Attachment 20120823152758.pdf



Grant of STA


This document pretains to ITC-STA-20120703-00168 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.



                                Federal Communications Commission
                                      Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                 August 23, 2012

 Ms. Patricia Paoletta
 Counsel to Rubard LLC, d/b/a Centmobile
 Wiltshire & Grairnis, LLP
 1200 18th Street, NW
 Suite 1200
 Washington, DC 20036

 Re:      Rubard LLC, d!b/a Centmobile
          ITC-214-201205 18-00134
          ITC-STA-20120703-00l 68

 Ms. Paoletta:

         This letter is in response to your request for Special Temporary Authority (STA) filed on
 behalf of Rubard LLC, dlb/a Centmobile (Centmobile) in regard to its pending international
 section 214 application. In the application, Centmobile requests authority to provide
 international facilities-based and resale services, pursuant to the Commission's rules.' Stanacard
 LLC (Stanacard) opposes grant of both the 214 application and the STA request.2

           Centmobile is now providing services for which it seeks authority to provide in its
  application.3 It seeks an STA in order to continue services to existing customers under their
  prepaid plans during the pendency of its application. Stanacard opposes the request, arguing that
  it has established aprimafacie case that Centmobile's underlying application must be denied and
  that Centmobile has not established a public interest basis for grant of an STA.4 While we view
  Centmobile's actions and Stanacard's allegations as serious and meriting careful consideration,
  we will not determine, in the context of acting on this STA, whether Stanacard has made a prima
 facie case that Centmobile's international section 214 application should be denied. By this
  letter, we grant in part Centmobile's request for a limited STA subject to conditions for the
  purpose of permitting it to temporarily continue the provision of resale services during the
  pendency of its application.

 147 U.S.C. § 214; 47 C.F.R. § 63.18.
 2 Stanacard Petition to Deny International Section 214 Application of Rubard LLC d/b/a C'entmobile, File No. ITC-
 214-20120518-001 34,filed June 20, 2012; Reply to Opposition to Petition to Deny International Section 214
 Application of Centinobile,filed July 12, 2012; Opposition to Application for STA of Centinobile, File No. ITC-
 STA-20120703-00168,flled July 9, 2012; and Reply to Response to Opposition to Application for STA of
 Centnobile,filed July 16, 2012.
  Stanacard informed the Commission that Centmobile had been providing service prior to filing its application. See
 Stanacard Petition to Deny at 8-9. Centmobile subsequently acknowledged that it has been providing resale service.
 See Letters from Patricia Paoletta, Counsel to Centmobile, dated July 3, 2012, July 11, 2012, and July 13, 2012.
  Opposition to Application for STA of Centinobile, filed July 9, 2012; and Stanacard's Reply to Response to
 Opposition to Application for STA of Centinobile, filed July 16, 2012.

                                   Federal Communications Commission

        We authorize Centmobile, for a period of 180 days, to expire on February 19, 2013, to
provide international resale services provided that Centmobile complies with all applicable
Commission rules in providing such international resale services. As acknowledged by
Centmobile,5 (1) the grant of this STA does not prejudice any action the Commission may take
on Centmobile's underlying application, or any other action that it may take as a result of
Centmobile's provision of service prior to obtaining authority to do so, and (2) this STA may be
revoked or discontinued by the Commission, at any time and on its own motion, without a


                                                     James L. Ball
                                                     Chief, Policy Division,
                                                     International Bureau

Mr. Cheng-Yi Liu
Counsel to Stanacard, LLC
Law Offices of Thomas K. Crowe, P.C.
Suite 300
1250 24th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037

See Letter from Patricia Paoletta, Counsel to Centmobile, dated July 13, 2012, at 2.

Document Created: 2012-09-10 09:33:19
Document Modified: 2012-09-10 09:33:19

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