Response to STA Opp.

REPLY submitted by Rubard LLC d/b/a Centmobile

Response to STA Opposition


This document pretains to ITC-STA-20120703-00168 for Special Temporal Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


  Mr. James Ball                                                                        July 13, 2012
  Chief, Policy Division
  International Bureau
  Federal Communications Bureau
  445 12th St SW
  Washington, D.C. 20554

  Re: ITC- STA-20120703-00168

  Dear Mr. Ball:

          Rubard LLC, dba Centmobile (“Centmobile”) writes in response to Stanacard, LLC’s
  Opposition to Centmobile’s request for Special Temporary Authority (“STA”).1 Centmobile
  respectfully requests that the Bureau disregard the Opposition and expeditiously grant the STA,
  in order to further the public interest in Centmobile’s existing customers being allowed to
  continue obtaining service under their prepaid calling plans.

         No member of the public has objected to the grant of the STA – only a competitor. The
  Bureau should not allow a commercial rivalry to unnecessarily expend its resources, especially
  when its precedent finds that the public interest is served by competition. It is long-standing
  Commission policy not to involve itself with private contract disputes.2

          Stanacard has not shown that Centmobile knowingly, deliberately or intentionally
  violated Commission rules.3 Centmobile recognizes that pre-authorized service was erroneous
  and has retained counsel to ensure that it complies with all applicable requirements.

          Contrary to Stanacard’s innuendo, granting an STA is “established licensing procedure”
  in cases such as these.4 There is ample Commission precedent for the grant of STAs to providers

   See Opposition to Application for STA of Rubard LLC d/b/a/ Centmobile; File No. ITC-STA-
  20120703-00168 (July 9, 2012) (“Stanacard Opposition”) available at
   See Actions Taken Under the Cable Landing License Act, Public Notice, 20 FCC Rcd 8557 at n.
  12 (Int’l Bur. 2005) (“It is long-standing Commission policy not to involve itself with private
  contract disputes”).
      See Stanacard Opposition.
      Moreover, the STA would not have been necessary but for the Petition to Deny Stanacard filed.

1200 18TH STREET, NW | SUITE 1200 | WASHINGTON, DC 20036 | TEL 202-730-1300 | FAX 202-730-1301 | WILTSHIREGRANNIS.COM

  that offerr international calling prior to Comm mission authoorization, especially wheen existing
  customerrs may be haarmed by den    nial of an ST

         A Centmobile has ackno   owledged, grrant of the ST
                                                           TA is withouut prejudice to the
  Commisssion’s action
                     n on the undeerlying Sectiion 214 appllication, so S
                                                                        Stanacard’s aarguments aare
  inappositte. Centmo                         wledged thatt grant of thee STA can bbe revoked or
                     obile has likeewise acknow
         d by the Commmission upo  on its own motion
                                              m      withoout a hearingg.6

          A noted abov ve, the publiic interest will
                                                w be servedd by grantingg the requestted STA andd by
  preventinng Centmobiile’s existing
                                   g customers from being ddisadvantaged by a discontinuance oof
  service. Accordinglyy, Centmobille hereby ren  news its requuest for Speccial Temporrary Authoritty
  filed July
           y 3, 2012 wh
                      hile the Commmission con  nsiders the unnderlying Seection 214 appplication.

                                                       Respectfullyy submitted,,

                                                       Patricia Paooletta
                                                       Counsel to RRubard LLC
                                                                            C, dba Centm

  cc: George Li
        Davidd Krech
        Adrieenne Downs

   See Suppplemental Letter,
                     L       Rubarrd LLC dba Centmobile,
                                                C           , available att http://licennsing.fcc.govv/cgi-
                                                ng.hts?f_keyy=-244205&  &f_number=IITCSTA2011207

1200 18TH STREET, NW | SUITTE 1200 | WASH
                                        HINGTON, DC 200036 | TEL 202-7330-1300 | FAX 2002-730-1301 | W

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Berkeley Hirsch, a legal assistant at the Law Offices of Wiltshire & Grannis LLP, do
hereby certify that on this 13th day of July, 2012, a copy of the foregoing Response to Stanacard,
LLC's Opposition to the STA ofRubard LLC dba Centmobile was served, by the method
described below, upon the following:

       By first class U.S. Mail, postage prepaid:

       ATTN: Mr. Cheng-Yi Liu
       Counsel to Stanacard, LLC
       Law Offices of Thomas K. Crowe, P.C.
       1250 24th Street, NW
       Suite 300
       Washington, D.C. 20037

       ATTN: Mr. George Li
       Deputy Chief
       Policy Division
       International Bureau
       Federal Communications Commission
       445 12th Street, S.W.
       Washington, DC 20554

                                             Berkeley Hu

Document Created: 2012-07-13 12:45:36
Document Modified: 2012-07-13 12:45:36

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