Centmobile 07242012

LETTER submitted by Rubard LLC d/b/a Centmobile

Letter to International Bureau


This document pretains to ITC-STA-20120703-00168 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


WG               WILTSHIRE
                 & GRANNIS us

 Mr. Jim Ball                                                                                      July 24, 2012
 Chief, Policy Division
 International Bureau
 Federal Communications Bureau
 445 12" St SW
 Washington, D.C. 20554

 Re: FCC Form 2148TA

Dear Mr. Ball:
        Rubard LLC, dba Centmobile ("Centmobile") provides international calling at among the
 lowest ratesin the market, and its customers would be economically harmed by having such
service discontinued. In such an event, for most routes, Centmobile customers would have to
pay higher prices for the same product. The representative chart below showsthe economic
value that Centmobile‘s customers enljoy and may highlight a reason a competitor would have for
driving Centmobile from the market:

                                                                Rates (/min)
                                    Route                 Centmobile Stanacard
                         Cameroon                              1.60              1.89¢
                         Pakistan                             1.95C              320
                         Nigeria                               6.60             790
                         Kenya                                7.99€             8490
                         Poland                               0.99€             228C
                         China                                1.99€             2160
                         Sri Lanka                            799€              $.050
                         Syria                                7.99¢             £.930
                         El Salvador                          12998             13.17¢
                         Ghana                                14.90              19.90

Additional route rates comparisons may be found on therespective websites of
www.centmobile.com and www.keku.com, Stanacard‘s trade name.

‘The table reflects prices advertised as of July 20, 2012, independentof any additional
promotions the companies may offer.

   1200 187 STREET, NW| SuifE 1200 | wasHinGToN, DC 20036 | TE 202—730—1300 | Fax 202—730—1301 | witrSHiRsraNNiS coMt

WG              WILTSHIRE
                & GRANNIS LLP

        In response to your letter of July 19, 2012, Centmobile provides the following answers to
 your questions:

         1. What service is Centmobile providing to its customers? Please clarify whether
            Centmobile is providing just international service or both domestic and international

        Centmobile provides both domestic and international service, with a small amount being
domestic. Centmobile designed its innovative system to reduce overhead costs, compared to its
competitors, and therefore can offer some of the lowest prices in the market. In addition,
Centmobile saves its customers money by not printing cards and by offering services only
through the Internet. Centmobile also runs various programs to reward its loyal customers. All
of Centmobile's customers- I 00%- receive some amount of credit towards the free use of
service after their purchased minutes are depleted. For example, most of Centmobile's
customers have been rewarded a $20 bonus of free minutes after their first deposit. Were
Centmobile to discontinue service, a substantial value in free minutes would be lost to customers.
Based on a report run after receipt of your letter, the current value of unused bonus minutes is
$91,403.00. Centmobile plans to provide this $91,403.00 of free service to its customers. For
Centmobile's price-sensitive customer base, the loss of such economic value is contrary to the
public interest, particularly in the current economic environment.

         2. Please describe how the service is provided to the customers.

        Centmobile offers global voice calling services through prepaid plans, the accounts for
which are established by customers directly through Centmobile's website,
www.centmobile.com. Centmobile provides service through its access numbers, as well as
utilizing a call forwarding feature whereby the customer can simply dial a local phone number
and have the call forwarded to the international destination. Centmobile's innovative technology
allows it to significantly reduce the cost of operating such a business and as a result pass these
savings to the consumer. To maximize convenience for a range of customers, with a range of
incomes, Centmobile offers a variety of plans, from $5.00 up to $200.00- all prepaid using
credit or debit cards. Centmobile customers can replenish their accounts by adding monetary
value to their on-line accounts at any time.
        If Centmobile were to terminate service, it would re.fund the dollar balance of unused
paid minutes, but many customers would lose the value of their remaining free minutes- totaling
in the aggregate $91,403.00.

        3. How many customers does Centmobile currently have, both international and

  1200 18TH STREET. NW   I SUITE 1200 I WASHINGTON. OC 20036 I TEL202-730-1300 I   FAX 202-730-1301   I WILTSHIREGRANNIS COM

WG                 WILTSHIRE
                   & GRANNIS LLP

       The attached certification by Alexander Dzerneyko certifies to the accuracy of the information

        Because it is in the public interest to ensure that Centmobile's existing customers are not
disadvantaged by any discontinue of service, and because any action on the STA is without
prejudice to Commission action on the underlying Section 214 application, Centmobile reiterates
its request for Special Temporary Authority, originally filed July 3, 2012. Grant of the STA to
avoid a disruption of service for Centmobile's customers is well within Commission precedent.

                                                                 Respectfully subm itted,

                                                                 Patricia Paoletta
                                                                 Counsel to Rubard LLC, dba Centmobile

cc: George Li
    David Krech
    Adrienne Downs

  See, e.g., Domestic Section 214 Application Filed for the Transfer of Control ofSTi Prepaid,
LLC to Vivaro Corporation, 25 FCC Red. at 14309 (20 11 ); Domestic Section 214 Application
Filed for the Transfer of Control ofAries Network, Inc. to Nobe/Tel, LLC, 25 FCC Red. at 3648
(20 I 0). The precedent Stanacard, LLC cites in its Reply to Response to Opposition to
Application for STA ofRubard LLC d/b/a Centmobile are Title III radio cases. Centmobile is not
using radio spectrum nor seeking a radio license. Section 214's temporary authorization
references do not require a demonstration of extraordinary circumstances nor a showing that
delay would seriously prejudice the public interest. To the contrary, Section 214(a), after
referencing the public convenience and necessity criteria, provides that "the Commission may,
upon appropriate request being made, authorize temporary or emergency service, or the
supplementing of existing facilities, without regard to the provisions of this section." 47 U.S.C.
§ 214(a). Section 63.25 of the Commission's Rules sites as its origin Section 303, in Title III.
See 47 C.F.R. § 63.25 (Parts 40-69, revised as of October 2011, at 251). In any event, Section
63 .25 has no extraordinary circumstances requirement, unlike Section 1.931, governing STAs for
wireless facilities. See Section 1.93l(b)(4), 47 C.F.R. § 1.931(b)(4).

     1200 18TH STREET. NW   I   SUITE 1200   I   WASHINGTON. DC 20036   I   TEL 202·730·1300   I   FAX 202·730·1301   I   WllTSHIREGRANNIS COM


I. Alexander Dzerneyko. Manager ofRubard LLC dbaCentrnobile.do hereb) certif)· to lhe

accuracy of the i.nformarion provided in counsel' skttcr of today's date, including the m1Sv..ers to

the questionsin lntema(ionul Bureau's letter of Jul) 19, ]012.

                                      Alexander Dzemeyko
                                       ExecUled on July 24.   2012


Document Created: 2019-04-17 12:10:12
Document Modified: 2019-04-17 12:10:12

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