Attachment 20170725144337-050.p





This document pretains to ITC-STA-20121012-00261 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


 Streamlined   ITC—STA—20121012—00261
                                                                                                                          4           * ,
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—=                        xma»n ——.... UNICATION                                       GOMMISSION                                    M Eo mane
                                                     Washington D.C. 2054                                Granted OCT 25 201
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        In the Matter of:                                        )                        ate:
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        Teledirek Global Corp.
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        Application for Special Temporary                        )                     nsj}re
        Authority to Offer International Services                )                A‘E@ iuait ufiofi(‘%uflz&dg@{%x_
        Pursuant to Section 214 of the                           )                 Comd ittk4ovsg ¢1, C TA a cdafzsA
        Communications Act of 1934, as Amended                   )                  n       Pufi      C/L [}q%o@,wm/

                                REQUEST FOR SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY

        Teledirek Global Corp. ("Teledirek") by its attorneys, hereby requests Special Temporary Authority to
        temporarily provide international telecommunications services and to operate pursuant to 47 U.S.C. §
        214, as amended (herein called the "STA Application"), while application is being contemporaneously
        sought by the Federal Communications Commission (the "Commission") for permanent Authority
        pursuant Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended and codified under 47 U.S.C. §
        214 et. al. (The "Act‘). In support of this request, Teledirek states as follows:


        Teledirek is a small—sized Florida corporation that desires to provide international long distance calling
        services to end—user consumers within the United States and Internationally. Teledirek has previously
        applied for streamline International authority to operate pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 214, and was removed
        from streamline processing for review by Team Telecom because of its foreign ownership by Canadian
        and Haitian nationals. ‘      Since its removal from streamline processing, Teledirek has received and
        responded to its first set of triage questions from the Executive Branch as a part of Team Telecom
        Review, and as of this date, has not received any further supplemental questions from the Executive
        Branch. Teledirek now seeks Temporary Section 214 Authority at this time so that it may operate during
        the application process. This is necessary so that the applicant can perform under carrier agreements;
        utilize carrier deposits already placed with carriers that may otherwise be lost; and, offer services to the

        ‘ See. Teledirek Global Corp.‘s Application for Authority to provide international facilities—based and resold
        services File Number ITC—214—20120801—00193 submitted 07/17/2012.

        Page | 1     Request for Special Temporary Authority from FCC International Bureau for File No. ITC—214—20120801—00193

solololetolateletatatatatotok —COMM..      JOURNAL— solcieietalototcleteiatatetaletetalok. DATE OCT—25—201 2. seletelok. T IME: 141 07. selelctetetalok

         MODE = MEMORY: TRANSMISSION                                                         START=OCT—25 14106                         END=OCT—25 14:07
              FILE No.=428
   STN             COMM.       ONE—TOUcH                STATION NAMEATEL No.                                                                PAGES                DURATION
   No.                           ABBR No.
   P1         «_       OK      &                        913054777504                                                         .              202002               20: 09: 26

                                                                                                           —INTERNAT IONAL                BUREAU             —

Solololelololelelololeleloleleleleletaleleteletolatoteleteteleteteletek —INTL BUREAU                 — sololojok —                    202 418 2824— sotolotatofetotok

                                      NTE.RNA TIONAL BUREAU
                                                               Policy Division

                                                               FAX SHEET
                                                     Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
    This Je         le ir      is i    ded onlyforthe   add)     shown below. It moy conioln informbilon that is privileged, confidential:or otherwise protected
   from diselosure. Any review, dissemination or use ofthis transmission or is contenis bypersons other thon the addressee is stricily prohiblied. Ifyou have
    rec#fved this tronsmission in error; please notifyus immediately by relephone and mail the original to us at the Pederal Communicationa\Commission,
    International Bureau. 445 12 Sireet S. W., Roow 7—4625, Washingion, DC 20554

                                        FROM: é%eolf”}w /s1‘
        TELEPHONE NUMBER: (202) 418— M»[z
                                              ros GdwirdPhezi’d/ohqo[o GS%
                            FAX NUMBER: _ Sp t fi#-’m._ CJervep                                                                            55

      TELEPHONE NUMBER:.___—                                                 :           0      94¥#1D C
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    {Ty —A14 ~2m1% {ib[| 2. 2 * {m!iea1 4«';,4;!»0?0}/,71; l%"}


                                      Federal Communications Commission
                                           Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau
                                                                          E—mail:   James.Ball@fec.goy

                                                                                    (202) 418—1462
                                                                                    (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                                    October 18, 2012
                                                                                    Ref: EB 2012—28

Hillary Morgan            (301) 225—6113              Douglas May                   (202) 647—5276
Shawn B. Cooley           (202) 282—8489              Christopher Hemmnerlein       (202) 482—1885
Edward T. Hand            (202) 514—2464              Jonathan McHale               (202) 395—9533
Richard Sofield           (202) 233—0702              Robert Spive                  (202) 324—5505
Sean Desmond              (202) 456—6068

Re:        Section 214 Application

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please review the following application and advise us whether you have any national security,
law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns by Noon November 7 2012, because we are
prepared to take action on this application. Klectronicfiled (e—file) applications are able to be
viewed by accessing and searching by the file number.

ITC—214—20121009—00253 (e—file)
Tac Telecom, LLC‘s application for authority to provide facilities—based and resale
services between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant is
located in Canada and 50% each owned by two citizens of Canada.

If we do not hear from you by Noon November 7, 2012, we will assume that you do not
have any concerns with the above listed application and this application will be auto—
granted on November 9, 2012 per Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12.

ITE—STA—20121012—00261 (e—file)
  eledirek Global Corp. requests Special Temporary Authority to temporarily provide
international telecommunications services.   The underlying application, ITC—214—
20120801—00193, has been removed from streamlined processing per Richard Sofield‘s
email of August 29, 2012. Please comment on this STA request by October 24, 2012.

HARP TELECOM withdrew its application, ITC—214—20120910—00222, on September
28, 2012 (See DA 12—1672, rel. Oct. 18, 2012).


                                                                                                  Page 1 of 1

 George Li

  From:           Veronica Garcia—Ulloa
  Sent:           Thursday, October 18, 2012 12:05 PM
  To:             Adrienne Downs; ‘‘"; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘IP—
                  FCC@dhs:gov‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘
  Co:             George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Howard Griboff; James Ball
  Subject:        Cover Letter Reference EB 2012—28 (comments due by November 7, 2012).
  Attachments: Executive Branch 2012—28.doc

Good Afternoon,

Attached to this email is Cover Letter Reference EB 2012—28 (comments due by November 7, 2012).

Thank you,

Veronica Garcia—Ulloa

Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau/Policy Division
(202) 418—0481


Document Created: 2019-05-25 17:36:28
Document Modified: 2019-05-25 17:36:28

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