013
Page 4

       Indirect Shareholder Name: IXC International LLC
       Address:                     10190 Katy Freeway, Suite 410
                                    Houston, TX 77043
       Citizenship:                 United States
       Principal Business:          Holding Company
       Attributable Equity and Voting Ownership in Next Angel: 15%

       Indirect Shareholder Name: Telecom Overseas C.V. (“TOCV”)3
       Address:                     AJ Emstraat 199
                                    Amsterdam, Netherlands
       Citizenship:                 Netherlands
       Principal Business:          Holding Company
       Attributable Equity and Voting Ownership in Next Angel: 15%

No other individual or entity will hold a ten percent or greater ownership interest in
Next Angel.

        TOCV has one general partner: Stichting Jarda which is a Dutch foundation.
Stichting Jarda owns less than a one percent (1 %) interest in TOCV. The address of
Stichting Jarda is Baarerstrasse 75 CH-6300, Zug, Switzerland. TOCV has one
limited partner: Gustavo Mario de la Garza Ortega, a citizen of Mexico whose
principal business is his work as a telecommunications executive. Mr. De la Garza
Ortega owns more than a ninety-nine percent (99%) interest in TOCV. The address
of Mr. De la Garza Ortega is Avenida San Jeronimo 210 Poniente, Colonia San
Jeronimo, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
January 31, 2013
Page 5

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.


/s/ Colleen King

Colleen King

cc:    David Krech

12-13810-mg         Doc 288        Filed 01/31/13 Entered 01/31/13 12:11:32                      Main Document
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 In re                                                            Chapter 11

 VIVARO CORPORATION, et al.,                                      Case No. 12-13810 (MG)

                   Debtors.                                       (Jointly Administered)


          Upon the motion, dated November 16, 2012 (the “Motion”) [ECF No. 115] of debtors

 and debtors in possession Vivaro Corporation; STI Prepaid, LLC; Kare Distribution, Inc.; STi

 Telecom, Inc.; TNW Corporation; STi CC I, LLC; and STi CC II, LLC (collectively, the

 “Debtors”), for, among other things, entry of an order (the “Sale Order”) pursuant to sections

 105(a), 363, and 365 of title 11 of the United States Code (the “Bankruptcy Code”); Rules 2002,

 6004, and 6006 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (the “Bankruptcy Rules”); Local

 Bankruptcy Rules 2002-1, 6004-1, and 9006-1(b); and the Amended Guidelines for the Conduct

 of Asset Sales established and adopted by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern

 District of New York pursuant to General Order M-383 (the “Sale Guidelines”), granting the

 following relief: (i) approving the Debtors’ Sale1 of the Purchased Assets (as that term is defined

 in the APA) to [Next Angel, LLC]2 (the “Purchaser”) pursuant to the Asset Purchase and Sale

   To the extent not otherwise defined or indicated herein, all capitalized terms shall have the meanings ascribed to
 them in the Motion and the APA.
  The members of Next Angel, LLC, and the percentage of their respective membership interests, are as follows:
 Next Communications, Inc. (“Nextcomm”) (42.5%); Angel Telecom (USA) Inc. (“Angel”) (42.5%); Marcatel
 Telecommunications, LLC (15%). Nextcomm and Angel Telecom AG, Angel’s parent corporation, provide post-
 petition trade credit to the Debtors pursuant to the DIP Credit Agreement.

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 Agreement between the Debtors and the Purchaser (the “APA”, a true and correct copy of which

 is annexed hereto as Exhibit “A”), free and clear of all liens, claims, interests, encumbrances and

 other liabilities of any kind or nature whatsoever, whether secured or unsecured, choate or

 inchoate, filed or unfiled, scheduled or unscheduled, noticed or unnoticed, recorded or

 unrecorded, contingent or non-contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, matured or unmatured,

 disputed or undisputed, senior or subordinated or known or unknown, whether arising prior to or

 subsequent to the Petition Date, whether imposed by agreement, understanding, law, equity or

 otherwise, including without limitation, any right of setoff, recoupment, netting or deduction,

 except for the Assumed Liabilities (the “Interests”), with such Interests to transfer, affix and

 attach to the proceeds of the Sale, all as more fully set forth herein; and (ii) approving the form

 and content of the APA; and the Court having entered an Order, dated December 19, 2012 (the

 “Amended Bidding Procedures Order”), authorizing (i) bidding procedures in connection with

 the Sale, (ii) the Breakup Fee, if any, and (iii) the Sale Notice; and the Purchaser having been

 chosen by the Debtors as the Successful Bidder at the Auction; and hearings on this Sale Order

 having been held on January 17, January 24, January 29 and January 31, 2013 (the “Sale

 Hearing”), at which time all interested parties were offered an opportunity to be heard with

 respect to the Sale; and the Court having reviewed and considered (i) the Motion, (ii) the

 objections thereto, if any, (iii) the declarations and supplemental declarations of Philip Gund and

 Robert Smith filed in support of the Motion (iv) the arguments of counsel made, and the

 evidence proffered or adduced, at the Sale Hearing; and it appearing that the relief requested in

 the Motion is in the best interests of the Debtors, their estates and creditors, and other parties-in-

 interest in the Debtors’ bankruptcy cases; and upon the record of the Sale Hearing and this case;


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 and after due deliberation thereon; and good cause appearing therefor, the Court hereby FINDS,


        A.      The findings and conclusions set forth herein constitute the Court’s findings of

 fact and conclusions of law pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 7052, made applicable to this

 proceeding pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9014.

        B.      To the extent any of the following findings of fact constitute conclusions of law,

 they are adopted as such. To the extent any of the following conclusions of law constitute

 findings of fact, they are adopted as such.

        C.      Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings

 ascribed to them in the Motion.

        D.      The Court has jurisdiction over the Motion and the transactions contemplated by

 the APA pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334, and this matter is a core proceeding pursuant to

 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2)(A)(N). Venue of this case and the Motion in this District is proper under

 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409.

        E.      The statutory predicates for the relief sought in the Motion are sections 105, 363,

 and 365 of the Bankruptcy Code, and Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004, and 6006.

        F.      As evidenced by the affidavits of service previously filed with the Court,

 (i) proper, timely, adequate and sufficient notice of the Motion, the Sale Hearing and the Sale,

 has been provided in accordance with sections 102(1), 363 and 365 of the Bankruptcy Code, and

 Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004, 6006, 9006, 9007, 9008 and 9014, the local rules of the Court,

 and the Amended Bidding Procedures Order; (ii) such notice was proper, timely, good and

 sufficient, and appropriate under the particular circumstances; (iii) the Sale Motion and all other

 relevant documents were duly and properly served on all required persons and entities in


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 accordance with the Amended Bidding Procedures Order; and (iv) no other or further notice of

 the Motion, the Sale Hearing or the Sale, is necessary or shall be required.

        G.      The Debtors (i) have full corporate power and authority to execute the APA and

 all other documents contemplated thereby, and the sale of the Purchased Assets by the Debtors

 has been duly and validly authorized by all necessary corporate action of the Debtors, (ii) have

 all of the requisite power and authority necessary to consummate the transactions contemplated

 by the APA and the Motion, (iii) have taken all corporate action necessary to authorize and

 approve the APA and the consummation by the Debtors of the transactions contemplated

 thereby, and (iv) no consents or approvals, other than those expressly provided for in the APA,

 are required for the Debtors to consummate such transactions.

        H.      Entry into the APA and consummation of the transactions contemplated thereby

 constitute the exercise by the Debtors of sound business judgment and such acts are in the best

 interests of the Debtors, their estate, and creditors. The Court finds that the Debtors have

 articulated good and sufficient business reasons justifying the Sale of the Purchased Assets

 pursuant to sections 105 and 363 of the Bankruptcy Code. Such business reasons include, but

 are not limited to, the facts that (a) the APA constitutes the highest and/or best offer for the

 Purchased Assets and (b) the APA and the closing thereon will present the best opportunity to

 realize the value of the Debtors’ assets and avoid decline and devaluation of the Debtors’

 business. A valid business purpose exists for approval of the transactions contemplated by the

 Sale Motion pursuant to section 363(b) of the Bankruptcy Code. The sale of the Purchased

 Assets to Purchaser under the APA will constitute a transfer for reasonably equivalent value and

 fair consideration under the Bankruptcy Code and all applicable law. The consideration


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 provided by the Purchaser for the Purchased Assets under the APA is fair and reasonable and

 may not be avoided under section 363(n) of the Bankruptcy Code.

        I.      The APA and the transactions contemplated by the APA were negotiated and

 have been and are undertaken by the Debtors and the Purchaser at arm’s length, without

 collusion or fraud, and in good faith within the meaning of section 363(m) of the Bankruptcy

 Code. The process employed by the Debtor and its advisors in connection with the Auction was

 fair, adequate and reasonable in order to obtain the highest and best price possible for the

 Purchased Assets and the Debtor afforded all interested potential purchasers a full, fair and

 reasonable opportunity to make a higher and better offer to purchase the Purchased Assets. The

 Auction conducted in accordance with the Amended Bidding Procedures Order on January 15

 and 16, 2013, at which the Purchaser was declared the highest and best bidder, was conducted in

 good faith within the meaning of section 363(m) of the Bankruptcy Code. As a result of the

 foregoing, the Debtors and the Purchaser are entitled to the protections of section 363(m) of the

 Bankruptcy Code.

        J.      The APA was negotiated, proposed and entered into by the Debtors and the

 Purchaser without collusion, in good faith, and from arm’s-length bargaining positions. Neither

 the Debtors nor the Purchaser have engaged in any conduct that would cause or permit the APA

 and Sale to be avoided under section 363(n) of the Bankruptcy Code.

        K.      The consideration provided by the Purchaser for the Purchased Assets is the

 highest and/or otherwise best offer received by the Debtors and is fair and reasonable. A sale of

 the Purchased Assets other than one free and clear of Interests would impact materially and

 adversely on the Debtors’ bankruptcy estates, will yield substantially less value for the Debtors’


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 estate, with less certainty than the available alternatives and thus the alternative would be of

 substantially less benefit to the Debtors’ estates.

        L.      A reasonable opportunity to object or be heard with respect to the Motion and the

 relief requested therein has been afforded to all interested persons and entities, including: (i) the

 Office of the United States Trustee for the Southern District of New York; (ii) the Official

 Committee of Unsecured Creditors (the “Committee”); (iii) those additional parties that have

 requested notice pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2002 (subject to any previous orders of this Court

 modifying such Rule); (iv) any party known to the Debtors to possess and/or exercise any control

 over any of the Purchased Assets; (v) any party known to the Debtors to assert any rights in the

 Purchased Assets; (vi) the Internal Revenue Service; (vii) all federal, state, and local regulatory

 authorities that have a known interest in the relief requested in the Motion; (viii) non-debtor

 parties to the Assumed Contracts; (ix) any party known to the Debtors to be a potential bidder for

 the Purchased Assets; and (x) all applicable federal, state and local tax authorities with

 jurisdiction over the Debtors and/or the Purchased Assets.

        M.      The Purchaser is not an “insider” of the Debtors, as that term is defined in

 section 101 of the Bankruptcy Code, provided however, that Marcatel Telecommunications,

 LLC, a non-debtor affiliate of the Debtors, is a member of the Purchaser.

        N.      The transfer of the Purchased Assets to the Purchaser will be a legal, valid, and

 effective transfer of the Purchased Assets, and, except for liabilities expressly assumed under the

 APA as “Assumed Liabilities,” will vest the Purchaser with all right, title, and interest of the

 Debtors to the Purchased Assets free and clear of all Interests in the Purchased Assets, including,

 but not limited to, those (A) that purport to give to any party a right or option to effect any

 forfeiture, modification, right of first refusal, or termination of the Debtors’ or the Purchaser’s


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 interest in the Purchased Assets, or any similar rights, (B) relating to taxes arising under or out

 of, in connection with, or in any way relating to the operation of the Purchased Assets prior to

 the Closing (including all fees and taxes owed to the FCC and/or any state of federal taxing

 authority), and (C) (i) all mortgages, deeds of trust, security interests, conditional sale or other

 title retention agreements, pledges, liens, judgments, demands, encumbrances, rights of first

 refusal or charges of any kind or nature, if any, including, but not limited to, any restriction on

 the use, voting, transfer, receipt of income or other exercise of any attributes of ownership and

 (ii) all debts arising in any way in connection with any agreements, acts, or failures to act, of the

 Debtors or any of the Debtors’ predecessors or affiliates, claims (as that term is defined in

 section 101(5) of the Bankruptcy Code), obligations, liabilities, demands, guaranties, options,

 rights, contractual or other commitments, restrictions, interests and matters of any kind and

 nature, whether known or unknown, contingent or otherwise, whether arising prior to or

 subsequent to the commencement of these cases pursuant to chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code,

 and whether imposed by agreement, understanding, law, equity or otherwise, including but not

 limited to claims otherwise arising under doctrines of successor liability.

        O.      The APA is being entered into in good faith and not to hinder, delay or defraud

 any creditors of the Debtors. The Debtors shall not in any way be liable or responsible for any

 liabilities, commitments or obligations in any way related to the Purchased Assets or the

 Assumed Contracts arising from and after the Closing Date. The Purchaser is not a continuation

 of the Debtors or their estates. There is no continuity of enterprise between the Debtors and the

 Purchaser. The Purchaser is not a successor to the Debtors or their estates and the transactions

 contemplated in the APA do not amount to, or otherwise constitute a consolidation, merger or de

 facto merger of the Purchaser and the Debtors or their estates.


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         P.      The Purchaser would not have entered into the APA and would not consummate

 the transactions contemplated thereby, thus adversely affecting the Debtors, their estates, and

 their creditors, if the sale of the Purchased Assets to the Purchaser was not free and clear of all

 Interests of any kind or nature whatsoever, or if the Purchaser would, or in the future could, be

 liable for any of the Interests.

         Q.      The Debtors may sell the Purchased Assets free and clear of all Interests of any

 kind or nature whatsoever because one or more of the standards set forth in section 363(f)(1)-(5)

 of the Bankruptcy Code has been satisfied. Those holders of Interests who did not object, or

 who withdrew their objections, to the Sale or the Motion are deemed to have consented pursuant

 to section 363(f)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code. Those holders of Interests who did object fall

 within one or more of the other subsections of section 363(f) of the Bankruptcy Code and are

 adequately protected by having their Interests, if any, attach to the cash proceeds of the Sale

 ultimately attributable to the property against or in which they claim an Interest. For the

 avoidance of doubt, the Order Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. §§ 105 and 363 Approving Removal and

 Sale of Certain Telecom Switches and Network Equipment by Third Party Seller (Docket No.

 257), entered on January 18, 2013, does not constitute a default under the APA, DIP Credit

 Agreement or DIP Orders.

         R.      Nextcomm and Angel Telecom AG (jointly, the "Lenders") provide post-petition

 trade credit to the Debtors pursuant to a DIP Credit Agreement which, inter alia, provided a lien

 in substantially all of the assets of the Debtors, as well as a superpriority administrative

 claim. The liens of the Lenders pursuant to the DIP Credit Agreement are valid and perfected

 liens in substantially all of the assets of the Debtors as provided under the DIP Credit Agreement

 and orders of the Bankruptcy Court. All of the obligations under the DIP Credit Agreement


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 constitute, for the purposes of section 363 (k) of the Bankruptcy Code, an allowed secured claim

 pursuant to section 506 (a) of the Bankruptcy Code (the "Allowed Secured Claim"). The Lenders

 have represented that they will assign the Allowed Secured Claim to Purchaser. In accordance

 with section 363(k) of the Bankruptcy Code, and as set forth in the APA, upon such assignment,

 the Purchaser has credit bid the Allowed Secured Claim as part of the consideration thereunder,

 which credit bid the Debtors accept pursuant to Section 363(k) as a set off to the purchase price

 (the "Credit Bid"). The Credit Bid was a valid and proper offer pursuant to sections 363(b) and

 363(k) of the Bankruptcy Code. Upon closing of the Sale, the effect of the Credit Bid will be that

 neither the Lenders nor the Purchaser will have any further Allowed Secured Claim against the

 Debtors or their assets, except that the Carve-Out under the DIP Orders shall remain a

 superpriority claim against the Debtors for the benefit of the Debtors’ and the Committee’s


                  For all of the foregoing and after due deliberation, the Court ORDERS,


                                          General Provisions

        1.        The Motion is granted in its entirety as provided herein.

        2.        All objections and responses concerning the Motion are resolved in accordance

 with the terms of this Order and as set forth in the record of the Sale Hearing, and to the extent

 any such objection or response was not otherwise withdrawn, waived, or settled, it is hereby

 overruled and denied.

                                         Approval of the APA

        3.        The APA, and all of the terms and conditions thereof, is approved.


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        4.      Pursuant to section 363(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, the Debtors are empowered

 and authorized to perform their obligations under and comply with the terms of the APA, and

 consummate the Sale, pursuant to and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the APA.

        5.      The Debtors are authorized to execute and deliver, and empowered to perform

 under, consummate and implement, the APA, together with all additional instruments and

 documents that may be reasonably necessary or desirable to implement the APA, and to take all

 further actions as may be reasonably requested by the Purchaser for the purpose of assigning,

 transferring, granting, conveying and conferring to the Purchaser or reducing to possession, the

 Purchased Assets, or as may be necessary or appropriate to the performance of the obligations as

 contemplated by the APA.

        6.      This Sale Order and the APA shall be binding in all respects upon all creditors

 (whether known or unknown) of the Debtors, all parties in interest, all successors and assigns of

 the Purchaser, the Debtors and their affiliates and subsidiaries, the Purchased Assets, and any

 subsequent trustee appointed in the Debtors’ chapter 11 cases or upon a conversion to a case

 under chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code, and shall not be subject to rejection. Nothing contained

 in any chapter 11 plan confirmed in this bankruptcy case or the confirmation order confirming

 any such chapter 11 plan shall conflict with or derogate from the provisions of the APA or this

 Sale Order. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of the APA and this Sale Order,

 this Sale Order shall control.

        7.      Unless otherwise provided in the APA or the Transition Services Agreement (a

 true and correct copy of which is annexed hereto as Exhibit “B”), the APA and any related

 agreements, documents, or other instruments may be modified, amended or supplemented by the

 parties thereto in accordance with the terms thereof without further order of the Court; provided


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 that (a) the Committee and (b) the U.S. Trustee shall receive no less than three (3) business days’

 written notice of any modification, amendment or supplement, and (b) any such modification,

 amendment, or supplement is not material or does not have an adverse effect on the Debtors or

 the Debtors’ estates.

                                Assumption and Assignment Procedures

         8.      The assumption and assignment of executory contracts and unexpired leases of

 non-residential real property is a material term of the APA. As soon as practicable after entry of

 this Order, but no later than seven (7) days before the Assumption Hearing (defined below), the

 Debtors shall file with the Court and serve on all counterparties to any executory contract or

 unexpired lease that may be assumed by the Debtors and assigned to the Purchaser (the

 “Contract Notice Parties”), an Assumption Notice, that identifies, to the extent applicable: (i) the

 contract or lease that may be an Assumed Contract, (ii) the name of the counterparty to such

 contract or lease, and (iii) the cure amount for such contract or lease if it becomes an Assumed

 Contract; provided, however, that the presence of a contract or lease on the Assumption Notice

 does not constitute an admission that such contract is an executory contract or unexpired lease.

         9.      All contract or lease counterparties who have timely filed objections to the

 assumption and assignment of any contract or lease, proposed cure amount or adequate assurance

 of future performance proposed with respect thereto (individually, an “Objecting Party” and

 collective, the “Objecting Parties”)3 may have their objections heard at the Assumption Hearing,

 unless the objection is resolved prior to the Assumption Hearing. Any party that has failed to

   The Objecting Parties are as follows: STX Communications LLC (Docket No. 212); 75 Broad, LLC (Docket No.
 214); Banc of America Leasing & Capital LLC (Docket No. 219); Oracle Americas, Inc. (Docket No. 226); Entel,
 S.A. (Docket No. 228); 15-01 Pollitt Drive LLC (Docket No. 230); Diga Entertainment, LLC (Docket No. 231);
 AT&T Corp. (Docket No. 236); Wind Telecom, S.A. (Docket No. 237); Sprint Communications Company L.P.
 (Docket No. 238); Marcatel Com, S.A. De C.V./Unifica, Gusma Properties, LP and Gusma Investments, LP (Docket
 No. 245)


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 timely file an objection to the assumption and assignment of any contract or lease or related cure

 amount or adequate assurance of future performance is forever barred from objecting thereto,

 including asserting any additional cure or other default amounts against the Debtors and their

 bankruptcy estates, and the Purchaser with respect such executory contract(s) and unexpired

 lease(s) and shall be deemed to consent to the Sale and the assumption and assignment of such

 executory contract(s) or unexpired lease(s) in connection therewith.

           10.   Subject to the Court’s availability, the Assumption Hearing will be held on

 February 15, 2013, or such later date as the parties may be heard. If the Debtors and the

 counterparty(ies) are unable to consensually resolve any objection prior to the Assumption

 Hearing, the dispute will be heard at the Assumption Hearing (or such other date as fixed by the


           11.   Nothing in this Sale Order or the APA authorizes the assumption, assignment or

 rejection, in whole or in part, of any executory contracts, including but not limited to, the

 contracts listed on the Notice of (I) Potential Assumption and Assignment of Executory

 Contracts and Unexpired Leases; and (II) Cure Amount with Respect to Executory Contracts and

 Unexpired Leases to be Potentially Assumed and Assigned, dated December 20, 2012. Other

 than the rights and obligations between the parties to the APA, nothing herein or in the APA

 shall affect the rights of any Objecting Parties, all of which rights are hereby preserved,

 including, without limitation, the right of an Objecting Party to seek, oppose or support (a) any

 assumption, assignment or rejection of an Objecting Party Agreement on any legal or factual

 basis, (b) adequate assurance of future performance, (c) the estimation or assertion of any

 proposed cure amounts, (d) the assumption by the Purchaser of all obligations and liabilities

 under any Objecting Party Agreement by virtue of the assumption and assignment of the


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 Objecting Party Agreement under Section 365 and other applicable law, including, to the extent

 applicable, contingent, unmatured, or unliquidated claims, and whether such arise or arose pre-

 or post-closing, and (e) adequate assurance for payment of such obligations and liabilities. For

 purposes of this Sale Order, “Objecting Party Agreement” means any written contract,

 agreement, license or other document that creates binding contractual obligations between an

 Objecting Party and one or more of the Debtors. Nothing in this Sale Order or the APA shall

 prejudice, estop, bar, impair or otherwise limit in any respect any party's rights under Section

 365 of the Bankruptcy Code with respect to the Objecting Party Agreements, including, without

 limitation, the rights set forth above in subparts (a) through (e).

                                           Transfer of Assets

        12.     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, pursuant to sections 105(a) and

 363(f) of the Bankruptcy Code, the Purchased Assets shall be transferred to the Purchaser, and

 upon Closing (as that term is defined in the APA) shall be, free and clear of all Interests, with all

 such Interests of any kind or nature whatsoever to attach to the net proceeds of the Sale in the

 order of their priority, with the same validity, force and effect which they now have as against

 the Purchased Assets, subject to any claims and defenses the Debtors may possess with respect


        13.     Except as expressly permitted or otherwise specifically provided by the APA or

 this Sale Order, all persons and entities, including, but not limited to, all debt security holders,

 equity security holders, governmental, tax, and regulatory authorities, lenders, employees, trade

 and other creditors, holding Interests against or in the Debtors or the Purchased Assets, arising

 under or out of, in connection with, or in any way relating to, the Debtors, the Purchased Assets,

 the operation of the Purchased Assets prior to the Closing, or the transfer of the Purchased Assets

 to the Purchaser, are forever barred, estopped, and permanently enjoined from asserting against


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 the Purchaser, its successors or assigns, its property, or the Purchased Assets, such persons’ or

 entities’ Interests or Claims.

        14.     The transfer of the Purchased Assets to the Purchaser pursuant to the APA

 constitutes a legal, valid, and effective transfer of the Purchased Assets, and shall vest the

 Purchaser with all right, title, and interest of the Debtors in and to the Purchased Assets free and

 clear of all Interests of any kind or nature whatsoever.

        15.     If any Person (as that term is defined in the APA) or entity that has filed financing

 statements, mortgages, mechanic’s liens, lis pendens, or other documents or agreements

 evidencing Interests in the Debtors or the Purchased Assets shall not have delivered to the

 Debtors prior to the Closing, in proper form for filing and executed by the appropriate parties,

 termination statements, instruments of satisfaction, releases of all Interests which the Person or

 entity has with respect to the Debtors or the Purchased Assets or otherwise, then (a) the Debtors

 are authorized and directed to execute and file such statements, instruments, releases and other

 documents on behalf of the Person or entity with respect to the Purchased Assets and (b) the

 Purchaser is authorized to file, register, or otherwise record a certified copy of this Sale Order,

 which, once filed, registered or otherwise recorded, shall constitute conclusive evidence of the

 release of all Interests in the Purchased Assets of any kind or nature whatsoever.

 Notwithstanding anything herein, the rights of the Debtors to execute such documents shall not

 extend to releasing or cancelling Diga’s security interest, if any. This Order shall be binding

 upon and govern the acts of all persons or entities, including without limitation, all filing agents,

 recording agencies, secretaries of state and all other persons and entities who may be required by

 operation of law to accept, file, register or otherwise record or release any documents or



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        16.     All persons or entities, presently or on or after the Closing Date with access to or

 in possession or control of some or all of the Purchased Assets are directed to provide access to

 and surrender possession of the Purchased Assets to the Purchaser on the Closing Date or at such

 other time thereafter as the Purchaser may request.

        17.     To the extent that the Debtors are selling any “personally identifiable

 information” (as that term is defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(41A)) to the Purchaser, then the Debtors

 have satisfied section 363(b)(1)(A) of the Bankruptcy Code because the Purchaser has agreed to

 comply with, and be bound by, the Debtors’ privacy policy.

                                        Additional Provisions

        18.     The consideration provided by the Purchaser for the Purchased Assets under the

 APA constitutes reasonably equivalent value and fair consideration under the Bankruptcy Code

 and laws of the United States, and any state (including New York), territory, possession, or the

 District of Columbia.

        19.     At Closing, Marcatel and Unifica are hereby deemed to have collectively waived

 the amount of $800,000 in post-petition administrative expense claims against the Debtors, and

 such claims shall be deemed released against the Debtors and their estates.

        20.     On the Closing of the Sale, the Debtors’ creditors are authorized and directed to

 execute such documents and take all other actions as may be necessary to release their Interests

 in the Purchased Assets, if any, as such Interests may have been recorded or may otherwise exist.

        21.     Pursuant to the terms of the APA and the Bidding Procedures Orders, if the Sale

 has not been consummated by February 4, 2013 as the result of Purchaser’s failure to satisfy any

 of its conditions precedent to Closing, the Debtors shall have the right, but not the obligation, to

 terminate the APA and be authorized, but not required, to deem the next highest or otherwise

 best Qualified Bid for the Purchased Assets (the “Back-Up Bid,” and the party submitting the


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 Back-Up Bid, the “Back-Up Bidder”) as the Successful Bid, as disclosed at the Sale Hearing, and

 the Debtors, in consultation with the Consulting Parties shall be authorized, but not required, to

 enter into agreements with the Back-Up Bidder and consummate the Sale with the Back-Up

 Bidder without further order of the Court. The Back-Up Bid shall remain open until the first

 business day following the consummation of a Sale of the relevant assets to the Successful


           22.   Pursuant to the terms of the APA, if the Closing has not been consummated by

 February 8, 2013 as the result of Sellers’ failure to satisfy any of their conditions precedent to

 Closing, the Purchaser shall have the right, but not the obligation, to terminate the APA.

           23.   This Sale Order (a) shall be effective as a determination that, on the Closing, all

 Interests existing as to the Debtors or the Purchased Assets prior to the Closing have been

 unconditionally released, discharged and terminated, and that the conveyances described herein

 have been effected, and (b) shall be binding upon and shall govern the acts of all entities

 including without limitation, all filing agents, filing officers, title agents, title companies,

 recorders of mortgages, recorders of deeds, registrars of deeds, administrative agencies,

 governmental departments, secretaries of state, federal, state, and local officials, and all other

 persons and entities who may be required by operation of law, the duties of their office, or

 contract, to accept, file, register or otherwise record or release any documents or instruments, or

 who may be required to report or insure any title or state of title in or to any of the Purchased


           24.   Each and every federal, state, and local governmental agency or department is

 directed to accept any and all documents and instruments necessary and appropriate to

 consummate the transactions contemplated by the APA.


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        25.     All entities who are presently, or on the Closing may be, in possession of any or

 all of the Purchased Assets are directed to surrender possession of the Purchased Assets to the

 Purchaser on the Closing.

        26.     Except for the Assumed Liabilities or as expressly permitted or otherwise

 specifically provided for in the APA or this Sale Order, the Purchaser shall have no liability or

 responsibility for any liability or other obligation of the Debtors arising under or related to the

 Purchased Assets other than for the Assumed Liabilities. Without limiting the generality of the

 foregoing, and except as otherwise specifically provided herein and in the APA, to the extent

 allowed by law, the Purchaser shall not be liable for any claims against the Debtors or any of

 their predecessors and/or affiliates, and the Purchaser shall have no successor or vicarious

 liabilities of any kind or character including, but not limited to, any such liability that may be

 imposed by statute (e.g., under so-called “bulk sale” laws) or any theory of antitrust,

 environmental, successor or transferee liability, labor law, de facto merger, or substantial

 continuity, whether known or unknown as of the Closing, now existing or hereafter arising,

 whether fixed or contingent, with respect to the Debtors or any obligations of the Debtors arising

 prior to the Closing, including, but not limited to, liabilities on account of any taxes arising,

 accruing, or payable under, out of, in connection with, or in any way relating to the operation of

 the Purchased Assets prior to the Closing.

        27.     Under no circumstances shall the Purchaser be deemed a successor of or to the

 Debtors for any Interest against or in the Debtors or the Purchased Assets of any kind or nature

 whatsoever. The sale, transfer, assignment and delivery of the Purchased Assets shall not be

 subject to any Interests, and Interests shall remain with, and continue to be obligations of, the

 Debtors. All Persons holding Interests against or in the Debtors or the Purchased Assets shall be,


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 and are, forever barred, estopped, and permanently enjoined from asserting, prosecuting, or

 otherwise pursuing such Interests against the Purchaser, its property, its successors and assigns,

 or the Purchased Assets, as an alleged successor or otherwise, with respect to any Interest of any

 kind or nature whatsoever such Person or entity had, has, or may have against or in the Debtors,

 their estates, officers, directors, shareholders, or the Purchased Assets. Following the Closing,

 no holder of an Interest in the Debtors shall interfere with the Purchaser’s title to or use and

 enjoyment of the Purchased Assets based on or related to such Interest, or any actions that the

 Debtors may take in their chapter 11 cases.

        28.     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Sale Order, the APA or any sale

 documents, the allocation of the proceeds of the Sale shall be determined and fixed by further

 Order of the Bankruptcy Court.

        29.     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Sale Order, the APA, the

 Transition Services Agreement or otherwise, (a) none of the agreements (“Oracle Agreements”)

 between one or more of the Debtors, on the one hand, and Oracle America, Inc., including any of

 its predecessors-in-interest (“Oracle”), on the other hand, and (b) none of the Oracle software,

 shall be transferred to the Purchaser, absent a further Order of this Court or pursuant to the

 procedures set forth herein. Further, to the extent that (a) any computer equipment or any IT

 assets are transferred to the Purchaser that embodies or contains Oracle software and (b) such

 transfer of equipment occurs prior to the assumption and assignment of any Oracle Agreements,

 then such Oracle software shall be scrubbed prior to the transfer of such equipment. To the

 extent that Oracle subsequently consents to the assumption and assignment of any Oracle

 Agreements, then with respect to such Oracle Agreements, the Debtors shall have no further

 access to any Oracle software, absent separate agreement between Oracle and Debtors. To the


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 extent that the terms of this paragraph conflict with other provisions of this Order, the APA or

 the Transition Services Agreement, the terms of this paragraph shall control.

        30.     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the APA, this Sale Order

 and/or any document or instrument entered into in respect of this Sale, including, without

 limitation, any amendments, modifications and/or supplements thereto:

                a.     The Purchaser, in respect of the Purchased Assets, shall be responsible for

 and shall timely pay, from and after the Closing Date, all federal Universal Service Fund

 contribution obligations (the “USF Obligations”) resulting from or relating to

 telecommunications services provided post-Closing Date, including, without limitation, all USF

 Obligations resulting from any true-up of the telecommunications reporting worksheets (a

 “Worksheet” or, quarterly, an FCC Form “499-Q” or, annually, an FCC Form “499-A”) required

 to be submitted thereafter by the Purchaser or by the Debtors in respect of telecommunications

 services provided post-Closing Date.

                b.     Similarly, the Debtors shall be responsible for and shall pay all USF

 Obligations resulting from or relating to telecommunications services provided by the Debtors

 pre-Closing Date, including, without limitation, all USF Obligations resulting from the true-up of

 any 499-Q or 499-A Worksheet required to be submitted by the Debtors or by the Purchaser in

 respect of telecommunications services provided pre-Closing Date.

                c.     The Debtors and the Purchaser shall each timely comply with all reporting

 obligations required by USAC, the Federal Communications Commission (the “FCC”) and

 applicable regulations and FCC orders relating to the telecommunications services provided

 post-Petition Date.


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                d.      Within ten (10) business days after the Closing Date, the Debtors shall

 submit to USAC all information and documentation required by USAC to deactivate the

 Debtors’ USF Filer ID numbers so as to establish “deactivation dates” as of the Closing Date.

                e.      Nothing in the APA, this Sale Order or in connection with the Sale shall

 prohibit, limit, impair or otherwise restrict USAC’s right to (i) conduct audits of the books and

 records of the Debtors and/or the Purchaser, including in respect of reported contributor

 revenues, for the pre-Petition Date, post-Petition Date and post-Closing Date periods, (ii) assess

 and invoice any USF Obligations resulting from any such audits, and (iii) pursue USAC’s rights

 related to any such audits, including, without limitation, amending any previously filed claims

 against the Debtors.

        31.     All liens, including any lien of Diga Entertainment LLC (“Diga”) (to the extent

 any such liens may exist), on property sold pursuant to this Order and the APA will attach to the

 proceeds of the Sale with the same force, effect and validity as the liens on such property.

 Nothing in this Order, the APA or the sale of the Debtors’ assets free and clear of all liens, as

 provided herein, shall be deemed to abrogate, limit or otherwise deny the security interest of

 Diga (to the extent any such interest may exist), or any rights Diga may have as a secured

 creditor, in the event of the assignment and assumption of the “Manufacturing & Distribution

 Agreement”, the “Consent to Assignment and Assumption”, the “Settlement Agreement”, the

 “Second Modification Agreement” and the “Consulting Agreement” between Diga and the


        32.     The Carve-Out under the DIP Order and DIP Credit Agreement shall remain as a

 superpriority administrative claim against the Debtors and their estates for the benefit of the

 Debtors’ and the Committee’s professionals.


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         33.     Subject to the terms of the APA and the Transition Services Agreement, the

 Purchaser shall provide the Sellers with an original or copy of all documents and electronic files,

 pins, CDR and other electronic data maintained by the Sellers.

         34.     This Court retains jurisdiction to enforce and implement the terms and provisions

 of the APA and other sale documents, all amendments thereto, any waivers and consents

 thereunder, and of each of the agreements, instruments and documents executed in connection

 therewith in all respects, including, but not limited to, retaining jurisdiction to (a) compel

 delivery of the Purchased Assets to the Purchaser, (b) compel delivery of the purchase price or

 performance of other obligations under the APA owed to the Debtors, (c) resolve any disputes

 arising under or related to the APA, except as otherwise provided therein, (d) interpret,

 implement, and enforce the provisions of this Sale Order, and (e) protect the Purchaser against

 (i) any of the Excluded Liabilities or (ii) any Interests in the Debtors or the Purchased Assets, of

 any kind or nature whatsoever, attaching to the proceeds of the Sale; provided, however, that in

 the event the Court abstains from exercising or declines to exercise such jurisdiction or is

 without jurisdiction with respect to the APA, other sale documents or this Sale Order, such

 abstention, refusal, or lack of jurisdiction shall have no effect upon, and shall not control,

 prohibit, or limit the exercise of jurisdiction of any other court having competent jurisdiction

 with respect to any such matter.

         35.     Next Angel, LLC, Angel Telecom AG, Angel Telecom (USA) Inc., Next

 Communications, Inc., Marcatel Com, S.A. de C.V., Marcatel Telecommunications, LLC and

 Organizacion Radio Beep S.A. De C.V./Unifica are subject to and hereby consent to the Court’s



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        36.     The transactions contemplated by the APA are undertaken by the Purchaser in

 good faith, as that term is used in section 363(m) of the Bankruptcy Code, and accordingly, the

 reversal or modification on appeal of the authorization provided herein to consummate the Sale

 shall not affect the validity of the Sale of the Purchased Assets to the Purchaser, unless such

 authorization is duly stayed pending such appeal. The Purchaser is a purchaser in good faith of

 the Purchased Assets, and is entitled to all of the protections afforded by section 363(m) of the

 Bankruptcy Code.

        37.     The terms and provisions of the APA and this Sale Order shall be binding in all

 respects upon, and shall inure to the benefit of, the Debtors, their estates, and their creditors, the

 Purchaser, and its respective affiliates, successors and assigns, and any affected third parties

 including, but not limited to, all persons asserting an Interest in the Purchased Assets to be sold

 to the Purchaser pursuant to the APA, notwithstanding any subsequent appointment of any

 trustee(s), party, entity or other fiduciary under any section of the Bankruptcy Code or, as to

 which trustee(s), party, entity or other fiduciary such terms and provisions likewise shall be


        38.     The provisions of this Sale Order and the terms and conditions of the APA shall

 be binding upon, fully enforceable against and inure to the benefit of any trustee, responsible

 officer or other fiduciary appointed in the Debtors’ chapter 11 cases or any successor case under

 any section of the Bankruptcy Code or any applicable law. Such binding effect is an integral part

 of this Sale Order.

        39.     The failure specifically to include any particular provisions of the APA in this

 Sale Order shall not diminish or impair the effectiveness of such provision, it being the intent of

 the Court that the APA be authorized and approved in its entirety.


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        40.     Nothing contained in this Sale Order shall be construed to apply to any Person,

 Governmental Body (as that term is defined in the APA) or other entity that is beyond the

 jurisdiction of this Court, except as may otherwise be appropriate under applicable law.

        41.     The stay of orders authorizing the use, sale or lease of property as provided for in

 Fed. R. Bank. P. 6004(h) shall not apply to this Sale Order, and this Sale Order is immediately

 effective and enforceable upon entry and its provisions shall be self-executing, and the automatic

 stay of Orders authorizing the sale, use or lease of property from the Debtors’ estates, as set forth

 in Fed. R. Bank. P. 6004 shall not apply to this Order.

        42.     The provisions of this Sale Order are nonseverable and mutually dependent.

        43.     The sale approved by this Sale Order is not subject to avoidance pursuant to

 Section 363(n) of the Bankruptcy Code.

        44.     The Court shall retain jurisdiction over the implementation, interpretation and

 enforcement of this Sale Order.

 Dated: January 31, 2013
        New York, New York

                                               _____/s/Martin Glenn_______
                                                      MARTIN GLENN
                                               United States Bankruptcy Judge


Document Created: 2013-01-31 18:27:47
Document Modified: 2013-01-31 18:27:47

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